Author Topic: !!!![3DS] Shinobi  (Read 10634 times)

Offline loempiavreter

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!!!![3DS] Shinobi
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:04:08 am »
Why the **** ain't none of you talking about this game...


Game's great,

My only complaints are that you can really see that Griptonite where fans of the game, since it feels like a bloody fangame with to many nods to The Super Shinobi games and a couple to the first Shinobi. You hated that Maze in The Super Shinobi? Well guess what it's back :)

Also the story is really dumb and kidna messes with the Shinobi canon. But other then these 2 complaints, I can't find none.

Playing this game is a bliss, it's been a long while that there was a action platformer the reminds you why it's called a platformer the stage designs are rock solid and any reviewer complaining about them should go back to some piss p*ssy rpg or go **** off to skyrim, the bosses are many and great (although too many nods to previous bosses imo), pacing is just about correct, although if you want to score points you can juggle enemies a bit longer but even the juggles don't ruin the pacing a bit like, fighting systems of supposed action platformers from these days where enemies can ruin the flow you have. And did I mention it's full of bonus content, watch out for those street pass stages they are delicious (also include a exclusive boss). Or how about playing with the Golden Axe instead? It's all in here.

Can it be measured to good 'ol days? I kinda think it's on par with The Super Shinobi II (only to be preceded by The Super Shinobi on second and the original arcade Shinobi game on top, for obvious reasons).
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 09:10:23 am by loempiavreter »

Offline Sharky

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 05:00:22 pm »
I'm not talking about it becuase I don't have a 3DS. I'm still very torn on the game...
Made by SEGA

Offline Pao

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 02:26:37 am »
I've been hearing this game is challenging and have great level design and since then my interest in the game has risen. I still don't dig the aesthetics.

But just like Sharky, I don't have a 3DS, I tried it at a store and it kind of sucked, the buttons didn't feel good, and the whole structure of the console felt like its a cheap Chinese replica.

Not to mention the 3D is BS (at least to me)... I tried it on two games, changed the slider, adjusted the position of the screen...and yet all I see is blur.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 09:19:54 am »
It seems with 3DS, much like with Wii, the best games to utilize the tech are the first party games. That is my major beef with Nintendo as of recent. They make these innovations that seem to be more in line with what their internal teams want and can utilize well, while external devs are stuck with having to implement stuff like motion controls, a 3D screen and (coming soon) the Wii U pad.

I demo'd Pilotwings Resort and Mario 3DS over the weekend and the 3D effect was pretty cool, like a tiny world inside the handheld come to life. But third party titles just didn't look as good, either because they never wanted to make a 3D game to begin with, or because they didn't have the resources Nintendo devs had. I don't know.

Meanwhile, I've found that the best Kinect titles come from third party devs. The Microsoft developed stuff is slick and very user friendly, but they don't get as exciting as Child of Eden or Gunstringer.

Offline Kori-Maru

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2011, 10:50:28 pm »
I have the game but unfortunately I lost my 3DS. I have to buy a new one from Wal-Mart. I do have a question about the difference between Jiro and Joe's game play. ~ The House of the Dead Unofficial fan site

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 07:32:21 am »
I have the game but unfortunately I lost my 3DS. I have to buy a new one from Wal-Mart. I do have a question about the difference between Jiro and Joe's game play.

Check out Target, they have 3DS for sale online for only $145 right now :)

Offline SOUP

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 11:56:24 am »
I still have to get a 3DS  :-\

Offline Ben

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2011, 03:21:26 pm »
Not to mention the 3D is BS (at least to me)... I tried it on two games, changed the slider, adjusted the position of the screen...and yet all I see is blur.

Sometimes the store models are messed up, people do stupid stuff like bash the screen with the stylus, etc. I own a 3DS and I've tried a store model and I couldn't see the 3D right on it either.

When you own a 3DS and look directly at it, it looks great in 3D, you get used to it quickly. You just have to figure out the sweet spot to see it in 3D.

Offline Kori-Maru

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2011, 03:38:56 pm »
I am playing the game as we speak and my thoughts are "This game should have been on Xbox Live/PSN because this is one of the greatest Shinobi games since III"

By the way, this game has fan service
[spoiler]There is a Afterburner level in the mid point of the game[spoiler/] ~ The House of the Dead Unofficial fan site

Offline ROJM

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Re: !!!![3DS] Shinobi
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2011, 08:07:27 am »
Why the **** ain't none of you talking about this game...


Game's great,

My only complaints are that you can really see that Griptonite where fans of the game, since it feels like a bloody fangame with to many nods to The Super Shinobi games and a couple to the first Shinobi. You hated that Maze in The Super Shinobi? Well guess what it's back :)

Also the story is really dumb and kidna messes with the Shinobi canon. But other then these 2 complaints, I can't find none.

Playing this game is a bliss, it's been a long while that there was a action platformer the reminds you why it's called a platformer the stage designs are rock solid and any reviewer complaining about them should go back to some piss p*ssy rpg or go **** off to skyrim, the bosses are many and great (although too many nods to previous bosses imo), pacing is just about correct, although if you want to score points you can juggle enemies a bit longer but even the juggles don't ruin the pacing a bit like, fighting systems of supposed action platformers from these days where enemies can ruin the flow you have. And did I mention it's full of bonus content, watch out for those street pass stages they are delicious (also include a exclusive boss). Or how about playing with the Golden Axe instead? It's all in here.

Can it be measured to good 'ol days? I kinda think it's on par with The Super Shinobi II (only to be preceded by The Super Shinobi on second and the original arcade Shinobi game on top, for obvious reasons).

Are you a plant dude? It seems you are more intrested in selling the game rather than saying why its actually good. While this game is a good homage, that's all it is. A homage. Its not on par with Shinobi 3 on any level whats so ever let alone the rest of the series, and while the first shinobi is excellent, Revenge of Shinobi has always been considered to be the masterpeice of the series while the 3rd game to be the peak.(although 3 is the most popular) Shinobi one always sat behind those two, down to the fact that the other two improved from the first one something that rarely happens with sequels nowadays. Any actual shinobi fan would KNOW that. Which is why that statement towards the end is laughable.