Hella Yuri Quick SummaryHere's what Hella Yuri summarize about some of the games
(from Steam version, so Switch only version may not get summary)
A Little Lily Princess
Female protagonist, six female character routes to pursue. Be a little yuri princess!
Akaiito HD Remaster
Female protagonist, female relationship options.
Aoishiro HD Remaster
Female protagonist, female relationship options.
Arcade SpiritsYou can choose to play a female character and romance female characters.
Arcade Spirits: The New ChallengersYou can choose to play a female character and romance female characters.
Arcana Heart 3: Love Max Six StarsLots of cute girls, lots of subtext and ship-teasing.
Bad WriterFemale protagonist married to a woman, but romance is not a major element of the game.
Best Friend ForeverYou can choose to play a female character and romance female characters.
Blackberry Honey
Game is focused on a lesbian love story
BLUE REFLECTION: Second LightFemale protagonist, lots of possible romantic subtext with other girls, plus at least one clear lesbian couple.
Female protagonist, one female romance option.
Two NPCs are girlfriends.
Cassette Beasts
You can choose to play a female character and romance female characters, but romance is not a major game element.
Chained Echoes
One female party member is married to a woman.
Corpse FactoryFemale protagonist, has romantic feelings towards other female characters
Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, The
Female protagonist, romance with a female character is possible, other queer characters exist in game.
Crimson Song - Yuri Visual Novel
Focused on the relationship between two female characters.
Crush Crush
Can choose to play a female protagonist, though it makes little difference. Some datable female characters might specifically express interest in girls.
Plot involves important relationships between female characters.
Dark DeityTwo female characters can enter a relationship
Death Becomes You - Mystery Visual NovelFemale protagonist, several endings involve female characters being romantically involved with each other.
Death end re;Quest 2Female protagonist, several girls express interest in girls, it's possible for the protagonist to end up in an implied relationship with one.
RECOMMENDED. Decarnation
Female protagonist, her relationship with her girlfriend is important to the story.
Disaster Report 4: Summer MemoriesYou can choose to play a female character and express attraction to female characters.
DoraKoneFemale protagonist, three female love interests.
RECOMMENDED.DreamcutterFemale protagonist trying to save her female friend. Both lesbian and non-lesbian h-scenes.
Empire of SinFemale gangsters can be in relationships with each other.
Even The OceanAt least two female NPCs are romantically involved with each other.
FabledomYou can choose to play a female-titled protagonist and marry a princess.
Fae FarmYou can create a female character and romance female characters.
Fairune CollectionFemale protagonist - Fairune 2 apparently includes at least hints of romance with a female character.
The Fairy's SongThe story centers on the relationship between two female characters.
Fatal TwelveFemale protagonist; her relationship with another female character is highly important to the story.
Fate/Extella: The Umbral StarCan choose to play female protagonist, three heroine arcs.
Flowers: Les Quatre SaisonsFemale protagonist, one main female romance option, one short side option, 100% yuri.
RECOMMENDED.Forward to the SkyFemale protagonist, story centers around her interactions with a female NPC, friendship with possible subtext.
Gamedec - Definitive EditionCan choose to play female character and possibly flirt with female NPCs. F/F couples exist in-game.
ghostpia Season OneFemale protagonist, heavy subtext and suggestion of relationships between female characters but explicit romance is not the focus of the plot.
Gone HomeLesbians exist in-universe.
Graveyard GirlsFemale protagonist, focuses on the interactions between two girls but romance is not the primary story element.
Grid Force - Mask Of The GoddessFemale protagonist, some amount of romance is possible.
Harvest Moon: The Winds of AnthosYou can create a female character and romance female characters
HarvestellaCan choose to play female protagonist. Can choose a female character as a 'life partner' in the endgame.
HavenNew update allows you to make it a story about a same-sex couple.
Heart of the WoodsStory revolves around four girls (who form two couples).
RECOMMENDED.IconoclastsAn important female character has a girlfriend.
IkenfellFemale protagonist, multiple f/f relationships, but romance is not a focus.
IndivisibleA female character is clearly attracted to women.
Inner AshesA relationship between female characters is important to the plot.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-ReckoningYou can choose to play a female character and have some small romantic interactions with other female characters.
KotodamaYou can choose to play a female protagonist and strip male and female characters, but the protagonist gender choice may have very little story effect.
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of DuskMore than one female character shows some interest in women.
Legends of Talia: ArcadiaFemale protagonist who is attracted to women, with potential for more in the future.
Life is Strange: True ColorsFemale protagonist, one female romance interest.
Little Goody Two ShoesFemale protagonist, three female romance options.
RECOMMENDED.Lucy Got ProblemsFemale protagonist who is attracted to women, lots of fanservice, at least one lesbian side character.
No male characters, but there are phallic fish and a tentacle plant scene.
Fate/Extella LINKCan choose to play female protagonist, four female romance interests.
Magi TrialsProtagonist starts out male and is magically transformed into a female character. Two female romance possibilites.
Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel Trailer Focuses on the relationship between two female characters.
RECOMMENDED.Mary Skelter: NightmaresThere is a prelude story for Mary Skelter 2
Mary Skelter 2Centers on the relationship between two female characters.
RECOMMENDED.Mary Skelter FinaleProtagonists include a lesbian couple.
RECOMMENDED.Missing. J.J. Macfield and The Island of Memories, ThePlot centers on female protagonist's quest to save her female friend, with romantic subtext. Contains themes of self-harm and gender identity.
Monster Prom : XXL
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp XXL
Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip
We can choose to play a female character and romance female characters.
My Time at PortiaYou can choose to play a female character and romance female characters.
My Time at Sandrock You can create a female character and romance female characters.
Neo CabFemale protagonist, you can flirt with and confess feelings for some female characters.
Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja WarsHuge amounts of fanservice, some light comedy yuri.
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New MoonStory revolves around the relationships between female characters.
Nurse Love AddictionFemale protagonist, four female romance options,
100% yuri. RECOMMENDED.Nurse Love SyndromeFemale protagonist, multiple female love interests.
RECOMMENDED.Omega Labyrinth LifeFemale protagonist, lots of fanservice, some flirting/subtext.
OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos
OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos ~Love・or・die~Focuses on the relationship between two female characters.
RECOMMENDED.OxenfreeFemale protagonist, can (jokingly?) express attraction to other female characters, and two NPCs are ambiguously implied lesbians.
Outer Worlds, TheOne party member is a lesbian and may romance a woman.
Paradise KillerFemale protagonist, you can flirt with and have a one-night-stand with another female character.
Pixel Puzzle Makeout LeagueFemale protagonist, two female romance options. (Don't fear, this is NOT a slider puzzle!)
Princess FarmerFemale protagonist, lots of female characters to build friendships and flirt with.
Rabi-RibiLots of cute girls, subtext and ship-teasing, and at least one clear couple that gets together at the end.
Rainbow SeaFemale protagonist, one female romance option.
Read Only Memories: NEURODIVERFemale protagonist, female romance interest.
RECOMMENDED.Roomie RomanceGame centers around the relationship between two girls, plus some extra flirting and one lesbian orgy.
RECOMMENDED.Sakura CupidFemale protagonist, two female love interests.
RECOMMENDED.Sakura DungeonFemale protagonists who develop a relationship throughout the game, plus other implied lesbian interests and relationships outside the main pairing.
Sakura FantasyFemale protagonist, lots of shiny fanservice shots and girls kissing.
Female protagonist, two female romance options.
Sakura MMOFemale protagonist, three female love interests.
RECOMMENDED.Sakura MMO 2Female protagonist, multiple female romance interests.
RECOMMENDED.Sakura MMO 3Female protagonist, multiple female romance interests.
RECOMMENDED.Sakura MMO ExtraFemale protagonist, multiple female romance interests.
RECOMMENDED.Saga Frontier RemasteredOne of the female player characters may have relationships with women.

Samurai MaidenFemale protagonist, multiple female romance options.
SeaBedThree female protagonists, story revolves around the relationship between two women.
RECOMMENDED.Senran Kagura: Peach BallLots of scantily-clad girls, fanservice, subtext and ship-teasing.
Sentimental Death LoopAt least one female character has romantic feelings towards another, but there is no romantic ending.
Female protagonist with a girlfriend. RECOMMENDED.
Star CrossedCan choose female protagonists, there is f/f romance in the game.
Stardew ValleyYou can choose to play a female character and woo/marry female NPCs.
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech
A female party member had a crush on an older woman.
Story of Seasons: A Wonderful LifeYou can create a female character and romance female characters.
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral TownYou can choose to play a female character and romance female characters
Strawberry VinegarStory revolves around the relationship between two female characters, which may turn out friendly or romantic based on choices.
RECOMMENDED.Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo Edition - The Card WarriorsA female character is strongly implied to be interested in women.
Super Neptunia RPGLots of cute girls, lots of subtext and ship-teasing.
Sword Art Online: Fatal BulletYou can choose to play a female character and romance female characters.

Sword of the NecromancerFemale protagonist, plot revolves around her quest to bring back another female character from the dead.
Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrection Focuses on the relationship between two female characters.
RECOMMENDED.SynergiaFemale protagonist, her relationship with another female character is highly important to the plot.
RECOMMENDED.Tales of Vesperia - Definitive EditionThere is clear subtext between two female party members, but it is a very minor element of the game.
Tales From The Under-Realm: After MidnightFemale protagonist, two female romance options.
RECOMMENDED. Tales From The Under-Realm: HazelFemale protagonist, two female love interests.
RECOMMENDED. TchiaFemale protagonist with a female romance partner.
RECOMMENDED.UndertaleTwo female NPCs may enter into a relationship with each other on some routes.
UnpackingFemale protagonist has relationships with both male and female characters as her life progresses.
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender ActionSeveral characters are lesbians and will discuss their relationships. The female player character is bisexual and her past/present relationships are important to the story.
Valkyria ChroniclesOne of your possible female squad members fancies women and gains a stat bonus for being near them.
Virgo Versus The ZodiacFemale protagonist who has a girlfriend and their romance is important to the plot. Other lesbian pairings exist. RECOMMENDED.
Volleyball HeavenFemale protagonist, five female romance interests.
RECOMMENDED. Wasteland 2: Director's CutYou can choose to create a female character and visit female workers in a brothel.
World Next Door, TheOne of the main female characters has a girlfriend and this is important to the story.
Wylde FlowersFemale protagonist, three female romance options
Yumeutsutsu Re:AfterAfterstories continuing five yuri endings from Yumeutsutsu Re:Master.
Yumeutsutsu Re:MasterFemale protagonist, multiple female romance options.