SEGA says ‘Yakuza’ and ‘Persona’ added to their SEGA PC Ports list

SEGA had a pretty good start this year releasing the widely acclaimed titlesYakuza 0 which saw a brand new audience in the west and Persona 5, which happens to be the best selling entry in the franchise. One thing both these titles share is that they are Sony exclusive titles, so if you don’t own a Sony PlayStation 3 or 4, you won’t be able to experience the goodness that is Yakuza 0 or Persona 5. Seeing that SEGA Europe has been very kind to their SEGA PC ports list in the last few months, by having Platinum Games port over both Bayonetta and Vanquish to PC platforms. The guys over at PC gamer asked SEGA Europe’s senior vice president of commercial publishing, John Clark, what they are looking into porting over to the good old steam store:

“If I asked you to write me a list of ten games you want Sega to bring out on PC, it probably isn’t any different from the list [we have], I could ask anyone at Sega: write me a list. And what motivates it? I think there’s a certain catalogue that people just have an affinity with. If you send [your] list over I’ll tell you which ones we can tick, which ones are on our list, which ones are possibilities, which ones are not possibilities, which ones we’ve talked about, which ones we’re talking about, which ones we’re working on, you know, they’ll be on that list.”  

Since Mr. Clark didn’t go into specifics, PC Gamer pressed him and asked if a franchise like Yakuza would fit their type of list.

The SEGA Five: PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 Games That Need PC Ports

SEGAPCPortsFiveThe seventh console generation was SEGA’s big test as a 3rd party publisher, while they were still a 3rd party during most of the sixth generation, the seventh was the first time they didn’t have home console hardware to sell from the very start. Who knows how game history will see the once big console manufacture turned 3rd party during this time and while not all the games they released that generation were considered great, they did release quite a bit of overlooked gems that fans think deserve second chances. Like always this is a personal opinion list of games, if one of your favorite SEGA published games on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 didn’t make the list, let us know in the comments below.

Note: We didn’t include the Nintendo Wii games that deserve PC ports because the Wii was a really unique console, but we might have a list dedicated just for the Nintendo Wii in the near future. Also titles that already had PC releases but got delisted aren’t included (aka OutRun 2). 

Platinum Games Teases Possible Vanquish PC Port

1290338-dtihgkIts coming up almost six years since Platinum Games released their console title Vanquish which received a positive score from critics but sadly didn’t result in a high seller for either SEGA or Platinum Games. Now Platinum Games co-founder Atsushi Inaba is teasing of a possible PC release. If you didn’t know, Vanquish was one of the games asked for by the folks behind the ‘SEGA PC Ports’ fan movement that garnered the attention of SEGA.

When asked during a interview Inaba said“If you stop recording, I can talk about that.” referring to the PC port ofVanquish. But then said it would depend on the publisher (SEGA).

“[W]e’re good friends with Valve and often go to their studio. We go there, hang out, talk about many different things, and we are very interested in Steam and would definitely like to release games on Windows. Right now, we’re at a place in which publishers ask us to make titles. So, if the publisher doesn’t want to release a PC version, then there won’t be a PC version. It really comes down to that.”

So while he is up for Platinum Games to port the game, he is pretty much saying that the ball is in SEGA’s court. SEGA on the other hand have been teasing more PC ports and even considered the PC port of Vanquish a high priority. After the success of the PC port of Valkyria Chronicles, which sold almost a million units, don’t be surprised if SEGA announces a port of Vanquish very soon. I just don’t expect Platinum Games to be the one to port it, mostly due to their busy schedule.

What do you think? Are you waiting for a PC port of Vanquish? What other SEGA games do you want to see on PC?

Disney Re-Releases Aladdin, The Lion King and The Jungle Book on

Leave it to digital distribution to as a means to keep the older classics alive, although your mileage may vary if it may not quite be as you remember it. As is the case with today’s offering on that sees the return of three Disney platformers from the 16-bit era.

As part of their joint effort with Disney to re-release games from past decades, has re-released Aladdin, The Lion King and The Jungle Book on their digital service. Because specializes in releasing PC titles in their original format without DRM, these titles are the DOS versions running in the DOSBOX emulator. Aladdin and Jungle Book are the significant highlights for SEGA fans as these ports are based on their respective Mega Drive and Genesis versions. The accuracy between versions may vary, but in the case of titles such as Aladdin, you still get to experience the highly animated characters and detailed backgrounds of the original game with the music recreated in MOD format.

As of this publication, they’re running an introductory sale where you can get each title for 10% off or all three together in a bundle. Lets hope we get to see more in the future along with Maui Mallard and maybe even Mickey Mania. Though for the true SEGA diehard, maybe we’ll see re-releases of titles such as Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Quackshot one day soon.


Rumor: SEGA to bring games like Vanquish, Hatsune Miku and Virtua Fighter 5 to PC?

1866768Over at TSSZ News, site owner Tristan Oliver got himself cozy with a SEGA inside source who tells him that SEGA will continue to port to PC. Not that its a secret, considering that SEGA Europe openly tweeted as such but the interesting bit was what SEGA PC Ports they are considering.

According to TSSZ’s source, the lineup of upcoming SEGA PC ports will be extensive. One of the bigger titles that surprised me was the mention of Yakuza 0, but according to the source its just a idea the team has shot around and isn’t finalized.

According to TSSZ the following titles are ‘high priority’ SEGA PC ports:

  • Vanquish
  • Resonance of Fate
  • Hatsune Miku: Project Diva franchise
  • Virtua Fighter 5
  • Valkyria: Azure Revolution

Seems that SEGA won’t stop there as their source also talked about them wanting to port several Atlus games. So far SEGA has put out at least one PC port a year, so it might be quite awhile before we see all these titles.

So what do you guys think about this rumor? True or false? Any games not mentioned that deserve a PC port?

[Source: TSSZ]

SEGA on PC ports: “So many games, so little time! Stay tuned.”

A couple of years ago a ton of SEGA fans started up the #SEGAPCPorts hashtag and petition demanding for SEGA to release more of its games on their platform of choice. It seemed to have worked since we got surprises like “new” title The Typing of the Dead: Overkill and last year we got the fantastic port of Valkyria Chronicles.

Since the last PC port happen last year and we got a new restructure in April, a fan decided to ask SEGA if they where still doing PC ports: