Here's some of screenshots of Idola Phantasy Star Saga
At first I was hesitant to play it since I didn't like the art style,
but now they grew up on me because the voice acting is just so good..
The perfect voice acting really helps to make the characters feel alive.
The gameplay may be just generic turn based RPG with gacha elements,
but it's really fun to play and it has unique law and chaos system.
Law believing in justice and order, while Chaos emphasizing freedom and equality.
Their power sources are different too, law characters use runes while chaos characters use fests.
They can't fight within the same party because their different source of power will cancel each other.
Our main character, Uly, is the rare neutral of course. His power couldn't be cancelled.
Overall I gave this game 8 of 10. And 10 of 10 for its (Japanese) voice acting.