Boomshine2X for
SEGA Dreamcast.
Boomshine2X is an authorized clone of the popular flash game Boomshine created by Danny Miller, the game was developed with Fenix by Sam Fisher and became an entry in the GBAX 2007 Coding Competition, the game was also chosen by GamePark Holdings to become a built in game for the commercial release of their GP2X Wiz handheld console.
The game has twelve levels, and the difficulty increases slightly with every level. Each level consists of a specific number of balls bouncing round the screen, the objective of the game is to set off an explosion by detonating the cursor, this will cause a chain reaction of explosions as each ball that comes into contact with the initial blast sets off a series of detonations. A set number of balls must be detonated in order to advance to the next level, as the levels progress the number of balls to be detonated increases.

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