Author Topic: 16-Bit Blast Processing Heroes - Ecco, Vectorman, Ristar, Kid Chameleon, etc  (Read 406640 times)

Offline Berto

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Kid Chameleon (SEGA Genesis) - SRAM and Helmet Select Patch

This Addenum patch designed to allow players to purchase helmets when loading a game in Kid Chameleon SRAM

How it Works:
When pausing the game, Highlight Restart Round and hit the following button combination.
A + Start - Sky Cutter
B + Start - Cyclone
C + Start - Red Stealth
A + Left + Start - Eyeclops
B + Left + Start - Juggernaut
C + Left + Start - Iron Knight
A + Right + Start - Berzerker
B + Right + Start - Miniaxe
C + Right + Start - Fly

If the player has at least 5 diamonds, players can load into their existing game with their newly purchased helmet.

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Offline Berto

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N-no, the wiki told me she was either his friend or girlfriend, it was left a bit ambiguous. But not sister.

All I know is Igul is his brother and Lora is his sister-in-law from marrying his brother.

I see. TVTropes is wrong I guess.
I checked the manual for the game, it's only written "Prince Alex and Princess Stella set out on an adventure to recover the lost constellations."
No information about their relationship.

Offline Berto

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Modder Gets Sega Dreamcast VMU To Play Genesis Games

X/Twitter user @GGEAR_TARO posted multiple clips of the modded VMU in action, including the iconic intro of the original Streets of Rage and gameplay of Space Harrier 2.
Naturally, the VMU's tiny D-pad might present some problems when compared to a traditional controller, but it's a very cool idea that represents a fantasy a lot of Sega fans had for the VMU ...

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Offline Berto

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Aero the Acro-Bat: Rascal Rival Revenge coming to PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch on November 1

Remade originally for Game Boy Advance with better sprites and animations, Aero the Acro-Bat: Rascal Rival Revenge brings an enhanced first chapter of the adventures of Aero, a circus bat with acrobatic skills. Aero must once again confront his arch-nemesis, Edgar Ektor, who has returned with a new plot to take over the world. Players guide Aero through a series of challenging levels, utilising his acrobatic abilities to navigate obstacles, defeat enemies, and collect power-ups. With colorful graphics, catchy music, and fast-paced gameplay, Aero the Acro-Bat: Rascal Rival Revenge offers an enjoyable platforming experience for fans of the series and ...


Offline Mystic Monkey

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Kid Chameleon (SEGA Genesis) - SRAM and Helmet Select Patch

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Would you say Kid Chameleon was the original Ben 10?
Only with hats and helmets turning a kid into variety of bizarre superheroes instead of an alien watch.
I see. TVTropes is wrong I guess.
I checked the manual for the game, it's only written "Prince Alex and Princess Stella set out on an adventure to recover the lost constellations."
No information about their relationship.
Yeah I think they were regarded as friends. At least they appeared chummy in Archie Sonic crossover.

Modder Gets Sega Dreamcast VMU To Play Genesis Games

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How will it display on such tiny screen?

Offline Berto

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Soleil HD - Crusader of centy Fan Game Demo is Out Now!

This is a small work made with much affection, in homage to Soleil / Crusader of Centy for the Mega Drive. I wish we could offer you a longer adventure; this game was created in my spare time, with the collaboration of Cherry and Dan for the character and DavidKBD for the music.
The initial idea was to create a small demo of what a remake of Soleil could look like. At first, it was intended to be just a minimal playable area with basic movement controls. However, once it was underway, I decided to recreate the entire village and add a small story to give it context and a bit more gameplay.
In the year and six months since I started, development has had ...

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Offline Berto

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Would you say Kid Chameleon was the original Ben 10?
Only with hats and helmets turning a kid into variety of bizarre superheroes instead of an alien watch.

Yes indeed ... if only the game was popular enough for non SEGA fans.

Yeah I think they were regarded as friends. At least they appeared chummy in Archie Sonic crossover.

Judging from the comic panels I guess we could indeed conclude that they're not siblings.
Because if they're siblings, Alex would said "This is my sister Stella." instead of just go with "This is Stella."

How will it display on such tiny screen?

There's a video in the article where he played it.
It's like playing on Game Gear Micro.
The problem is VMU only has two buttons while most Genesis games needed 3 buttons.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Soleil HD - Crusader of centy Fan Game Demo is Out Now!


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Does it have Sonic chilling by the beach?
Yes indeed ... if only the game was popular enough for non SEGA fans.
Maybe some Sega IPs are better off as cartoons if they can't have reboots?
Judging from the comic panels I guess we could indeed conclude that they're not siblings.
Because if they're siblings, Alex would said "This is my sister Stella." instead of just go with "This is Stella."
The narration text also refer to her as "companion", which can either mean friend or girlfriend, depending on context.
There's a video in the article where he played it.
It's like playing on Game Gear Micro.
The problem is VMU only has two buttons while most Genesis games needed 3 buttons.
Oh I see, that would be difficult.

Offline Berto

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Game Informer shuts down after 33 years

“After 33 thrilling years of bringing you the latest news, reviews, and insights from the ever-evolving world of gaming, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of Game Informer,” reads the announcement.
“From the early days of pixelated adventures to today’s immersive virtual realms, we’ve been honored to share this incredible journey with you, our loyal readers. While our presses may stop, the passion for gaming that we’ve cultivated together will ..."

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Offline Berto

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Does it have Sonic chilling by the beach?

It doesn't go that far. The demo is only one level.

Maybe some Sega IPs are better off as cartoons if they can't have reboots?

May be but prodeucer rarely adapt game characters into cartoon series if they aren't famous enough.

The narration text also refer to her as "companion", which can either mean friend or girlfriend, depending on context.

I guess they kept it vague since they're also unsure about it.

Offline Berto

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Unexpectedly, has ended.
This was a decades-old nexus for romhacks, retro hardware documentation and fan translations.
The database is now on the Internet Archive but it seems to not include author references, so it remains preserved, though ahistorical.

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Offline Berto

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Time to go runnin' and gunnin'! 🏃🔫

Thunder Fox is a classic tale of a world engulfed in chaos as two buff dudes set out to fight the threat of world-wide terrorism.
With a knife.
Available this Winter on Taito Milestones 3!

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Offline Berto

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Landstalker Editor 0.3.4 Release and Demonstration

New features:

- Room Map Editing
- Sprite Editing
- Entity Property Editing
- Blockset Editing
- Enhanced Room Editor

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Offline Berto

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Phantasy Star III Art by K.ALS_RIA

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Offline Mystic Monkey

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Game Informer shuts down after 33 years

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I've heard of this magazine! I dunno if we had it in UK but it was still a long running one, wasn't it?
It doesn't go that far. The demo is only one level.
Oh well. Still maybe in the future.
May be but prodeucer rarely adapt game characters into cartoon series if they aren't famous enough.
They can be famous if they had more new content, such as games or cartoons.
I guess they kept it vague since they're also unsure about it.
Maybe left it open-ended for later games... if they had any. has ended

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Lots of things shutting down of late.
Landstalker Editor 0.3.4 Release and Demonstration

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It's pretty cool, goes to show Landstalker still has an audience.