Author Topic: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams  (Read 496243 times)

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2021, 09:06:06 am »
Yeah.. Studying all night for tommorrow test...
That's something that I don't want to repeat anymore.

Studying, I don't mind. Especially if I asm asked to study on my own time.

But homework... no. No more homework. Did you know the concept of homework was made as a form of punishment? Can you imagine the school day assembly when the headmaster annouce "For now on, homework will be mandatory for all, not just for punishing."? I hate homework so much that as a 32 year old man I still have school-related nightmares of forgetting to do my homework. Some times I wake up from those nightmares and instead of remembering I am a 32 year old man in an entirely new home, my immediate worry is whenever or not I have done my homework or not.

I don't want to go back to school, but if I have to, I just won't bother with homework ever.

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #61 on: September 11, 2021, 04:53:29 am »
That's because most students are lazy to study again at home, that's why homeworks was invented. To force them study at home.

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2021, 04:54:07 am »
Re: Life in a Different World from Zero ~ Lost in Memories" (Rezeros) New Opening Video

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2021, 07:44:53 am »
That's because most students are lazy to study again at home, that's why homeworks was invented. To force them study at home.
The reason why they are "lazy" is because it's "home time". A time where they can just be themselves in the comfort of home and not have to worry about school business.

And while some may say homework helps improove the students education, can't we just accept school has nothing to do with education and it's just a place where children are forced to memorize facts that have little practicality in adult life? That if they fail to remember their "times tables" they're shamed for it.

Heck I was never that good at maths myself... but you know what I am good at? Using a calculator.

Maybe if schools teach us things like mental health, diplomacy and negotiations, domestic care, legal awareness, open-mindedness to various people, standard laws or standard social interactions and responses then I would of cared more about School growing up.

But no, apparently learning the periodic table or the Banana Wars of April 21, 1898 – August 1, 1934 are more valid subjects for our developing brains to memorize for our adult life.

Oh, and apparently there is this "new maths" now that's taught in schools, so regardless if you're bad at maths like me or not, parents will still struggle helping their children with homework on brand new yet just as useless subjects they didn't cover in their time.

The only people who benefit from school are extroverted people, and usually they're only their for social interaction and to see their friends. The day I become a parent, I will try to seek alternative options for my children.

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #64 on: September 13, 2021, 02:24:00 am »
You were right. I remember the biggest reason why I could motivate myself to got to school is mostly because I would meet my friends there. Studying English, Javanese, and math were also fun for me, but meeting friends definitely was the most fun part.

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #65 on: September 13, 2021, 02:24:21 am »
"Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles" development report Vol. 3

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #66 on: September 13, 2021, 01:35:22 pm »
You were right. I remember the biggest reason why I could motivate myself to got to school is mostly because I would meet my friends there. Studying English, Javanese, and math were also fun for me, but meeting friends definitely was the most fun part.
I only had the one friend in school. To me school was just "something I had to do" whenever I liked it or not. I never skived off school because I didn't want to be a bad kid or for anyone to worry of my absence but I never liked school. It was like a seven hour drall.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #67 on: September 17, 2021, 01:03:13 pm »
If you could ask for any Sega cartoon, what would it be and who studio do you want to animate it?

For example, I would like to see a Jet Set Radio cartoon animated by the same people who made Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I like to imagine each of the rudies being given a backstory and why they choose the rudy life... except for Beat who keeps his past before the skates to himself.

I would also like another Phantasy Star Online 2 animated series, but instead of an anime it be made by House of Cool. Because while I know PSO2 is an anime-centric online game it be interesting to see it depicted in another style.

And of course, I just want another Sonic cartoon, but I know Sonic Prime is on the way so I won't be greedy.

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #68 on: September 17, 2021, 09:43:04 pm »
Golden Axe Cartoon probably.
About studio do you want to animate it, that's depended on how the anime would be.
Would it be a serious one or rather lighthearted one.
If serious one, I'd pick Kyoani.
If it's serious one, it could be based on MD Golden Axe trilogy, but for lighthearted one may be it could be based on Golden Axe: The Duel.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2021, 07:41:25 am »
Golden Axe Cartoon probably.
About studio do you want to animate it, that's depended on how the anime would be.
Would it be a serious one or rather lighthearted one.
If serious one, I'd pick Kyoani.
If it's serious one, it could be based on MD Golden Axe trilogy, but for lighthearted one may be it could be based on Golden Axe: The Duel.

I was watching that new 3D He-man cartoon...

What about a Golden Axe cartoon where our three heroes can "transform" just like in the He-man cartoon? With flashy transformation sequence? I mean, I know that seems out of character, but I doubt barbarians had red and white bikini's or bright green tunics in those days, but maybe they could be bestowed by divine powers or something.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 07:52:42 am by Mystic Monkey »

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2021, 03:46:23 am »
I was watching that new 3D He-man cartoon...

What about a Golden Axe cartoon where our three heroes can "transform" just like in the He-man cartoon? With flashy transformation sequence? I mean, I know that seems out of character, but I doubt barbarians had red and white bikini's or bright green tunics in those days, but maybe they could be bestowed by divine powers or something.

Could work, but they'll later would call it He-Man copycat.
If it's an anime where our three heroes can "transform", I'd prefer if it's Altered Beast.
Could use ones from SEGA Heroes mobile game.
Werewolf, weredragon, and werebear are three different characters there.
Or change one of the character into female because ... sex sells.

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2021, 03:54:28 am »
All four films in the Persona 3 The Movie series will be aired for free

The AbemaTV live streaming service will be broadcasting all four films in the Persona 3 The Movie series in Japan for free.
It will aired from September 20 at 19:30 JST to September 21 at 02:25 JST.

Source :

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #72 on: September 19, 2021, 07:38:47 am »
Could work, but they'll later would call it He-Man copycat.
If it's an anime where our three heroes can "transform", I'd prefer if it's Altered Beast.
Could use ones from SEGA Heroes mobile game.
Werewolf, weredragon, and werebear are three different characters there.
Or change one of the character into female because ... sex sells.

That could work, though if Altered Beast did get an anime or TV show adaption I would like the animal forms to at least have some alterations than just generic werebeast like forms. Perhaps the bear form has rock-like armour, dragn has metallic scales where electricity arcs from, things like that to make the forms more unique and toyetic.

Offline Berto

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #73 on: September 19, 2021, 08:15:03 am »
That could work, though if Altered Beast did get an anime or TV show adaption I would like the animal forms to at least have some alterations than just generic werebeast like forms. Perhaps the bear form has rock-like armour, dragn has metallic scales where electricity arcs from, things like that to make the forms more unique and toyetic.

That's something like the sequel, Project Altered Beast (PS2) had.
The designs all looked good.
Too bad the 3D execution in the game were rather far from that.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams
« Reply #74 on: September 19, 2021, 09:08:18 am »
That's something like the sequel, Project Altered Beast (PS2) had.
The designs all looked good.
Too bad the 3D execution in the game were rather far from that.
The transformation sequences were awesome though.. on a gory bloody way.

Like a Ben 10 horror sequence.

But I can imagine an Altered Beast TV series, especially by Man of Action who made the original Ben 10 series. Instead of one man who can transform into many beasts, it can be about a group of heroes who each suffer from a form of zoothropy. The main hero could of been a werewolf but obtained the power to transform into an armoured conscious werewolf at will with silver armour empowered by light, that or furnace-like amour giving him the power of fire. The altered beast state is only granted to those regarded as centurions by the gods.

He could meet other centurions, each with elemental powered altered beast forms and use their powers to stop an evil faction of centurions and monsters lead by Neff. Bad guy centurions in mind are Van Vader, Bad Boar, Dark Unicorn and Gory Goat, they all possess human forms but take on their monster forms as altered beasts.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2021, 12:37:16 pm by Mystic Monkey »