Author Topic: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!  (Read 124009 times)

Offline Berto

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Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
« on: August 28, 2018, 02:10:35 am »

Post anything you want (pics, memories, opinions, news) about Streets of Rage here.

(not counting ports without significant change and collections)
and games with playable SOR characters :

1991 - Streets of Rage
1992 - Streets of Rage 2
1994 - Streets of Rage 3

2013 - 3D Streets of Rage (Remake with all-new 3D presentation)
2015 - 3D Streets of Rage 2 (Remake with all-new 3D presentation)

2016 - Project X Zone 2 (Axel Stone as playable char)
2016 - 3D Power Drift (Axel Stone, Blaze, and Adam as playable chars)
2018 - Sega Heroes (Axel Stone, Blaze, Adam, and Mr. X as playable chars)

2020 - Streets of Rage 4
2020 - Streets of Kamurocho (a mashup of Streets of Rage 2 and Yakuza)
TBA - Streets of Rage Revolution


And the latest news.....

The wait is over. Streets of Rage 4 is as real as Shenmue 3.
Official website :
Articles on Segabits :


The question is....

Two confirmed chars so far ... but as you can see there's one more char on the screenshot.
The one with blue hair.
Who is she ? Mona? Liza? A brand new char?
Or is it just Blaze with another costume?

« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 10:08:12 pm by Berto »

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2018, 12:06:28 pm »
My first reaction was pretty hype mostly because of the idea of a new streets of rage, but I ended up getting skeptical because SoR is one of those games where its the total package which made the games great. Not just gameplay but also aesthetic and music.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2018, 09:38:12 pm »
Is it just me, or does anyone feel more underwhelm than hoped for a sequal to SoR?

I mean if a game doesn't have a proper sequal for 24 years, kinda feels "too little, too late."

Don't get me wrong, I strongly support Sega to make more use of their older IPs. It's just I always imagined a possible installment to SoR more like Yakuza only more fighting orientated and set in mid-80s Miami or New York.

Offline Randroid

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2018, 12:13:44 am »
If we're talking our dream sequels, then yeah underwhelmed, but I'm definitely going to give it its chance.

What I don't like though are sequels that are not sequels, in that they re-hash environments, scenarios. There's a real progression between SOR - SOR3 in regards to the settings, music, themes, etc. I'm worried that SOR4 is going to be a compilation of the last 3 (with a new coat of paint) instead of a true true, on its own sequel. Each SOR game was a representation of the dark themes of its time. I really hope they don't make the mistake of just recreating an 80's and 90's feel and instead take the brave step of really modernizing it and showcasing the same themes of this era.

From what I've seen so far, people are on the fence about the art-style and I understand the criticisms. Ultimately, I feel the music is gonna make or break this as far as acceptance with the fans. SOR is pretty much, for many, that generation's introduction to real, deep, masterful electronic music which I think peaked at SOR2, but still evolved onwards. Anything less, will be a disappointment to the legacy of the game. This is what I'm worried about most as Lizard Cube's rearrangement of Wonder Boy's 3 music was off the mark for me. I can take an SOR game with samey gameplay as the originals. I can stand the comicbook-ish look. What I can't take though, is an SOR game with an uninspired soundtrack. It just won't work.
We'll see what they come up with in this department. If they announced that Yuzo was handling the soundtrack then I wouldn't worry about this as it would be in the hands of the master, but I'm not one of those who will not consider this an SOR game without him either. The SOR Remake game had a very capable artist in Paul Clark (BGM1401) that I wish would get a chance to do an original soundtrack for the sequel.
I think we all have a burning passion for this series and it's great that it is coming back with a release that at the very least looks competent. I REALLY want it to do well just so that SOR can return and be considered for more experimental sequels down the road.

Oh man, all in all, SOR was soooo brave and edgy for its time in everything that it did. The closest I've ever felt to a modern game being close in terms of its execution, edge and bravery would be the first Bayonetta game. My dream SOR game would have been done by Platinum if Sega had maintained its relationship with them. Sega and Platinum had a magic for the few titles they made together that's gone now. You can even say Mad World and Anarchy Reigns are spiritual successors to SOR.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 12:21:08 am by Randroid »

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2018, 10:26:56 am »
Despite being a die-hard Genesis fan (and I still chalk that console up with my favorite of all-time), Streets of Rage was a series I was never heavily invested in.  I think I rented Street of Rage 2 or 3.  I'm miffed that I might have missed out on such a great series, and am looking forward to getting Streets of Rage 4.

Offline Randroid

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2018, 05:42:10 pm »
Some good news about the game,
So far, only two characters have been announced, with more promised to come.
The article also contains some updates on the gameplay. None of it revolutionary, but still interesting.

Offline Berto

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2018, 08:35:08 pm »
My first reaction was pretty hype mostly because of the idea of a new streets of rage, but I ended up getting skeptical because SoR is one of those games where its the total package which made the games great. Not just gameplay but also aesthetic and music.

About the music :

DotEmu stressed to us that the effects in the demo were not final, but when asked if there would be an option to retain the classic sounds, the team did offer the following, “We understand that music is as important as gameplay itself.

Article :

Offline Berto

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2018, 08:16:50 pm »

Trivia : Mr. X wouldn't be back in this game.

"The last time we saw Mr. X, his brain might have been blown up by an explosion.
It might be difficult to come back from that," Fiquet says. He has a point.

Behind the scenes :

Offline Randroid

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2018, 11:39:38 pm »
I like what I'm reading and the art style is growing on me more and more each day.

They absolutely nailed the Blaze look.

I also like that they won't rehash the Mr. X thing.

Oh man, getting optimistic about this one.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2018, 09:04:29 am »
I like what I'm reading and the art style is growing on me more and more each day.

They absolutely nailed the Blaze look.

I also like that they won't rehash the Mr. X thing.

Oh man, getting optimistic about this one.
I was about to say the exact same thing. It's growing on me a lot. I do wish they finetune it a little bit more but mostly hope to hear music reminiscing of the original 2

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2018, 09:07:37 am »
Is it just me, or does anyone feel more underwhelm than hoped for a sequal to SoR?

I mean if a game doesn't have a proper sequal for 24 years, kinda feels "too little, too late."

Don't get me wrong, I strongly support Sega to make more use of their older IPs. It's just I always imagined a possible installment to SoR more like Yakuza only more fighting orientated and set in mid-80s Miami or New York.
Tbh they would have to leave behind most of their legacy of this were the case. Most actually hope SEGA revives more than just this. The 2 I wished for most were this and wonderboy so they sorta answered my calls, but they still have phantasy star v left for me.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Streets of Rage 4
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2018, 09:33:50 pm »
Tbh they would have to leave behind most of their legacy of this were the case. Most actually hope SEGA revives more than just this. The 2 I wished for most were this and wonderboy so they sorta answered my calls, but they still have phantasy star v left for me.
Modernising a classic-era game is possible if done right.
When I first played the original Streets of Rage to me the theme they were going for is late-80s action movies which were popular at the time. To me this was the audience they were trying to appeal too.

They could of made it a standard beat 'em up game we have today with high-poly models and graphics, but still set in the late-80s world of Streets of Rage and give the game camera an aged VCR appearance.The House of the Dead: Overkill is a good example of a game made fairly recently that use camera filters to compliment the theme and era the game is set in.When I see Streets of Rage 4 trailer and gameplay it just feel it somewhat pandering to a degree. To the fans by giving them pure nostalgia of the series to the point there's hardly any room for anything new and to anime fans which I don't believe the original Streets of Rage games were trying to go for at the time.They could of at least try to make it look as quality as 90s anime which were just as popular as the movies SoR were based on.

What I'm saying is, they could of made Streets of Rage 4 a modern beat 'em up game while still being recognised as Streets of Rage without going too off-the-norm, that's all.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 09:51:24 pm by Mystic Monkey »

Offline Berto

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Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2020, 10:59:29 pm »

Offline Berto

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Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2020, 11:02:23 pm »
This mod allows the player to choose Bruce Lee, the iconic super star and martial artist,
in the classic game Bare Knuckle III (Streets of Rage 3).

Link :

Offline Berto

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Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2020, 07:22:52 pm »
Streets of Rage 4 To Receive DLC Content

Article :