So i saw Maleficent over the weekend. Gotta say it was interesting to say the least. I won't go into details about how it ends, but it completely changes the story of her character and Sleeping Beauty's relationship with her. My wife loved it, but i was a bit mixed.
I am just to scared to what they did to that movie, is it anything like "Oz the great and powerful"

The only reason this movie is getting made, is because of her role in Kingdom Hearts, and the recent revamped Disney games, like for the Genesis and NES ( Genesis I am talking about ). That is it, nobody would give a damn about this character. Also considering the fact, I can't use the internet for ( life ladies house/Rouges Bedroom ) anymore, viewers needs to get hard some way. It would be funny if the writers were related.
The men/boys are going to just to watch a woman move around on screen. The girls/women are going for all the fem-nazi references. Like take the Wicked Witch from "OTGAP", she was actually a nice person, and I would have married the living daylights out of her, naive self. Then you have the older sister, who is materialistic, wears too much makeup, to hide her pugly appearance. I am so glad that house dropped on her.
ALL PEOPLE REGUARDLESS OF GENDER likes these kinds of romantic topics. It is like sexpolitation without the sex part.
I am betting they did the same exact thing, as with "Snow White and Hunts Men". Where they had pathetic military, gave the queen a brother, installed side characters from other nursery rhyme stories. When she went to the forest with the several dwarfs whatever they want to call them, the armies completely over runned and invade them, like if it was a joke. The statement of this movie is that military men are the best, especially when they can't provide for jack frost, and your the stereotypical X princess.
Or better yet Alice??? Where they made her older, gaved us a lame Jabberwoker, destroyed the Mad-hatter, made the queen a cry baby, who abused her powers, and even showed off the ugly heads, rotting. Then to show off feminism, they made her into an entrepreneur.
Then there is Hanzel and Gretle:Witch Hunters. That was an nice idea, but I wished it was more like the original "Evil Dead".
Reselling the past, disheartening, and disowning our elders at the same time.