Streets of Rage 4 ‘Behind the Gameplay’ video ensures classic fans to stay excited

The publisher behind Streets of Rage 4 posted up a “Behind the Gameplay” video allowing us to see the environment, people and tools being used to bring a ‘brand new’ ‘classic feeling’ Streets of Rage 4. One of the cool bits is around the 2 minute mark where they are playing the animation from Streets of Rage 4 side by side with Streets of Rage 2. They both move exactly the same, which will make Streets or Rage 4 have that heavy feel we all love in the originals.

Part of the video talks about the engine being used, which was created by Guard Crush Games, and how easy it is to modify things within the game. They even go into combos and we have the development team showing off Street Fighter III combos that inspired them? Is this game gonna get that crazy?


2 responses to “Streets of Rage 4 ‘Behind the Gameplay’ video ensures classic fans to stay excited

  1. M1DW4Y says:

    The amount of detail they’re putting in this game is stunning!
    If everything goes well, Streets of Rage 4 will not only be a success, it will also set a standard for future SEGA games.

  2. Centrale says:

    This game is looking better and better all the time!

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