SEGA LIVE ACTION MOVIESPost anything you want (pics, memories, opinions, game collection) about SEGA Live Action Movies here.

List of SEGA Live Action Movies1997 - Last Bronx: Tokyo Bangaichi
1997 - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - 1st Cour ***
1998 - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - 2nd Cour ***
2003 - House of the Dead
2005 - House of the Dead 2
2006 - Dead and Deader *
2006 - Yakuza / Like a Dragon - Prologue
2007 - Yakuza / Like a Dragon
2008 - House of the Dead: Director's Cut "Funny Version" **
2010 - Kurohyo: Ryu Ga Gotoku Shinsho ***
2012 - Kurohyo 2: Ryu Ga Gotoku Ashura-hen ***
2013 - Company of Heroes
2020 - Sonic the Hedgehog
2022 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
2022 - Sonic Drone Home
2023 - Knuckles ***
2024 - Like a Dragon: Yakuza ***
2024 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3
TBA - Streets of Rage
TBA - Space Channel 5
TBA - Comix Zone
TBA - The House of the Dead ****
TBA - Shinobi
* Originally titled House of the Dead 3, but the name dropped seemingly due to licensing issues.
** No, I'm not making it up. That's really the title.
*** TV Series
**** Reboot
Planned but never materialized, Canceled ones, and Rumours :Altered Beast BayonettaCondemned Crazy Taxi Golden AxeHouse of the Dead, The (1998)Judgment PersonaRent-A-Hero Shinobi Sonic the Hedgehog: Wonders of the WorldSonic the Hedgehog (2018)Sonic: the Movie (1994)Streets of RageWonder Boy (canceled and made into CGI instead)
Notable SEGA Related Documentary or Biography Movies :2006 - Reinventing the House: Making a Bloody Sequel (On Beat)
2007 - Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade *
2014 - Video Games: The Movie (Mediajuice) **
2017 - Blue Hedgehog Documentary: Hunter & Prey (SEGA) ***
2020 - High Score (Netflix) ****
2020 - Console Wars (CBS All Access)
2023 - Tetris (Apple TV+)
2023 - A Gamer’s Journey: The Definitive History of Shenmue
* Briefly featuring SEGA's arcade game,
Carnival, one of the first video games with a bonus round.
** Due to only two hours length time, some video game systems didn't make the cut including Sega CD (1992) and Sega Saturn (1995)
*** Yes, I was joking this time, but the video really exists.
**** SEGA's featured in Episode 4 if you only want to see that, but trust me watch them all. All episodes are fun to watch.
Fan Live Action Films :Sonic the HedgehogSonic by Blue Core Studios (CGI Sonic and various, live-action locations and humans.)
The Hedgehog by Chris Lee & Paul Storrie (Little to do with Sonic and more just about how depressing growing up is.)
Sonic Boom the Musical by random Encounter (people wearing costumes, mostly a songs than a full movie.)
Sonic the Musical by Random Encounters (Like the above video, but more of a parody trailer.)
End of Sonic Adventure by juicitron (Actors in costumes. Might have had a prequel. A sequel to another fanfilm called "
Sonic Adventure Unlimited" but can't find the sequel.)
Sonic the Hedgehog! Remastered version and
Sonic vs Flash by Ninja Kidz
Sonic: Chaos Conquest by Brunch Boiz Productions
Return to Little Planet 2 by The Sonic Show (There is a Part 1 and Part 3, please comment if anyone have the links.)
Sonic in Real Life by Shiloh & Bros (To promote Sonic Superstars, about a group of four people who gain Sonic and his friends powers.)
PROJECT SHADOW Written and directed by "João Filipe Santiago", filmed by
Sonic playlist by Laugh Over Life, parody on Sonic's on-going search for Tails.
Streets of RageBare Knuckle Streets of Rage &
Part 2 by Basil Masters
Streets of Rage by Dogger StreetStupid (More of just a series of brawls than an actual story.)
De-Pixelatied - Streets of Rage by GameTrailers (Again, mostly just a series of brawls to emulate the game.)
RAGE by Fran Campos Films (They're currently working on the sequel "RAGE Unleashed".)
OtherHouse of the Dead by Ian Adams
Shenmue: 'Suka High by Rising Tiger Films (Live-action, with dialogue from the games.)
Ryo Vs Lan Di | Shenmue Live Action Martial Arts Fan Film by Fred Nguyan Khan
Kiwami | Yakuza by Red Phoenix Films
A Day At Two Point Campus by DrScottnik (Based on Two Point Campus (2022))
Some Interesting Quotes :"What difference can one man make?"
"I was spitting out formulas when you were still spitting up formula."
"Silence The Critic!"
"Isn't it nice to know someone wants you for you body?" *Looking at the zombies*
"Be The First To Make History"
"No cap'n, we must not go there! It's eeeeevil!"
"If you always avoid things that are difficult, you'll never be able to grow up."
"What do I look like, an imbecile? Of course I want a latte. I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM!"
"There are two types of Yakuza."
"Only man himself can control his fate. You're nothing!"
"Where am I? What year is it? Is the Rock president?"