But would it still be set in space if set on another world?
Such as the Mushroom Planet for example.
I don't know, I always thought space means in the spaceship, not in another planet.
Besides this' just the wish of the movie writer.
The director or producer could have anything else differently in mind.
Even Disney doesnt know how to handle their properties.
On their Marvel's side at least now they listened to the fans.
Bringing all original casts form DareDevil and Punisher in their new series.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-G7yeo7jAIBut the trend of live action version of the animated series really annoys me.
Oop! There we go.
Beat on their own home. That made me remember that back then In 1992, according to SEGA of America marketing director Al Nilsen, in US Sonic was found to be more recognizable than Mickey Mouse in the six-to eleven-year-old demographic, based on the character's respective Q Scores.