Author Topic: List of 2017 Games on SEGA Console (Genesis, Dreamcast, Master System, etc)  (Read 101556 times)

Offline Barry the Nomad

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MiniPlanets looks adorable! Funny how it outdoes the Saver Riders box.

Offline Berto

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MiniPlanets looks adorable! Funny how it outdoes the Saver Riders box.

Yeah, it's the cutest homebrew packaging I've ever seen.  :)
Bought it and got an e-mail saying that my game's being prepared today.

Been playing Escape 2042 right now, hope to finish the game before MiniPlanets' arrived.

Offline Berto

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Added L'Odyssée de Pluck A3642 for SEGA CD.
There is also demo version for SEGA Genesis/Megadrive but it's two stages Demo Only and lack of intros, later levels, and music.

Download the game here :

Offline Berto

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Added Breakers (NTSC case version) for SEGA Dreamcast

Link :

Offline Berto

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Tanglewood's final art (provisional version without title/logos/etc) is revealed.

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Offline Berto

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Added L'Abbaye des Morts for SEGA Genesis/Megadrive
The game will feature 7 skins: PC (original), Megadrive, MSX, Gameboy, CGA, PCW and C64 with some differences between them.
Release date : Summer 2017

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Offline Berto

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Added Boomshine2X for SEGA Dreamcast.

Boomshine2X is an authorized clone of the popular flash game Boomshine created by Danny Miller, the game was developed with Fenix by Sam Fisher and became an entry in the GBAX 2007 Coding Competition, the game was also chosen by GamePark Holdings to become a built in game for the commercial release of their GP2X Wiz handheld console.

The game has twelve levels, and the difficulty increases slightly with every level. Each level consists of a specific number of balls bouncing round the screen, the objective of the game is to set off an explosion by detonating the cursor, this will cause a chain reaction of explosions as each ball that comes into contact with the initial blast sets off a series of detonations. A set number of balls must be detonated in order to advance to the next level, as the levels progress the number of balls to be detonated increases.

Source and download link :

Offline Berto

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Added Mario in Lifty Nifty for SEGA Dreamcast.

The objective of the game is to assist the character Mario with reaching the exit situated at the top floor of the playing field. Starting at ground level, your character must move across each floor and reach an arrow, your character will then automatically move up to the next floor when reaching the arrow. In each level there are a number of elevators continuously moving up and down the playing field, if your character touches an elevator, you lose a life.

Source and download link :

Offline Berto

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Added Max in GhostPix, a nonogram game for SEGA Dreamcast.

In Game Controls:
D-Pad - Move Selection Marker
A - Select Block
B - Mark Block/Remove Mark
Start - Pause Menu

Source and download link :

Offline Berto

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Added Asteroids on Steroids for SEGA Dreamcast.

The objective of the game is to destroy all the asteroids and flying saucers that appear from all angles of the screen, shooting a large asteroid will cause it to break into smaller and faster asteroid fragments, making them more difficult to destroy. 50 Points are scored for every large asteroid destroyed, the smaller the asteroid, the more points are available, the flying saucers are worth 500 points, and rescuing a drifting astronaut will give you a bonus score.

Source and download link :

Offline Berto

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Added Dastardly Dungeon for SEGA Dreamcast.

The objective of the game is to escape from the dungeon, a compass in the bottom corner of the screen points you towards the key for a locked exit door, once you have retrieved the key, the compass will then point you towards the exit. During your quest there are diamonds to collect for points, a counter on the right of the screen indicates how many diamonds are hidden within each level of the dungeon.

Source and download link :

Offline Berto

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Added Lantern, a game with beautiful art, gameplay and music for SEGA Dreamcast.

Download link :

Offline Berto

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Added Protozoa for SEGA Dreamcast.

You start off as a single cell organism, the objective of the game is to become multi-cellular by consuming other small organisms that swim around the screen. Points are scored for every organism consumed: 10 points for a single cell, 25 points for a double cell, 50 points for a triple cell, and a point is scored for every cell gained at game over. The number of enemy organisms for each game can be selected from 1 to 4, if you run into an enemy it's game over, if you run into yourself it's game over.

Source and download link :

Offline Berto

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Added Super 3D Noah's Ark for SEGA Genesis.
Release date : November 2017

After we came short to the stretch goal of the Arkade Kickstarter Campaign to fund the Port of S3DNA for Genesis; we slowly started working on finishing the proof of concept that we had prepared for the campaign. Well, that proof of concept is a 95% done Noah's Ark 3D for Sega Genesis! We are just need to polish the game and start a production run! This game will be also have a Special Numbered Edition made in limited quantities (up to 175).

Kickstarter page :

Offline Berto

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Added Zooming Secretary: Going Panic for SEGA Genesis.
Release date : Late 2017

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