That link doesn't work for me.
But thanks. Let me know if you come across any. I'm after a sort of "Sonic game room" vibe of sorts.
If beggars can be choosers, the ideal panorama I am after would be something of the likes of:
* The Resistance HQ war room.
* The Sonic suite from Alton Towers.
* A Sega arcade heavy on the Sonic motif. (I did consider somewhere here, but dunno if I can use Google photodomes.)
* Yesterday's Sonic museum.
* A generic place in Green Hill Zone.
Those are solid pick.
If I might add one, I want to see Sonic Stadium in Joypolis Hongkong too.
Also I remember seing 360° panorama of recreation of Green Hills in minecraft style back then (kinda like in Minecraft's Sonic DLC), but I can't remember where I've seen it.