Ganbare Natsuki-san (Port of PC game) for
SEGA DreamcastRelease date : December 31, 2021

Way back in 2006 (2006/06/09 to be precise), Alpha base released this puzzle/platforming game for PC and later opened up the source code for the GP2X version, which eventually got ported to the PSP and XBLA (X360).
I took the source code and ported the game to OpenDingux devices and now the Sega Dreamcast as well.
This game was quite painful to do port-wise and i discovered that trying to stream music while any kind of filesystem access is going on would just make the game crash... so that forced me to pause the music between stages sadly.
Still, this is quite playing and it also supports saving to the VMU as well. (for now, it's done automatically on slot A1, this is mostly used to save highscores)
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