Bayonetta by Adam Hughes

Adam Hughes does comic book females in a sort of pinup model fashion. You can see that in this piece he did for Bayonetta.

He says that he was comissioned by SEGA, though he does not know what they will be using it for. They probably won’t use it, Kamiya probably doesn’t think he has enough love for the character. You can leave a message for him at his DeviantArt  page.

[Via: Kotaku]

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5 responses to “Bayonetta by Adam Hughes

  1. Orta says:

    Boobs are too big.

  2. fluffymoochicken says:

    His style reminds me of the former SNK and current Capcom artist known as "Shinkiro".

    ^Sample of his artwork. He's done tons of promotional art before, recently including art for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and TvC.

  3. Sharky says:

    I wonder what Sega will use this poster for?

    Bayonetta 2 plz? =(

  4. fluffymoochicken says:

    I'm sure if they do use that they will reduce her breast size. 😛

  5. Sega Uranus says:

    Her boobs are too big and her face looks weird.

    Not digging it.

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