I know, it's just Scourge was one of my fave characters in pre-SGW for a number of reasons.
I used to liked him when he's still blue.
Sonic look-alike but wearing shades and jacket.
I hate when they redesign him into green.
I understand the reason, but I still hate it.
And given scourge is literally the Anti-Sonic means he has more of a connection with Sonic than anyone else given Scourge is "a Sonic", which means he carried not only that sense of identity but also the abilities of Sonic.
Yeah, he's like Injustice Superman to Earth 1 Superman.
Or Black Goku to Son Goku. While Shadow's still being Vegeta of course.
When the comics were rebooted I knew Scourge will not make it into the post-SGW.
Of course he won't, your beloved character is created by Ken Penders after all.
I figured it be an oppotunity for Ashura to be the expy of Scourge. Both are practically the same character but Ashura is glitch. Maybe Ashura would be the Bizarro of Sonic than a perfect opposite, things like that.
May be SEGA forbid him to be used.
Flynn said there are many restrictions from SEGA about characters that he can use, that's why now he prefer to make new characters.
For example : Infinite is off-limits right now. Characters that show up before Sonic Adventure is also mostly off-limits (Bean, Fang, Mighty, Ray, Focke-Wulf, Bearenger, Carrotia, Witchcart, Bark, and may be that's applied to Ashura too) other than flashback story like Sonic 30th anniversary comic.
He also kinda complain about SEGA's restriction on Shadow so much that he's the least character he wanted to put in the comic.
There are those who are already regarding Surge the new Scourge of IDW Sonic comics and while I see the similarities in colour schemes... well she's not a hedgehog for starters let alone a clone of Sonic. (I mean sure some tenrecs bare some resemblence to hedgehogs but tenrecs are widely diverse that not all tenrecs are prickly.)

I don't know too why fans compared them to Scourge and Fienna.
I saw them as Starline's OCs.
Sonic fans love to make their OC, why can't Starline?