If Virtua fighter Direct has a fleshed out story mode like what Tekken or DoA has, then I'll give it a go. I haven't played VF in decades.
What? After Street Figter 6, story mode in DoA and Tekken is such a low aim now.
Virtua Fighter story mode would be at least at half of Street Fighter 6 story mode.
Street Fighter 6 story mode is insane btw, if you play it casually it could take 20 hours to finish.

Leak says this new Virtua Fighter would aim that much and with the story's being written by RGG Studio (whose stories in Yakuza and Judgment were top notch), it would be a huge leap in Virtua Fighter history.
Remember that in the past Virtua Fighter was released in arcade and then ported to consoles? It would be the other way around this time.
It would be released first and console and the arcade version would be just a VS Fighting portion of the console game.