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Gaming => General Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: MadeManG74 on May 09, 2014, 12:42:04 pm

Title: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 09, 2014, 12:42:04 pm
I know, I know, Mr Negative over here, but I want to ask this realisticaly. Removing our bias towards Sega and as fans of the game, as much as we want this to succeed;

Is Bayonetta 2 going to bomb?
More importantly, will it bomb so hard that the franchise will be abandoned and a Bayonetta 3 will never see the light of day?

As sad as it is to consider, I just don't see this game succeeding on the WiiU. The console is already struggling for market-share, and more importantly, the fans of the first game were on Xbox and PS3, there has never been a Nintendo Bayonetta before. Time and again we see that the best selling games on Nintendo platforms are their first party titles, and I just can't see a scenario where Bayonetta 2 will do big enough numbers to gain the attention of another publisher.

I'm sure there are the hardcore fans out there like myself who will probably buy the Wii-U at some point to play the game (and others like W101) but realistically I don't think it's going to be a game that pushes consoles out the door.

Is this the last stand of our favourite witch?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: inthesky on May 09, 2014, 01:44:47 pm
It's not going to kill the franchise, it's just that Kamiya doesn't plan on making any  more Bayonetta games. He's said that he might be interested in spinoffs featuring Jeanne.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on May 09, 2014, 02:34:48 pm
I think the better question is, who would have given bayonetta a 2nd chance if nintendo didnt pick it up? Some other publisher perhaps?

It's a miracle we're even able to speculate about what'll happen after the 2nd game.

My thought is that bayonetta 2 has been done months ago and theyve been trying to stratrgcay place it. In japan its now being placed summer together with legend of zelda hyrule warriors after mario karts big launch. Im hoping to see a healthy launch for bayo within that momentum
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 09, 2014, 02:52:49 pm
^In terms of 'who would have published it', I think what's done is done, and while I agree I'd rather see the game be made Nintendo exclusive than not at all, I do think that it's a death sentance for this series. Just that we get two games instead of one perhaps?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on May 09, 2014, 03:43:07 pm
I can definitely understand the thought of wanting the game to succeed even if you'll be able to selfishly get your fun out of it. If the game bombs(which is the most likely scenario for all the reasons you've stated), i'd be very pissed with Nintendo's treatment. Franchise deserves a lot better and I would have rather had an other publisher to have picked it up
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 09, 2014, 03:53:41 pm
I can definitely understand the thought of wanting the game to succeed even if you'll be able to selfishly get your fun out of it. If the game bombs(which is the most likely scenario for all the reasons you've stated), i'd be very pissed with Nintendo's treatment. Franchise deserves a lot better and I would have rather had an other publisher to have picked it up

I would have rather had another publisher pick it up that can do multi-platform, but at the same time I can't blame Nintendo yet. It's not like they've neglected the game at this point, and I hope they do put some oomph behind the marketing etc come closer to launch.

I think it's just the nature of their console, and the situation it's in rather than any fault of Nintendo's directly. I do find it strange that Nintendo of all companies were the ones to pick it up though. I guess they wanted more 'hardcore' games to show off their platform when it was new?

I don't think they'll ever be seen as a legitimate mainstream alternative since you can't really easily multiplat with their console due to very different power and control styles compared to PC/Xbox/PS4.

We also can't forget that through all of this Sega owns the IP, and frankly, I don't trust them to do anything good with it after Bayonetta 2. Either they'll mothball the series, or they'll palm it off to an ill-suited developer. I hope I'm wrong, but... Sega...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Kuronoa on May 09, 2014, 05:11:20 pm
It's a cult game for what is considered a cult console. Nintendo needed these kind of games to fill out their library.
I am worried if Bayonetta's fanbase will play the game.  There was a lot of anger and salt out of the announcement.  We need more gamers who are open to all platforms but not everybody has the money to dish out all the consoles right away.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: max_cady on May 09, 2014, 06:51:16 pm
At the risk of sounding like a complete jerk Bayonetta 2 was dead from the moment they announced it as a Wii-U exclusive.

I have my doubts, after Anarchy Reigns, many of PA's later outings felt like B-team efforts, Bayonetta 2 was announced in 2012, it's been two years and not even a proper release date.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 09, 2014, 08:38:40 pm
At the risk of sounding like a complete jerk Bayonetta 2 was dead from the moment they announced it as a Wii-U exclusive.

I have my doubts, after Anarchy Reigns, many of PA's later outings felt like B-team efforts, Bayonetta 2 was announced in 2012, it's been two years and not even a proper release date.

I think Anarchy Reigns had potential, but was just a concept that was doomed to fail, especially on console. It's an online only game that's very niche, meaning if there's no community it fails. I bought it and wanted to enjoy it but could never find a match, it doesn't help that I was in Australia so there was bad netcode and not many players.

I can't help but feel that's a title that would have benefitted from a PC release, give a free weekend on Steam or something and the cheaper price of PC games might have resulted in a better, more dedicated playerbase? I dunno.

Metal Gear Rising was very good I thought, not a patch on Bayo, but still very good.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Kuronoa on May 10, 2014, 07:44:34 am
Anarchy Reigns has offline modes.  Though I think I misunderstood, it is PG's first multiplayer-oriented title.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: fernandeath on May 10, 2014, 08:52:25 am
If Bayonetta 2 flops it'll be related to the WiiU's weak fanbase and not because of the quality of the game (although it might not be as great as we're expecting).
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on May 10, 2014, 10:03:20 am
Don't worry, if sales wouldn't kill the franchise, Platinum probably not wanting to make a sequel would.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on May 10, 2014, 07:40:48 pm
Nah just force everybody to rent a Wii U to play the game. That is why it is only on the WiiU, from my understanding. SEGA had it all wrong, with X-box. They figured out with enough cool games, Nintendophiles, will not have anything else, to do, but purchase their games. Capcom played that card, and it worked, uptill PN03.

PN03, needed blood, cleaning robots, and something interesting like ghosts.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 11, 2014, 01:05:05 am
Bayonetta 1 killed the franchise; Sega cancelled Bayonetta 2 and had it not been for Nintendo giving the game a second life we might not have ever gotten to play it.

But yeah, I think it's safe to say that Bayonetta 2 will likely be the last one. But I think that's more or less expected, I don't think Kamiya expected to keep making Bayonetta games.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on May 11, 2014, 01:16:04 am
Nintendo killed Bayonetta.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on May 11, 2014, 07:08:04 am
It's inevitable that the franchise will be dead after the second game...BUT I can name other SEGA franchises that never get past one game and others that get two games if they're lucky!

Billy Hatcher, Ristar (depends if you count it as two), Skies of Arcadia, Burning Rangers, Comix Zone.

Franchises with two games tend to also have a cult following such as; Vectorman, NiGHTS, Space Channel 5 and Jet Set Radio.

Personally, Bayonetta being given another game should be celebrated rather then be a focal point as to why Nintendo kept the series alive. It does remind me of Microsoft and having JSRF on their console to move units, I would like to see this as a similar scenario due to Microsoft's uncertain debut in the console market and SEGA willing to add the franchise on the console (maybe not with Bayonetta 2, but still).

Overall,I am happy it exists and hopefully wraps up any loose ends with the story if anyone cared for it. As SEGA fans, we will hopefully cherish this game as we did with the first!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on May 11, 2014, 07:18:52 am
Yes and no.

Yes because I doubt Platinum will want to make another one.

No because SEGA probably sees it as a profitable franchise.

Problem is finding someone who will supply both a big enough bag of money to get a third game going but not wanting a big profit... My thoughts turn to either Microsoft and Sony.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 11, 2014, 07:55:46 pm
Nintendo killed Bayonetta.

Sega cancelled the game, not Nintendo.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on May 11, 2014, 08:05:49 pm
Sega cancelled the game, not Nintendo.

SEGA did not cancel Bayonetta 2 because they wanted to, it was profitable enough to become a series.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 12, 2014, 02:30:40 am
Well of course nobody cancels a game because they want to, lol.

I disagree though about your reasoning for its cancellation. If Bayonetta 1 wasn't profitable enough to become a series, they wouldn't have greenlit the sequel to begin with. The sequel was cancelled, I believe, as part of Sega's new strategy to focus mainly on their key IP only. Bayonetta didn't fit into that mold. (Sonic/Total War/Football Manager/Aliens.)

Bayonetta sold 1.35 million in its first few months on shelves, which is I think more than the past 2 Yakuza games combined, if not 3. And Sega has no problem continuing to churn those out.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on May 12, 2014, 02:57:57 am
Well of course nobody cancels a game because they want to, lol.

I disagree though about your reasoning for its cancellation. If Bayonetta 1 wasn't profitable enough to become a series, they wouldn't have greenlit the sequel to begin with. The sequel was cancelled, I believe, as part of Sega's new strategy to focus mainly on their key IP only. Bayonetta didn't fit into that mold. (Sonic/Total War/Football Manager/Aliens.)

Bayonetta sold 1.35 million in its first few months on shelves, which is I think more than the past 2 Yakuza games combined, if not 3. And Sega has no problem continuing to churn those out.

I never stated why the game was cancelled heh.

And then you asking why it was cancelled. Not big it doesn't fit into their key IPs,  that didn't last a year until SEGA  decided to invest in Company of Heroes 2,  Hatsune Mike and obtaining the Warhammer license.

Did they not have the resources? A silly notion after they spent over a $100 million on a developer who hardly has a million seller.

Perhaps they just didn't like the series? Which again made little sense given the fact SEGA funded a Bayonetta movie. The cancellation of Bayonetta 2 (or rather production being put on hold) has little in them wanting to focus only in 4 key IPs.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 12, 2014, 09:59:01 am
Anarchy Reigns has offline modes.  Though I think I misunderstood, it is PG's first multiplayer-oriented title.
It did have offline modes, but they were rubbish I thought. The single player was dry 'Kill XX bad guys in this area, then that area'. It's like playing a fighting game offline only, it's okay, but not the meat and potatoes of the title.

Also I was unaware that Platinum have expressed they didn't want any more Bayo games? I wonder if Sega would have continued the franchise without them if not?
Having said that, who could realistically do the game justice? I can't think of many good action games in recent years apart from the ones from Platinum. Don't know what internal Sega teams would work on it either.

In any event, I always thought Bayo might be something that DMC that can spawn a few sequels if it hadn't had such an unfortunate road. Obviously I'll still be happy with the two games we do get (assuming Bayo 2 is good of course). A lot of my favourite games are one or two-shots.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 12, 2014, 08:09:53 pm
I never stated why the game was cancelled heh.

And then you asking why it was cancelled. Not big it doesn't fit into their key IPs,  that didn't last a year until SEGA  decided to invest in Company of Heroes 2,  Hatsune Mike and obtaining the Warhammer license.

Did they not have the resources? A silly notion after they spent over a $100 million on a developer who hardly has a million seller.

Perhaps they just didn't like the series? Which again made little sense given the fact SEGA funded a Bayonetta movie. The cancellation of Bayonetta 2 (or rather production being put on hold) has little in them wanting to focus only in 4 key IPs.

My bad dude, I misread your post.

I thought you said it was cancelled because it wasn't profitable enough to become a series.

cancellation of Bayonetta 2 (or rather production being put on hold) has little in them wanting to focus only in 4 key IPs.

I can't think of any other possible reason.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on May 13, 2014, 06:58:08 am
Also I was unaware that Platinum have expressed they didn't want any more Bayo games?
I don't think they have. However, Platinum doesn't really do sequels in general. Aside from possibly Anarchy Reigns, which was sort of a sequel to MadWorld, Bayonetta 2 is the only sequel that they've done so far.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on May 13, 2014, 07:48:16 am
I can't think of any other possible reason.

A break down of communication.

I don't think they have. However, Platinum doesn't really do sequels in general. Aside from possibly Anarchy Reigns, which was sort of a sequel to MadWorld, Bayonetta 2 is the only sequel that they've done so far.

Not really fair to judge yet though considering their output has only been 8 games. But you've got a sequel, a spiritual successor and they've worked on an established series, I think there definitely is a shift on their attitudes as long as they can get work.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on May 13, 2014, 01:01:34 pm
It does certainly sound like Platinium will take any form of work, even if it means creating a sequel for another company.

However, I believe that if SEGA or Nintendo would want another Bayonetta game to fill out the universe that little bit more, I can bet that Platinum would want more money to do it, since doing more of the same doesn't look like something they would want to be known for.

Rising was probably an offer Konami gave them due to how slow development that was going under Kojima, but I don't think they would like to do more of them in the future.

Either way, I mentioned in the past that I am not the biggest fan of Bayonetta, but I certainly did enjoy the gameplay and will be buying the game as soon as a release date is announced. It may not be much, but my sale will hopefully keep Platinum in business and will help them make more games in the future.  ;D

I can see how disappointing it is to have to buy a Wii U if you're desperate for it, and will segregate the fanbase, but given Nintendo's funding it, I shall take that over SEGA's cancellation any day.

I honestly have no clue on the cancellation either, especially when they just announced another Shining game (it's on consoles) that I believe didn't sell so well on the PSP last time? (probably due to the debacle of the whole Youtube thing). You'd honestly think that Bayonetta was a more popular franchise than Shining? Especially when the latter doesn't have much chance of being localised in the West ever again.

Sorry for the rant.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: inthesky on May 13, 2014, 01:30:55 pm
I don't think they have. However, Platinum doesn't really do sequels in general. Aside from possibly Anarchy Reigns, which was sort of a sequel to MadWorld, Bayonetta 2 is the only sequel that they've done so far.

Obtusely I guess. I didn't remember the comment properly but this is what I was recalling when I made my comment. (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 13, 2014, 07:51:27 pm
But you've got a sequel, a spiritual successor and they've worked on an established series, I think there definitely is a shift on their attitudes as long as they can get work.

It does certainly sound like Platinium will take any form of work, even if it means creating a sequel for another company.

I don't think you'd find many developers who would pass up the opportunity to work on a series as iconic as Metal Gear.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on May 13, 2014, 11:39:49 pm
At least on the 360/PS3 it made viable numbers of over a million units sold. On Wii U, I'd be shocked if it moves over 30,000 units.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 14, 2014, 12:27:28 am
To be fair, the decision to bring the game to Wii U was made long before the system started bombing.

Regardless, it's beside the point; if it wasn't for Nintendo the game wouldn't exist; nobody else apparently wanted to put up the money.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on May 14, 2014, 04:48:39 am
I never stated why the game was cancelled heh.

And then you asking why it was cancelled. Not big it doesn't fit into their key IPs,  that didn't last a year until SEGA  decided to invest in Company of Heroes 2,  Hatsune Mike and obtaining the Warhammer license.

Did they not have the resources? A silly notion after they spent over a $100 million on a developer who hardly has a million seller.

Perhaps they just didn't like the series? Which again made little sense given the fact SEGA funded a Bayonetta movie. The cancellation of Bayonetta 2 (or rather production being put on hold) has little in them wanting to focus only in 4 key IPs.

It was cancelled because Sega ran out of money for that title and a whole lot of other games that was meant to be coming out around this time and they weren't prepared to give Platinum Games the same deal they had on their previous contract which is why Anarcy Reigns was the last Sega game made for them. But instead of totally abandoning the title because it did make money they manage to strike a deal with Nintendo who took over all dev duties.
Sega refocusing at that time was mainly down to cutting the western development deals and just using the western studios (that they already own) to bring in the money on that side of things. Although there was some good games from that period like OVERKILL the western contract dev wasn't bringing in that much revenue, the only thing that was was the PC acquired IP and studios. And the company changed tactics accordingly. You also add the ALIENS COLONIAL MARINES scandal and the fact that BINARY DOMAIN flopped via lack of funds and mis handling, you can see why Sega sammy decided enough was enough.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on May 14, 2014, 07:30:25 am
Nah Bay, can be around as long Megaman if they want to. The idea is to focus as many users as possible, while keeping the series on going. With PS4/PS3/360/720 we have the problem with the user base outside that realm. Microsoft always have the PC market to be on, and the SONY, has a problem of censorship in Japan, when it comes to videogames ( TV-TOys vs Computer thing ). That is why we do not see any high profile material on our game systems. Their is nudity, suggestion of sex, but never really anything major.

With Nintendo we are safe because the market will not crumble on it's self, and since the thing is already going to be censored why not. A kiddie market is the baseline of the videogame market, leaving all that ikki stuff for computers. I know I am mad about it too, but even games in the west like "Conkers Bad Furday" and "ShadowRun Jake" was censored all over the place.

SONY was sappose to be this adult game system, as well as the original X-box, but instead they decided to play the, lets make another console game bit. The videogame/TV-toy market is made for children, and while their are many adults and educated people ( not to mean schooling/college ),
using these micro-controllers, they are also not freindly with me
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on May 14, 2014, 07:47:08 am
You also add the ALIENS COLONIAL MARINES scandal

Speaking of which, did SEGA ever get their money back from Gearbox? Not heard anything from them since.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 14, 2014, 10:58:18 am
To be fair, the decision to bring the game to Wii U was made long before the system started bombing.

Regardless, it's beside the point; if it wasn't for Nintendo the game wouldn't exist; nobody else apparently wanted to put up the money.

True, but Bayonetta was never a good match for the system in the first place. The original wasn't released on the Wii, and Nintendo already has a stigma of only being a platform to sell first party games.

Also, as I said, I think everyone agrees we'd rather see it exist as an exclusive rather than not exist at all, I'm just asking if it's going to bomb harder than Anarchy Reigns.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on May 14, 2014, 11:17:12 am
Whatcha mean not a good match. Pretty average. What I see in Bay, is all the stuff we usted to think was umber cool, or umber bad arsery, but people have moved on since then. Again for the new crowd. I think they decided to make the characters, super western, just to show off the systems powers. Otherwise, it would probably look like an animated character, or even FFX, or FFVIII.

Speaking of which, did SEGA ever get their money back from Gearbox? Not heard anything from them since.

From my understanding, their are various upgrades to this game itself, being made over time. However I am clueless to what is occurring. Mostly DLC related material. That Alien Horror game, however is looking good. Takes place in the Aliens world, without new products, outside that time zone. The only problem, being Ripley daughter, kinda sucks. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 14, 2014, 02:37:03 pm
I'm not sure why Sega would ever "get their money back" from Gearbox, they released the game and they served as its publishers throughout the entire development process, so it's very hard to believe that they could have been "taken by surprise" by the game's quality.

If you don't like the job a studio is doing, you either fire the studio or go in and fix don't wait until after they release a product and then go "hm....the game wasn't good...give us back our money!"

A break down of communication.

Erm, how so?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 14, 2014, 03:04:48 pm
I'm not sure why Sega would ever "get their money back" from Gearbox, they released the game and they served as its publishers throughout the entire development process, so it's very hard to believe that they could have been "taken by surprise" by the game's quality.

If you don't like the job a studio is doing, you either fire the studio or go in and fix don't wait until after they release a product and then go "hm....the game wasn't good...give us back our money!"

I'm pretty sure he means in regards to the accusations that Gearbox was using Sega's money to bankroll Borderlands 2 instead of using it for development of Colonial Marines.

I can't remember if there was enough evidence for Sega to launch an investigation/lawsuit for mis-use of their funding.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 14, 2014, 03:43:12 pm
I doubt that there would be enough evidence for anything real to take place.

And again, if this was something that was occuring, it should have been corrected throughout the development, not admitted to after the fact.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on May 15, 2014, 11:31:07 am
Nah Bay, can be around as long Megaman if they want to. The idea is to focus as many users as possible, while keeping the series on going. With PS4/PS3/360/720 we have the problem with the user base outside that realm. Microsoft always have the PC market to be on, and the SONY, has a problem of censorship in Japan, when it comes to videogames ( TV-TOys vs Computer thing ). That is why we do not see any high profile material on our game systems. Their is nudity, suggestion of sex, but never really anything major.

With Nintendo we are safe because the market will not crumble on it's self, and since the thing is already going to be censored why not. A kiddie market is the baseline of the videogame market, leaving all that ikki stuff for computers. I know I am mad about it too, but even games in the west like "Conkers Bad Furday" and "ShadowRun Jake" was censored all over the place.

SONY was sappose to be this adult game system, as well as the original X-box, but instead they decided to play the, lets make another console game bit. The videogame/TV-toy market is made for children, and while their are many adults and educated people ( not to mean schooling/college ),
using these micro-controllers, they are also not freindly with me

That has nothing to do with BAYONETTA's longevity. The main thing that affected BAYONETTA was behind the scene politics/financial situation. Nothing more, nothing less. Plus we are also talking about a company that can leave a game series alone for 20 years and then come back to it. And most of those are games that their inhouse teams produce. So with that in mind BAYONETTA has no chance really being a second party made game. The systems and whatever the company is doing with them has no real bearing to BAYONETTA's current situation. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on May 16, 2014, 07:18:36 am
I don't think you'd find many developers who would pass up the opportunity to work on a series as iconic as Metal Gear.

Besides that, Metal Gear Rising was a perfect fit for Platinum.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on May 16, 2014, 02:16:55 pm
I think it's a little silly to suggest that Bayonetta 2 could kill the franchise, when the franchise was already dead.

Bayonetta sold well, but in the end it SEGA didn't want to make a sequel on their dime. Really, that's when the franchise died.

Bayonetta 2 is going to bomb, and it may very well be the last game we see in the franchise unless Nintendo or some other benefactor decide to fund another title. But personally, I prefer to think of this game as a pleasant final surprise from a franchise that produced my favorite 3D action title.

Heck, Kamiya doesn't even seem to think a third one will be needed: (

Personally, I'm okay with this being the last Bayonetta game for awhile.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on May 16, 2014, 02:27:29 pm
Outside of the two games, we had Bayonetta in Anarchy Reigns and Wonderful 101, so at the very least if there isn't another game after the sequel, we have a few other games that allow you to play as her.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on May 16, 2014, 05:14:05 pm
Knuckles' logic makes little to no sense, possibly not well thought out. You are suggesting that it is OK to deflate and kill a series because SEGA said they didn't have enough money to make a sequel at the time? You do know money comes and goes, right? Just because SEGA didn't make the sequel right away didn't mean they couldn't do it later for Xbox One or PS4? But switching consoles is deadly for a franchise and now that it is locked down to Wii U it pretty much means its dead, along with the hardware that it tied exclusivity for.

I don't know about you, I wish SEGA would have not made that deal, at all. I agree unless SEGA has the ability to port the game after x amount of time, this will probably be the last Bayonetta game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 16, 2014, 06:54:01 pm
From my understanding Sega, or anyone else will not be able to port the game because Nintendo funded it and will hold publishing rights to it. It's trickier than usual maybe because Sega still owns the IP, but I don't think they could make Bayonetta 2 for any other system, even if it was renamed or "Bayonetta 2 GOTY Edition" or something.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 17, 2014, 01:35:47 am
Knuckles' logic makes little to no sense, possibly not well thought out. You are suggesting that it is OK to deflate and kill a series

Uhh, no. Sega cancelled the game. I do love how you're going to blame a company other than Sega when Sega were the ones who cancelled the game. You're suggesting that it's Nintendo's fault that Bayonetta will die when they're the only ones who picked the franchise up when Sega was ready to pull the plug on it. That's insane.

because SEGA said they didn't have enough money to make a sequel at the time? You do know money comes and goes, right?

Yeah because we know how much Sega loves to make sequels to beloved franchises. How's waiting on Shenmue III coming? JSR3?

Yup, someday the money will be there, keep waiting, guys! It'll happen!

Money "comes and goes" yet money never seems to come to continuing beloved Sega fanchises, instead, it's blown on bad games like Aliens:Colonial Marines. The idea that if Nintendo didn't pick up Bayonetta 2, Sega would eventually decide to release it, is just wishful thinking to the highest degree. When "the money comes" to Sega, it goes into bad licenses, or into not releasing their games in the West. That's always fun. Maybe the money would come into a Yakuza 6 that Western fans would never get to play. Good times!

Just because SEGA didn't make the sequel right away didn't mean they couldn't do it later for Xbox One or PS4? But switching consoles is deadly for a franchise and now that it is locked down to Wii U it pretty much means its dead, along with the hardware that it tied exclusivity for.

Maybe Sega should have thought of that before, you know...cancelling it? And then selling its rights off?


We're lucky the sequel exists at all and if it weren't for Nintendo, it wouldn't have.

I don't know about you, I wish SEGA would have not made that deal, at all. I agree unless SEGA has the ability to port the game after x amount of time, this will probably be the last Bayonetta game.

It would be the last one anyway because if the Xbox 360/PS3 owners actually bought Bayonetta in large enough numbers to begin with, Sega wouldn't have cancelled and sold off the series.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on May 17, 2014, 07:12:06 am
Just pointing this out real quick: it was never confirmed that SEGA cancelled Bayonetta 2. It's just the easiest to come up with scenario for why Nintendo is publishing Bayonetta 2.

Consider this: if SEGA really had no intention of continuing Bayonetta, would they have made that recent anime movie?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 17, 2014, 08:09:01 am
Maybe Sega should have thought of that before, you know...cancelling it? And then selling its rights off?

Sega still owns the IP.
Whether that's a good or bad thing is up for debate I guess.

"Goodbye Bayonetta, say hi to Ryo Hazuki for me."


"Another Bayonetta game? Who's developing it this time?" (Wishful thinking)


"Remember when Bayonetta was an action game? When did it become a dating simulator/karaoke game exclusive to PSVita? Will 'Bayonetta 7: Love and Magic in the Laundromat' ever be translated?"
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on May 17, 2014, 09:38:35 am
From my understanding Sega, or anyone else will not be able to port the game because Nintendo funded it and will hold publishing rights to it. It's trickier than usual maybe because Sega still owns the IP, but I don't think they could make Bayonetta 2 for any other system, even if it was renamed or "Bayonetta 2 GOTY Edition" or something.

You can still do it . MS help to fund Ninja Gaiden II but Temco still held on to the IP rights and when this flops hard on the Wii II . I'm betting it end up on the PS4 and XBox 1 at some point (where it flop on those systems too)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on May 17, 2014, 12:25:41 pm
Knuckles' logic makes little to no sense, possibly not well thought out. You are suggesting that it is OK to deflate and kill a series because SEGA said they didn't have enough money to make a sequel at the time? You do know money comes and goes, right? Just because SEGA didn't make the sequel right away didn't mean they couldn't do it later for Xbox One or PS4? But switching consoles is deadly for a franchise and now that it is locked down to Wii U it pretty much means its dead, along with the hardware that it tied exclusivity for.

I don't know about you, I wish SEGA would have not made that deal, at all. I agree unless SEGA has the ability to port the game after x amount of time, this will probably be the last Bayonetta game.

Because Sega didn't want to pay Platinum more money which they couldn't really spare at the time and it would have been a lot of money where BAYONETTA is concerned. At least they didn't continue it without PG because that would have been a mistake. At least PG is actually involved in a sequel of a game they created unlike what happened when some of the PG staff created DMC but weren't involved with the sequel...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 17, 2014, 10:09:09 pm
Just pointing this out real quick: it was never confirmed that SEGA cancelled Bayonetta 2. It's just the easiest to come up with scenario for why Nintendo is publishing Bayonetta 2.

I think it was more or less inferred. Didn't some UK Gaming Mag post that that at one point they'd had a planned cover story for Bayonetta 2, and "it wasn't on Wii U." Something like that?

There was also Sega's announcement that "unannounced and announced" projects were being cancelled, etc. I think it's pretty much an understood fact, though of course it's true that Sega never outright said, "we cancelled Bayonetta 2."
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on May 18, 2014, 05:21:52 am
Erm, how so?

You go around and read some interviews. It's not spelt out but the sentiment is there.

But yes the sequel would not exist without Nintendo, but SEGA is as almost as important.

Yeah because we know how much Sega loves to make sequels to beloved franchises. How's waiting on Shenmue III coming? JSR3?

I know what you're saying but you probably picked the worst two games as examples as both got sequels after the original bombed and the successors failed even harder haha.

Better off picking on something like Crazy Taxi or Shinobi.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on May 18, 2014, 11:11:53 am
I think it was more or less inferred. Didn't some UK Gaming Mag post that that at one point they'd had a planned cover story for Bayonetta 2, and "it wasn't on Wii U." Something like that?

There was also Sega's announcement that "unannounced and announced" projects were being cancelled, etc. I think it's pretty much an understood fact, though of course it's true that Sega never outright said, "we cancelled Bayonetta 2."
Like I said: it's the easiest to come up with explanation. I'm not saying that it isn't the explanation, but it doesn't have to be. Like there's also the possibility of SEGA and Nintendo having made a deal.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on May 19, 2014, 01:07:34 pm
I know what you're saying but you probably picked the worst two games as examples as both got sequels after the original bombed and the successors failed even harder haha.

Better off picking on something like Crazy Taxi or Shinobi.

haha well either way I think the point's the same.

George's argument that it's bad for us that Nintendo picked up Bayonetta 2 and that we'd have been better off instead waited around "in hopes of Sega getting more money and changing its mind" is, lol.

The truth is, Sega-Sammy has plenty of money. The problem is, they don't like to spend it on video games.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: max_cady on May 20, 2014, 08:29:19 am
Methinks they want to be careful with their money and fall in line with every one else.
Many publishers seemed to have taken this course of action: Have maybe three or four tentpole games, a lot of digital stuff for iOS and Android, a couple of indie titles and that's about it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on May 20, 2014, 11:31:47 am
You can still do it . MS help to fund Ninja Gaiden II but Temco still held on to the IP rights and when this flops hard on the Wii II . I'm betting it end up on the PS4 and XBox 1 at some point (where it flop on those systems too)

Does anyone know the specifics behind something like this? Because I'm thinking of cases like REmake and MGS Twin Snakes which never saw release outside the platform.

I would be all for a multi-plat release eventually (where the fuck is my PC port of Bayonetta, Sega?), but I get the feeling it won't/can't happen.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 10, 2014, 06:20:01 am
Like I said: it's the easiest to come up with explanation. I'm not saying that it isn't the explanation, but it doesn't have to be. Like there's also the possibility of SEGA and Nintendo having made a deal.

That deal came after they scrapped the games that they were planning. Unless you haven't noticed the lack of Sega games between 2013-14 across the board? Since when has Sega been that bare of titles? Even when you include some of the titles they refuse to localise, the numbers are still quite low compared to what they were bringing out between 2008-09 and 2010-12.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on July 10, 2014, 07:11:58 pm
Just pointing this out real quick: it was never confirmed that SEGA cancelled Bayonetta 2. It's just the easiest to come up with scenario for why Nintendo is publishing Bayonetta 2.

Consider this: if SEGA really had no intention of continuing Bayonetta, would they have made that recent anime movie? (

It's been explicitly spelled out that without Nintendo, the game would not exist.  The only way that's even a possibility is if Sega, the IP owner, had no intention of continuing the franchise on their own. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on July 10, 2014, 09:02:44 pm (

It's been explicitly spelled out that without Nintendo, the game would not exist.  The only way that's even a possibility is if Sega, the IP owner, had no intention of continuing the franchise on their own. 

There are other scenarios.

Bayonetta made over 1.3 million worldwide and a good amount of those sales, 320,000, was from their native Japan. Lesser series have continued with a third of those sales.

EDIT: I should stress though, the title would not have existed without Nintendo. That cannot be denied.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on July 10, 2014, 09:40:01 pm
EDIT: I should stress though, the title would not have existed without Nintendo. That cannot be denied.

The finality of this statement, and the source of it (PG themselves) creates some pretty ghastly implications as far as the fate of the franchise is concerned.  I wish more people understood this. 

Bayonetta may have sold 1.3 million copies but we don't know how much it costed to develop or what the financial agreement was between PG and Sega.  For whatever reason, Bayonetta's fate was very much up in the air.  What defines a success has a lot to do with what exactly happened during development.  Selling a million copies guarantees nothing these days.  Lord knows we've all heard the Tomb Raider horror story by now about 3 million units sold not being enough to break even due to monstrous development costs.

Coupled with the shoddy ps3 port that Sega themselves put out, and its quite clear that they really don't have much investment or respect for the franchise.  Or any of their franchises, for that matter.     
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on July 10, 2014, 11:25:12 pm
The finality of this statement, and the source of it (PG themselves) creates some pretty ghastly implications as far as the fate of the franchise is concerned.  I wish more people understood this. 

I do understand it, but this wasn't due to IP abandonment by SEGA. Unless of course, you believe the anime was produced out of the goodness of their hearts.

Bayonetta may have sold 1.3 million copies but we don't know how much it costed to develop or what the financial agreement was between PG and Sega.  For whatever reason, Bayonetta's fate was very much up in the air.  What defines a success has a lot to do with what exactly happened during development.  Selling a million copies guarantees nothing these days.  Lord knows we've all heard the Tomb Raider horror story by now about 3 million units sold not being enough to break even due to monstrous development costs.

Bayonetta and Tomb Raider are not comparable at all. One had a pretty straight forward development while one took over 5 years to produced and had a troubled production. Infact SEGA were discussing making sequels out of Bayonetta. (

Binary Domain was a production that cost SEGA significantly more than Bayonetta and it only had a target of a million units. As far as budgets goes, SEGA usually keeps them in check.

Coupled with the shoddy ps3 port that Sega themselves put out, and its quite clear that they really don't have much investment or respect for the franchise.  Or any of their franchises, for that matter.     

This is a fairly silly point. I guess you think Bethesda has no respect for the Elder Scroll series either?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 11, 2014, 04:06:26 am
The finality of this statement, and the source of it (PG themselves) creates some pretty ghastly implications as far as the fate of the franchise is concerned.  I wish more people understood this. 

Bayonetta may have sold 1.3 million copies but we don't know how much it costed to develop or what the financial agreement was between PG and Sega.  For whatever reason, Bayonetta's fate was very much up in the air.  What defines a success has a lot to do with what exactly happened during development.  Selling a million copies guarantees nothing these days.  Lord knows we've all heard the Tomb Raider horror story by now about 3 million units sold not being enough to break even due to monstrous development costs.

Coupled with the shoddy ps3 port that Sega themselves put out, and its quite clear that they really don't have much investment or respect for the franchise.  Or any of their franchises, for that matter.     

Sega was the one who brokered the deal with Nintendo. Without Sega this game would not have happened because they had to agree with Nintendo using it in the first place.

Second Bayonetta is big in japan. Big enough for planned movies and spin offs which ultimately never happened. But it was proving its weight in gold as a promotional license. Madonna when she toured Japan the year after the game came out used Bayonetta as part of the tour to promote it. Sega is pleased with the game but Segasammy wasn't going to splash the cash Platinum wanted to make the game. They wanted it by itself and cheaper. And that's why it was canned. The Nintendo deal is the best scenario because it keeps a property that they have in the public eye but they don't take the risks(nor the lionshare of profits but then they have an interesting percentage rate deal)

People really need to start educating themselves about the business end of video games, they really do. Nintendo just didn't sweep in and took over like people are acting. Sega isn't sitting in the sidelines either but are a silent partner who got many benefits out of this deal.  If the WiiU wasn't floundering then Bay2 simply wouldn't have happened because Nintendo wouldn't need the game to help them sell the system. Its a situation where both parties needed each other..but Sega more than likely took advantage of it because they don't need Bay2, they're not selling systems but software which are selling reasonably well..Nintendo however does, they needed a hit game to get people drawn to their systems.
Whether it will work remains to be seen.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on July 11, 2014, 04:33:12 am
I think this might kill it. Don't get me wrong, I love the franchise but on Wii U? Seriously?

Even with Nintendo marketing Sin and Punishment: Star Successor only did like 30k units? How much did Wonderful 101 do?

Not to mention it was their 'highest budgeted game':

Now about the budget. It leads me to believe that Bayonetta couldn't have costed more than 5 million to make. Honestly, nothing screams high budget. If you think Bayonetta had the budget of 100 million, lol wut. Let's put it this way:

Do you think Nintendo would let Platinum Games have a higher budget than 100 million for Wonderful 101? If no, then Bayonetta didn't cost that.

Another question: Do you think Nintendo would give Platinum Games a higher budget than, lets say, Mario 3D World? Even after the super weak sales of Wonderful 101? Think about it...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 11, 2014, 04:54:51 am
I think this might kill it. Don't get me wrong, I love the franchise but on Wii U? Seriously?

Yes seriously...its the same reason why Nintendo got the rights to Devil's Third. At this moment they are desperate to get games that they think will appeal to people who may get their system in order to play games from certain marquee developers. BAYONETTA is an ip that was a hit. So it makes sense for Nintendo to assume that this game might just pull the punters in. Why wouldn't they do it? Its worked before when they had exclusive games. The question is as i mentioned before is will Bay 2 prove the test and become a game that will help shift units? That's something that isn't proven yet.

Now about the budget. It leads me to believe that Bayonetta couldn't have costed more than 5 million to make. Honestly, nothing screams high budget. If you think Bayonetta had the budget of 100 million, lol wut. Let's put it this way:

Yes but Sega for whatever reason wasn't prepared to pay what PG was asking for. Nintendo obviously was.
Do you think Nintendo would let Platinum Games have a higher budget than 100 million for Wonderful 101? If no, then Bayonetta didn't cost that.

Because PG wanted a similar contract to make games for Sega, Bay 2 wasn't just on the table they had several other games that was meant to go sega's way but Sega balked on it. That's why you had that ANARCHY REIGNS game come out in between as a pacifier when negotiations was still in play.

Another question: Do you think Nintendo would give Platinum Games a higher budget than, lets say, Mario 3D World? Even after the super weak sales of Wonderful 101? Think about it...
So what's your point? Sega could make the game when Segasammy has a strict budget policy in place? Do you even know what happened with VANQUISH and the headache that game development cycle gave Sega? Then add to the fact that overall the PG Sega games had mixed results? We can keep comparing what nintendo would do and what sega would do but they are different companies not the same one. Especially under Sega sammy. Like i said they had numerous games in development and most of those titles got canned. Bay 2 got a reprieve unlike the other titles.  And i was really looking forward to some of the Sega west titles that was being made for Vita and Kinect as well... :(
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on July 11, 2014, 10:22:19 am
Sega was the one who brokered the deal with Nintendo. Without Sega this game would not have happened because they had to agree with Nintendo using it in the first place. . .

Are you seriously suggesting that Sega, fully intending to make Bayo 2 themselves at some point, decided that it would be much easier to just let Nintendo foot the bill? 

Way to completely ignore PG explicitly saying that Nintendo "white-knighted" the game.  Such statements completely contradict your narrative.   
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 11, 2014, 10:57:55 am
Are you seriously suggesting that Sega, fully intending to make Bayo 2 themselves at some point, decided that it would be much easier to just let Nintendo foot the bill? 

Way to completely ignore PG explicitly saying that Nintendo "white-knighted" the game.  Such statements completely contradict your narrative.   

its not my suggestion it was widely reported that the game was CANNED. That means it had started within Sega for it to be cancelled in the first place. You even had a guy from japan that use to come here saying it was cancelled before the news officially broke two months later. And those statements are true that Nintendo saved the game if you have to put it that way. So it hardly contradicts anything.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on July 11, 2014, 12:31:59 pm
Bayo 2 certainly wouldn't exist without SEGA. I doubt Nintendo just came to PG and said "make this game from the ground up for us". Like Devil's Third, it probably already existed in some form already and Nintendo just picked it up when SEGA dropped it. Bayo 2 still required Nintendo to even exist, but SEGA did see a future for it at one point.

But as I said earlier, Bayo 2 can't kill the franchise because it was already, effectively, dead. The sequel WAS canned. Do we even know if SEGA footed the bill for Bloody Fate? Anime in Japan is typically produced by committee, with numerous investors and interests. I wouldn't be surprised if Bloody Fate started as something to go along with Bayo 2 before SEGA canned it, and then kept going because other vested interests.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 11, 2014, 01:49:48 pm
Bayo 2 certainly wouldn't exist without SEGA. I doubt Nintendo just came to PG and said "make this game from the ground up for us". Like Devil's Third, it probably already existed in some form already and Nintendo just picked it up when SEGA dropped it. Bayo 2 still required Nintendo to even exist, but SEGA did see a future for it at one point.

But as I said earlier, Bayo 2 can't kill the franchise because it was already, effectively, dead. The sequel WAS canned. Do we even know if SEGA footed the bill for Bloody Fate? Anime in Japan is typically produced by committee, with numerous investors and interests. I wouldn't be surprised if Bloody Fate started as something to go along with Bayo 2 before SEGA canned it, and then kept going because other vested interests.
As far as i know PG were making games for other companies which of course included Nintendo and that's how it started, Sega wanted some assurances in place for the deal to go ahead. Bloody Fate was technically a license so Sega didn't need to foot the bill for it. It was originally meant to bridge the gap between the two games and keep it in the public eye with other promo material but those didn't happen. I think that's probably why PG was keen to continue with it since Sega has let them have a certain autonomy over their creation even though they don't own the game. But Sega always had that reputation with their second party games anyway. Its a far cry with what happened with VALKYRIA CHRONICLES as Sega pushed that game hard with anime support and sequel titles and promo material even when the game,wasn't a flop but didn't meet the sales to justify such a push. BAYONETTA has met the sales but Sega is willing to let others handle it and take the benefits(if it proves successful)afterwards...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on July 11, 2014, 02:23:50 pm
How do you know this? Do you have any sources?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 11, 2014, 02:37:54 pm
How do you know this? Do you have any sources?

I'm one of the lucky few to know some things. I wouldn't say that is exactly what happened but near to it from what i was told. And these sources aren't on the net or anything that i could mention.Besides i'm not the only one around here that know some of the inner workings of Sega as some of them like TA or Storm come here too.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on July 11, 2014, 04:58:00 pm
How does he know that SEGA didn't foot the bill for an anime? Because thats how anime and other media work, a company asks to make a product, goes to the person that owns the license and determines how much x company gets paid to use their IP.

Do you think SEGA is going to fund the Sony Sonic movie?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on July 11, 2014, 05:02:14 pm

Yes seriously...its the same reason why Nintendo got the rights to Devil's Third. At this moment they are desperate to get games that they think will appeal to people who may get their system in order to play games from certain marquee developers. BAYONETTA is an ip that was a hit. So it makes sense for Nintendo to assume that this game might just pull the punters in. Why wouldn't they do it? Its worked before when they had exclusive games. The question is as i mentioned before is will Bay 2 prove the test and become a game that will help shift units? That's something that isn't proven yet.

Yes but Sega for whatever reason wasn't prepared to pay what PG was asking for. Nintendo obviously was.
Because PG wanted a similar contract to make games for Sega, Bay 2 wasn't just on the table they had several other games that was meant to go sega's way but Sega balked on it. That's why you had that ANARCHY REIGNS game come out in between as a pacifier when negotiations was still in play.
So what's your point? Sega could make the game when Segasammy has a strict budget policy in place? Do you even know what happened with VANQUISH and the headache that game development cycle gave Sega? Then add to the fact that overall the PG Sega games had mixed results? We can keep comparing what nintendo would do and what sega would do but they are different companies not the same one. Especially under Sega sammy. Like i said they had numerous games in development and most of those titles got canned. Bay 2 got a reprieve unlike the other titles.  And i was really looking forward to some of the Sega west titles that was being made for Vita and Kinect as well... :(

My point is that Nintendo isn't stupid. They didn't get this far without knowing how to budget. SEGA on the other hand will spend so much money on stuff that doesn't pan out. Example: The dub for Yakzua 1 going way over budget. Or Shenmue costing over 80 million dollars, I understand its new tech on a new console. But you also have to see that the budget went into earlier builds on Saturn and such. Very mismanaged.

As for Nintendo, you didn't answer anything. Why would Nintendo put more money in Bayonetta 2, after Wonderful 101 bombed, than something that is a sure hit like Mario?

You can't. It doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on July 11, 2014, 05:17:00 pm
How does he know that SEGA didn't foot the bill for an anime? Because thats how anime and other media work, a company asks to make a product, goes to the person that owns the license and determines how much x company gets paid to use their IP.

Do you think SEGA is going to fund the Sony Sonic movie?

Oh, I am well aware of production committees. I mentioned them in my first post. But I know someone pointed to bloody fate as a reason SEGA hadn't abandoned the franchise. I was asking ROJM if he had a verifiable source for the rest of his info.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 11, 2014, 05:26:40 pm
A few things here. First of all. Tomb Raider WAS profitable, it just didn't sell as highly as Square-Enix wanted it to; they wanted it to carry their entire quarter, essentially, which it wasn't able to do. But it was a success, hence the sequel.

If the WiiU wasn't floundering then Bay2 simply wouldn't have happened because Nintendo wouldn't need the game to help them sell the system.

Bayonetta 2 was announced before the Wii U was even released, so at the time it wasn't floundering. Nintendo picked it up as a way to attract hardcore gamers to their system. They'd also by that time developed a strong relationship with Platinum.

Another question: Do you think Nintendo would give Platinum Games a higher budget than, lets say, Mario 3D World? Even after the super weak sales of Wonderful 101? Think about it...

As for Nintendo, you didn't answer anything. Why would Nintendo put more money in Bayonetta 2, after Wonderful 101 bombed, than something that is a sure hit like Mario?

You can't. It doesn't make sense.

Bayonetta 2 was budgeted and far in development long before Wonderful 101 bombed. As for Nintendo not putting money into games that aren't Mario, not true. Games like Xenoblade have a far larger budget than Mario 3D World. Mario games aren't particularly expensive to make, especially now that they've pretty much dropped the free-roaming elements.

But Nintendo does release big-budget games. They release small-budget games and then they have their big games like Zelda, Xenoblade, and (likely) Bayonetta 2. The game does not look cheap to make. Certainly it looks far more expensive than the first one. The fact that they're porting and including the first one as well shows that Nintendo is clearly willing to spend the money.

I just hope they market it effectively.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on July 11, 2014, 06:13:22 pm
You think Xenoblade Chronicles was big budget? Not really: thats one of the reasons the graphics and textures are so blurry.

So unless you provide me a 'budget' list, I can't fall into the trap thinking that Bayonetta 2 is higher budget than like 10 million. Considering that Gears of War cost 10 million, it would be hard for any publisher to give Platinum Games more than that for Bayonetta (which doesn't have an online mode, multiple main characters, etc).

So what was Bayonetta's budget tho? We don't have a number. We are all speculating and saying its 100 million Tomb Raider level is fucking retarded. We all know Square-Enix is the kings of mismanaging projects: See every game they make ever.

Maybe we should ask Kamiya on twitter, maybe he won't tell us to eat his shit.

Since day one, Platinum Games have been pretty stubborn on who they worked with. They said the only reason they worked with SEGA is because they promised them to freedom to do what they want and after Bayonetta  came out SEGA did a shitty PS3 port that really pissed them off:

Not to mention that their other games like: Infinite Space where swept under the rug. They promised that Anarchy Reigns was going to be released world wide and the Japanese version had english dubs, yet SEGA delayed it 8 months in the WEST.

Really starting to think they just refused to work with SEGA after all that shit. As for budget of Bayonetta, if its more than ten million, i'd be shocked.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 11, 2014, 06:40:51 pm
Whoa whoa whoa, lol.

I'm not saying it was that expensive. I'm just saying that I think you're wrong that Nintendo isn't spending a bunch of money on it. I'm sure they are. I don't know an exact figure, I doubt it's ridiculous, but I'm sure it's higher than these types of games usually get.

Dude I've played Xenoblade and trust me, it was not a cheap game. Hell the sheer amount of voice acting and cutscenes alone pretty much dwarf any in any Nintendo game to date. Xenoblade Chronicles X is looking like a true next gen JRPG. These games are not cheap to develop.

Really starting to think they just refused to work with SEGA after all that shit.

But it's SEGA's IP, dude. Platinum wouldn't have the power to just go "you know what? We refuse to make this for you, we'll develop it with someone else."

The ball was entirely in Sega's court; it was their IP. And they canceled it. I'd imagine that since Platinum was in close contact with Nintendo during Wonderful 101's development, (And when Bayonetta 2 was cancelled) they could have pitched the idea of Bayonetta 2 to Nintendo, and Nintendo then could have contacted Sega about it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 12, 2014, 04:46:45 am
How does he know that SEGA didn't foot the bill for an anime? Because thats how anime and other media work, a company asks to make a product, goes to the person that owns the license and determines how much x company gets paid to use their IP.

Do you think SEGA is going to fund the Sony Sonic movie?

Because Sega didn't fund the movie they just licensed it. Its not exactly a secret either.
Sega's involved in the movie via their CGI subsidary. But i will say this. Because of what's happening with Sony movies lately its become a game changer so SS is on the hunt for more properties to acquire.
My point is that Nintendo isn't stupid. They didn't get this far without knowing
how to budget. SEGA on the other hand will spend so much money on stuff that
doesn't pan out. Example: The dub for Yakzua 1 going way over budget. Or Shenmue
costing over 80 million dollars, I understand its new tech on a new console. But
you also have to see that the budget went into earlier builds on Saturn and
such. Very mismanaged.

As for Nintendo, you didn't answer anything. Why
would Nintendo put more money in Bayonetta 2, after Wonderful 101 bombed, than
something that is a sure hit like Mario?

You can't. It doesn't make

No you aren't making sense. Wonderful 101 was a new property, BAYONETTA isn't. And it was succesful. That's why Nintendo are willing to take a chance on its sequel.
Second. Sega splashing money hand over first has pratically stopped under Segasammy. They have a budget control system now for any R+D games. The reason why a lot of the new games were canned was because they felt that they weren't making any ground on their previous investments specifically for the western markets. Also it was damage control so it wouldn't look too bad on any final finance report to the stock holders.


Since day one, Platinum Games have been pretty stubborn on who they worked with. They said the only reason they worked with SEGA is because they promised them to freedom to do what they want and after Bayonetta  came out SEGA did a shitty PS3 port that really pissed them off: (

Not to mention that their other games like: Infinite Space where swept under the rug. They promised that Anarchy Reigns was going to be released world wide and the Japanese version had english dubs, yet SEGA delayed it 8 months in the WEST.

Really starting to think they just refused to work with SEGA after all that shit. As for budget of Bayonetta, if its more than ten million, i'd be shocked.

Nonsense. That's why PG kept negotiaging with Sega to bring in another similar deal to the first one. They aren't stupid, they knew they had it good with Sega. A high end contract to make any type of game they wanted. They got pissed off when Sega made it clear that that deal wsn't going to happen.
And as for the PS3 port. That wasn't Sega that was Nex that ported that title. But PG has no right to complain after the dev fiasco with VANQUISH which Sega saved their butt on. Not only did it go over budget but it cost extra to gett he game fixed.But you won't hear them mention that and probably the reason why Mikami ended up leaving PG as well.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 12, 2014, 05:07:26 am

Oh, I am well aware of production committees. I mentioned them in my first post. But I know someone pointed to bloody fate as a reason SEGA hadn't abandoned the franchise. I was asking ROJM if he had a verifiable source for the rest of his info.
All i know is Sega's involvement on BLOODY FATE was minimal. Sega usually makes their anime inhouse with companies that they own or have close ties to. Also i don't think its the last BAYONETTA anime that you will see either.
Anyway here's the details of the first bloody fate.... ( (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Trezzer on July 12, 2014, 06:31:29 am
I, for one, bought a Wii U when Bayonetta 2 was announced. I know others who are waiting for the actual release and then they will get the console. In the meanwhile, the console has been pretty darned great if you ask me.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 12, 2014, 08:36:31 pm
And as for the PS3 port. That wasn't Sega that was Nex that ported that title. But PG has no right to complain after the dev fiasco with VANQUISH which Sega saved their butt on. Not only did it go over budget but it cost extra to gett he game fixed.But you won't hear them mention that and probably the reason why Mikami ended up leaving PG as well.

Sega was in charge of the PS3 port, they put that team on the job and they ultimately approved it. So the blame rests with them.

As for Vanquish, I'm not familiar with that scenario, what happened with Vanquish?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on July 12, 2014, 10:42:08 pm
Really starting to think they just refused to work with SEGA after all that shit. As for budget of Bayonetta, if its more than ten million, i'd be shocked.

It was clear neither side saw each other in a good light and wanted a break up. PG only had one title SEGA cared about and SEGA was no longer the best choice for PG moving forward.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 13, 2014, 06:34:35 am
Sega was in charge of the PS3 port, they put that team on the job and they ultimately approved it. So the blame rests with them.

As for Vanquish, I'm not familiar with that scenario, what happened with Vanquish?

Sega got the company involved yes but they weren't responsible for the end result NEXT was. You can blame Sega for hiring them but not for doing the actual job. Unless of course you blame Sega for the whole ALIENS COLONIAL MARINES fiasco.
As for VANQUISH, i tell you when i have more time.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 13, 2014, 06:37:36 am
It was clear neither side saw each other in a good light and wanted a break up. PG only had one title SEGA cared about and SEGA was no longer the best choice for PG moving forward.

Not really or PG wouldn't have gotten in contact with Sega over Bay 2. Their relationship isn't that sour that Sega closed the door on them literally. And as i said PG still wanted to continue the relationship but Sega didn't. They stil haven't released that horror game they were making for Sega unless elements of that game was used for some of heir newer stuff. Anyhow i don't think we have seen the last of a Sega PG team up just yet...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on July 13, 2014, 08:15:36 am
That deal came after they scrapped the games that they were planning. Unless you haven't noticed the lack of Sega games between 2013-14 across the board? Since when has Sega been that bare of titles? Even when you include some of the titles they refuse to localise, the numbers are still quite low compared to what they were bringing out between 2008-09 and 2010-12. (

It's been explicitly spelled out that without Nintendo, the game would not exist.  The only way that's even a possibility is if Sega, the IP owner, had no intention of continuing the franchise on their own. 
So? I'm not saying that SEGA cancelling Bayonetta 2 before Nintendo picked it up isn't a possibility, I'm just saying that it's the conclusion most people immediately get to after reading this stuff. We still aren't even close to knowing the full story of what happened, we just know pieces of it.

Just because something is the only possibility you can come up with doesn't mean it's really the only possibility.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 13, 2014, 02:20:01 pm
So? I'm not saying that SEGA cancelling Bayonetta 2 before Nintendo picked it up isn't a possibility, I'm just saying that it's the conclusion most people immediately get to after reading this stuff. We still aren't even close to knowing the full story of what happened, we just know pieces of it.

Just because something is the only possibility you can come up with doesn't mean it's really the only possibility.

And then we use our brains...Sega the ip holdr had to AGREE to let the game happen with Nintendo in the first place. Nintendo had to have talks with Sega to even get the deal made. So no, without Sega there would still be no Bay 2. Bay 2 would have been something else...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 13, 2014, 05:38:53 pm
Sega got the company involved yes but they weren't responsible for the end result NEXT was. You can blame Sega for hiring them but not for doing the actual job. Unless of course you blame Sega for the whole ALIENS COLONIAL MARINES fiasco.
As for VANQUISH, i tell you when i have more time.

It is the publisher's responsibility to ensure that the product being released is of high quality. Yes Sega is responsible for the end result, just like they were (Yes) responsible for the end result of Aliens: Colonial Marines.

As publisher, Sega has the freedom to send developers in to fix the game, to demand changes, to re-allocate resources. If Sega put out a product that wasn't up to par, then yes as publishers, they are very much responsible.

And yes, for the record, people in Sega worked on Bayonetta PS3, it wasn't simply an outsource;

Q: As well as your main studios – both internally and external partners – you also have a small specialised Technology Group, can you tell us what they do specifically?

Gary Dunn: They are six of the cleverest developers you'll find. They do all sorts and are our crack team. We have an art director in there, probably one of the best graphics programmers in the business, and some very good general game programmers. We use them as a crack team and they go all over. Their first job was to do the PlayStation 3 version of Viking: Battle for Asgard which they did in eight weeks.

Q: So they're fixers, taking care of issues quickly. Are they just there for problem issues?

Gary Dunn: It's all supply and demand and they do have some quieter periods. They were all actually members of the racing studio before we closed it down. Six individuals that were so talented that we weren't going to let them go to Codemasters. They did Viking just before we sold the studio and it seemed to absolutely make sense to keep that talent.

They're worked on Sonic, they've worked on Bayonetta, their breadth is huge. They're a broad support team. We deploy them in two ways. One is as a crack team when there's a problem, but also when we want to guide and shape a project, and it allows us to get better results from the same game team we were working with.

So? I'm not saying that SEGA cancelling Bayonetta 2 before Nintendo picked it up isn't a possibility,

It's been more or less known that Bayonetta 2 had been cancelled by Sega. Sega is of course not going to announce to the world that they "cancelled Bayonetta 2," but they did indeed cancel it. Hence, why Nintendo was even offered the chance to publish the product to begin with.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on July 13, 2014, 10:48:26 pm
So? I'm not saying that SEGA cancelling Bayonetta 2 before Nintendo picked it up isn't a possibility, I'm just saying that it's the conclusion most people immediately get to after reading this stuff. We still aren't even close to knowing the full story of what happened, we just know pieces of it.

Just because something is the only possibility you can come up with doesn't mean it's really the only possibility.

We know enough to know that left up to Sega, Bayonetta 2 wouldn't be happening.  Isn't that enough to make the original claim of this topic utterly ridiculous?

Bayonetta 2 isn't the death of the series, it's its salvation.  Will it bomb?  Probably.  But the fact that we're even getting it is a miracle in itself.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 14, 2014, 05:38:47 am
It is the publisher's responsibility to ensure that the product being released is of high quality. Yes Sega is responsible for the end result, just like they were (Yes) responsible for the end result of Aliens: Colonial Marines.

As publisher, Sega has the freedom to send developers in to fix the game, to demand changes, to re-allocate resources. If Sega put out a product that wasn't up to par, then yes as publishers, they are very much responsible.

And yes, for the record, people in Sega worked on Bayonetta PS3, it wasn't simply an outsource;

It's been more or less known that Bayonetta 2 had been cancelled by Sega. Sega is of course not going to announce to the world that they "cancelled Bayonetta 2," but they did indeed cancel it. Hence, why Nintendo was even offered the chance to publish the product to begin with.

Wrong Ben. Next worked on BAYONETTA, the group's work on that is minimal because it was AFTER the fact IE when the game was being localised. So yes the game was outsourced....

And Sega has always had a history of being hands off in outsourced projects. its a matter of faith. I don't blame Sega for ACM or BAYONETTA PS3 version and really neither should you since its obvious that Gearbox was swindling Sega in that incident. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 14, 2014, 10:10:18 am
We know enough to know that left up to Sega, Bayonetta 2 wouldn't be happening.  Isn't that enough to make the original claim of this topic utterly ridiculous?

It was up to Sega which is why they let Nintendo take over the development. If Sega had ZERO interest in the ip they would have said no to the proposal but they didn't. Which indicated that they were interested in continuing the series. Again use your brains please...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on July 14, 2014, 02:24:48 pm
He means if it was SEGA and only SEGA. Obviously SEGA could have said no, but that doesn't make what Radrappy is saying any less true: if it was all up to SEGA, and ONLY SEGA, this game would never have been made.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on July 14, 2014, 07:39:10 pm
I am really getting tired of these ideas. BAY is basically what MEGAMAN was for the NES. In fact the people making this game are connected to CAPCOM. So I do not really get why this game should suck. AGAIN like Megaman, it is pretty much the same game. The way I see this game is if that tooney character from "Skull Girls", had her own adventure type game. That is it. It would be funny if the creator or people who made "Tri-gun" was involved in any way, with the production of this or the comic itself. Bay is not going to suck,

Also Nintendo does this every single time. If people have not learned. They release a little, then make something new along the way, and rerelease the same product, and repeat.

The way I see it, the whole game is one big slap in the face of what a person should find attractive, at all. I see a really tall woman, with an goofy outfit, and gear in no way would be logical at all. However I accept "Sailor Moon" as being logical, so why not this?

This game is the current generations version of "Omusha" 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 14, 2014, 11:45:57 pm
Wrong Ben. Next worked on BAYONETTA, the group's work on that is minimal because it was AFTER the fact IE when the game was being localised. So yes the game was outsourced....

Regardless of who worked on Bayonetta, Sega was put in charge of the PS3 port, and the final product was up to their standards enough to ship. So yes. It's their responsibility. Nobody else's. It's Sega's job as publishers to deliver a quality game. If they choose to outsource it, then it's their job to put a developer on the task who is capable of delivering a quality game.

If the developer they hire is not doing so, then it's the publisher's job to step in and fix it. That's their responsibility as publisher.

You act like a publisher has nothing to do with the finished product. The publishers are the ones who approve it. They're the ones who release it, and they're the ones who convince you to buy it.

If you're playing a game, it's because the publishers decided that it was okay to sell to you.

And Sega has always had a history of being hands off in outsourced projects. its a matter of faith. I don't blame Sega for ACM or BAYONETTA PS3 version and really neither should you since its obvious that Gearbox was swindling Sega in that incident. 

If Sega isn't keeping a close enough eye on the production of the games they publish...(and I believe it) then yeah dude, that's something that has to be corrected because that's their job as a publisher.

A responsible publisher would have stepped in and fixed Colonial Marines years ago. If Sega was "swindled" it's because they allowed themselves to be. Hell they could have even fired Gearbox years ago if they wanted to and replaced them....they are the ones in control.

I know it sounds harsh, and it's not my intention to be harsh on Sega, but yes, as a publisher they are responsible for the final product. They sold you a bad game. (If you purchased it.) They knowingly released a bad game.

You can't excuse the publisher because of a bad development process on the part of the developers. As publisher, it's Sega's job to make sure the game being developed is of high quality, and it's their job to fix the issues if it isn't.

Colonial Marines is an example of a lot going wrong from many different angles, this is true. And it's not all Sega's fault. But again, you can't say that just because it was developed outside of Sega, that Sega bears no responsibility. Sega bears the brunt of the responsibility. They are the ones who put their name on the game and sold it to you. They're the ones who delivered it to market, and who did not notice (or didn't care to fix) its issues during development. And it's their job to do so.

LA Noire is another game in recent memory that was developed from an outside company (Team Bondi) and ran into huge production issues, delays, and went over-budget. What did Rockstar do as publishers? They stepped in, put their own people on it, and got the game finished. That's what you're supposed to do. Team Bondi had no idea what they were doing, their studio was run like a sweatshop, their game was ridiculously behind schedule and over budget, and they needed their publisher to step in and set them right.

If Rockstar was in charge of Colonial Marines, I can assure you that they would not have allowed Gearbox to "swindle" them. A good publisher is well aware of what's going on with their game all throughout its development. They're the ones who sell you the game, and ultimately, they're the ones responsible for its quality.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 15, 2014, 03:28:22 am

Regardless of who worked on Bayonetta, Sega was put in charge

Sorry but that's like saying you hired a builder...everything looks ok when the building is finished until you moved in and find out that the builder fucked things up. Sega's fault was in hiring them but it was NOT their fault in the way the development went. You can keep on this nonsense and blame sega for things that wasn't Their fault in the first place but the bottom line is it wasn't. The fault lies with Next and with one else.

And there's no regardless about it. You tried to prove me wrong about the STG group and you couldn't.DEAL WITH IT and stop backtracking to save face. The article doesn't even have the guy mentioning it himself. So until you can get THAT simple little element right and get it from the horses mouth, there is no point carrying on this convo in your attempt to take me down. Because its clear you have little knowledge on what you are talking about especially when it comes to Sega and how they handle development. ::)

Sad thing is its not like their practices in their internal /external development culture is a big secret either. Geez and you are acting shocked and appalled..gimme a break and go back to playing sonic or some baby game that you think emphasizes Sega being your wishy washy version of "Nintendo with attitude", before you dare challenge me again...

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 15, 2014, 03:41:12 am
He means if it was SEGA and only SEGA. Obviously SEGA could have said no, but that doesn't make what Radrappy is saying any less true: if it was all up to SEGA, and ONLY SEGA, this game would never have been made.

But the game had already started development under Sega so again its not entirely true. RDY is saying they had no intention AT ALL to continue the series. I'm saying that's not the case. They did. Games don't fall off trees you know..they cost money to make...they all have a budget and they all must adhere to it because it ultimately affects the bottom line. The final report to the shareholders and business world.  Were not living in the era where Sega can dive into their treasure chest and continue funding projects..were living in an era where the treasure chest is firmly shut and is hardly dived into. That's the reason why Sega does have a lot of money but also the reason why they wont take the risks and wont finish things they have started.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on July 15, 2014, 12:27:00 pm
Sega is just the publisher with this game. The same with the original "Wonder Boy". Holding developers hostage to keep their image looking ok.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on July 15, 2014, 12:55:43 pm
Sega is just the publisher with this game. The same with the original "Wonder Boy". Holding developers hostage to keep their image looking ok.

That's a bit harsh. I was of the impression Platinum wanted to maintain the sweetheart deal they had; Sega bankrolls and Platinum gets to make what they want. Sega was open to continue making games, but not to continue on those terms, as only one of Platinum's games was successful.

Sega generally has had a pretty solid record with 2nd parties haven't they? Red and Treasure both seem to get along well with Sega. The only companies I can think of on poor terms are Camelot and that ToeJam and Earl guy.

If anything, Sega was too generous to Platinum, as they were with GearBox.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nirmugen on July 15, 2014, 05:12:24 pm
I think the principal problem is why CM become a buggy mess.

I remember that Gearbox also developed Bordelands 2 at the same time and that game doesn't have all this problems. Why? Gearbox dedicated more time to this game? they promise to Sega to finished the game and give the conffidence to make the pre-order deals with the retailers?

We will never know but we can use a past evidence...Duke Nukem Forever. That game also was developed in the same time as Bordelands, see the similar situation?

Remember that until the last month a game can be finished. Imagine a situation where Sega was waiting for the final game and in the last time Gearbox says that they have problems and this is the most they could work. All the deals, pre-orders was maded, so the game is going to be released inevitably.

In that case, we can say Sega has part of that problem but no the reason of the same.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 15, 2014, 07:34:49 pm

Sorry but that's like saying you hired a builder...everything looks ok when the building is finished until you moved in and find out that the builder fucked things up. Sega's fault was in hiring them but it was NOT their fault in the way the development went. You can keep on this nonsense and blame sega for things that wasn't Their fault in the first place but the bottom line is it wasn't. The fault lies with Next and with one else.

And there's no regardless about it. You tried to prove me wrong about the STG group and you couldn't.DEAL WITH IT and stop backtracking to save face. The article doesn't even have the guy mentioning it himself. So until you can get THAT simple little element right and get it from the horses mouth, there is no point carrying on this convo in your attempt to take me down. Because its clear you have little knowledge on what you are talking about especially when it comes to Sega and how they handle development. ::)

Sad thing is its not like their practices in their internal /external development culture is a big secret either. Geez and you are acting shocked and appalled..gimme a break and go back to playing sonic or some baby game that you think emphasizes Sega being your wishy washy version of "Nintendo with attitude", before you dare challenge me again...

haha "dare"? =p

Dude you're so incorrect with your assessment that it's almost hard to believe. First of all,

but that's like saying you hired a builder...everything looks ok when the building is finished until you moved in and find out that the builder fucked things up. Sega's fault was in hiring them but it was NOT their fault in the way the development went. You can keep on this nonsense and blame sega for things that wasn't Their fault in the first place but the bottom line is it wasn't. The fault lies with Next and with one else.

Okay, first of all, you do not "hire a builder." If you want something constructed you hire a contractor, who then hires a team of builders and sends them in to complete the project.

The contractor is the one who leads the project. They're the ones responsible and in charge. And if the builders aren't doing their jobs properly, it's the contractor's job to say "what the hell are you guys doing, get back to work!" If the building is completed poorly and falls apart, it's not the builders who get sued, it's the contractors who are held responsible, hate to tell ya man.

You don't just hire a group of builders and let them run rampant. The contractor is always there to keep an eye on things because that's what they were hired to do.

Sega are the contractors; 20th Century Fox gave them the Alien license. The builders Sega hired to do the job were Gearbox. It was Sega's job to keep an eye on the builders to make sure that the builders weren't taking their money and throwing it out the window, or making a bad product, or embezzling their funds. Again, this is the job of a publisher. Sega's negligence with Bayonetta PS3 and Aliens:Colonial Marines is just that, negligence. And yes, companies are held accountable for their negligence.

To say that Sega is not at fault for failing to keep an eye on their games through their development is insanity. And it shows total ignorance in the way game development works. Or any type of development!

If Marvel has a property like The Avengers, they don't simply hire the director and say "okay, here's $150 million GO NUTS!" They are involved, they have producers involved, they have people monitoring the day-to-day happenings on the set to make sure that the film being developed is what they want. That's how it works, man.

...gimme a break and go back to playing sonic or some baby game that you think emphasizes Sega being your wishy washy version of "Nintendo with attitude", before you dare challenge me again...

What.....are you talking about?  0.o
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on July 15, 2014, 10:49:58 pm
We know enough to know that left up to Sega, Bayonetta 2 wouldn't be happening.
SEGA had to allow Nintendo to publish it, it's even possible that SEGA went to Nintendo to get them to publish/fund it. If SEGA doesn't want Bayonetta 2, we wouldn't be getting Bayonetta 2. It's as simple as that.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on July 15, 2014, 11:32:53 pm
We don't know specifics, and really tired of people assuming they know more than anyone on the topic. Truth is: Nintendo is publishing. We don't know specifics other than its exclusive to Wii U.

Personally I'm enjoying the platformers on the console and excited for the game. But if the console doesn't pick up steam with Smash Bros, Nintendo is going to lose a ton of cash. Personally I can't stand Nintendo fans so if this is their last console I might not really care.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 16, 2014, 04:09:06 am
haha "dare"? =p

Dude you're so incorrect with your assessment that it's blah blah blah..i have no idea what i'm talking about but post things from the net without fully understanding them because i have a brain the size of a pea blah blah blah...

What.....are you talking about?  0.o
I'm talking about you. You're silly enough that you can't even understand that...Moving on...
That's a bit harsh. I was of the impression Platinum wanted to maintain the sweetheart deal they had; Sega bankrolls and Platinum gets to make what they want. Sega was open to continue making games, but not to continue on those terms, as only one of Platinum's games was successful.

Sega generally has had a pretty solid record with 2nd parties haven't they? Red and Treasure both seem to get along well with Sega. The only companies I can think of on poor terms are Camelot and that ToeJam and Earl guy.

If anything, Sega was too generous to Platinum, as they were with GearBox.

Yes that's right JB. And this is why i'm tired of arguing accepted facts about Sega with segafans who should know this stuff. Usually the same fans who have the WRONG idea about Sega and who think they are like any other company specifically Nintendo because they have a cute mascot also..
 Sega has always had a history of being a hands off publisher when it comes to second party development. That's why(apart from the deal)Platinum was all excited working for Sega. Everyone in the industry knows if you work for Sega in a second party capacity you have it made because its one of the few companies that practically lets you make the game you want to make with little to no interference. I don't need some smark telling me how it should be because he doesn't understand it..its established company culture. In fact its amazing it hadn't changed under Sega Sammy.
And we all know GBX conned Sega by showing dummy runs of the game and not the actual title. Sega didn't know the title was contracted to another party until very late in the game. All you can blame Sega for is being naive to trust a respected company like GBX at the time to make it. You can also blame them for releasing it but they really had no choice considering the situation they were in, they had to meet the margin.

We don't know specifics, and really tired of people assuming they know more than
anyone on the topic. Truth is: Nintendo is publishing. We don't know specifics
other than its exclusive to Wii U.

I know some of the specifics, i was going on about it at the time it became common knowledge. I won't pretend i know THE exact details but they are pretty close to what happened from what i was told.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 16, 2014, 04:15:12 am
SEGA had to allow Nintendo to publish it, it's even possible that SEGA went to Nintendo to get them to publish/fund it. If SEGA doesn't want Bayonetta 2, we wouldn't be getting Bayonetta 2. It's as simple as that.

Lets just say it was a deal that came at a time when both companies were desperate. Nintendo needed more killer AAA games. Sega needed to continue a AAA title with minimal cost to themselves..PG needed the money.So if it succeeds its all worked well for all involved than it is now...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 16, 2014, 06:36:54 am
Sega is just the publisher with this game. The same with the original "Wonder Boy". Holding developers hostage to keep their image looking ok.

What the F are you F'ing talking about? WONDERBOY held hostage? What the hell is Adventure Island for the PC Engine? Swiss Cheese? Get outta here. For gods sake. Why do you come here? None of your posts make any sense, nobody here understands or even cares what you are saying anymore...if they DO understand you ..they wish they had n't..none of the subjects you bring have anything to do with Sega or games in general..and you really don't bring anything to the table except an empty plate...

Goodness gracious....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on July 16, 2014, 06:45:55 am
What the F are you F'ing talking about? WONDERBOY held hostage?

Goodness gracious....

Why the swearing and insults ? And if anyone is all over the place its you . SEGA got a enough money to buy Capcom outright but not to publish Bayonetta II on the Wii U ?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 16, 2014, 06:47:36 am
Why the swearing and insults ? And if anyone is all over the place its you . SEGA got a enough money to buy Capcom outright but not to publish Bayonetta II on the Wii U ?

What a siding with the loon of the month...

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on July 16, 2014, 07:24:30 am
What a siding with the loon of the month...

No I just don't get why you need to insult people . And all SEGA did with Bay is buy the IP rights and publish the game - they never made it all
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 16, 2014, 07:27:46 am
No I just don't get why you need to insult people . And all SEGA blah blah blah blah blah..

Yawn...losing an argument in another topic so you have to resort to this usual tactic to get the brownie points and make yourself the good guy. Like i said a loon supporting a loon. Stop wasting my time...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on July 16, 2014, 08:14:54 am

I've lost no argument at all with you . And I've always said Bay isn't a SEGA game
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 16, 2014, 11:43:37 am
I've lost no argument at all with you . And I've always said Bay isn't a SEGA game
Yes you lost lots of them including the one about Capcom. And now your dredging the Bay isn't sega thing again.Give it up.Like i said stop wasting my time...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 16, 2014, 05:28:55 pm
No I just don't get why you need to insult people .

It's a tactic used by certain people who realize that they're wrong midway through a discussion and try to avoid admitting this by ignoring the post in question and responding with insults.

Though I'm a little annoyed that I wasted my time replying to someone who clearly in his mind has no room for anyone but himself to be, it is what it is. If ROJM thinks it helps his "rep" around here to be insulting, then more power to him. We all mature at some point.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 17, 2014, 03:22:46 am
It's a tactic used by certain people who realize that they're wrong midway through a discussion and try to avoid admitting this by ignoring the post in question and responding with insults.

Though I'm a little annoyed that I wasted my time replying to someone who clearly in his mind has no room for anyone but himself to be, it is what it is. If ROJM thinks it helps his "rep" around here to be insulting, then more power to him. We all mature at some point.

Actually i don't need to play tactics, mate..i just don't suffer fools gladly especially when it comes to Sega. Half the stuff you're spouting nonsense about is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Yet you don't know it. Its no point continuing a debate with a peanut when they clearly have no knowledge(but pretend to have it) about the subject matter. Its wasting everybody's time especially mine.
So keep playing "the mature" card tactic is not hard when anyone dismantles your argument they'll soon find out that there's nothing there.
Not surprising really...considering who you're username use to be..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Chaosmaster8753 on July 17, 2014, 01:43:21 pm
On another note, Nintendo's hosting a screening of Bayonetta: Bloody Fate's English dub at San Diego Comic Con:

Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8 aren’t the only franchises with unique activities at Comic-Con. Bayonetta fans will want to make sure they mark their calendars for a screening of the new animated film Bayonetta: Bloody Fate from FUNimation Entertainment. The stylized animated movie follows the powerful witch Bayonetta as she battles the forces of heaven to regain her memory. The feature film will screen Friday, July 25, at 9:35 p.m. PT in Marriott Hall Room 4 at the Marriott Marquis & Marina hotel. (A San Diego Comic-Con badge is required for entry.)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on July 17, 2014, 04:30:32 pm
More like the new JAPANESE ANIMATION, that is being censored across the Atlantic ( I could only assume ). Come one and all, fall in love with Anime all over again. Besides their is not one thing else at CC to look forward to, and everybody is so broke, they are unable to travel to Cali, Japan, France, Canada, or China. I really like this tactic, they are milking people for as little penny possible, just to show off their products and give fan fare items, up front. On the other side, for the little guys ( people like me or you), they get to show their works off, directly to the public. Only real reason to go to these events, is to get your stuff signed, and for lay-a-way goods. I would avoid big business however. Then Nintendo, AGAIN NINTENDO, knows that this game is going to be a big draw to their system, along with their other stuff. So it is like "Blah blah blah is showing off, ONLY ON NINTENDO, blah blah".

Speaking of CC, I remember back when "Suicide Girls" was banned from the event, because they were accused of selling X-rated material to minors, and their booth was not in the correct place. That was just from the idea of the product, and not what they were giving out.

Another thing, I remember when they had these events, just a couple of doors down, their was the adult entertainment expo awards right next door. Funny how these events are on going in the same day.

Yup.............................................Videogames at an Comic book convention. What is this world coming to. Just goes to show were the money is sliding into. Thing I hate the most is when an corperate store ( a store that is not real comic book people ) takes center stage. Like in my area, ( their is this big store ), and the people who run it are complete jerks. They do not care about the Hulk, Superman, or Spider-Man, they are just running the store because they know some moron will walk in and drop their entire savings in their hands. The moment they leave, they are back to making fun of everybody that walks in. Of course I am not talking about a big store that is advertised for years, not the little stores, that only have three chains and you barely hear anything about them, unless they are starting out. Then there are the yuppie stores, but then again can't beat em then join em........ Just hunting the consumers for money, hunting the artists for money, and somewhere in their is an naive person, who thinks everything is just right.

There better be booth babes too, who have good hair and smiles.... not another giant line with a bunch of Jappa-wanna-bee's attempting to grow their hair out. I was one them too, but a whole room of them, kinda gets on my nerves. But that is the past. The staff their are just cringing for the pocket change of everybody who enters. If I did went their I would probably see a bunch of people from my past. Small world.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 17, 2014, 07:10:49 pm
Just really fast;

So keep playing "the mature" card tactic is not hard when anyone dismantles your argument they'll soon find out that there's nothing there.

My argument was not dismantled. Namecalling is not "dismantling an argument."

The publisher bears responsibility for the games they publish. Publishers are involved in a game throughout its development and they approve the game at the end. They are not "surprised" by a game that they release. And if they were, then they did not do their jobs properly.

So yes, if you buy a bad game published by Sega (that they initiated...I'm not talking about a game Sega picked up to publish that was already done beforehand like Nancy Drew or The Conduit, though even then...) then yes Sega is at least partially to blame.


I mean dude, lol, Sega hired Gearbox......Gearbox was not in charge of the project, Sega was. It was their game; they could have chosen to develop it internally, instead they gave development duties to Gearbox. Sega could have fired Gearbox, they could have said to Gearbox, "no, we don't want you outsourcing this game to Timegate, we want you doing it," they could have said "no, this isn't right, we need you to fix this."

That's their job as a publisher. And generally speaking, when a project goes bad, those who were in charge are held accountable. Granted, in this case, I think most gamers have held Gearbox accountable, which, speaking as a Sega fan, is a good thing; I don't want Sega to be the ones blamed for this, lol. And Gearbox certainly knows better than to put out something like Aliens:Colonial Marines.

But in all honesty, yeah dude, as the one in charge, Sega is technically the one to blame. Sega was the one in charge here, and they let Colonial Marines happen.  Gearbox was not doing its job properly, and Sega either didn't keep a close enough eye on the game's development, or they just didn't care enough to fix the problems; either way, Sega certainly bears responsibility.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on July 17, 2014, 07:44:57 pm
^Oh come on, Conduit was pretty fun.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 17, 2014, 07:59:42 pm
haha I didn't diss The Conduit, (haven't played it) just using that as an example. Sega picked up the game when it was already nearly done, so their input was limited.

Something like Colonial Marines though, Sega was involved with from the start. So to say they bear no responsibility at all for it is crazy.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on July 17, 2014, 11:45:41 pm
^ I agree. Conduit is what it is. The issue here is that SEGA keeps changing direction too damn much. Like just 2 years ago we had a ton of imports: Yakuza Dead Souls, Binary Domain, a few years before that they where doing Marvel content and license movie stuff and now they are sticking with the bare minimum that make money.

The issues is that SEGA West and especially SEGA America hasn't hit it out of the park outside of their mobile/PC divisions and even the new management is sorta fucking up the PC sides of things. Total War II Rome was rushed and most likely due to big failures like Binary Domain, Yakuza Dead Souls and stuff.

But regardless, console side, SEGA has not really made a huge spark. Colonial Marines was in the works forever and survived a bunch of layoffs at SEGA/revolving doors, it was obviously mismanaged. If anything SEGA should have killed it and just given Creative Assembly the game and/or give Rebellion another shot. Was Aliens vs Predator amazing? No, but it was better than Colonial Marines and given fleshed out controls/more time it could be really good. Especially if they take a 'Left 4 Dead' type turn on multiplayer.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 18, 2014, 01:08:16 am
Yeah that's what I keep trying to tell ROJM. Sega are the publishers of the game; they had the freedom to do whatever they wanted to fix it. They could have fired Gearbox, they could have sent in staff from Rebellion or from Creative Assembly to assist Gearbox...I mean, they could have done so much to fix the game when it was discovered that Gearbox's interests had moved elsewhere.

And the infamous "whistleblower" claimed that Sega did briefly cancel the game once they learned that Gearbox was putting their people on other projects like Borderlands and generally mismanaging...but then they pretty much resumed development with Gearbox in control, basically deciding just to go with it...Bad choice.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 18, 2014, 04:30:04 am
Just really fast;

My argument was not dismantled. Namecalling is not "dismantling an argument."

The publisher bears responsibility for the games they publish. Publishers are involved in a game throughout its development and they approve the game at the end. They are not "surprised" by a game that they release. And if they were, then they did not do their jobs properly.

So yes, if you buy a bad game published by Sega (that they initiated...I'm not talking about a game Sega picked up to publish that was already done beforehand like Nancy Drew or The Conduit, though even then...) then yes Sega is at least partially to blame.


I mean dude, lol, Sega hired Gearbox......Gearbox was not in charge of the project, Sega was. It was their game; they could have chosen to develop it internally, instead they gave development duties to Gearbox. Sega could have fired Gearbox, they could have said to Gearbox, "no, we don't want you outsourcing this game to Timegate, we want you doing it," they could have said "no, this isn't right, we need you to fix this."

That's their job as a publisher. And generally speaking, when a project goes bad, those who were in charge are held accountable. Granted, in this case, I think most gamers have held Gearbox accountable, which, speaking as a Sega fan, is a good thing; I don't want Sega to be the ones blamed for this, lol. And Gearbox certainly knows better than to put out something like Aliens:Colonial Marines.

But in all honesty, yeah dude, as the one in charge, Sega is technically the one to blame. Sega was the one in charge here, and they let Colonial Marines happen.  Gearbox was not doing its job properly, and Sega either didn't keep a close enough eye on the game's development, or they just didn't care enough to fix the problems; either way, Sega certainly bears responsibility.

Namecalling came after the fact. Get it right. Saving face and backtracking really doesn't do you any justice.Laughable really..And yes you couldn't prove me wrong otherwise on your banal attempt to point out the STG being involved when the work was done mostly by Next.

Second..i at least expect people to be familiar with Sega's practices. You're not exactly new around here yet you don't know of their reputation of being more of the relaxed publishers in the industry.

Third ACM was a con job from GBX from the very beginning. So blaming Sega for everything like you like to do won't cut it. Keep repeating that fact, anyone knows anything about the production knows that GBX was hardly upfront about the situation.

That's the end. Deal with it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 18, 2014, 04:34:24 am
^ I agree. Conduit is what it is. The issue here is that SEGA keeps changing direction too damn much. Like just 2 years ago we had a ton of imports: Yakuza Dead Souls, Binary Domain, a few years before that they where doing Marvel content and license movie stuff and now they are sticking with the bare minimum that make money.

The issues is that SEGA West and especially SEGA America hasn't hit it out of the park outside of their mobile/PC divisions and even the new management is sorta fucking up the PC sides of things. Total War II Rome was rushed and most likely due to big failures like Binary Domain, Yakuza Dead Souls and stuff.

But regardless, console side, SEGA has not really made a huge spark. Colonial Marines was in the works forever and survived a bunch of layoffs at SEGA/revolving doors, it was obviously mismanaged. If anything SEGA should have killed it and just given Creative Assembly the game and/or give Rebellion another shot. Was Aliens vs Predator amazing? No, but it was better than Colonial Marines and given fleshed out controls/more time it could be really good. Especially if they take a 'Left 4 Dead' type turn on multiplayer.

They couldn't just kill it unfortunatly, they couldn't afford to. But heads rolled after that game made release including Hayes who was told his position was no longer tenable. If anything that game probably helped kill off a lot of game production in Sega alone specifically for the west.
Now all they're intrested in is strengthing the PC divison. If ALIEN ISOLATION does well it may open the doors again on console development in the west..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 18, 2014, 04:51:08 am
^Oh come on, Conduit was pretty fun.

It was..and it was cheap too. My problem with Sega especially in the west is that they haven't given time to develop a series that players can get into and start to identify Sega with. Everytime they start something as George mentioned, they stop it.
At the start of the last gen, Sega released two games that players started to get into. One was FULL AUTO the other was CONDEMNED. CONDEMNED needed another game to solidfy the series, FULL AUTO was popular with the people that brought it but they couldn't buy the sequel because it became a PS3 exclusive.Some of it like CONDEMNED was out of Sega's control since the developer and IP was owned by Warner's who was going into game development fully by the time the sequel came out. But this problem crops up with various other games as well. CHROMEHOUNDS, VALKYRIA to an extent..BD the list is endless.
CONDUIT wasa starting to get a nice following with players on Nintendo. All Sega had to do was publish the game on the 3DS but whatever plans that they had just didn't happen. If Sega gave the time to let their games build with an audience than maybe they would have more titles released this gen.
But because of the fiasco of ACM and this instant money mentality that has gripped management ever since Sammy took over..even if a game does moderatly well...they won't carry on with it and let it build. VANQUISH wasn't even a flop but they thought they could get more. Sega has become too tent pole obsessed when it comes to console games and where the west is concerned can't really establish anything beyond Sonic with gamers today because the management won't give the teams and etc the time.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 18, 2014, 02:04:09 pm
Namecalling came after the fact. Get it right. Saving face and backtracking really doesn't do you any justice.Laughable really..

I didn't backtrack at all. I am repeating the same points I've been saying since the beginning.

And yes you couldn't prove me wrong otherwise on your banal attempt to point out the STG being involved when the work was done mostly by Next.

Okay, I admitted to you that an outside developer did "most of the work." Again (and I repeat) that doesn't excuse the poor quality of the game. Sega failed in their efforts to port Bayonetta because they put it in the hands of an incapable developer and didn't fix the problems before releasing it.

Third ACM was a con job from GBX from the very beginning. So blaming Sega for everything like you like to do won't cut it. Keep repeating that fact, anyone knows anything about the production knows that GBX was hardly upfront about the situation.

Gearbox could be as un-upfront as they want. Sega should have been supervising the project carefully. When most companies publish a game, that's what they do. They have staff regularly checking up on the game to make sure all's going well.

You call it a "relaxed attitude." That's no excuse, lol.

"Hey boss, I can't do my job because I have a relaxed attitude today."

See how far that gets you.

(With as much money as Sega had tied up in this project, the last thing they should have had was a "relaxed attitude.")

But heads rolled after that game made release including Hayes who was told his position was no longer tenable.

Wrong again, Mike Hayes was let go in June 2012, long before the release of Colonial Marines (which was February 2013). If anything the final straw for Mike Hayes was probably Binary Domain.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 19, 2014, 03:35:14 am

I didn't backtrack at all. I am repeating the same points I've been saying since
the beginning.
No you were backtracking.

Okay, I admitted to you that an outside developer did "most of the work." Again
(and I repeat) that doesn't excuse the poor quality of the game. Sega failed in
their efforts to port Bayonetta because they put it in the hands of an incapable
developer and didn't fix the problems before releasing it.
Its not an admission you were wrong end of. Backtracking to save face.Who is excusing the quality of the game? Next has a good reputation as a developer up to that point and they worked with Sega on various projects in the past. Again you're genralising here

Gearbox could be as un-upfront as they want. Sega should have been supervising
the project carefully. When most companies publish a game, that's what they do.
They have staff regularly checking up on the game to make sure all's going well.

Yawn you can do all the checking you want if GBX is deliberaty hiding the game and showing you mock demos its hardly a fair assement. Again you are blaming the wrong guy but since you have a history of criticising Sega either here or the sega forums i'm not suprised.
You call it a "relaxed attitude." That's no excuse, lol.
Like i said Sega has a history of not being a dictator to second party developers. That doesn't mean they won't check to see how the game is coming along. It means they won't intefere with the creative vision.  ::)

"Hey boss, I can't do my job because I have a relaxed attitude today."

See how far that gets you.

Ridiculous and has nothing to do with the point. Yet again why bother follow a company for so long if you have no clue on how they wanna be a fan of some company then go away and bother someone else in their forum...

With as much money as Sega had tied up in this project, the last thing they
should have had was a "relaxed attitude.")
Oh they checked the game but like i said GBX was far from forthcoming. Which is COMMON you are basically trolling the subject and going into your favourite pastime... "lets bash Sega..."

Wrong again, Mike Hayes was let go in June 2012, long before the release of
Colonial Marines (which was February 2013). If anything the final straw for Mike
Hayes was probably Binary Domain.
No shadow legend  i'm not wrong again since you haven't proved me wrong in anything...
Games companies work in a particular schedule and titles ready to go are usually seen before they are ready for mass market release schedule. ACM was meant to come out in 2012 then it got put back. So 2012 was its release. that's when heads got canned and Hayes got sacked. So you can argue that Sega shouldn't have released the game when they did finally see it. But considering the situation at the time and with the license in particular they had no choice. He didn't get sacked because of BINARY DOMAIN either..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on July 20, 2014, 06:13:22 am
GBX is deliberaty hiding the game and showing you mock demos its hardly a fair assement

If you are producing a game then you should be playing the game and approving every part of it . There's a huge difference between showing a mock demo to the press, to letting  the producers the game play the game.

SEGA did sort of know what was happing and did threaten Gearbox with court action at one stage . But I think with Gearbox track record they all thought it would come together.     

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 20, 2014, 08:28:09 pm
Who is excusing the quality of the game? Next has a good reputation as a developer up to that point and they worked with Sega on various projects in the past. Again you're genralising here

And again, Sega approved the game and released it, even with its technical issues, so yeah they do bear a good portion of the game. Next either didn't have enough time or they were in over their heads; either way, Sega should have corrected the problem before release.

Yawn you can do all the checking you want if GBX is deliberaty hiding the game and showing you mock demos its hardly a fair assement. Again you are blaming the wrong guy but since you have a history of criticising Sega either here or the sega forums i'm not suprised.

Gearbox hid the game from the press. But they shouldn't have been able to hide the game from Sega. As publisher, Sega should have had a day-to-day (or at least weekly) presense in the game's development. This is how it works, and why people from the publisher are often credited as Producers on the games they publish.

That doesn't mean they won't check to see how the game is coming along. It means they won't intefere with the creative vision.  ::)

In CM's case, wouldn't you agree that they should have?

Oh they checked the game but like i said GBX was far from forthcoming. Which is COMMON you are basically trolling the subject and going into your favourite pastime... "lets bash Sega..."

Again, Sega should have had their own staff actively participating in the game's development, like every publisher who puts this type of money into a game does.

Games companies work in a particular schedule and titles ready to go are usually seen before they are ready for mass market release schedule. ACM was meant to come out in 2012 then it got put back. So 2012 was its release. that's when heads got canned and Hayes got sacked. So you can argue that Sega shouldn't have released the game when they did finally see it. But considering the situation at the time and with the license in particular they had no choice. He didn't get sacked because of BINARY DOMAIN either..

We don't know why he got sacked but it wasn't due to Aliens:Colonial Marines. The game wasn't even out yet and at the time had been getting very positive feedback from the press.

If you are producing a game then you should be playing the game and approving every part of it . There's a huge difference between showing a mock demo to the press, to letting  the producers the game play the game.

Yes, thank you.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on July 21, 2014, 04:47:13 am
Gearbox hid the game from the press. But they shouldn't have been able to hide the game from Sega. As publisher, Sega should have had a day-to-day (or at least weekly) presense in the game's development. This is how it works, and why people from the publisher are often credited as Producers on the games they publish.

No they shouldn't and the producers on the game play the most important part of the role : They are the ones that pick and assign the team , control the budgets and then pass on to the higher ups if the game needs more staff, more money or more time and so on .

And again, Sega approved the game and released it, even with its technical issues

Yes but I bet they was pressure from the higher up's and also for the likes of Fox just to bring the game out  - When you pay Gearbox top dollar you don't expect to have such a poor product in the end .
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 21, 2014, 05:23:20 am

No they shouldn't and the producers on the game play the most important part
of the role : They are the ones that pick and assign the team , control the
budgets and then pass on to the higher ups if the game needs more staff, more
money or more time and so on .

Yet they did. That's been estabilshed now that the money went on two other titles rather than ACM.

And again, Sega approved the game and released it, even with its technical

Yes but I bet they was pressure from the higher up's and also for the likes of
Fox just to bring the game out  - When you pay Gearbox top dollar you don't
expect to have such a poor product in the end .

He's talking about BAYONETTA..not ACM...Trademark mistake 101...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on July 21, 2014, 05:29:44 am

He's talking about BAYONETTA..not ACM...Trademark mistake 101...

Well in that case I blame Platinum just as much as SEGA tbh  if not more so - They were paid for a multi platform game . Though SEGA should have given next more time to get the PS3 code right , more so with a game like Bay -where frame rate is really important to the battle system

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 21, 2014, 05:30:19 am

And again, Sega approved the game and released it, even with its technical
issues, so yeah they do bear a good portion of the game. Next either didn't have
enough time or they were in over their heads; either way, Sega should have
corrected the problem before release.

The way Platinum coded the game i'm not really suprised. But research the subject before you actually know what you 're talking about..Things in development aren't as simple as blaming one company to another..

Gearbox hid the game from the press. But they shouldn't have been able to hide
the game from Sega. As publisher, Sega should have had a day-to-day (or at least
weekly) presense in the game's development. This is how it works, and why people
from the publisher are often credited as Producers on the games they publish.

Don't be silly. No publisher does that.Again you're living in a fantasy world.

In CM's case, wouldn't you agree that they should have?
Again what reason would they have needed? GBX was a respected publisher at that time...Sega wasn't to know how it was going to turn out. After the first cancellation they should have concentrated on it a bit more...but really that was Sega west's mo not Sega japan...
Again, Sega should have had their own staff actively participating in the
game's development, like every publisher who puts this type of money into a game

Not every publisher does.

We don't know why he got sacked but it wasn't due to Aliens:Colonial
Marines. The game wasn't even out yet and at the time had been getting very
positive feedback from the press.

It was. Sega saw the game back in 2012. That was when it was meant to be released. Sega also wasn't pleased with the progress of any of the western console titles were doing. They were putting in a lot of money and not seeing much returns. Same reason Jeffery was let go he was commited to tons of projects but they weren't going anywhere and they canned all of those games along with Jeffery as well. Just because the press sees one thing doesn't mean anything..

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 21, 2014, 05:35:55 am
Well in that case I blame Platinum just as much as SEGA tbh  if not more so - They were paid for a multi platform game . Though SEGA should have given next more time to get the PS3 code right , more so with a game like Bay -where frame rate is really important to the battle system

Which is why i don't blame Next..Platinum repeated the problem with VANQUISH but Sega at least sent people who could handle it. Like i said before PG gave Sega quite a headache when it came down to some of their games when it was near the publishing stage.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 21, 2014, 02:12:36 pm
Well in that case I blame Platinum just as much as SEGA tbh  if not more so - They were paid for a multi platform game . Though SEGA should have given next more time to get the PS3 code right , more so with a game like Bay -where frame rate is really important to the battle system

Platinum developed an Xbox 360 game. It was Sega who opted to create the PS3 version, I guess because they didn't feel that the 360  version alone would sell in Japan.

Platinum's mistake apparently was trusting Sega to do this, and they've admitted since that they regretted the decision.

Yet they did. That's been estabilshed now that the money went on two other titles rather than ACM.

Again, wouldn't have happened if Sega kept a closer eye on the game and where the money was going.

Don't be silly. No publisher does that.Again you're living in a fantasy world.

Not true at all. Look at the credits for LA Noire; the Houser Brothers are credited as producers. The game was developed by an outside team in Australia and Rockstar had staff supervising the project; and when it was in development hell Rockstar sent in their team to fix it.

Nintendo put a couple of their staff into Retro Studios when they began developing Metroid Prime, and they reported regularly to Miyamoto. Producers from Epic Games were credited for Gears of War Judgment even though that too was outsourced. That's how it works, dude. No publisher in their right mind throws 20 million+ into a game and lets that money go completely unsupervised.

Except Sega, I guess, you're saying.

Which is why i don't blame Next..Platinum repeated the problem with VANQUISH but Sega at least sent people who could handle it.

Both versions of Vanquish were developed in-house at Platinum.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 22, 2014, 04:33:46 am

Platinum developed an Xbox 360 game. It was Sega who opted to create the PS3
version, I guess because they didn't feel that the 360  version alone would
sell in Japan.
PG always knew the game was going to be multiplatform..they make a game as a lead platform before its ported to the other system. VANQUISH was made on the PS3 before ported for 360...

Platinum's mistake apparently was trusting Sega to do this, and they've admitted
since that they regretted the decision.

Platinum says things that aren't necessarly true either.With the money they were getting they weren't complaining...
Again, wouldn't have happened if Sega kept a closer eye on the game and
where the money was going.
But it did because of GBX underhand tactics..

Not true at all. Look at the credits for LA Noire; the Houser Brothers are
credited as producers. The game was developed by an outside team in Australia
and Rockstar had staff supervising the project; and when it was in development
hell Rockstar sent in their team to fix it.

Nintendo put a couple of
their staff into Retro Studios when they began developing Metroid Prime, and
they reported regularly to Miyamoto. Producers from Epic Games were credited for
Gears of War Judgment even though that too was outsourced. That's how it works,
dude. No publisher in their right mind throws 20 million+ into a game and lets
that money go completely unsupervised.

Not really proof just a hand ful of publishers..and its hardly checking every day of the week either...

Except Sega, I guess, you're saying.
Sega checks their games but they don't go overboard with it. I said relaxed that doesn't mean no checking at all...

Both versions of Vanquish were developed in-house at Platinum.

As usual missing the point. I'm talking about when the game was ready for publishing.Thats when problems arose.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 22, 2014, 03:46:09 pm
I hadn't read about any problems relating to Vanquish's development. Whether the PS3 version was the main development version or not didn't really matter, as both games played and looked pretty much identically. That's how it's supposed to be done.

Why anyone at Sega thought that the PS3 version of Bayonetta was okay to release is mindboggling.

But it did because of GBX underhand tactics..

And again, if Sega kept in close contact with Gearbox and supervised the project throughout development, Gearbox wouldn't have been able to use these tactics. You can't hide from regular progress checks/testing sessions/regularly visiting Sega staff.

Not really proof just a hand ful of publishers..and its hardly checking every day of the week either...

I think you'll find that most publishers do this, man. Picture if you were a publisher and you were pouring $20 million+ into a project that you're're keeping a close eye on that project. This is how the vast majority of publisher-developer relationships work.

Especially in the age of digital communication dude, it's not that hard to check up on a game regularly. It's not even like we're still in the 90s when a publisher had to physically drop by.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 23, 2014, 04:26:41 am

I hadn't read about any problems relating to Vanquish's development. Whether the
PS3 version was the main development version or not didn't really matter, as
both games played and looked pretty much identically. That's how it's supposed
to be done.

Because its not common knowledge that's why you won't find anything on it.But you can thank Sega west's team for saving that game..
Why anyone at Sega thought that the PS3 version of Bayonetta was okay to
release is mindboggling.
It isn't that bad compared to ACM. Stop over exaggerating...

And again, if Sega kept in close contact with Gearbox and supervised the project
throughout development, Gearbox wouldn't have been able to use these tactics.
You can't hide from regular progress checks/testing sessions/regularly visiting
Sega staff.

Sega had too many projects going on at the time so that would have been part of the reason.Obsidian had trouble too with ALPHA PROTOCOL and their ALIENS RPG but Sega decided to can that game mainly because they thought they couldn't market that title..shame..

I think you'll find that most publishers do this, man. Picture if you were a
publisher and you were pouring $20 million+ into a project that you're're keeping a close eye on that project. This is how the vast
majority of publisher-developer relationships work.

Again not all..

Especially in the age of digital communication dude, it's not that hard to check
up on a game regularly. It's not even like we're still in the 90s when a
publisher had to physically drop by.
And you don't think Sega didn't do that..again GBX was stalling Sega from the beginning.Again blame GBX and not sega because you are way too keen to blame Sega for many things....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 23, 2014, 02:16:20 pm
And you're apparently keen to not blame Sega for anything. You also clearly have no idea how video game publishing works.

I'd love to know where your "super secret" Vanquish info comes from but I guess it's probably not worth discussing further, I think we're probably nearing the end of this, don't you?

It isn't that bad compared to ACM. Stop over exaggerating...

It isn't that bad compared to a piece of dog crap on the sidewalk either, lol, what does one have to do with the other? Bayonetta on the PS3 was a bad port that was bad to the extent that it had to be scored differently due to its inferiority. That's not how you do a multiplat release.

But of course, Sega bears no blame for it, right? Afterall, they only commissioned its development, published it, and approved the final product....

And no I don't "blame Sega for everything." But as publishers, yes, absolutely, they play a major role in the quality of the games they release. Just like any publisher.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 24, 2014, 03:41:04 am

And you're apparently keen to not blame Sega for anything. You also clearly have
no idea how video game publishing works.
I do. You obviously DON'T. You have NO clue that each company works differently and have their own company culture in doing things. Trying to use the likes of EA and western studios as an example really is pathectic when it doesn't apply to japanese studios and in particular Sega. Some do, some don't. Like i said anyone in the industry KNOWS and i repeat KNOWS GBX was pulling a fast one with Sega. I could give at least half the details on it but again you'll use it to critcise Sega.
Now someone who is supposedly a fan of Sega and is a writer but DOESN'T know that Sega has a relaxed second party system..which isn't an insider secert either needs to do BETTER research.

It isn't that bad compared to a piece of dog crap on the sidewalk either, lol,
what does one have to do with the other? Bayonetta on the PS3 was a bad port
that was bad to the extent that it had to be scored differently due to its
inferiority. That's not how you do a multiplat release.

The game got high scores. Again its only you that really has a problem with it.

But of course, Sega bears no blame for it, right? Afterall, they only
commissioned its development, published it, and approved the final product....

No Shadow....I just don't want to lend more credence in your campaign of sega bashing which you always tend to do.
I'd love to know where your "super secret" Vanquish info comes from but I guess
it's probably not worth discussing further, I think we're probably nearing the
end of this, don't you?

I wouldn't tell you anyway. You will more likely copy and paste my info anyway and pass it off as your own just like you did when i was here ages back and mentioned that Sega canned a ton of games for 2012 before anyone else said it. Guess what?A few months later, i come back and see you peddling the same info. Gimme a break. And yes your right this subject isn't worth going further with someone who doesn't have a clue what he's on about using TWO extreme situations and trying to make out that Sega is neligable. End. I'm not going to waste my time and energy on a wannabe any longer...

And no I don't "blame Sega for everything." But as publishers, yes, absolutely,
they play a major role in the quality of the games they release. Just like any

GBX made it.End of. Next made it. End of.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on July 24, 2014, 02:00:43 pm
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 25, 2014, 03:07:36 am
Now someone who is supposedly a fan of Sega and is a writer but DOESN'T know that Sega has a relaxed second party system..which isn't an insider secert either needs to do BETTER research.

You keep saying that, dude. I'm not denying that they have a relaxed second party system. I'm saying that it's a problem.

The game got high scores. Again its only you that really has a problem with it.

lol I'm the only one who had a problem with the PS3 version of Bayonetta? Now you're just being silly.

anyway. You will more likely copy and paste my info anyway and pass it off as your own just like you did when i was here ages back and mentioned that Sega canned a ton of games for 2012 before anyone else said it. Guess what?A few months later, i come back and see you peddling the same info.

lol what? Dude I read about Sega cancelling games from an online magazine, had nothing to do with anything you posted, don't flatter yourself.

I tend not to believe anyone on a message board who claims to have "insider info" and would never dignify it by re-posting it.

End. I'm not going to waste my time and energy on a wannabe any longer...

lol who do I want to be?

GBX made it.End of. Next made it. End of.

And who was responsible for putting out both?

I won't give it away; their name starts with an S. See if you can guess.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 25, 2014, 04:19:29 am

You keep saying that, dude. I'm not denying that they have a relaxed second
party system. I'm saying that it's a problem.

You didn't KNOW they had one at the begining of this topic.
lol I'm the only one who had a problem with the PS3 version of Bayonetta?
Now you're just being silly.

No i'm not. You're acting like its unplayable.

lol what? Dude I read about Sega cancelling games from an online magazine, had
nothing to do with anything you posted, don't flatter yourself.

Sure you did..funny that i was saying it way before it became public knowledge.So yeah i will flatter myself...

I tend not to believe anyone on a message board who claims to have "insider
info" and would never dignify it by re-posting it.

Good for in ignorance.

lol who do I want to be?

You don't wanna be a sega fan that's for sure..

And who was responsible for putting out both?

Next and GBX.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 25, 2014, 05:24:16 am
You didn't KNOW they had one at the begining of this topic.

I don't even know what you're talking about. What I've been saying in this whole topic is that Sega should have kept a closer eye on Colonial Marines. Whether it was due to a "relaxed attitude" or "bad judgment" really has no bearing on anything.

The point is, it should have been done.

No i'm not. You're acting like its unplayable.

No it's not unplayable, but it's by far the lesser version.

You don't wanna be a sega fan that's for sure..

We have different definitions of a "fan" it seems. To me a fan is someone who enjoys the artistic output of a company; I enjoy Sega's games, so I am a fan of the company.

If I were to judge your view of a "fan" based on this discussion, you seem to think that a fan is someone who has to support and agree with the company no matter what. To me that has nothing to do with being a fan. I can be a fan of a company but think that some of the decisions they make are wrong. I don't hold this belief that to be a fan of a company, you have to support everything they do.

I can't think of a single company that's perfect.

Next and GBX.

No, neither of these 2 are publishers. Sega as publisher had final say on all things Bayonetta and Colonial Marines. Neither Gearbox nor Next would have been able to put out these games without Sega publishing them.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 25, 2014, 06:21:19 am

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Geez keep up. You weren't aware Sega had a relaxed environment/policy when it comes to second party game development...
Not really hard to understand... ::)

What I've been saying in this whole topic is that Sega should have kept a closer eye on Colonial Marines. Whether it was due to a "relaxed attitude" or "bad judgment" really has no bearing on anything.

It does actually. That's part of the reason PG wanted to work for Sega..that's part of the reason why a lot of companies like to work with them especially if they are getting their first games off the ground because its easier for them to establish their company

The point is, it should have been done.

The point it was..salvaged is the word here...

No it's not unplayable, but it's by far the lesser version.

No argument there. But from what people read in your posts you act like its the worst thing ever made... ::)

We have different definitions of a "fan" it seems. To me a fan is someone who enjoys the artistic output of a company; I enjoy Sega's games, so I am a fan of the company.

If I were to judge your view of a "fan" based on this discussion, you seem to think that a fan is someone who has to support and agree with the company no matter what. To me that has nothing to do with being a fan. I can be a fan of a company but think that some of the decisions they make are wrong. I don't hold this belief that to be a fan of a company, you have to support everything they do.

No shcmoo sherlock..but i don't constantly BASH the company like you seem to do most of the time. You can't remove your critical eye and see how extreme the cases that you bring up actually were. So don't act the victim card. I judge on what you've been consistently doing from here to the Sega forums.

I can't think of a single company that's perfect.

Well then.. ::)

No, neither of these 2 are publishers. Sega as publisher had final say on all things Bayonetta and Colonial Marines. Neither Gearbox nor Next would have been able to put out these games without Sega publishing them.
Again the fault lies with the companies that made the games that's it. Sega had to salvage something from a real bad situation. Its as simple as that.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on July 25, 2014, 07:59:41 am


Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 25, 2014, 08:06:33 am
 ;D True...i was supposed to finish this "debate" ages ago...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 25, 2014, 01:12:17 pm
Same here, but you keep going. We can probably actually wrap this up in the next couple posts, you're repeating yourself and I imagine I am too lol.

No shcmoo sherlock..but i don't constantly BASH the company like you seem to do most of the time. You can't remove your critical eye and see how extreme the cases that you bring up actually were. So don't act the victim card. I judge on what you've been consistently doing from here to the Sega forums.

I don't even talk about Sega on the Sega forums, their name never comes up. So I don't know where that's coming from.

As for me "bashing them," dude when you're down to releasing only something like 2 major console retail releases a year, they'd better be good. And that's a stance I'm not going to let up on, sorry.

It does actually. That's part of the reason PG wanted to work for Sega..that's part of the reason why a lot of companies like to work with them especially if they are getting their first games off the ground because its easier for them to establish their company

I'm not saying that Sega has to be over-bearing and over-controlling as a publisher, but if a game as bad as Colonial Marines is being developed under their watch (and with their money) then yes, I think Sega should be close enough to development to be aware of it.

And that's about it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 25, 2014, 01:15:43 pm

I don't even talk about Sega on the Sega forums, their name never comes up. So I don't know where that's coming from.

Whatever you say..
As for me "bashing them," dude when you're down to releasing only something like 2 major console retail releases a year, they'd better be good. And that's a stance I'm not going to let up on, sorry.

I don't expect you to. But its far more complicated than you think. Other than myself you already had another person say the situation wasn't clear cut.

I'm not Sega has to be over-bearing and over-controlling as a publisher, but if a game like Colonial Marines is being developed under their watch (and with their money) then yes, I think Sega should be close enough to development to be aware of it.

And that's about it.

You said your piece now leave it be..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on July 25, 2014, 05:13:54 pm
I don't expect you to. But its far more complicated than you think. Other than myself you already had another person say the situation wasn't clear cut.

I agree that it wasn't clear cut, it rarely ever is. But my stance remains that everyone involved bears responsibility, including (very much so) Sega.

But yeah, I think we've said all that needs to be said.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on July 26, 2014, 04:38:26 am
I agree that it wasn't clear cut, it rarely ever is. But my stance remains that everyone involved bears responsibility, including (very much so) Sega.

But yeah, I think we've said all that needs to be said. let it be..and hope Sega LEARNS from this lesson...(don't hold our collective breaths...)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 01, 2014, 12:18:35 am
Gearbox officially blames Sega;

Historically, the biggest class-action lawsuits filed against video game companies have stemmed from antitrust and monopoly accusations, such as Nintendo's alleged price-fixing in 1991 or EA's football-series monopolies in the mid-'00s. But in some cases, like a filing over the 2013 shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines, the suit's terms boiled down to little more than "the game stinks."

That's what happened when two fans sued producer Sega and developer Gearbox in May 2013 over that disastrous Aliens game, alleging that the game's previews were so different from the retail release that they "misled" shoppers. On Thursday, over a year after the suit was filed, Gearbox finally responded with a motion for dismissal—and revealed more of the game's woes in the process.

One section of the motion, penned by Gearbox Marketing Director Steve Gibson, recounted the game's development timeline in order to distance itself from any financial obligation should the lawsuit turn out in the plaintiffs' favor. In particular, Gibson alleged that "Gearbox supplemented Sega’s development budget with its own money" to the tune of millions, "none of which was ever repaid."

While no concrete sales figures were mentioned, Gibson confirmed that the game didn't sell enough copies to "trigger any sales-based payments." Additionally, Gibson pointed out Sega's many responsibilities in approving, promoting, and selling the game, and he repeatedly reminded readers that Sega, not Gearbox, was A:CM's publisher.

Gearbox's response ultimately deflected the issue of whether or not the basic allegation was valid. "Plaintiffs’ allegations, even if true, have no merit as a classaction," Gearbox wrote, claiming that the plaintiffs' personal shopping stories weren't wide-reaching enough. Thus, no solid connection could be proven between preview footage on YouTube and how many purchases it may have coerced. (One may wonder how the marketing departments at Sega felt about such a dismissal of preview events and YouTube footage.)

Gearbox probably needed to emphasize that "even if true" part, because company CEO Randy Pitchford had already affirmed fans' complaints over the discrepancy between preview footage and actual gameplay. In February 2013, Pitchford replied to an upset fan on Twitter who asked why the game and its preview demos looked so different. "That is understood and fair," he said. Nearly a year later, Sega ate its own slice of humble pie courtesy of the UK's Advertising Standards Authority.

So yeah,.....if this suit (which, by the way, I think is BS) goes through, Sega will be blamed. Gearbox, correctly, reminds everyone that Sega "approved, promoted, and sold" the game. That's what'll bite Sega in the ass and in any court's eyes will make them responsible.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 01, 2014, 04:47:44 am
So you are using the cheating lying GBX to promote your case? LOL don't make me laugh. Eveyone knows that GBX pulled a fast one, they're just trying to get out of being sued by idiot fans who think Sega is a walk in the park.Doesn't really prove anything.
As for the case...
Here's a hint..Sega wins most of their cases that they've been brought to court for...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on August 01, 2014, 08:21:39 am
Gearbox officially blames Sega;

So yeah,.....if this suit (which, by the way, I think is BS) goes through, Sega will be blamed. Gearbox, correctly, reminds everyone that Sega "approved, promoted, and sold" the game. That's what'll bite Sega in the ass and makes them responsible.

You didn't really think they'd just say "we dropped the ball," did you?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mariano on August 01, 2014, 12:37:30 pm
He obviously didnt XD
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 01, 2014, 01:09:03 pm
I'm just saying that it's the defense they'll use and I'm not sure what Sega can do to fight this defense, since they chose to release the game.

I think the whole lawsuit's ridiculous, by the way. Any gamer is capable of doing their research before buying a game.

But yeah I mean if this does become a thing, I'm not sure what defense Sega can use. If they chose not to release the game, then that'd be a different thing.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 01, 2014, 01:29:00 pm
This lawsuit sounds more like a case of false advertising than 'the game is rubbish'. It sounds like it's more an accusation that Sega mis-represented what the finished product would be like to customers.

If that gets any traction then Ubisoft better fucking run and hide because look at Watch_Dogs...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 02, 2014, 04:26:25 am
Then that is an admission of guilt on their part that they messed up. They're just going to try and take Sega with them. I wonder how many contracts GBX has gotten since ACM came out.... 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 02, 2014, 11:25:05 pm
Then that is an admission of guilt on their part that they messed up. They're just going to try and take Sega with them. I wonder how many contracts GBX has gotten since ACM came out.... 

Probably not many.

Though I also wonder how many movie studios will be trusting Sega with their properties going forward....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 03, 2014, 05:48:38 am
Movie studios care about the money not the quality or ACM wouldn't get as far as it did. Its the bottom line that counts..and considering Sega keeps making games based on Disney they're not really in any real trouble in that regard...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 03, 2014, 09:10:37 pm
Movie studios care about the money not the quality or ACM wouldn't get as far as it did. Its the bottom line that counts..and considering Sega keeps making games based on Disney they're not really in any real trouble in that regard...

Well, judging by Gearbox's comments, Colonial Marines wasn't particularly successful sales-wise; at least, not successful enough for them to get paid for it.

Making good games does help. Maybe not always (unfortunately) but word of mouth is very important for a game's longevity sales-wise.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 04, 2014, 04:04:04 am
Well, judging by Gearbox's comments, Colonial Marines wasn't particularly successful sales-wise; at least, not successful enough for them to get paid for it.

Making good games does help. Maybe not always (unfortunately) but word of mouth is very important for a game's longevity sales-wise.

They're talking rubbish. They lost their reputation and they're just trying to  save face by making out Sega is more crooked than they are.
Word of mouth didn't kill off ACM either since it was still making strong sales a month after its release.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Centrale on August 04, 2014, 11:16:49 am
I get the impression that Randy Pitchford is the kind of guy who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Not only because of this debacle, but also the way Gearbox almost hired an artist to do Borderlands posters, but then suddenly stopped communicating with him and a few months later, released their own posters in a complete ripoff of the guy's style. All of this sneaky bs just begins to paint a picture of Pitchford's lack of ethics.

Big tactical mistake by Gearbox to try and sling mud at Sega, but just the latest in a series of mistakes. Gearbox  decides to crap all over one of the most beloved sci-fi properties. Then they decide to try and crap all over Sega, who although they have been maligned at times, is still one of the world's most beloved developers and publishers. Gearbox has one successful IP of good quality, Borderlands, and otherwise has a track record of crud. I think Pitchford thought he could screw over Sega and get away with it because he overestimated his own cleverness on the basis of one hit. Thinking he was bigger than two industry legends in film and games.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 04, 2014, 11:38:41 am
I get the impression that Randy Pitchford is the kind of guy who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Not only because of this debacle, but also the way Gearbox almost hired an artist to do Borderlands posters, but then suddenly stopped communicating with him and a few months later, released their own posters in a complete ripoff of the guy's style. All of this sneaky bs just begins to paint a picture of Pitchford's lack of ethics.

Big tactical mistake by Gearbox to try and sling mud at Sega, but just the latest in a series of mistakes. Gearbox  decides to crap all over one of the most beloved sci-fi properties. Then they decide to try and crap all over Sega, who although they have been maligned at times, is still one of the world's most beloved developers and publishers. Gearbox has one successful IP of good quality, Borderlands, and otherwise has a track record of crud. I think Pitchford thought he could screw over Sega and get away with it because he overestimated his own cleverness on the basis of one hit. Thinking he was bigger than two industry legends in film and games.
Exactly. Well said, mate.
Although i defend Sega on this over GBX i'm not saying they were totally blameless either but considering what they did to try to save the title they are the good guys here. But in this world of were gonna blame you ruin your reputation and make you pay for it, its best not to.GBX took full advantage of Sega and their culture of work..they had at that time a reputation where they were more trusted..lets not forget thanks to this game Obsidian's far superior ALIENS REQUIM RPG was canned. Thanks to this title a lot of intresting projects for the west was also mass canned..Hayes lost his job over it, Sega technology group and Hardlight lost their projects..OVERKILL 2 didn't happen..even BAYONETTA 2 got screwed over because let's not forget..the reason Sega signed PG in the first place was to make a dent in the west market except it worked the other way round and were bigger sellers in japan..even sega studios australia got shut down. Segasammy got cold feet...not getting the results they wanted even though it was growing console wise and the market and R+D was too much for them at the time that they just pulled the plug. Even BD suffered because of marketing though i concede other issues was efective for that as well. Whether people want to believe it or not GBX and their crap was the instigator for all this crap and its only because it was a tent pole game and Sega had to make money was it ever released.
So i blame GBX for helping ruin what could have been a sweeter period for Sega if those games had made it out for the 2013/14 to 15 season.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mariano on August 04, 2014, 01:44:52 pm
Exactly. Well said, mate.
Although i defend Sega on this over GBX i'm not saying they were totally blameless either but considering what they did to try to save the title they are the good guys here. But in this world of were gonna blame you ruin your reputation and make you pay for it, its best not to.GBX took full advantage of Sega and their culture of work..they had at that time a reputation where they were more trusted..lets not forget thanks to this game Obsidian's far superior ALIENS REQUIM RPG was canned. Thanks to this title a lot of intresting projects for the west was also mass canned..Hayes lost his job over it, Sega technology group and Hardlight lost their projects..OVERKILL 2 didn't happen..even BAYONETTA 2 got screwed over because let's not forget..the reason Sega signed PG in the first place was to make a dent in the west market except it worked the other way round and were bigger sellers in japan..even sega studios australia got shut down. Segasammy got cold feet...not getting the results they wanted even though it was growing console wise and the market and R+D was too much for them at the time that they just pulled the plug. Even BD suffered because of marketing though i concede other issues was efective for that as well. Whether people want to believe it or not GBX and their crap was the instigator for all this crap and its only because it was a tent pole game and Sega had to make money was it ever released.
So i blame GBX for helping ruin what could have been a sweeter period for Sega if those games had made it out for the 2013/14 to 15 season.
I agree, it will be a sad memory for SEGA fans not only because of the disappointment that this game was but also because ALL the consecuences that bring with it before and after release...
Here is something that took a smile from my face XD:
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on August 04, 2014, 04:54:43 pm
You don't need bad parody articles to laugh at Randy Pitchford saying stupid stuff, he already does that on his Twitter account.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 04, 2014, 05:02:32 pm
Word of mouth didn't kill off ACM either since it was still making strong sales a month after its release.

In the UK. Not much anywhere else.

Thanks to this title a lot of intresting projects for the west was also mass canned..Hayes lost his job over it, Sega technology group and Hardlight lost their projects..OVERKILL 2 didn't happen..even BAYONETTA 2 got screwed over because let's not forget..the reason Sega signed PG in the first place was to make a dent in the west market except it worked the other way round and were bigger sellers in japan..even sega studios australia got shut down. Segasammy got cold feet...not getting the results they wanted even though it was growing console wise and the market and R+D was too much for them at the time that they just pulled the plug. Even BD suffered because of marketing though i concede other issues was efective for that as well. Whether people want to believe it or not GBX and their crap was the instigator for all this crap and its only because it was a tent pole game and Sega had to make money was it ever released.

Eh to blame all of Sega's bad decisions and financial woes over the years on Aliens: Colonial Marines is definitely taking it too far, dude.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 05, 2014, 04:23:49 am

Eh to blame all of Sega's bad decisions and financial woes over the years on
Aliens: Colonial Marines is definitely taking it too far, dude.

Not really because...ALIENS was the instigator. Let's just say that paying for high cost development in a harsh market enviroment and getting little results with what was happening with ALIENS was the final straw for the big wigs. Its not taking it too far its what kind of happened.

In the UK. Not much anywhere else.

In the USA as well. Stop thinking that every one who brought ALIENS were gamers that knew the ins and outs of people trashing or talking about games. The game was succesful in both markets it was released in. Now stop trying to rewrite history..using an uncredited CEO of a failing and untrustworthy company like GBX to further your hatred and blame towards said you were DONE with this point but you keep finding ways to prolong the argument..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on August 05, 2014, 03:52:13 pm

Here is something that took a smile from my face XD:

I'm more of a Willie fan. Really hope that show gets picked up and becomes a full series.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Centrale on August 05, 2014, 04:19:58 pm
Not really because...ALIENS was the instigator. Let's just say that paying for high cost development in a harsh market enviroment and getting little results with what was happening with ALIENS was the final straw for the big wigs. Its not taking it too far its what kind of happened.

I agree with this, because it was not only the investment in A:CM but the timing of it. The project began right as the economy took a major nosedive. Sega was reasonably expecting to have a game on the shelves in two or three years, but it ended up taking six years in the worst economy since the Great Depression. It's not farfetched to extrapolate that this one botched project had far-reaching effects on other projects.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 06, 2014, 03:31:53 am
I agree with this, because it was not only the investment in A:CM but the timing of it. The project began right as the economy took a major nosedive. Sega was reasonably expecting to have a game on the shelves in two or three years, but it ended up taking six years in the worst economy since the Great Depression. It's not farfetched to extrapolate that this one botched project had far-reaching effects on other projects.
Many of us are forgetting that this wasn't the first time Sega canned a multitude of projects. They canned lots of games back in 2008-9 and kicked Jeffery out because he also spent too much money on contract games and only a few were even ready for release. ALIENS CM took so long, the THE RITULIST THE EVIL WITHIN was stuck in legal litigation and other projects were in development hell that SOJ put everything on hold before they decided to can half the projects or told hayes to save a few and can the rest. If the situation between Universal Vivendi going under didn't happen, Sega would never have been able to meet their ALIENS license deadline and get a game out in the form of ALIEN VS PREDATOR and that was down to Hayes. The difference between Jeffery and Hayes was the western focus, under Hayes direction was growing with little development problems..his problem is that he stuck with ACM and that eventually cost Sega west dearly and to a little degree SOJ as well. If it wasn't an FPS with the name ALIENS attacthed Sega would have canned this game years ago..which they nearly did. But the fact is they simply couldn't afford to. GBX had them over a barrel and they knew it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 06, 2014, 03:01:57 pm
I agree with this, because it was not only the investment in A:CM but the timing of it. The project began right as the economy took a major nosedive. Sega was reasonably expecting to have a game on the shelves in two or three years, but it ended up taking six years in the worst economy since the Great Depression. It's not farfetched to extrapolate that this one botched project had far-reaching effects on other projects.

It's not too farfetched but it's a pretty big deal of speculation. Sega's refusal to bring major Japanese titles West is unfortunately a tradition that's began long before Colonial Marines was even thought of.

In the USA as well. Stop thinking that every one who brought ALIENS were gamers that knew the ins and outs of people trashing or talking about games. The game was succesful in both markets it was released in. Now stop trying to rewrite history..using an uncredited CEO of a failing and untrustworthy company like GBX to further your hatred and blame towards said you were DONE with this point but you keep finding ways to prolong the argument..

The game disappeared from the top 10 in North America after its first month and was discounted almost immediately afterwards, so yeah, I'd be surprised if it sold anywhere near expectations in the North American market, unless those expectations had been dramatically lowered.

Anyway the argument was done but Gearbox issued a statement and I thought it would be interesting to see your thoughts.

using an uncredited CEO of a failing and untrustworthy company like GBX to further your hatred and blame towards Sega..

Hatred towards Sega? So you're really going back there again? Did you not see my glowing preview of Alien Isolation?

Of course not.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 07, 2014, 04:14:46 am

It's not too farfetched but it's a pretty big deal of speculation. Sega's
refusal to bring major Japanese titles West is unfortunately a tradition that's
began long before Colonial Marines was even thought of.

I'm not speculating.  ::)  And before then Sega did import and localise a few of their big games..which traditionally they have always done.  ::)

The game disappeared from the top 10 in North America after its first month and
was discounted almost immediately afterwards, so yeah, I'd be surprised if it
sold anywhere near expectations in the North American market, unless those
expectations had been dramatically lowered.

Er no it wasn't discounted after a month. So that is complete rubbish. ::)

Anyway the argument was done but Gearbox issued a statement and I thought it
would be interesting to see your thoughts.

Hatred towards Sega? So you're
really going back there again? Did you not see my glowing preview of Alien

So what? Just because you say one good thing about one game doesn't excuse you banging on about Sega doing this and that and blaming them for the WHOLE thing. And then using GBX statement which is false(which you said its probably is so i give you that) to carry the thing on. Like i said Sega saved or salvaged what that mess was...the game was succesful enough for them to carry on the ALIENS license..since these deals depends on the success of the previous games..both parties have a way out clause that if they aren't satisfied with the games reception they can pull out. IE the game has to be succesful and make money. So without ACM there would be no ISOLATION. So ACM did one good thing...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on August 07, 2014, 07:09:32 pm
So it's on the sales of one of the worst Sega games in years that one of the best Sega games in years is being made? How fitting.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 07, 2014, 08:09:38 pm
"I'm not speculating.  ::)  And before then Sega did import and localise a few of their big games..which traditionally they have always done.  ::) "

The Yakuza series has struggled for localization from Yakuza 3 on. Sega is typically not the worst at localizing games but they've certainly never exactly been the best. Why do you think so many people were freaked out when they bought Atlus?

Er no it wasn't discounted after a month. So that is complete rubbish. ::)

I don't know about a month but I remember walking into Gamestops pretty soon after its release and seeing it for $40.

So what? Just because you say one good thing about one game doesn't excuse you banging on about Sega doing this and that and blaming them for the WHOLE thing.

If I hated Sega wouldn't I want to sabotage them by telling people that Alien Isolation was a bad game?  ::)

Again, I do not hate Sega. I disagree with the way they handled Colonial Marines. That doesn't mean I hate the company. You're blowing this way out of proportion.

Like i said Sega saved or salvaged what that mess was...the game was succesful enough for them to carry on the ALIENS license..

Pretty sure Isolation began its development before Colonial Marines was finished, the game seems far too polished to have been greenlit after February 2013...

Edit; yup, I was right. Isolation began development 4 years ago, long before Colonial Marines released; (

Not a big deal dude, lol, but again, you're just not correct in your statements. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 08, 2014, 03:46:48 am

The Yakuza series has struggled for localization from Yakuza 3 on. Sega is
typically not the worst at localizing games but they've certainly never exactly
been the best. Why do you think so many people were freaked out when they bought

Because there's too many uneducated ignorant fanboys out there that wanted Nintendo to buy them..something that was never going to happen. And not EVERYONE was freaked out about Atlus being brought by Sega. Again, Sega localised their games up to 2012. So let's stop acting that they didn't bother because the Fifth game didn't come out.  ::)

I don't know about a month but I remember walking into Gamestops pretty soon
after its release and seeing it for $40.
Yes because gamestop is the standard when it comes to these type of things.. how scientific... ::) .
If I hated Sega wouldn't I want to sabotage them by telling people that
Alien Isolation was a bad game?  ::)

How can you when the whole world has actually played it..or at least the people within magazine and website circles have...and said thatthe game was good.  ::)

Just using you're genralisations about the company from previous comments SL...
Pretty sure Isolation began its development before Colonial Marines was
finished, the game seems far too polished to have been greenlit after February

ISOLATION was always going to get made its part of the deal. As i said before ACM had to be released.
Edit; yup, I was right. Isolation began development 4 years ago, long before
Colonial Marines released; (

Not a big deal dude, lol, but again, you're just not correct in your statements. 

And what statement was that? That Sega canned the majority of their console development in the west? Did i say ISOLATION started after ACM release? No i didn't. So try again...just because you have no idea of inner company game politics don't start shooting down the people that DO know. Oh i know how to discredit someone..use a link on a website that is publicizing a game...grow up for gods sake...Geez you're acting like ISOLATION couldn't have been canned at any time..especially if the ACM didn't perform well...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 08, 2014, 03:50:02 am
So it's on the sales of one of the worst Sega games in years that one of the best Sega games in years is being made? How fitting.

If you can call over a million bad sales...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on August 08, 2014, 10:38:07 am
If you can call over a million bad sales...

I meant critically in both cases.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 08, 2014, 01:05:09 pm
And what statement was that? That Sega canned the majority of their console development in the west? Did i say ISOLATION started after ACM release? No i didn't.

Yes you did, you said that Colonial Marines did well enough to greenlight Isolation.....Isolation was greenlit 4 years ago dude lol.

Now you're backpedaling.

Again, Sega localised their games up to 2012. So let's stop acting that they didn't bother because the Fifth game didn't come out. 

You can look at every major Sega console from the Genesis to the Saturn to the Dreamcast and see a bunch of games Sega didn't localize.

Yes because gamestop is the standard when it comes to these type of things.. how scientific... ::) .

I'm using Gamestop as an example. The price dropped quickly. Prices on games that are doing well don't drop within the first few months.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 08, 2014, 01:27:48 pm

Yes you did, you said that Colonial Marines did well enough to greenlight Isolation.....Isolation was greenlit 4 years ago dude lol. Now you're backpedaling.

No  i didn't i said this...
Like i said Sega saved or salvaged what that mess was...the game was succesful enough for them to carry on the ALIENS license..since these deals depends on the success of the previous games..both parties have a way out clause that if they aren't satisfied with the games reception they can pull out. IE the game has to be succesful and make money. So without ACM there would be no ISOLATION. So ACM did one good thing...

That's clear as rain. It doesn't say ISOLATION started development after ACM release it says successful meaning if the game had flopped ISOLATION wouldn't happen ie CANNED. So yes without ACM there would be no ISOLATION. Again you put 1 and 1 and come up with 24...

And do the maths, the game started 3 and a half years ago. They didn't even create the new studio until 2012/13. And that was when it was really nothing more than a demo before that time. Hardly real development at all which would have started for real between 2012 onwards.

You can look at every major Sega console from the Genesis to the Saturn to the Dreamcast and see a bunch of games Sega didn't localize.
No not really.Plenty of Sega games came out on MD, either they changed the title and graphics because of licensing issues.

I'm using Gamestop as an example. The price dropped quickly. Prices on games that are doing well don't drop within the first few months.

Not scientific and you know it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 09, 2014, 01:13:39 am
Not scientific and you know it.

There's no science to it dude lol.

Games don't sell to expectations, publisher drops the MSRP early to clear out stock. Pretty simple.

Official MSRP is $ only came out a year and a half ago. Not only is that a far lower-than-average price for a game as recent as A:CM, but you'll notice that Amazon has discounted the game even further, selling it for $11.99.

That's not what companies do to games that are selling well, lol. It's what they do when they're desperately trying to get rid of their stock of them.   

That's clear as rain. It doesn't say ISOLATION started development after ACM release it says successful meaning if the game had flopped ISOLATION wouldn't happen ie CANNED.

Why would they cancel a game 4 years in development just because a different one sold under expectations?

And Colonial Marines, if it only sold a little over 1 million (pretty sure it did) there's no way it made a profit, given what Sega supposedly spent on its development.

And do the maths, the game started 3 and a half years ago. They didn't even create the new studio until 2012/13. And that was when it was really nothing more than a demo before that time. Hardly real development at all which would have started for real between 2012 onwards.

I'm just going by what the developer said.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 09, 2014, 01:58:32 am
Rojm, i wanna know how Gearbox is considered a failing company. Didnt they develop one of the biggest games in recent years, i.e Borderlands.

Also, i just wanna put it out there that Colonial Marines went on sale very quickly. I remember seeing it discounted at gamestop, on amazon, and gamefly about a month after release.

I'm a Sega fan, but even i critcize them when need be, it keeps companies humble.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 09, 2014, 06:47:23 am
There's no science to it dude lol.

Games don't sell to expectations, publisher drops the MSRP early to clear out stock. Pretty simple. (

Official MSRP is $ only came out a year and a half ago. Not only is that a far lower-than-average price for a game as recent as A:CM, but you'll notice that Amazon has discounted the game even further, selling it for $11.99.
Ohh you have amazon now really scientific..gimme a break.Stop wasting my time, kid.

That's not what companies do to games that are selling well, lol. It's what they do when they're desperately trying to get rid of their stock of them.   
Yawn because that proves your silly case that it didn't sell when you use amazon as an example...

Why would they cancel a game 4 years in development just because a different one sold under expectations?
Because they are supposed to hit a certain sales target or they lose the license. They are suppose to release a certain number of games based on the contract they signed within a point in time or they lose the license. If ACM didn't hit Fox's expectations they would have used that and Sega would have had to can the game.

And Colonial Marines, if it only sold a little over 1 million (pretty sure it did) there's no way it made a profit, given what Sega supposedly spent on its development.

It did.You see Sega wouldn't have mentioned it in their stock reports if it didn't. They don't name games that flopped if it didn't make a profit. Now i'm getting reeeeeeaaaallllly tired of people presuming they know about game budgets and how its set and how it made money when they have no idea what the company set the sales target for, how much money went into the title and how much it made.   
I'm just going by what the developer said.

Again learn to add up.

AI didn't take four years for gods sake. ! The game was a tech demo it wasn't even an official game or even green lighted. It was shown to the higher ups who was impressed with it. It then got the full go ahead early april 2011 and the game really got going in 2012 and that's when they had all the people needed to. 2011 was really pre production, sorting out the story art concepts the works...mid 2012 was when actual game development began. And 2014 isn't even over yet. So the game in reality has really been going for three years if you count pre production...enough time for SOJ to have canned the game which any publisher can do regardless on what stage its at.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 09, 2014, 06:50:21 am
Rojm, i wanna know how Gearbox is considered a failing company. Didnt they develop one of the biggest games in recent years, i.e Borderlands.

Also, i just wanna put it out there that Colonial Marines went on sale very quickly. I remember seeing it discounted at gamestop, on amazon, and gamefly about a month after release.

I'm a Sega fan, but even i critcize them when need be, it keeps companies humble.

I don't know what you're talking have to remind me.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 09, 2014, 04:05:22 pm
I don't know what you're talking have to remind me.

I'm not following, remind you about what exactly?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mariano on August 09, 2014, 04:24:08 pm
I don't know what you're talking have to remind me.

I think he is asking you why should Gearbox be blame about Colonial marines and what is your opinion about the company itself considering all their titles like the well know Boderlands.

I'm a Sega fan, but even i critcize them when need be, it keeps companies humble.

Its simple, if you are respectful and objective you can criticize all you want. It helps both parts to grow.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 10, 2014, 06:21:28 am

I think he is asking you why should Gearbox be blame about Colonial marines and what is your opinion about the company itself considering all their titles like the well know Boderlands.

Its simple, if you are respectful and objective you can criticize all you want. It helps both parts to grow.

My opinion is short and sweet. Con men.

And why, There's an ammount of trust when you are given money to create a game for another company. And its obvious Sega expected one thing and GBX had different intensions. There was problems with ACM from the start, the way Sega got the ALIENS license in the first place, The fact that the star of Aliens didn't want to be involved in the game after meeting with GBX(and that should have rang alarm bells because what she said publicly afterwards) The game taking way too long and then the fact that GBX outsourced it to a smaller team and only did the minimal work themselves. That's like me buying a platinum game and finding out later PG had nothing to do with it. Also the fact that two other games from GBX suddenly got finished in time which many (and reported at the time via speculation)suspect was the money that was meant for ACM. So Sega paid for two games that wasn't even theirs. So to blame Sega for the whole thing when this was a bizarre and unique situation is beyond silly. Its clear that GBX was out to fleece Sega from the very start. I remember all those game informer exclusive features from Sega west. Two of those games CONDEMNED and ALPHA PROTOCOL not only got made in time but actually did what they promised. ACM didn't. Not even the supposed graphics looked like anything from that feature or tech demo.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 11, 2014, 09:57:16 am
Can you really put all of the blame on Gearbox? I feel like everyone's at fault here, not one specific company. From the sounds of it, Sega needs better management, if Gearbox supposedly got away with taking money from Sega for development of other games, than the management at Sega aren't doing their jobs right.

Also, wasn't Alpha Protocol ass?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on August 11, 2014, 10:08:36 am
Can you really put all of the blame on Gearbox? I feel like everyone's at fault here, not one specific company. From the sounds of it, Sega needs better management, if Gearbox supposedly got away with taking money from Sega for development of other games, than the management at Sega aren't doing their jobs right.

Also, wasn't Alpha Protocol ass?

1 You're blaming the victim.
2  No, it wasn't ass. It was just mediocre.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 11, 2014, 10:38:08 am
Also, wasn't Alpha Protocol ass?

It was a rough diamond. I feel it's the kind of game that just oozes goodness, but it's rough around the edges.

The combat was really fun, the dialogue and open-ended nature of the game are better than ANYTHING I've ever seen in my life. It comes off as a bit 'cheap' in some regards, or silly, but overall I rate it pretty highly.

You should really play it if you haven't already.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on August 11, 2014, 10:49:30 am
I picked Alpha Protocol up recently, and yeah, it isn't perfect but it has a lot of good ideas and can be a fun game. Not AAA quality, but I think gamers forget nowadays about the games that are neither great nor shit.

It sort of reminded me of HeadHunter, in that it was not polished, but it still had great ideas and was fun.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 11, 2014, 11:22:15 am
I picked Alpha Protocol up recently, and yeah, it isn't perfect but it has a lot of good ideas and can be a fun game. Not AAA quality, but I think gamers forget nowadays about the games that are neither great nor shit.

It sort of reminded me of HeadHunter, in that it was not polished, but it still had great ideas and was fun.

It's hard for me to describe the game, since it can feel 'sloppy' but at the same time, it has much better content and gameplay than many 'AAA' games, which seems to be an indication of marketing money and exposure more than anything.

I guess it feels like an example of a game where more effort was put into the background than the finishing touches. It wasn't without it's weaknesses because of that, the bossfights were poor since they railroaded you into gameplay styles, and the character creation and levelling could leave you painted into a corner if you made 'bad' options. Unlike something like Fallout where you've got more opportunities to use every skill.

Also, this topic seems like the most wayward discussion. Bayonetta to Aliens: Colon Marines to Alpha Protocol.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 11, 2014, 12:36:36 pm
1 You're blaming the victim.
2  No, it wasn't ass. It was just mediocre.

I'm not blaming the victim, i'm trying to be a bit more objective about their situation. I'm just saying that Sega needs to be more careful about who or whom they work with in the future in terms of development.

Second, haven't played Alpha Protocol, but from what everyone is saying, it was pretty good. You've now all convinced me to buy it, so there.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nirmugen on August 11, 2014, 12:48:42 pm
They are more careful now...and also I didn't see Gearbox working for another company besides Take-Two.

I have interest in how much Bayo 2 is going to sale in the first 3 months after release. The pre-orders in USA have raised to 39k last week. I think we can talk about that and also is a good idea to return about the reason of the topic :)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 11, 2014, 01:09:21 pm
They are more careful now...and also I didn't see Gearbox working for another company besides Take-Two.

I have interest in how much Bayo 2 is going to sale in the first 3 months after release. The pre-orders in USA have raised to 39k last week. I think we can talk about that and also is a good idea to return about the reason of the topic :)

Is that good for pre-orders? I guess its' good in that there isn't even any bonus for pre-ordering that I'm aware of.

I do hope they have some kind of Bundle or something at least, I would totally pre-order an LE for Bayonetta 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 11, 2014, 02:05:11 pm
Can you really put all of the blame on Gearbox? I feel like everyone's at fault here, not one specific company. From the sounds of it, Sega needs better management, if Gearbox supposedly got away with taking money from Sega for development of other games, than the management at Sega aren't doing their jobs right.

Also, wasn't Alpha Protocol ass?

That's why Hayes and co got the sack.Besides it was a unique situation. GBX had a good rep before all this happened so it wasn't like anyone thought that they would end up being taken for a ride.

I picked Alpha Protocol up recently, and yeah, it isn't perfect but it has a lot of good ideas and can be a fun game. Not AAA quality, but I think gamers forget nowadays about the games that are neither great nor shit.

It sort of reminded me of HeadHunter, in that it was not polished, but it still had great ideas and was fun.
AP just didn't get enough time to finish, that was ultimately the problem. I think Obsidian unfortunately got a rough deal from what happened which wasn't their fault. Good ideas but company impatience. Pretty like what happened with the IRON MAN game with Secret Level.

The pre-orders in USA have raised to 39k last week.

Well considering Nintendo is promoting the game its not like the nintendo faithful who want some games other than Mario will buy it. But the question is...
Will it extend beyond a nintendo hardcore audience, will the game sell to an average Nintendo gamer?
Will people want to buy  a Wii U to get this game because they played it on the other system?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 11, 2014, 09:35:21 pm
Ohh you have amazon now really scientific..gimme a break.Stop wasting my time, kid.

What site would you rather me name?

Walk into any store near you then and tell me what they're selling Colonial Marines for.

Because they are supposed to hit a certain sales target or they lose the license. They are suppose to release a certain number of games based on the contract they signed within a point in time or they lose the license. If ACM didn't hit Fox's expectations they would have used that and Sega would have had to can the game.

That's ridiculous, Fox doesn't care how CM sells, they've already gotten paid when they lent out the license to Sega. And no, Fox can't just revoke the license; Sega would never sign a contract like that. Sounds completely made up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 12, 2014, 05:06:31 am

What site would you rather me name?

Moot at this point. It doesn't change the fact that the games sold solid months after its release. Showing websites a year after the fact doesn't prove a thing, the sales does. ACM didn't cost more than BAYONETTA to make. SOJ doesn't give out that type of money to their subsidaries to make games. Thay always save that type of money for their own big AAA productions and even that is conservativly low compared to everyone one else that competes with Sega, So to say the game flopped is utter nonsense.
Walk into any store near you then and tell me what they're selling Colonial
Marines for.

Yeah a year after its release. Stop coming up with silly nonsense.  ::)


That's ridiculous, Fox doesn't care how CM sells, they've already
gotten paid when they lent out the license to Sega. And no, Fox can't just
revoke the license; Sega would never sign a contract like that. Sounds
completely made up.

Keep thinking like that, any studio or company licensing their material gets a cut out of the sales in modern game sales. They still get FINAL approval of the material as well. Especially with the clauses in the contracts. So Fox let alone any licensee not caring how it sells is nonsense to begin with. Give it up you clearly don't have a clue on what you are arguing about.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 12, 2014, 01:23:14 pm
Successful games aren't $11.99 a year after their release. They're $30 or $40.

ACM didn't cost more than BAYONETTA to make.

Wrong again, the verified Reddit posts from the person inside Sega claimed $40-$60 million spent on A:CM from Sega.

any studio or company licensing their material gets a cut out of the sales in modern game sales. They still get FINAL approval of the material as well. Especially with the clauses in the contracts. So Fox let alone any licensee not caring how it sells is nonsense to begin with. Give it up you clearly don't have a clue on what you are arguing about.

Please provide me an example where a film studio ever pulled their license from a long-term license agreement for a video game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 12, 2014, 03:09:19 pm

Successful games aren't $11.99 a year after their release. They're $30 or $40.
Again using a stupid internet example on a game that once was released people starting to complain about doesn't prove anything. The game sold enough for three months in both markets before it went down in price. Using a year after all that happened DOESN'T prove you are correct. The game made its money back. Deal with it.

Wrong again, the verified Reddit posts from the person inside Sega claimed $40-$60 million spent on A:CM from Sega.

Really so what is it. 40 million? Or 60 million? If anything its under 30 million. You really can't have both. So i'm not wrong again since you've haven't proven me wrong on anything. Sega japan doesn't spend MORE than their titles. Very much doubt that they spent more than 20 to 15 million on this title which itself is a stretch. Again you have not able to prove that the game flopped either. Just relying on hearsay than actual facts.

Please provide me an example where a film studio ever pulled their license from a long-term license agreement for a video game.

Please provide me with EVIDENCE apart from loose  internet links that they wouldn't. Like i said i've been more consistent on this debate than you have. You already had ONE member elude to the fact that Fox wanted the game out so that indicates that fox not only knew of the situation but had particular say in the matter If you really are going into dumb fanboy things and think hat NO license holder doesn't maintain control over their final product than you are more stupid than i thought.
Again Sega got into trouble with DISNEY over the way FANTASIA came out as well as the fact that the game wasn't meant to be licensed in the first place. Which then Sega had to pull back all the games they had shipped.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 12, 2014, 03:24:21 pm
This is really just devolved into 'No YOU have the burden of proof!'
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on August 13, 2014, 05:46:24 am
This is really just devolved into 'No YOU have the burden of proof!'

And where's your proof about that?

We're on a new page, I don't see anything wrong here.

Also I forgot to ask, you're no longer in Australia? Are you like Crocodile Dundee right now in America?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 13, 2014, 09:31:25 am
And where's your proof about that?

We're on a new page, I don't see anything wrong here.

Also I forgot to ask, you're no longer in Australia? Are you like Crocodile Dundee right now in America?

Stop talking nonsense, show me some evidence that this thread isn't devolving :rolleye: There are numerous sources that say otherwise.

But yes, I rage-quit Australia and I'm living in Canada now, rasslin' Crocodiles in the snow and reinvigorating the Virtua Fighter community in Toronto.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on August 13, 2014, 09:53:02 am
You should definitely check out Joe Beef if you're ever in Montreal.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on August 13, 2014, 10:25:51 am
Stop talking nonsense, show me some evidence that this thread isn't devolving :rolleye: There are numerous sources that say otherwise.


But yes, I rage-quit Australia and I'm living in Canada now, rasslin' Crocodiles in the snow and reinvigorating the Virtua Fighter community in Toronto.

Ditching one of our former colonies for another, I like your thinking Mang!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 13, 2014, 11:57:21 am
Can't we all just go grab a brewski and forget this ever happened?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 13, 2014, 12:59:17 pm
I tried to make a new Bayonetta 2 thread but everyone ignored it in favour of fighting.

But yes, let's go grab a beer. What's a good central location?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 14, 2014, 10:37:33 am
I actually want to see the game use a two player type mode. It would be nice if you can get to play Bayonetta and Janine at the same time but then that would be a completely different game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 14, 2014, 11:45:41 pm
lol I'm completely done with this argument but really quick;

Please provide me with EVIDENCE apart from loose  internet links that they wouldn't.

That's not how it works. You made a claim. I'm asking you to prove it.

You don't then ask the other person to disprove your claim. That isn't how it works. You made a claim. Back the claim up with facts, or don't make it at all.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 16, 2014, 06:49:46 am
lol I'm completely done with this argument but really quick;

That's why you keep bringing it up every time you get. I didn't bring this up you did TWICE.
And you haven't shown any actual proof for anything. That's why i asked you to show evidence on what you are talking about but you haven't apart from flimsy things.  Dodgy budget estimates for a game you have no idea what it really costs, Shoody links to companies showing a marked down game a year after it was released BTW most likely marked down after the publicity of the game became widely known. Thinking a million plus sales is a flop for a game sold at full price...Really. I've been more consistent on this debate than you since you keep back tracking your points. Really how ignorant has some of the fan base have become....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on August 16, 2014, 07:44:46 am
Can't we all just go grab a brewski and forget this ever happened?

I tried to make a new Bayonetta 2 thread but everyone ignored it in favour of fighting.

But yes, let's go grab a beer. What's a good central location?

Excluding a core member of the SEGAbits crew just so you can go on an alcoholic rampage.

I didn't expect you guys to stoop so low : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 16, 2014, 09:44:41 pm
We're not excluding you homie, come join us!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 18, 2014, 07:45:40 am
Excluding a core member of the SEGAbits crew just so you can go on an alcoholic rampage.

I didn't expect you guys to stoop so low : (

You can have a lemonade. Do I have to think of everything?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 18, 2014, 01:49:36 pm
He can have one of these:

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on August 18, 2014, 02:43:54 pm
What is this, To Catch A Predator?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 18, 2014, 03:16:37 pm
We don't plan to fuck Aki-at after having a drink with him.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 18, 2014, 04:28:14 pm
Hey Barry, "so you brought condoms, but you just wanted to talk to her, huh?" Hahah
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on August 18, 2014, 05:26:19 pm
Well I'm glad I won't have to consume the sinful beverages. Finally people understand my plight.

What is this, To Catch A Predator?

Better than NO U posts.

You can give us Karma points later.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 18, 2014, 08:46:57 pm
So apparently I missed one hell of a discussion.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 19, 2014, 08:11:21 am
Can we please get back to the topic of TA's girlfriend and what to buy them for a casual date gift?

Ben, any suggestions? I think the consensus was that flowers were too old fashioned, but chocolates are never a bad idea. Unless they don't like chocolates, in which case they are a bad idea.

Bayonetta Two.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on August 19, 2014, 08:58:59 am
Hey Barry, "so you brought condoms, but you just wanted to talk to her, huh?" Hahah

That's not me. I don't know who "SexyButterLvr49ers" is, but that ain't me.



So how bout that Bayonetta 2?! I keep forgetting about it... which I guess is not a good thing for Nintendo. They really should start marketing it aggressively.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 19, 2014, 09:26:44 am
So how bout that Bayonetta 2?! I keep forgetting about it... which I guess is not a good thing for Nintendo. They really should start marketing it aggressively.

>Marketing a game without "Mario" in the title


Someone needs to make this image with Bayo and Jeanne.

For real though, I think I've lost hope for a cool Bayonetta bundle console, they probably would have announced it by now I'm guessing?

What is the next best bundle to get? I hear good things about Mario Kart 8 I think that had a bundle too?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 19, 2014, 10:27:48 am
So apparently I missed one hell of a discussion.

It's never too late to get in on it, man.

So how bout that Bayonetta 2?! I keep forgetting about it... which I guess is not a good thing for Nintendo. They really should start marketing it aggressively.

First, the image is hilarious, pretty sure i saw that episode. Second, Bayo 2 is a goner. I haven't heard anything either, at this point Bayo fans should be worried they'll ever see a 3rd game.

What is the next best bundle to get? I hear good things about Mario Kart 8 I think that had a bundle too?


Buy this, game is fantastic. Although, i think more of us need to race on here.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 19, 2014, 11:27:35 am
I can't find that bundle still for sale anywhere :(
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 19, 2014, 11:29:50 am
Geez, i didn't know these things had sold out. Best bet would be Ebay..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 19, 2014, 11:40:26 am
Eh, quick look at ebay prices are almost as expensive as just buying the console. I'll wait and see what happens in October, there might be more bundles and the like available. If I was really keen I could wait until Black Friday too...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 19, 2014, 11:53:54 am
So apparently I missed one hell of a discussion.
Its been better than your Blame Sega for Alien mess discussion that you used to initially to hijack this thread...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 19, 2014, 11:54:53 am
Its been better than your Blame Sega for Alien mess discussion that you used to initially to hijack this thread...

Do you have any proof that this is better though?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 19, 2014, 11:59:23 am
>Marketing a game without "Mario" in the title


Someone needs to make this image with Bayo and Jeanne.

For real though, I think I've lost hope for a cool Bayonetta bundle console, they probably would have announced it by now I'm guessing?

What is the next best bundle to get? I hear good things about Mario Kart 8 I think that had a bundle too?

Were really condeming Nintendo in packaging Mario with their system? I could compare it to Sega but come to think of it they didn't just package Sonic with their systems so yeah i guess you can say that...
I dunno... i collected most of the Sega Wii bundles...All sitting along side my RGG PS3 bundle and PDO XBOX bundle from japan. Don't think i be doing that again anytime soon. Quite expensive in the long run.
Just funny though that Sega is the only visable company that still do bundles when they of course don't have a system of their own...but i'm sure Nintendo will come up with aBay2 bundle..or the pont of getting this game defeats the point if they are trying to entice people to buy their system...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 19, 2014, 11:59:49 am
Do you have any proof that this is better though?

The proof is in the dear MM...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 19, 2014, 12:16:49 pm
Were really condeming Nintendo in packaging Mario with their system? I could compare it to Sega but come to think of it they didn't just package Sonic with their systems so yeah i guess you can say that...

I didn't mean to criticise their bundle policies, I was just being a dick saying that they won't bother promoting non-Mario games.

I'm starting to doubt we'll see any Bayonetta Bundle though, if only because we probably would have heard something about it by now since they would be fishing for pre-orders. Announcing it a month out only would be cutting it rather fine.

I would like to get the MK bundle, but it doesn't seem like it's available anywhere anymore. I might go for a refurbished unit since I don't have much desire to play New Super Mario Brothers #2430.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 19, 2014, 12:24:02 pm
Great Deal:
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on August 19, 2014, 05:52:11 pm
Great Deal:
I bought this so let me tell you what I think.

It is basically brand new, the console looks new and the only thing difference is that it says 'refurbished' on the box. Outside of that its basically the same brand new retail and comes with standard warranty that brand new consoles comes with.

The Wii U has a ton of good exclusives that are NOT available anywhere else: Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, Sonic Lost World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, New Super Mario Bros Wii U, Mario 3D World and Wonderful 101. I'm sure I forgot some but those are pretty good exclusives that are worth it on the console. Whole the PS4 has... Killzone...Infamous... what else? Oh yeah, pay double the price with no great exclusives.

Not saying I prefer this to a PS4 in the future, just saying for the price of entry, the number of exclusives and some pretty great looking future titles: 200 dollars is a great price point. Especially for Bayonetta 2 in a few months.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 20, 2014, 12:20:37 am
Ben, any suggestions? I think the consensus was that flowers were too old fashioned, but chocolates are never a bad idea. Unless they don't like chocolates, in which case they are a bad idea.

How about a Taco Bell gift card?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 20, 2014, 04:59:43 am
I didn't mean to criticise their bundle policies, I was just being a dick saying that they won't bother promoting non-Mario games.

I'm starting to doubt we'll see any Bayonetta Bundle though, if only because we probably would have heard something about it by now since they would be fishing for pre-orders. Announcing it a month out only would be cutting it rather fine.

I would like to get the MK bundle, but it doesn't seem like it's available anywhere anymore. I might go for a refurbished unit since I don't have much desire to play New Super Mario Brothers #2430.

Well my understanding is they wanted this game and it was the first non developed Nintendo game they have acquired before Devils Third. So i would be suprised if they don't promote the game at all...but since it was popular in japan to begin with and the fact that japan knows how to market games better..that side won't be a problem..its what happens here in the west...and i really don't think there will be much of a problem there either...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 20, 2014, 08:21:37 am
I bought this so let me tell you what I think.

It is basically brand new, the console looks new and the only thing difference is that it says 'refurbished' on the box. Outside of that its basically the same brand new retail and comes with standard warranty that brand new consoles comes with.

The Wii U has a ton of good exclusives that are NOT available anywhere else: Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, Sonic Lost World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, New Super Mario Bros Wii U, Mario 3D World and Wonderful 101. I'm sure I forgot some but those are pretty good exclusives that are worth it on the console. Whole the PS4 has... Killzone...Infamous... what else? Oh yeah, pay double the price with no great exclusives.

Not saying I prefer this to a PS4 in the future, just saying for the price of entry, the number of exclusives and some pretty great looking future titles: 200 dollars is a great price point. Especially for Bayonetta 2 in a few months.

Yeah I definitely think I'll go with the refurb, along with a copy of Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2. There's a good few games I want to get on the system. Can you play MK8 with classic controllers?

How about a Taco Bell gift card?

I actually want to do that now.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 20, 2014, 09:30:40 am
I bought this so let me tell you what I think.

It is basically brand new, the console looks new and the only thing difference is that it says 'refurbished' on the box. Outside of that its basically the same brand new retail and comes with standard warranty that brand new consoles comes with.

The Wii U has a ton of good exclusives that are NOT available anywhere else: Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, Sonic Lost World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, New Super Mario Bros Wii U, Mario 3D World and Wonderful 101. I'm sure I forgot some but those are pretty good exclusives that are worth it on the console. Whole the PS4 has... Killzone...Infamous... what else? Oh yeah, pay double the price with no great exclusives.

Not saying I prefer this to a PS4 in the future, just saying for the price of entry, the number of exclusives and some pretty great looking future titles: 200 dollars is a great price point. Especially for Bayonetta 2 in a few months.

I probably should've waited for one of these, opted for a standard Wii U with NSMBU for $200 over a year ago.. Wasn't too bad at the time i guess.

Now, i feel like i have to ask this. Are you guys really genuinely impressed and excited for Bayo2? Is it cause it was a Sega published game, or because you really like the game that much? I'm just curious.

How about a Taco Bell gift card?

If you want the shits, why not? Hahah.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 20, 2014, 10:07:45 am
Now, i feel like i have to ask this. Are you guys really genuinely impressed and excited for Bayo2? Is it cause it was a Sega published game, or because you really like the game that much? I'm just curious.

Quite honestly I think Bayonetta is one of the absolute best games I've ever played. The gameplay is nearly flawless for an action game and I finished it multiple times.

The music, graphics, level design and character design as well as the general aestheic are all fantastic, it's quite simply just one of the most polished games I've ever seen. The little details and care put into the game just oozed from it (One that stands out in memory is the trail of flowers left behind the panther when you run through levels), and made me think that it was really a game that had a lot of love put into it.

I don't know if Bayo 2 will be as good as 1, but I've become a fan of games like God Hand, Devil May Cry and the like, so it's certainly a game I really want to play regardless. If not I'll just play the remixed Bayonetta 1 until my eyes bleed.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on August 20, 2014, 12:39:57 pm
Yeah I definitely think I'll go with the refurb, along with a copy of Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2. There's a good few games I want to get on the system. Can you play MK8 with classic controllers?

I actually want to do that now.
It does work with the classic controllers.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 20, 2014, 02:41:26 pm
Quite honestly I think Bayonetta is one of the absolute best games I've ever played. The gameplay is nearly flawless for an action game and I finished it multiple times.

The music, graphics, level design and character design as well as the general aestheic are all fantastic, it's quite simply just one of the most polished games I've ever seen. The little details and care put into the game just oozed from it (One that stands out in memory is the trail of flowers left behind the panther when you run through levels), and made me think that it was really a game that had a lot of love put into it.

I don't know if Bayo 2 will be as good as 1, but I've become a fan of games like God Hand, Devil May Cry and the like, so it's certainly a game I really want to play regardless. If not I'll just play the remixed Bayonetta 1 until my eyes bleed.

I genuinely want to understand why people like it as much as they claim. I played it and thought it was good, but not great. It just reminded me too much of DMC, but with a female protagonist instead. I do have an interest in Bayo2, but i know i won't pick it up cause my wife won't have it, haha.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 20, 2014, 02:52:34 pm
I genuinely want to understand why people like it as much as they claim. I played it and thought it was good, but not great. It just reminded me too much of DMC, but with a female protagonist instead. I do have an interest in Bayo2, but i know i won't pick it up cause my wife won't have it, haha.

I tried to explain some of it to you, although I didn't go into details for gameplay specifically, everything about the game was just nigh on perfect. The music, graphics and design were amazing.

Onto the most important part, gameplay;
I don't know where to really begin, but the combat is just superb IMO. I do love DMC (Never played the new 'DmC' though), and I rate DMC1 and 3 near Bayonetta in terms of quality. I do feel that Bayonetta is similar but just more... refined? It feels smoother and also has some amazing ideas that weren't featured in DMC.

Witch Time is the biggest one, it's so satisfying to get a succesful last minute evasion and then unlock the weave powers. Things like panther and butterfly transformations make platforming/navigating levels a joy beyond what DMC could offer.

The controls are just incredibly responsive and there's such a plethora of attacks and combinations of moves avaiable I can't think of any game that matches it (maybe God Hand with it's brilliant customisable combo system and roullete supers). The fact that you can put weapons on your arms and feet means there's lots of potential combinations and all the weapons are not only unique, but very nicely fleshed out, meaning you can find your niche weapon and really sink your teeth into it. DMC3 had this as well, but again, I feel it was better polished in Bayo.

I could go on and on, so let me know if you want more. It really is one of my all time favourite games, and now I just want to re-play it :(
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 20, 2014, 04:04:14 pm
No, that's a pretty good explanation. I'm starting to see what you're saying. I did notice the controls were pretty easy to handle when compared to something like DMC4. I think my lack of enthusiasm comes from the fact that i suck at action games like these. I only played Bayonetta cause everyone was raving about it and i wanted to see what all of the fuss was about. The combat always seemed a bit repetitive to me, but that might be because i'm a button masher and i didn't take the time to learn the combo's correctly. I'm sure it makes a world of a difference if you master the combo's.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 21, 2014, 06:18:15 am
I think the reality is, not that people aren't excited about Bay2, they're just not excited about it being on Nintendo.
Even if it is cheap compared to the other systems, people want more than a reason to get  asystem for just one game. BAYONETTA has never really been tested as a game that could help shift systems. The game has to strike big in sales and if big enough systems as well which would help in all markets but specifically in Japan as that is where most of the big sales for the first game happened.

As for Bay vs DMC, DMC never progressed as a game as it would have done if capcom didn't mess around with the original creators after the first title. So i'd say its a much polished game with great executions of ideas presented in the gameplay. Bay2 has to really top what it brought to the table in the first game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 21, 2014, 08:09:18 am
No, that's a pretty good explanation. I'm starting to see what you're saying. I did notice the controls were pretty easy to handle when compared to something like DMC4. I think my lack of enthusiasm comes from the fact that i suck at action games like these. I only played Bayonetta cause everyone was raving about it and i wanted to see what all of the fuss was about. The combat always seemed a bit repetitive to me, but that might be because i'm a button masher and i didn't take the time to learn the combo's correctly. I'm sure it makes a world of a difference if you master the combo's.

Button mashing definitely will ruin the experience, not to mention make the game harder to play. If it's not your type of game I guess it's horses for courses, but it's probably the finest action game there is.

Everyone has their genre they can't really click with, I can't get into sim racing games for example (FIA and iRacing, although I can usually admire what they excel at.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 21, 2014, 04:54:22 pm
I really didn't like the original Bayonetta very much, but the sequel (to me) looks like a far better game to me, so I'm definitely going to be picking it up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 22, 2014, 07:46:00 am
I really didn't like the original Bayonetta very much, but the sequel (to me) looks like a far better game to me, so I'm definitely going to be picking it up.

Can I ask why you didn't enjoy it? I'm surprised I thought you were a fan for some reason.

Obviously you are not a TRUE SEGA FAN NERD (What ever happened to that meme? I think it died with Snaus leaving)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 22, 2014, 03:18:48 pm
Nah I was never a fan, I didn't get more than a couple hours into it. I didn't like the main character, I thought the combat system was a bit overrated, and I thought the lengthy load time when you died killed the pace and took a lot of the adrenaline away.

Bayonetta 2 looks far better visually, I like the characterization of the main character more (from what I've seen) and the emphasis on epic boss fights and brighter environments has me more interested.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on August 23, 2014, 12:03:00 am
*face palm* Ben, no.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 23, 2014, 04:26:04 am
By characterization, he means that ass, haha
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 23, 2014, 06:36:48 am
*face palm* Ben, no.

Ben confirmed for SJW.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 24, 2014, 02:24:40 am
*face palm* Ben, no.

Oh and also the soundtrack was irritating, lol.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on August 24, 2014, 04:11:40 pm
Oh and also the soundtrack was irritating, lol.

Get out.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mariano on August 24, 2014, 07:55:23 pm
Dont be mad with Ben, i dont like Shenmue for example....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 25, 2014, 01:18:54 am
Get out.

Oh, and also, the character designs were horribly unappealing.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on August 25, 2014, 02:25:00 am
How can you hate:
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 25, 2014, 02:43:21 am
Never really been a fan of Sarah Palin, tbh.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 25, 2014, 08:00:23 am
Oh, and also, the character designs were horribly unappealing.

Why are you still here?

Please go back to Sonic Stadium.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 25, 2014, 10:39:39 am
Never really been a fan of Sarah Palin, tbh.

But Sarah Palin was sort of a milf..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on August 25, 2014, 11:02:57 am
I never understood why people said she looked like Sarah Palin.

Was it like tongue in cheek? Just because she wears glasses or something? Because she looks nothing like Sarah Palin.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 25, 2014, 11:07:49 am
I never understood why people said she looked like Sarah Palin.

Was it like tongue in cheek? Just because she wears glasses or something? Because she looks nothing like Sarah Palin.

Ben's trying to rustle our jimmies because he doesn't like Bayonetta, because he doesn't believe that strong independent women should be video-game protagonists.

Also, there's a thing called 'Operation Platinum' and people are trying to get Bayo 2 to sell 1 million units by making youtube videos or something. I imagine they also intend to buy the game too.
Almost convinced I'm gonna get the refurb Wii-U sometime in September/October and see if I can find a copy of Wonderful 101 somewhere.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 27, 2014, 02:01:44 am
I never understood why people said she looked like Sarah Palin.

Was it like tongue in cheek? Just because she wears glasses or something? Because she looks nothing like Sarah Palin.

No I honestly believe she looks like Sarah Palin. I guess it's a matter of opinion, but that's certainly what the character reminds me of.

because he doesn't believe that strong independent women should be video-game protagonists.

(sigh) and of course, Bayonetta fans always resort to the "if you don't like this game, you're sexist!!!!!" defense.....

It's ridiculous, if she were a male character I'd have had the same reaction. Has nothing to do with her gender whatsoever.

It's honestly sexist of you to bring her gender into it; Bayonetta shouldn't be judged differently just because she's a female. Who cares. If I said that I disliked Master Chief, would you have said that it's because I don't like male characters? Of course not.

And by the way, lol.....lots of video games feature strong female main characters; to me it's not even anything noteworthy. I know that Bayonetta fans like to act like she's the first, but....not even close.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 27, 2014, 08:01:33 am
(sigh) and of course, Bayonetta fans always resort to the "if you don't like this game, you're sexist!!!!!" defense.....

I'm surprised you fell for my obvious bait/trolling.

But seriously, why don't you like Bayonetta as a character? Although I get the feeling you're playing the game for the wrong reasons, or just don't like action games, which is fine. I guess...

But not liking the soundtrack? That just makes me sick.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 27, 2014, 08:28:22 am
Bayonetta as a character is just as good as Varla Gunns and  Detective Washington...caricatures with a little depth added...its just too bad Sega decided not to try and develop them further with future games...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 27, 2014, 08:31:58 am
Bayonetta as a character is just as good as Varla Gunns and  Detective Washington...caricatures with a little depth added...its just too bad Sega decided not to try and develop them further with future games...

Maybe they'll make a HotD mobile game, where you can fire ten bullets a day, and can pay real money to buy more bullets. JUST LIKE THE OLD GAMES, WE LOVE OUR FANS!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on August 27, 2014, 08:58:28 am
No I honestly believe she looks like Sarah Palin. I guess it's a matter of opinion, but that's certainly what the character reminds me of.


Things that is different
- Square jaw vs sharpish jaw
- Mole under lip
- Different ears
- Different hair colours
- Eyes and eyebrows are completely different
- Bayonetta has a slender nose

Things they share
- Wear glasses
- Are white
- Both are females

I'm still failing to see the resemblance.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 27, 2014, 09:02:27 am
Things they share
- Wear glasses
- Are white
- Both are females

All white females with glasses look alike.

Ben is sexist, ableist and racist!

Please go back to Stormfront, Ben.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 27, 2014, 09:11:57 am

Things that is different
- Square jaw vs sharpish jaw
- Mole under lip
- Different ears
- Different hair colours
- Eyes and eyebrows are completely different
- Bayonetta has a slender nose

Things they share
- Wear glasses
- Are white
- Both are females

I'm still failing to see the resemblance.

The sarah palin thing was just a lazy comparison because of the time BAYONETTA was being promoted during the american election race and any attention to be part of that historical election would have been exploited. So saying Bayonetta looked like Sarah palin was just the game industy's and game magazines attempt to get attention from the mainstream world...hey this video game character looks like palin...come on CNN..come on ABC news, look at us!"
Sad and pathetic really...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 27, 2014, 06:35:27 pm
I'm surprised you fell for my obvious bait/trolling.

I can never tell if you're joking or not, lol. Regardless though, that argument always does sorta get to me. I think people misunderstand that the issue some have with Bayonetta isn't that she's a strong female, it's that her characterization seems a bit dated; Maybe more reminiscent of a time when developers felt that male gamers wouldn't have any interest in a female main character unless she was tearing her clothes off every 5 seconds.

I can maybe accept the argument that the character of Bayonetta may have been meant as a satire of this type of thing, but if that was the case then the writing (IMO) didn't take this idea far enough.

And again, that's not why I personally disliked the character. I just found her to be annoying.

Although I get the feeling you're playing the game for the wrong reasons, or just don't like action games, which is fine. I guess...

It's not true that I don't like action games. Honestly though I found the character, her portrayal, and her voice to be irritating. It's a matter of preference of course, but Bayonetta herself plays such a major role in the game that it's hard to sort of enjoy it if you dislike her.

That's always the risk you run when you develop a character who's so over the top. With someone like Lightning from FF13 or Jack from MadWorld or the female Shepherd from Mass Effect, even if you don't really like these characters, they're sort of subdued and it's unlikely that you'd find them to be "annoying." Characters like Bayonetta or Travis from No More Heroes are so incredibly over the top and by that nature, you run the risk of them alienating various people.

Some people like the character, and I get that. Some people find the character to be exploitative, and I get that. I personally don't really agree with either point, I just found her to be irritating.

But not liking the soundtrack? That just makes me sick.

haha I thought the Fly Me to the Moon song was amusing the first time, I didn't need to hear it every 5 seconds though.

Things that is different
- Square jaw vs sharpish jaw
- Mole under lip
- Different ears
- Different hair colours
- Eyes and eyebrows are completely different
- Bayonetta has a slender nose

Things they share
- Wear glasses
- Are white
- Both are females

I'm still failing to see the resemblance.

lol dude I didn't say they got Sarah Palin down to every microscopic detail..........but yeah, I don't really know what else to say, I look at that picture and see definitively that they look alike. I'm surprised you'd even post that picture because when I look at it, all I see is "wow, they look alike."

saying Bayonetta looked like Sarah palin was just the game industy's and game magazines attempt to get attention from the mainstream world...hey this video game character looks like palin...come on CNN..come on ABC news, look at us!"
Sad and pathetic really...

Or maybe they just thought she looked like her.

I mean look it's a matter of opinion, you either think she does or doesn't. But I have trouble not seeing the resemblance, to be honest.

Not that it really matters (I was somewhat joking when I listed that as a major reason why I didn't like the character) but yeah...I can't really see how you guy don't see it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 28, 2014, 08:07:52 am
Hmm, I can't say I've ever disliked a character enough that it's hampered my enjoyment of a game. I think I can generally look past stuff like that if the gameplay is good enough.

I actually really liked Bayonetta's character to be honest. She was basically just a female version of the typical smart-arse male. I think the closest equivalent would probably be Duke Nukem. Yes she was sexualised, but it didn't really feel like it was overbearing unless it was played for laughs or it was Bayonetta taunting someone. Not even quite satire so much as just larger than life.

As for the music, I loved the Fly me to the Moon cover, but FMTTM is my favourite song so... Having said that all the instrumental and other music was top notch. Remember Red and Black?

As for taking me seriously, you should know that 99.99% of the time I'm posting here I'm being a tool-box.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 28, 2014, 09:26:14 am
Or maybe they just thought she looked like her.

I mean look it's a matter of opinion, you either think she does or doesn't. But I have trouble not seeing the resemblance, to be honest.

Not that it really matters (I was somewhat joking when I listed that as a major reason why I didn't like the character) but yeah...I can't really see how you guy don't see it.

Because she doesn't. Both Palin and Bayonetta is based on some 60s beehive fashion template that many women in the 1960s in america were dressing like. So people saying that they are the same is effectively the equivalent of them saying that all japanese people  look the same and all blacks look the same and all whoever..yet again lazy comparison.. They have a similar look yes but not looking the same or are the same..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 28, 2014, 01:50:43 pm
Because she doesn't. Both Palin and Bayonetta is based on some 60s beehive fashion template that many women in the 1960s in america were dressing like. So people saying that they are the same is effectively the equivalent of them saying that all japanese people  look the same and all blacks look the same and all whoever..yet again lazy comparison.. They have a similar look yes but not looking the same or are the same..

They have similar looks, yes, which makes them look the same.

I actually really liked Bayonetta's character to be honest. She was basically just a female version of the typical smart-arse male. I think the closest equivalent would probably be Duke Nukem. Yes she was sexualised, but it didn't really feel like it was overbearing unless it was played for laughs or it was Bayonetta taunting someone. Not even quite satire so much as just larger than life.

I never really  cared much for Duke Nukem's character either so maybe it's just not my thing.

Musically I didn't hate most of it, but yeah Fly Me to the Moon was played so constantly that to me it overshadowed everything else. I don't remember any other songs. Not saying they weren't in there, but I can't remember what they were.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 29, 2014, 05:18:10 am
They have similar looks, yes, which makes them look the same.

What,Sarah palin busting out with two guns and skimpy clothing which is really her hair and wearing high heels? The only similarity is the hair style and they both wear glasses...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on August 29, 2014, 10:12:56 am
I dunno, i think she sort of looks like Sarah Palin. We would have to know what Palin looked like when she was younger though cause Bayonetta seems to look a bit younger than Palin is.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: fernandeath on August 29, 2014, 10:47:11 am
The game will be released on october 24th

I think this is a good timing to release the game.
The WiiU is doing great business since the release of MK8 and I'm finally optimistic about the game's comercial sucess.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on August 29, 2014, 11:44:08 am
Finally a release date!

Since there's no mention of a Bayo 2 bundle, I guess I'm safe to buy a Wii-U now then. I'll probably pick it up sometime next week via the refurb option on the website  :afroman:
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on August 30, 2014, 03:23:51 am
What,Sarah palin busting out with two guns and skimpy clothing which is really her hair and wearing high heels? The only similarity is the hair style and they both wear glasses...


Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 30, 2014, 05:37:06 am



Really that's the best you can do... ::)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on August 30, 2014, 12:40:29 pm
Finally a release date!

Since there's no mention of a Bayo 2 bundle, I guess I'm safe to buy a Wii-U now then. I'll probably pick it up sometime next week via the refurb option on the website  :afroman:

Well if you want a bundle i'd wait until they announce it..i'm sure they'll do one for Japan via some exclusive service...dunno about the west..but it loks like they may give a bundle out..maybe after the game is released and if its a big hit for the Wii...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on September 01, 2014, 10:15:45 am
Bayonetta hate? SMH. Ben deserves to be bumped down to negative kudos.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 01, 2014, 02:18:48 pm
Bayonetta hate? SMH. Ben deserves to be bumped down to negative kudos.

"How i learned to stop hating and love the guns and specs.."

A BAYONETTA love story by Ben...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on September 01, 2014, 02:58:40 pm
I never got the Palin comparisons with Bayonetta. Near as I can tell, it's because they're both white women with glasses, and Bayonetta gets the stigma because her game was revealed and marketed at a time when Palin was still relevant.

Still, can't deny that a LOT of people I know make the comparison, so...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on September 01, 2014, 08:19:16 pm
Late but whatever, not like we have much else to talk about.

lol dude I didn't say they got Sarah Palin down to every microscopic detail..........but yeah, I don't really know what else to say, I look at that picture and see definitively that they look alike. I'm surprised you'd even post that picture because when I look at it, all I see is "wow, they look alike."

Different eyes, lips, jaw and nose are not microscopic detail, it's pretty much the major details in someone's face.

I mean outside of my nose, eyes, jaws and lips me and Tiger Woods look almost identical.

Still, can't deny that a LOT of people I know make the comparison, so...

I see it all the time and think it's the same sort of reaction I get from people who think any colourful platformer is "Just like Sonic."
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 02, 2014, 06:14:21 am
To be fair you can see Ben's point on why the comparison exists...we can all try to act like smart alecs but the similarities exist for people to draw that comparison. If BAYONETTA came out before Palin became popular, that comparison would still be made. Anyhow its only a comparison gamers make..the mainstream doesn't really know who Bayonetta is as a character...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on September 02, 2014, 06:21:47 am
Bayonetta being a Soccer Mum?

Sarah Palin being a Gun Weilding Witch?

Is this real life?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on September 02, 2014, 06:32:37 am
Nah I think the devers just decided to do westernized characters over eastern. To take advantage of the 3d since Eastern people of Asia are more easy to do in detail ( of course I am not talking about Russia or India ). Otherwise Bay would have turned out to be more animated like it's manga. Even so the character was made to be western.

Like take how many Western faces appear in the Lupin the 3rd. monthly comic strips. They even had X-files and Britney Spears mock ups.

Lastly about Palin, I wouldn't mind fighting in her army. If it was between her and Hilldog I would have to choose her. Hillary already have too many lies and makes changes in her words. Palin might be a puppet of some sort but she is also more or less a variant of Bush. I don't really think women canadates have what it takes to actually be for the people and not just be other Bushes or Obamas.
I do not think Obama is all that bad at all either. Yes this is going off topic but somebody brought up the comparison issue.

About British sexy hot. Yeah everything is completely opposite. Like that episode in South Park where Palin was just acting on stage and walking off she has an manish angry English educated voice. So if their was an comparison that would be it.

The way I view Bay; they took Mary Poppins gave her glasses, tear her skirt, and made her loose the hat and put her her up in one. That is all.

Truly unsatifying and unsexy. I mean I just do not get it. Must be American lust from the far east. As many Japanese people in our age groups all have grown up admiring the west. Even now they have drama's showing how "Grandma" ( from the 1980's ) is sitting at her traditional Geisha table, while the kids and parents are sitting up high ( like westerners ). It is terrible and sick to see such ways of thinking. I miss the greasy street atmosphere of shows and the way people are. Nowadays it is so damn western. Even the Uniform get-up is lame cleets ( plad ) that is extra fine. It takes the fun out of it anymore. Other Asian nations have wanna-be people nowadays. I like them a lot more.
Next ten years; they all might be like us.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on September 05, 2014, 08:27:23 am (

Nintendo Direct on Bayo 2 earlier today, new trailer and EU gets some cool special edition!
I guess there will be no bundle with the console, so looks like I'm buying a refurb this week! (

Also more Nintendo fanservice:

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 05, 2014, 08:33:10 am
Good to see the Sega logo back up..with the rights firmly established as well in this trailer. This should hopefully stop the talk that Sega doesn't own Bayonetta or not being involved at least in some capacity with bay 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mariano on September 05, 2014, 02:07:30 pm
Actually SEGA still work with Bayo 2, here is some information: (

Yes is in spanish but for the ones that dont read it basically said that SEGA (WAVEMASTER more precisaly) will release the BSO (In spanish the soundtrack) of Bayonetta 2 in a seperate way than the game.

In a different topic...i am one of the few is the page than can speak spanish? XD.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: RegalSin on September 05, 2014, 03:07:48 pm
Meeeeahhhhhhhh......................This game never needed a sequel to beging with. Just more of the same stuff. I remember other series where characters went to the under world. They never needed no hyper bike, or whatever transforming thing.

Sir Light is alive and well.
Another Light witch arises.
Sir Light ubducts her and takes a new form
Continues with plans from previous game to do what Mother/00 of Evangelion did
Bayleaf uses Leaf-cutter, vine-whip, and solar beam for finish

I bet they will have some sorta Dragon Ball fighting along with Matrix and showing off of action.
Can you turn those things off?

It is going to be a great game eitherway. But just more of the same kind of game.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 06, 2014, 07:41:42 am
Actually SEGA still work with Bayo 2, here is some information: (

Yes is in spanish but for the ones that dont read it basically said that SEGA (WAVEMASTER more precisaly) will release the BSO (In spanish the soundtrack) of Bayonetta 2 in a seperate way than the game.

In a different topic...i am one of the few is the page than can speak spanish? XD.

Of course...but people here have said sega has NOTHING to do with this title...regardless of the fact thatt hey own the IP...intially funded a part of the game... help set up the deal for Nintendo to take over funding....consulted on the title...the original code for Bay 1.. and now the wavemaster factor...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: inthesky on September 09, 2014, 02:24:55 pm
Sarah Palin discussion? Da hell? =) They're nothing alike. Bayonetta and Sarah Palin have appeal for different reasons but I find it strange that Sarah Palin has as much appeal as she does. Beyond just the political aspect, the thing where she's super attractive to lots of people and is a cultural icon. Like the whole porn star thing.

Of course...but people here have said sega has NOTHING to do with this title...regardless of the fact thatt hey own the IP...intially funded a part of the game... help set up the deal for Nintendo to take over funding....consulted on the title...the original code for Bay 1.. and now the wavemaster factor...

This has always been a strange discussion, it's always been Sega's :S
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 09, 2014, 02:58:52 pm
Yeah i know but tell that to the detractors around here....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: fernandeath on September 24, 2014, 09:43:36 am
The game has bombed in Japan


[3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo, 09/13/14) – 321,363 (1,266,008)
[3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke (Level-5, 07/10/14) – 56,380 (2,525,591)
[Wii U] Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo, 09/20/14) – 38,828 (New)
[PS3] Destiny (SCE, 09/11/14) – 18,396 (67,896)
[3DS] Dragon Quest X Online (Square Enix, 09/04/14) – 13,948 (89,299)
[PS4] Destiny (SCE, 09/11/14) – 13,014 (104,291)
[PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (Bandai Namco, 09/11/14) – 9,389 (49,569)
[PSV] Toukiden Kiwami (Koei Tecmo, 08/28/14) – 7,936 (129,256)
[Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) – 6,396 (672,313)
[3DS] Yokai Watch (Level-5, 07/11/13) – 4,554 (1,274,296)

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Sharky on September 24, 2014, 10:42:02 am
That is not necessarily a bomb, wait for next weeks sales. But it was never going to set the charts alight on the Wii U was it...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on September 24, 2014, 10:48:36 am
That is not necessarily a bomb, wait for next weeks sales. But it was never going to set the charts alight on the Wii U was it...

Look at Smash Bros sales figures by comparison tho...

RIP in Piece Bayonetta... This gaming landscape was never meant for one as beautiful as you.

EDIT: I just realised Smash was 3DS numbers. Disregard my post, I suck cocks.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on September 24, 2014, 10:57:31 am
I'm writing up on the sales and let me say, they are not good in anyway. Just be happy we got a Bayonetta 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: fernandeath on September 24, 2014, 11:08:38 am
It scored 38/40 on famitsu -
10/10 on edge -

It's a shame the game did not sell as many units as I was expecting.
Let's see if it will achievethe 100K milestone
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 24, 2014, 01:19:13 pm
Let's see what happens next week sales. But Aki is correct the sales isn't good for a game Nintendo paid exclusively for. I wonder if this is a repeat of anything outside Nintendo mascot games on a nintendo system is doomed to what basically happened on the Wii.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 24, 2014, 01:24:39 pm
That is not necessarily a bomb, wait for next weeks sales. But it was never going to set the charts alight on the Wii U was it...

Agreed. Considering what it was up against its done ok but far below what the original made. The question now is if Sega had released this game themselves and released it on PS3/4 360 would we have seen the game with the same numbers or higher? Also Nintendo now has to look at changing their low tech philosophy if they are going to compete with sony and microsoft since its clear that the Wii was just a fluke/fashion trend in the way it became such a massive seller. I also reckon the mobile direction of the japanese market may have a lot to do with it when you look at the sales on that side of things. Dwarfing even the highest entry in the console charts on a regular basis.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on September 24, 2014, 01:28:58 pm
Let's see what happens next week sales. But Aki is correct the sales isn't good for a game Nintendo paid exclusively for. I wonder if this is a repeat of anything outside Nintendo mascot games on a nintendo system is doomed to what basically happened on the Wii.

Aren't opening week numbers generally the highest? I'm willing to wait, but I really don't think we're going to see anything other than a downward trend while Nintendo Wii-U owners scratch their heads and wonder what a Bayonetta is while they grab armfuls of Hyrule Warriors to purchase.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on September 24, 2014, 01:31:37 pm
Everyone knew this would happen though. Bayo is not a system seller in any way. If anything, releasing this as a Wii U exclusive was a flat out error. Can't complain much considering Nintendo made this happen.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 24, 2014, 01:35:06 pm
Aren't opening week numbers generally the highest? I'm willing to wait, but I really don't think we're going to see anything other than a downward trend while Nintendo Wii-U owners scratch their heads and wonder what a Bayonetta is while they grab armfuls of Hyrule Warriors to purchase.

The argument is this is actually first day sales not a first week sales. That's why me and the sharkster is saying wait til next week to see how it gains after a week. Comparing first day sales of the original though its not good. But the orginal was available on two systems.
Also the japanese console market is at a wringer right now.

3DS LL – 35,622 (31,602)
PlayStation Vita – 11,148 (12,331)
PlayStation 4 – 8,939 (23,623)
Wii U – 8,396 (7,062)
3DS – 7,970 (7,967)
PlayStation 3 – 6,078 (6,083)
Xbox One – 1,314 (3,015)
PlayStation Vita TV – 704 (817)
Xbox 360 – 103 (96)
PSP – 99 (101)

The picture says it all when the PS4 is being outsold by the VITA and the new version of the 3DS. The handheld console market has always been strong but the console market in japan has steadily declined. Which is why i wonder if its a factor for Bay2 numbers.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on September 24, 2014, 01:38:03 pm
Aren't opening week numbers generally the highest? I'm willing to wait, but I really don't think we're going to see anything other than a downward trend while Nintendo Wii-U owners scratch their heads and wonder what a Bayonetta is while they grab armfuls of Hyrule Warriors to purchase.

Hyrule Warriors took 7 weeks to cross the 100,000+ barrier, they are not buying that in the armfuls. Infact no one is buying much on the Wii U, third parties in Japan were right to downplay their investment on the platform after the first round of failures.

Let's see what happens next week sales. But Aki is correct the sales isn't good for a game Nintendo paid exclusively for. I wonder if this is a repeat of anything outside Nintendo mascot games on a nintendo system is doomed to what basically happened on the Wii.

The damning thing is even Nintendo's own titles are seeing significant downward sales, they really need to start working on a new platform, I do not know how much longer Nintendo can keep this up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 24, 2014, 02:58:28 pm
Hyrule Warriors took 7 weeks to cross the 100,000+ barrier, they are not buying that in the armfuls. Infact no one is buying much on the Wii U, third parties in Japan were right to downplay their investment on the platform after the first round of failures.

The damning thing is even Nintendo's own titles are seeing significant downward sales, they really need to start working on a new platform, I do not know how much longer Nintendo can keep this up.

Well you keep up to date on this type of stuff than i do now but from what i saw of the japanese console charts it seems to reflect a common trend in console sales and game sales overall. The Wii U from my understanding of it was in a bad position in a bad situation. I'm going to be really intrested to see how RGG 0 performs considering that the PS4 market isn't as strong in japan and Japan is really that title's bread and butter.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on September 25, 2014, 03:09:45 am
Like this any short of a shock . It was always going to bomb and its not do much better in the West . I'll expect to see the game on the XBox 1 and PS4 next year and even then the game will be multi to be a multi million seller
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 25, 2014, 06:00:05 am
Like this any short of a shock . It was always going to bomb and its not do much better in the West . I'll expect to see the game on the XBox 1 and PS4 next year and even then the game will be multi to be a multi million seller
For a game you kept saying isn't a sega title and that sega has no intrest now expect Sega to hire PG again for a third game...a stance you were also originally against? Because for a third game to happen Sega has to get involved and do the funding. And at this current climate i doubt that will happen. Anyway its too early to say the title has bombed based on first day sales and the current climate of the japanese console market.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on September 25, 2014, 07:26:26 am
For a game you kept saying isn't a sega title and that sega has no intrest now expect Sega to hire PG again for a third game

Its not a SEGA title and I fully expect SEGA to dump the IP and for Platinum and a 3rd party to buy the rights to Bay and publish the game  XBox One and PS. Even then it not be a multi million seller , but maybe it crack a million sales.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 25, 2014, 08:00:04 am

Its not a SEGA title and I fully expect SEGA to dump the IP and for Platinum and a 3rd party to buy the rights to Bay and publish the game  XBox One and PS. Even then it not be a multi million seller , but maybe it crack a million sales.

Dude...what has happened to you? Sega hardly dumps IP that they own. Your hatred has really eaten you up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on September 25, 2014, 11:14:40 am
Dude...what has happened to you? Sega hardly dumps IP that they own. Your hatred has really eaten you up.

They had no trouble getting rid of its sports 2k rights and sold the developer . Bayonetta is a IP that done nothing for SEGA. For once SEGA called it right... SEGA knew Bay II would flop and that's why it wouldn't put money into it's development .

I fully expect the game to be on the next gen this time next year if not sooner.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 25, 2014, 11:30:24 am
They had no trouble getting rid of its sports 2k rights and sold the developer . Bayonetta is a IP that done nothing for SEGA. For once SEGA called it right... SEGA knew Bay II would flop and that's why it wouldn't put money into it's development .

I fully expect the game to be on the next gen this time next year if not sooner.

Look how desperate you have become. Sega still owns the Sega sports brand. They just got rid of the studio. Also PG isn't OWNED by Sega to begin with. Sega hardly gives away their IP especially ones that has made money for them. If they were to get rid of IP that don't make any money than half the ips they own they would have sold off by now..  ::)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on September 25, 2014, 07:57:05 pm
They had no trouble getting rid of its sports 2k rights and sold the developer . Bayonetta is a IP that done nothing for SEGA. For once SEGA called it right... SEGA knew Bay II would flop and that's why it wouldn't put money into it's development .

I fully expect the game to be on the next gen this time next year if not sooner.

EA buying the rights to the NFL for gaming was fairly strong incentive for them to sale. There aren't too many other examples I can think of, though. How many more can you think of?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on September 26, 2014, 04:31:38 am
EA buying the rights to the NFL for gaming was fairly strong incentive for them to sale.

Well hindsight is a wonderful thing but NBA 2k is now a multi million selling game and nice money maker for Take Two  :(  and for added irony, a  game that has killed EA own Basketball game series

Sega still owns the Sega sports brand

Not the 2k brand which VC can still use and its shows that under Sammy  SEGA has no issues selling off items that don't make it money . Baytonetta II is a flop and isn't going to sell that great in the West . SEGA will have next to no interest and next to no reason to hold on the IP . Watch the IP be sold off to Platinum and watch the game come out on the next gen with SEGA or with out SEGA
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on September 26, 2014, 05:02:17 am
IMO SEGA basically traded Visual Concepts for Creative Assembly and Sports Interactive. Was it a good move? Yes, considering that Football Manager's development budget is rather low and the returns are high. Football Manager 2014 is always one of the most played steam games right up there with Valve's DOTA 2.

So yeah, Football Manager has a more active online fanbase to NBA 2K games.

Not to mention how much of a success Creative Assembly has been for SEGA, so much so that they have expanded the studio and now has over 300 employees. Total War is a big license and their slowly moving more into the console side of things with Viking (which I liked) and now Aliens Isolation.

The issue was also that not only did EA take the license for the NFL, but Take-Two had the exclusive third-party license for MLB. SEGA would have been only really had NHL and MLB. Take-Two did get a steal IMO for 24 million dollars.

But you have to see the fact that:
- ESPN license was bought by EA for 15 years.
- EA bought the NFL license.
- Take-Two had the MLB license.

I can see why their value was lower. If anything, SEGA should have sold Creative Assembly for like 50 million, right before they partnered up with Take-Two to publish NFL 2K5 which is considered one of the best football games ever.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 26, 2014, 05:41:12 am
Well hindsight is a wonderful thing but NBA 2k is now a multi million selling game and nice money maker for Take Two  :(  and for added irony, a  game that has killed EA own Basketball game series

Not the 2k brand which VC can still use and its shows that under Sammy  SEGA has no issues selling off items that don't make it money . Baytonetta II is a flop and isn't going to sell that great in the West . SEGA will have next to no interest and next to no reason to hold on the IP . Watch the IP be sold off to Platinum and watch the game come out on the next gen with SEGA or with out SEGA

And that post shows everyone why you have no idea on what you are on about. Now go away and troll somewhere else...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 26, 2014, 05:45:16 am
IMO SEGA basically traded Visual Concepts for Creative Assembly and Sports Interactive. Was it a good move? Yes, considering that Football Manager's development budget is rather low and the returns are high. Football Manager 2014 is always one of the most played steam games right up there with Valve's DOTA 2.

So yeah, Football Manager has a more active online fanbase to NBA 2K games.

Not to mention how much of a success Creative Assembly has been for SEGA, so much so that they have expanded the studio and now has over 300 employees. Total War is a big license and their slowly moving more into the console side of things with Viking (which I liked) and now Aliens Isolation.

The issue was also that not only did EA take the license for the NFL, but Take-Two had the exclusive third-party license for MLB. SEGA would have been only really had NHL and MLB. Take-Two did get a steal IMO for 24 million dollars.

But you have to see the fact that:
- ESPN license was bought by EA for 15 years.
- EA bought the NFL license.
- Take-Two had the MLB license.

I can see why their value was lower. If anything, SEGA should have sold Creative Assembly for like 50 million, right before they partnered up with Take-Two to publish NFL 2K5 which is considered one of the best football games ever.

But they didn't. CA and SI came way after Sega got rid of Visual Concepts. And it was part of a deal they struck with Take Two/Kush games who had partnered them on the last batch of Sega sports 2k titles. It was when those games was selling at a low price and outsold the latest MADDEN game that EA reacted and struck that exclusivity deal.
When sega entered into partnerships with CA and SI they were just publishing their games before they fully brought them out. So it was hardly a trade. Especially when most of the money Sega had was the money Sammy brought in.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on September 26, 2014, 06:44:32 am
SEGA basically traded Visual Concepts for Creative Assembly and Sports Interactive. Was it a good move? Yes, considering that Football Manager's development budget is rather low and the returns are high

I don't see why you couldn't have them all myself and it should also be noted that CA were themself's a very capable sports developer. NBA 2K is reviewer and sales successes these days. 

CA and SI came way after Sega got rid of Visual Concepts

 SEGA Europe signed the Football Manager deal way before  SEGA sold Visual and even before Sammy took full control of SEGA .

Not to mention how much of a success Creative Assembly has been for SEGA, so much so that they have expanded the studio and now has over 300 employees

I think you overplay that a little . CA had a consumer division years before SEGA took over  and while they've added a number of staff they've also closed some of CA satellite studios like its Australia  . So overall the head count isn't that much bigger

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on September 26, 2014, 07:09:15 am
I never suggested that the Visual Concepts was literally traded for Creative Assembly and Sports Interactive, but more figuratively. .

Before the world cup Sports Interactive said it sold 780,000 units of Football Manager 2014, months before the World Cup. It is known that the world cup gave the game a massive push.

Sure it isn't as big as NBA 2K, but you have to know that NBA games never really sold 5 million units + before 2K Sports put all that effort into the games. NBA Live was huge and 2K games basically destroyed it so bad it went off the market (for like 4 years).

This is all stuff that SEGA wouldn't have known keeping the studio. I can see them thinking that the NBA license was bound to be grabbed next (seeing as the MLB, NFL license already got grabbed).
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on September 26, 2014, 08:13:05 am
Anybody Importing the Japanese version?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 26, 2014, 08:55:41 am
SEGA Europe signed the Football Manager deal way before  SEGA sold Visual and even before Sammy took full control of SEGA .

Sega didn't buy CA or SI when they got rid of Visual concepts. I never mentioned tha they started the publishing deal afterwards. So stop spinning people on nonsense TA.

Here's what i said.
But they didn't. CA and SI came way after Sega got rid of Visual Concepts. And it was part of a deal they struck with Take Two/Kush games who had partnered them on the last batch of Sega sports 2k titles. It was when those games was selling at a low price and outsold the latest MADDEN game that EA reacted and struck that exclusivity deal.
When sega entered into partnerships with CA and SI they were just publishing their games before they fully brought them out. So it was hardly a trade. Especially when most of the money Sega had was the money Sammy brought in.

There is nothing there TA that suggests that i was saying that the publishing deal STARTED after the VC sell off. I mentioned they brought them after that all happened.

But keep on with your lies....

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 26, 2014, 09:00:01 am
Anybody Importing the Japanese version?

I always get the Japanese version first anyways.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on September 26, 2014, 09:22:18 am
I always get the Japanese version first anyways.
Really? What drives that decision? Not criticising, just curious. Only for releases that are far apart?

I'm waiting out for the Western release in late October, I haven't even bought the console yet.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 26, 2014, 09:34:11 am
Really? What drives that decision? Not criticising, just curious. Only for releases that are far apart?

I'm waiting out for the Western release in late October, I haven't even bought the console yet.

Because i've always gotten Japanese games first. Now i collect them all because i also collect Sega games and merchandise.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on September 26, 2014, 11:28:11 pm
Because i've always gotten Japanese games first. Now i collect them all because i also collect Sega games and merchandise.

Doesn't that get expensive?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on September 27, 2014, 07:44:51 am
Doesn't that get expensive?

Money ain't a problem. Not with the job i do. But that's where i end it as  i don't like going into my private life too much.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 01, 2014, 02:05:53 am
Just in case anyone was still unconvinced about this game's development crisis and Nintendo's place in the affair, this interview with Kamiya was released today in which he makes the situation explicit: (

"When development had progressed to a certain degree, in SEGA’s situation it turned into “This isn’t a good plan”, so development halted temporarily.
Without funding we didn’t have the possibility to continue development, but we wanted to get this partially developed Bayonetta 2 available to the public one way or another. So we offered it to various publishers, but as it is a big title, we couldn’t find a partner company. Finally, Bayonetta 2 was about to get terminated completely, when…
Nintendo came in and lent a hand and we were able to restart the development we so desired.
Finally the game was released last week, so in five years, we were able to make Bayonetta 2 available to the public.
Knowing those circumstances, if someone is still angry for heading towards Nintendo, I wonder what’s the reason for that, wouldn’t you tell me in a way that is easy to understand?"

so there you have it.  Sega was fully prepared to trash the game completely before Nintendo swooped in and saved it. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 05:58:42 am
Just in case anyone was still unconvinced about this game's development crisis and Nintendo's place in the affair, this interview with Kamiya was released today in which he makes the situation explicit: (

"When development had progressed to a certain degree, in SEGA’s situation it turned into “This isn’t a good plan”, so development halted temporarily.
Without funding we didn’t have the possibility to continue development, but we wanted to get this partially developed Bayonetta 2 available to the public one way or another. So we offered it to various publishers, but as it is a big title, we couldn’t find a partner company. Finally, Bayonetta 2 was about to get terminated completely, when…
Nintendo came in and lent a hand and we were able to restart the development we so desired.
Finally the game was released last week, so in five years, we were able to make Bayonetta 2 available to the public.
Knowing those circumstances, if someone is still angry for heading towards Nintendo, I wonder what’s the reason for that, wouldn’t you tell me in a way that is easy to understand?"

so there you have it.  Sega was fully prepared to trash the game completely before Nintendo swooped in and saved it. 

Except its bollocks. That's not how it happened. Kamiya is just pandering to the fans like he always does. But if you think big business in video games act like that then be my guess.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 01, 2014, 06:17:26 am
This isn't a good plan to continue a million seller series but continue with Yakuza, Miku, Puyo and Hero Bank that all sell less than Bayonetta combined?

I'd like to see the logic in that because I cannot fathom any reasonable reason to pass on Bayonetta 2, especially as it did 300,000 in Japan alone (and we all know how much SEGA prefers Japanese sales.) It's a shame Nintendo is just unwilling to promote it as much as they should, Eurogamer had only two consoles playing the game... Same with a lot of their games.

Still I'll be getting it once I get a Wii U.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nirmugen on October 01, 2014, 06:36:06 am
I think the problem was budget, time and the overall investment for the first game and later games from the game developer.

FY2011 was a good year for SS in terms of sales and profits but the next was the worst even with the release of Generations and Vanquish, plus Anarchy Reigns sealed the deal with Platinum.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 07:23:30 am
I think the problem was budget, time and the overall investment for the first game and later games from the game developer.

FY2011 was a good year for SS in terms of sales and profits but the next was the worst even with the release of Generations and Vanquish, plus Anarchy Reigns sealed the deal with Platinum.
Exactly and Sega wasn't going to pay the big bucks for just one title..when the deal involved more than one IP and that IP had to be succesful. Also it didn't help that SOJ was just cutting back all R+D operations across the board. Bay 2 was the lucky ones..a lot of games coming from Sega didn't make it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 01, 2014, 08:31:53 am
Also it didn't help that SOJ was just cutting back all R+D operations across the board.

Caught out aren't we ? I thought Sammy didn't cut SEGA R&D spending. Keep it coming
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 09:25:56 am
Caught out aren't we ? I thought Sammy didn't cut SEGA R&D spending. Keep it coming

Is that the best you can do? HahahahhahahahHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!! you're not even worth a detailed response anymore. HAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: fernandeath on October 01, 2014, 09:45:41 am
Bayonetta 2 is the biggest flop of the year -

[3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo, 09/13/14) – 109,811 (1,375,818)
[PSV] The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II (Falcom, 09/25/14) – 86,283 (New)
[PSV] Danganronpa: Another Episode (Spike Chunsoft, 09/25/14) – 70,596 (New)
[3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke (Level-5, 07/10/14) – 66,487 (2,592,433)
[PS3] The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II (Falcom, 09/25/14) – 65,498 (New)
[3DS] Haikyuu!! Tsunage! Itadaki no Keshiki!! (Bandai Namco, 09/25/14) – 43,839 (New)
[Wii U] Fatal Frame: Oracle of the Sodden Raven (Nintendo, 09/27/14) – 27,505 (New)
[PSV] Dungeon Travelers 2 (AquaPlus, 09/25/14) – 16,460 (New)
[PS3] Destiny (SCE, 09/11/14) – 12,095 (79,990)
[PSP] Kiniro no Corda 3: Another Sky feat. Amane Gakuen (Koei Tecmo, 09/25/14) – 11,005 (New)
[3DS] Dragon Quest X Online (Square Enix, 09/04/14) – 7,150 (96,449)
[Wii U] Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo, 09/20/14) – 6,970 (45,797)
[PS4] Destiny (SCE, 09/11/14) – 6,481 (110,772)
[PSV] Toukiden Kiwami (Koei Tecmo, 08/28/14) – 6,220 (135,476)
[Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) – 5,936 (678,250)
[PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (Bandai Namco, 09/11/14) – 5,628 (55,197)
[PS3] The Awakened Fate Ultimatum (NIS, 09/25/14) – 5,561 (New)
[PSV] Bakumatsu Rock: Ultra Soul (Marvelous, 09/25/14) – 5,551 (New)
[3DS] Yoshi’s New Island (Nintendo, 07/24/14) – 4,342 (188,390)
[3DS] Yokai Watch (Level-5, 07/11/13) – 4,082 (1,278,378)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nirmugen on October 01, 2014, 09:47:53 am
This guy didn't understand at all.

If you want rant and dimishing propaganda, go to Neogaf.

They will hear you like the mass they are.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 10:21:29 am
This guy didn't understand at all.

If you want rant and dimishing propaganda, go to Neogaf.

They will hear you like the mass they are.

He knows all that weve told him numourous times...

As for you're anyalsis...this is something that Satomi the head of Segasammy stated when he first became the head of the company.. he said that they will pursue things that are successful and not continue with things that aren't. His company policy has been more than consistent on this. Sega hasn't been succesful in the console market for the west...the result they have dropped all original game content and support for it. Sega however has been successful for PC..the result? Expansion of the PC market...Sega has been successful in the mobile expansion in that field. They have been succesful in the japanese games expansion of that field with focus on the titles giving them that success and the purchase of Atlus..that ironically could give them console success in the west again.

As you can see they have been consistent in how they operate. TA's problem is that Satomi doesn't want to return of the sega of old..spending money after money on games that don't make any. This however doesn't stop creativity or producing great titles. Its just Sega doesn't have a daddy warbucks to keep pulling them out of the fire when they go too reckless on games and other operations.
But that is not to say things are perfect. I still think the management structure of SOJ needs to be changed...and their direction needs to be planned out better instead of reacting to things...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 10:22:18 am
Bayonetta 2 is the biggest flop of the year -

How ironic. At least Sega didn't put up all the money for this game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on October 01, 2014, 10:22:50 am
Except its bollocks. That's not how it happened. Kamiya is just pandering to the fans like he always does. But if you think big business in video games act like that then be my guess.

Pandering to fans? Isn't Kamiya the same guy who's told his fan to fuck off...multiple times? ( ( (

And I KNOW I could find more examples if I wanted to devote the time. I'm not sure this guy really "panders" to anyone.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 10:25:39 am
Is this when he was releasing the game or before? Thee's a difference you know. I remember he also said he didn't play Sega games in an arogant the timne BAYONETTA was released he was prasing how he was a fan of sega games. That's what i mean by pandering.
He's just doing this so people buy the game because it was saved from extinction. While true it didn't happen the way he's making it out to be.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on October 01, 2014, 10:28:55 am
All of these quotes came after Bayonetta 2 was announced.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 10:48:15 am
All of these quotes came after Bayonetta 2 was announced.

So did the intial sega comments after the PG/Sega deal was announced and BAYONETTA was revealed. I'm talking about when the game was released.Which is what i said before.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 01, 2014, 11:02:43 am
Except its bollocks. That's not how it happened. Kamiya is just pandering to the fans like he always does. But if you think big business in video games act like that then be my guess.

You're just going to claim he's lying?  Really?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 11:05:14 am
You're just going to claim he's lying?  Really?

Wouldn't be the first time..but as i said the situation isn't as simple as Nintendo swooping it in to save it. Were talking about big corporations here..who have teams of lawyers and various negotiations that take place so all parties are satisfied. If you want to believe this fairy tale that Kamiya is spinning then be my guest. But that's not and never will be the reality in regards to this story.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 01, 2014, 11:19:23 am
It's going to be funny if the successful games that Platinum Games have developed (With the exception of Bayonetta.) turn out to be The Legend of Koraa and Metal Gear Rising. Maybe getting them to design other developers/license holders IPs is going to be the way forward for them, how funny would it be to see Kamiya is asked to design Ninja Gaiden 4!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 01, 2014, 11:22:58 am
It's going to be funny if the successful games that Platinum Games have developed (With the exception of Bayonetta.) turn out to be The Legend of Koraa and Metal Gear Rising. Maybe getting them to design other developers/license holders IPs is going to be the way forward for them, how funny would it be to see Kamiya is asked to design Ninja Gaiden 4!

I would cum buckets.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 01, 2014, 11:31:23 am
It's going to be funny if the successful games that Platinum Games have developed (With the exception of Bayonetta.) turn out to be The Legend of Koraa and Metal Gear Rising. Maybe getting them to design other developers/license holders IPs is going to be the way forward for them, how funny would it be to see Kamiya is asked to design Ninja Gaiden 4!

That seems to be the way its going. Even former members of PG look like they may find initial success with the likes of Mikami's Evil Within game...dang it that could have so been a Sega game had they picked it up with his new operation....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 01, 2014, 12:48:49 pm
If you want to believe this fairy tale that Kamiya is spinning then be my guest. But that's not and never will be the reality in regards to this story.

Are you privy to some kind of insider's knowledge on this?  Or are you just making wild claims based on nothing?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on October 01, 2014, 04:00:56 pm
So did the intial sega comments after the PG/Sega deal was announced and BAYONETTA was revealed. I'm talking about when the game was released.Which is what i said before.

Honestly, I often have difficulties comprehending the finer details of your posts sometimes. As far as I'm concerned Kamiya doesn't "pander" to his fans, and I've never seen him pander. I've seen him curse out his own fans, fans of a major Nintendo franchise, and he's publicly called out journalists. He is, if anything, brutally honest to the point of being unseemly.

What he's saying here about Nintendo swooping in to save the game is something he's also been saying ever since it was announced, at the same time he was cursing out these people. What he's saying here is nothing new, so he's not really "pandering" just because the game is released, if that's what your implying. He's merely enforcing the narrative he established from day one, and adding some additional details to make clear just how dire the game's situation once was.

Wouldn't be the first time..but as i said the situation isn't as simple as Nintendo swooping it in to save it. Were talking about big corporations here..who have teams of lawyers and various negotiations that take place so all parties are satisfied. If you want to believe this fairy tale that Kamiya is spinning then be my guest. But that's not and never will be the reality in regards to this story.

There's no doubt he's simplifying what was a complex negotiation, but I'm not really sure what relevance that has to the narrative. If Nintendo didn't "save" the game...then what did happen?

I remember he also said he didn't play Sega games in an arogant tone...

By the you have a source for this? I'd like to see it.

I'd also like you to link to what you consider to be him pandering to his fans.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 01, 2014, 04:04:14 pm
Are you privy to some kind of insider's knowledge on this?  Or are you just making wild claims based on nothing?
By the you have a source for this? I'd like to see it.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on October 01, 2014, 04:33:01 pm


Lol, i'd like to know as well. Sounds like a whole lot of talking out of the ass is going on in here..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 01, 2014, 10:25:03 pm
Yeah, its funny the only thing I have seen him do is NOT pander to fans. When Bayonetta was announced the mainstream media shit on the female's design, when part 2 was announced it was on an all new system for a company the fans of the first game didn't buy. Oh and Nintendo fanboys talking it up as exclusive? He insults them? Smash bros? He openly hates it. Bayonetta 2 logo? Openly hates it.

Its like, he just does whatever he wants. The only time I sorta heard him talk shit about SEGA games, wasn't really a jab at SEGA games but arcade games in general. Said that he beat Shinobi and felt ripped that the ending had no cutscene, just a game over screen.

That's understandable, game's have evolved. But I don't think he hates SEGA. Here is his Mega Drive: (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: nuckles87 on October 02, 2014, 01:24:47 am
Exactly! Dude's pretty much the only guy in the industry who doesn't take anyone's shit, gives everyone shit, and never gets in trouble for it. It's a major reason why I have a lot of respect for him and take him at his word on this stuff. I seriously don't think he'd say this stuff in an interview unless it was basically true, or at least how he saw it. Dude's gotta be a nightmare for PR though. I wonder if Nintendo has had any behind the scenes issues working with him.

And man....the dude's Mega Drive is DECKED OUT. Awesome!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 02, 2014, 02:12:22 am
I really love the first model 'Mega CD/SEGA CD'. Too bad they break easier than the model 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 04:13:52 am

Honestly, I often have difficulties comprehending the finer details of your
posts sometimes. As far as I'm concerned Kamiya doesn't "pander" to his fans,
and I've never seen him pander. I've seen him curse out his own fans, fans of a
major Nintendo franchise, and he's publicly called out journalists. He is, if
anything, brutally honest to the point of being unseemly.
Honestly i have diffulcuties to your overzealousy of Sonic and PG but go now know how i feel...

What he's saying here about Nintendo swooping in to save the game is something
he's also been saying ever since it was announced, at the same time he was
cursing out these people. What he's saying here is nothing new, so he's not
really "pandering" just because the game is released, if that's what your
implying. He's merely enforcing the narrative he established from day one, and
adding some additional details to make clear just how dire the game's situation
once was.

Of course he's pandering. He's letting people be known that we all should be grateful for Nintendo in saving the game. So please everyone buythe game on nintendo. That's what it is bottom line. BAYONETTA 2 was a game that Sega spent development money on than stopped it along many other games. They didn't stop Bay 2 by itself. PG should consider themselves lucky that they could get the game finished. Without Sega the game would not exist. But of course that didn't stop PG bashing Sega for it.

There's no doubt he's simplifying what was a complex negotiation, but I'm not
really sure what relevance that has to the narrative. If Nintendo didn't "save"
the game...then what did happen?
Everything. Sega owns the IP. They could have easily have said no. Sega also helped PG shop around the title. Like i said if you know anything about big corporations and how they do business especially Sega than you'd know that it wasn't as simple that he's making out.When people read this they will think Nintendo just took over and sega had nothing to do with it. Its a misrepresentation to what actually happened.

By the you have a source for this? I'd like to see it.

George already backed me up on this...but how short a memory do people have.

I'd also like you to link to what you consider to be him pandering to his fans.

Even if i gave one you wouldn't understand it. So why bother...

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 02, 2014, 04:22:27 am
Exactly! Dude's pretty much the only guy in the industry who doesn't take anyone's shit, gives everyone shit, and never gets in trouble for it.

He's just a bit like Tomonobu Itagaki and all the better for it
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 04:22:51 am
Yeah, its funny the only thing I have seen him do is NOT pander to fans. When Bayonetta was announced the mainstream media shit on the female's design, when part 2 was announced it was on an all new system for a company the fans of the first game didn't buy. Oh and Nintendo fanboys talking it up as exclusive? He insults them? Smash bros? He openly hates it. Bayonetta 2 logo? Openly hates it.

Its like, he just does whatever he wants. The only time I sorta heard him talk shit about SEGA games, wasn't really a jab at SEGA games but arcade games in general. Said that he beat Shinobi and felt ripped that the ending had no cutscene, just a game over screen.

That's understandable, game's have evolved. But I don't think he hates SEGA. Here is his Mega Drive: (

Well i suggest you read the gameinformer interview again George....
Then he changes his mind..why? Because the game is about to be released....
That's pandering.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 04:24:34 am

He's just a bit like Tomonobu Itagaki and all the better for it
Except Itagaki did get into trouble for it..i heard it was diffulcult in him finding a  publisher for his game when THQ closed shop....he burnt too many bridges apperently...and Nintendo "saved" that in the end too..
I only give him dues because of his respect and love for the Saturn.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 02, 2014, 05:59:32 am
Except Itagaki did get into trouble for it..i heard it was diffulcult in him finding a  publisher for his game when THQ closed shop....he burnt too many bridges apperently...and Nintendo "saved" that in the end too..
I only give him dues because of his respect and love for the Saturn.

Too bad Devil's Third looks atrocious.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 02, 2014, 08:10:49 am
when THQ closed shop....he burnt too many bridges apperently...and Nintendo "saved" that in the end too..

Itagaki-san had issues with Nintendo and dissed them in past. Everyone changes their tune when your games funding depends on it .

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 08:19:24 am
Itagaki-san had issues with Nintendo and dissed them in past. Everyone changes their tune when your games funding depends on it .

That's why i said "saved" by Nintendo. If Nintendo wasn't desperate i doubt they'd even have took the publishing duties for this game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 02, 2014, 09:04:28 am
Is that the best you can do

Just pointing out how again you'll change your tune .
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 09:09:15 am

Just pointing out how again you'll change your tune .

I haven't changed any tune. The cull of 2012 is quite known. How is that changing my tune when i argued that segasammy hasn't cutback on everything? Key words..hasn't cut back on everything.
Now can we please have an IGNORE button in here please?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 02, 2014, 10:13:10 am
That's why i said "saved" by Nintendo. If Nintendo wasn't desperate i doubt they'd even have took the publishing duties for this game.
Yup, Nintendo is so desperate they're publishing a game that'll possibly make a loss when it comes to sales. That must be it. This is also why they published Wonderful 101, a game that's so niche that chances for it being financially successful were basically zero.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 10:23:29 am
Yup, Nintendo is so desperate they're publishing a game that'll possibly make a loss when it comes to sales. That must be it. This is also why they published Wonderful 101, a game that's so niche that chances for it being financially successful were basically zero.
I was talking about Itagaki's new game and the fact that nintendo are desperate since the Wii U isn't doing good business and they need all the titles they can get to attract a certain type of gamer. Jesus...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 02, 2014, 10:24:55 am
I'm not sure if it was desperation they picked up on Platinum Games, I think it was more to do with the fact that they were trying to court the teen to adult gamers showing them "Look, we don't focus just on party games, we have mature and alternate titles too!"

I think bagging the Sonic exclusivity deal was desperation though, probably the worst exclusivity deal in recent history, I can't think of a worse arrangement actually?

I was talking about Itagaki's new game and the fact that nintendo are desperate since the Wii U isn't doing good business and they need all the titles they can get to attract a certain type of gamer. Jesus...

Oh right, in that sense I can see what you mean Joe, especially as you look at the state of the game. It's amazing Itagaki got funding at all!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 10:28:29 am
Aki..Nintendo isn't known to pick up titles that were made or halfway made by someone else....yet they've done it with this generation..and you can see why..they thought they could compete with the big two..with a lesser machine like they did with the Wii and beat them with using a cheaper alternative and having the same type of games...that's what they initially tried with the Wii..until the game that used the controller was the real hit and Nintendo went with an entirely new direction compared to what they were offering with some third parties as titles for the Wii..many of them were adult themed games..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 02, 2014, 10:40:39 am
It might also be in a bid to entice more third parties to work with them. Nintendo seems to have a stigma surrounding them and their consoles of having slim to no third party support, and it wouldn't surprise me if part of that is that they are seen to be hard to work with.

If they make the effort to approach and nurture developers like Platinum or Itagaki's mob and let them make their dream projects it might then start pulling in other developers who previously would have gone elsewhere or not considered them. I'm also think it helps their image by breaking the stigma of 'Nintendo Franchises only' and also gives them some exlclusives where Xbone/PS3/PC seem to share most of their big games anyway.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 02, 2014, 10:49:04 am

I think bagging the Sonic exclusivity deal was desperation though, probably the worst exclusivity deal in recent history, I can't think of a worse arrangement actually?

Agreed.  This is 100% on Sega though.  I don't think Nintendo intended to get three atrocious to subpar games when they entered into this deal.  If SLW had been a great game, it might have actually moved some units; which I think was the hope at the time. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 10:51:24 am
It might also be in a bid to entice more third parties to work with them. Nintendo seems to have a stigma surrounding them and their consoles of having slim to no third party support, and it wouldn't surprise me if part of that is that they are seen to be hard to work with.

If they make the effort to approach and nurture developers like Platinum or Itagaki's mob and let them make their dream projects it might then start pulling in other developers who previously would have gone elsewhere or not considered them. I'm also think it helps their image by breaking the stigma of 'Nintendo Franchises only' and also gives them some exlclusives where Xbone/PS3/PC seem to share most of their big games anyway.
Yep that's probaly what it is as well..and so far it hasn't worked. Mobile to diverting the attention from Nintendo. Before Sega released medium to cheap ports and original titles in order to get a profit..which worked somewhat..only Sonic vs Mario and MADWORLD were big budget games but nothing compared to their other titles. Now Sega is going for Vita and NDS and Mobile by using the FTP PTP model. While the others are continung to make big console titles and going into mobile and ignoring WiiU altogether. If Mobile had not become a big profit or the WiU had a big well as the fact that Wii wasn't profitable for many third parties because Nintendo games kept outselling them all..then maybe the Wii U would have stronger third party support...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 02, 2014, 02:05:34 pm
I got this as a tip, World of UScast said in their podcast (censored but if you listen you can piece most of it) that SEGA wants nothing to do with Platinum Games because they funded 50% of Bayonetta 2 and all they showed at E3 behind close doors and only had a trailer and a screenshot for PS3/360. Mostly why SEGA is cutting ties with Platinum Games:

1:09:00 in.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nirmugen on October 02, 2014, 02:08:47 pm
Platinum Games do the Gearbox Pitchfford? Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting... xD
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 02, 2014, 02:18:23 pm
Yeah, I was going to post it on the front page but really weird, dude tried to censor himself but not really. Its easy to piece together. I'm sure if Aki had a listen he would piece it better than I would.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 02, 2014, 02:58:00 pm
I got this as a tip, World of UScast said in their podcast (censored but if you listen you can piece most of it) that SEGA wants nothing to do with Platinum Games because they funded 50% of Bayonetta 2 and all they showed at E3 behind close doors and only had a trailer and a screenshot for PS3/360. Mostly why SEGA is cutting ties with Platinum Games:

1:09:00 in.

And what have i been saying all this time that Sega funded the game? What have  i've been saying that this fairy tale that PG have spun about Nintendo isn't exactly what happened? I don't say things about this stuff for the sake of it...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 02, 2014, 03:22:31 pm
SEGA wants nothing to do with Platinum Games because they funded 50% of Bayonetta 2 and all they showed at E3 behind close doors and only had a trailer and a screenshot for PS3/360.

I can't make head or tails of this statement.  Care to clarify?

EDIT:  So I listened to the podcast and the whole thing sounds pretty shitty if it's true.  However, it doesn't change the circumstances in as far as Nintendo is involved.  Atrocious action on PG's part for sure.  And what game did Sega's money supposedly go on to fund?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 02, 2014, 03:34:27 pm
And what game did Sega's money supposedly go on to fund?

Borderlands 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 02, 2014, 03:36:58 pm
Borderlands 2.

No, the PG game.  If this accusation is true than PG pulled the exact stunt on Sega that Gearbox did by syphoning money into another project.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mariano on October 02, 2014, 03:42:16 pm
Borderlands 2.

Are you serious?, it was Boderlands the pre-Sequel for sure....XD

Being serious now, maybe it was MGRising or W101, games that had been released in 2013, Before Bayonetta 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 02, 2014, 03:53:16 pm
It was censored but I assume it could have been Wonderful 101? I mean, they where already done with SEGA's contract after Anarchy Reigns. Would make sense if they where working on Bayonetta 2 with SEGA before Wonderul 101.

It can't be Scalebound, that seems like a recent game and doesn't even have gameplay.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 02, 2014, 04:15:29 pm
Does anyone else find it kind of funny that Sega is getting fleeced by all these developers?

I should contact them to let them know about a bridge I have for sale.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 02, 2014, 04:19:39 pm
It was censored but I assume it could have been Wonderful 101? I mean, they where already done with SEGA's contract after Anarchy Reigns. Would make sense if they where working on Bayonetta 2 with SEGA before Wonderul 101.

It can't be Scalebound, that seems like a recent game and doesn't even have gameplay.

Wouldn't Metal Gear Rising make the most sense?  Although it's weird to think that Konami wouldn't have paid adequately for that.  Given that the W101 starred nintendo characters at an early stage, I dont see why nintendo wouldn't have financed it. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 02, 2014, 06:44:09 pm
Wouldn't Metal Gear Rising make the most sense?  Although it's weird to think that Konami wouldn't have paid adequately for that.  Given that the W101 starred nintendo characters at an early stage, I dont see why nintendo wouldn't have financed it. 
Forgot that they freaking developed that game for a second. So now we have two possible games. Metal Gear Rising could be it.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 03, 2014, 04:19:46 am
It was censored but I assume it could have been Wonderful 101? I mean, they where already done with SEGA's contract after Anarchy Reigns. Would make sense if they where working on Bayonetta 2 with SEGA before Wonderul 101.

It can't be Scalebound, that seems like a recent game and doesn't even have gameplay.

But no one is going to say that officially..and i doubt Sega will do no more business with PG..but it may be a while. Also it doesn't help when you have game developers in executive roles...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 03, 2014, 04:21:15 am

Wouldn't Metal Gear Rising make the most sense? 

MGR was using material left out of VANQUISH.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on October 03, 2014, 09:17:06 am
If the PG thing is indeed true, then why isn't it on NeoGAF? Wouldn't they not give a damn if SEGA or PG have a go at them for ousting it?

You'd think it'd be a thread on a few forums by now, even if it's a rumour.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 03, 2014, 10:25:46 am
He's got parts of it right....but not everything. I wouldn't say PG ripped anyone off in my opinion. And there was a game in the works for Sega that never got released/made. But that's rumors for you. You don't get the full story or the full truth....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 03, 2014, 07:01:53 pm
RIP Platinum Games X SEGA team up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 03, 2014, 08:52:28 pm
If the PG thing is indeed true, then why isn't it on NeoGAF? Wouldn't they not give a damn if SEGA or PG have a go at them for ousting it?

You'd think it'd be a thread on a few forums by now, even if it's a rumour.

It's turned up on /v/ a few times I think. Everyone says it's 'Shitty clickbait with no sources' and that 'Platinum wouldn't 'steal' the money, because they don't have their own series like Gearbox did' and then everyone gets called a shill.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 03, 2014, 08:54:38 pm
Personally I think they where working on some game with SEGA and was just really lazy about it and after bombs that took too long to develop: Alien: Colonial Marines and Alpha Protocol, they probably didn't think it was wise to push more money.

In the end a game can push 1.25 million units and make money... if the budget is right. If its true that 50% funding went into Bayonetta 2 or another game, then there was only a trailer and some screenshots...

Thats a big issue.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 03, 2014, 08:58:40 pm
I just read this in the archived thread:
Why does everyone keep bullying Sega, it's like beating up a disabled kid

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 03, 2014, 09:07:51 pm
Hahah, i mean isn't it? It just seems that SEGA doesn't really know what they are doing half the time.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: jonboy101 on October 03, 2014, 09:36:10 pm
Hahah, i mean isn't it? It just seems that SEGA doesn't really know what they are doing half the time.

They never have, in fairness. They should have been the biggest third party out there by about five years ago.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 04, 2014, 05:08:27 am
They never have, in fairness. They should have been the biggest third party out there by about five years ago.

Yes and that's down to SOJ management and SOJ manegement alone. Why is it that Sega became a household name in the United States when Michael Katz was around? Why was it the Sega became a multi million dollar company when Kalinske was running the show? Why is it when Simon Jeffery was running Sega that the company became the 5th biggest third party in the united states by 2oo7? Why is it that Hayes was around Sega became dominant in various fields and had people talking again about Sega and were excited about their titles and gained more ground to become the succesful division for the group for five years running?
What happened when SOJ ran the show? Oh yes the Saturn, the 32x,the dreamcast and the early noughties and now this period from 2013 onwards. There isn't a debate on this. Sega always had the games. Its just they never knew how to tell the people thatt hey HAD them. And their decisions have always been abysmal. Sega consoles never hit big until the saturn,Sega europe made the master system a hit in europe. Tectoy who licensed the MS in brazil made that system popular for years way after its lifespan. You have to see it for what it is. SOJ management DON'T know what they're doing. That's the bottom line. Its always funny how an company which is essentially american....founded on the principles of pushing innovation and great content by David Rosen...has ONLY been succesful when a westerner was running the show. The japanese i'm sorry to say were only good at one thing in make the games. That's it. And they're not doing that properly anymore.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 04, 2014, 05:13:12 am
Personally I think they where working on some game with SEGA and was just really lazy about it and after bombs that took too long to develop: Alien: Colonial Marines and Alpha Protocol, they probably didn't think it was wise to push more money.

In the end a game can push 1.25 million units and make money... if the budget is right. If its true that 50% funding went into Bayonetta 2 or another game, then there was only a trailer and some screenshots...

Thats a big issue.

Like i said the deal with PG was to do with the contract..nothing more. The game they were making for Sega under Inaba san never got completed IE never released. Sega was intrested in Bay 2 until they were hit by their own mini crash and the plug was pulled on all game development.
I very much doubt that Sega would continue to support the title with PG if they had such a falling out which is what this guy is saying. Why let them continue a game with their IP and let them have the code of the original if you don't want ANYTHING to do with them anymore? But the real story will come out at some point...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 06, 2014, 09:24:21 am
Who's going to replay Bayonetta 1 before playing Bayonetta 2?

I might, because it's been so long since I played the first, and I want to see what it's like with the new bells and whistles.

I bought my Wii-U yesterday, I'll be ready when this game drops.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Happy Cat on October 08, 2014, 11:59:06 am
Have you guys seen the new Bayonetta article posted on the front page posted by Ben? Just spreading the news since i know hardly anyone checks the front page and thought it might be of interest to you guys.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 08, 2014, 12:55:55 pm
Have you guys seen the new Bayonetta article posted on the front page posted by Ben? Just spreading the news since i know hardly anyone checks the front page and thought it might be of interest to you guys.


Either pastebin that shit or GTFO.

(Just kidding, I did see it but I'm at work, so I can't watch the vid right now :< )
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 09, 2014, 07:20:32 am
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 09, 2014, 07:42:57 am

I'll give you a summary.

Hideo Kojima: "Bayonetta part two nearly didn't get made. But then it did."

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 09, 2014, 09:41:29 am
and of course other stuff we won't comment on until 2o years down the line when we release a book of it...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 09, 2014, 10:46:55 am
So apparently a demo is now available? (I do check the frontpage on occasion)
Anybody try it yet?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 09, 2014, 07:29:00 pm
Am I the only one who hates all the Nintendo costumes they got Bayo wearing and think they look like shit?

Please, please don't force down a thousand nintendo references down my throat. Please let me be able to completely ignore all the Nintendo fan-service options.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 09, 2014, 08:17:02 pm (

Anyone tried out the demo? Took a quick look myself see how it feels but quit right after becuz id rather play it at launch. But it felt a lot better than bayo 1 in that short moment. It felt a lot more forgivable than the prologue in bayo 1. Which may be a good or bad thing depending on how good one is. But I think perhaps its a good thing for new players. And I did suck on bayo 1 at the beginning
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 09, 2014, 08:20:51 pm
I dont care about the costumes at all so I will ignore them. Maybe when im done ill check out the metroid one. I guess with a legacy like nintendo's, there's bound to be a lot of fans in studios like platinum games
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 09, 2014, 10:42:28 pm
Just played the demo. It's short, but is it ever action packed! They changed the controls a bit, but there a few layouts you can pick from.

Knowing that I was gonna buy this game regardless of what it looked like, I've avoided most of the videos out there. I'm glad I did as the demo escalates in crazy as it goes. All the beautiful, unique Bayonetta action is there and if Bayonetta is a Nintendo game now, this demo gives no indication of it.

The look and pacing is all there. If this demo is a rep for the final product, then I'm a little less worried now of how Nintendo is handling this game.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 09, 2014, 10:49:53 pm
Oh yeah! Bayonetta's back!

I forgot what a unique, peerless action game Bayonetta was and still is.

I'm pretty hyped for this release, even just getting to play the re-release of the first game has got me hyped!   
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 10, 2014, 04:40:10 am
I don't think the game itself was ever in doubt..just whether it was going to be a success...and so far its japan,that is..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on October 10, 2014, 05:55:44 am
Yes and that's down to SOJ management and SOJ manegement alone. Why is it that Sega became a household name in the United States when Michael Katz was around? Why was it the Sega became a multi million dollar company when Kalinske was running the show? Why is it when Simon Jeffery was running Sega that the company became the 5th biggest third party in the united states by 2oo7? Why is it that Hayes was around Sega became dominant in various fields and had people talking again about Sega and were excited about their titles and gained more ground to become the succesful division for the group for five years running?
What happened when SOJ ran the show? Oh yes the Saturn, the 32x,the dreamcast and the early noughties and now this period from 2013 onwards. There isn't a debate on this. Sega always had the games. Its just they never knew how to tell the people thatt hey HAD them. And their decisions have always been abysmal. Sega consoles never hit big until the saturn,Sega europe made the master system a hit in europe. Tectoy who licensed the MS in brazil made that system popular for years way after its lifespan. You have to see it for what it is. SOJ management DON'T know what they're doing. That's the bottom line. Its always funny how an company which is essentially american....founded on the principles of pushing innovation and great content by David Rosen...has ONLY been succesful when a westerner was running the show. The japanese i'm sorry to say were only good at one thing in make the games. That's it. And they're not doing that properly anymore.

You'd think they'd put their pride to one side and let those who have made them successful run it really.

I'm sure SEGA's own employees sometimes wonder why their games don't sell well or aren't localised when their Higher Ups keep telling them to either "replicate the west" or "your games sell better at home".

It's a real shame really, since SEGA, at least to me, should be jointly ran by the American side as well, the business side tends to be SEGA Wests strongest suit and the Gaming side of things are better handled on the Japanese side like you said.

Am I the only one who hates all the Nintendo costumes they got Bayo wearing and think they look like shit?

Please, please don't force down a thousand nintendo references down my throat. Please let me be able to completely ignore all the Nintendo fan-service options.

No offence, but I am sure there are just as many Sony, MS, Capcom, Nintendo fans who say the same thing about SEGA references in the first game.

Personally, I don't mind it. It's optional and only peddled to get Nintendo fans on board.

Samus Bayonetta looked interesting at least, lol.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 10, 2014, 07:15:19 am

No offence, but I am sure there are just as many Sony, MS, Capcom, Nintendo fans who say the same thing about SEGA references in the first game.

Personally, I don't mind it. It's optional and only peddled to get Nintendo fans on board.

Is that really the same thing though? People knew that BAYONETTA was a Sega game..IE a Sega game made by PG who made their debut under the Sega banner. Also a lot of the references were subtle.
The diference here is that Bayonetta is wearing Nintendo costumes et etc and its way too much in you're face as compared to the Sega game where the references were more clever and didn't detract from the game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 10, 2014, 09:04:41 am
Yeah the costumes are a bit much compared to the stuff in the first game, but it's kind of like a goofy bonus to celebrate the re-release. If you don't like them you can ignore it, I'm sure the base game still has the wonderful Sega references of Outrun, Afterburner, Hang-On, Space Harrier and the like.

The Space Harrier moment was my favourite in the game. WELCOME TO MY FANTASY ZONE!

I think it's just a nice little touch that they threw in and probably was super-easy to do, but garnered a lot of exposure because it's a neat little touch. I always liked Bayo's default costume the best though.

The demo sounds really good. I don't know if it's going up for North America, but if it does I might check it out before the game drops, since my console should get here before the release date.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 10, 2014, 11:30:00 am
The demo sounds really good. I don't know if it's going up for North America, but if it does I might check it out before the game drops, since my console should get here before the release date.

I live in Canada and got the demo. Don't know about the states, but I imagine they got it too.

On the point of the Ninty costumes, wasn't there a vid on this site for a Bayonetta 2 story point that was Star Fox based? I don't know how far it goes since I want to see as little as possible of the game before I play it.

Still I don't know. It rubs me the wrong way. Bayonetta as a character is 100% Sega. All these costumes --- like imagine if they took a sonic game and dressed him up as Link  and made him prance around in Hyrule or something. Oh wait...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 10, 2014, 12:44:04 pm
I live in Canada and got the demo. Don't know about the states, but I imagine they got it too.

On the point of the Ninty costumes, wasn't there a vid on this site for a Bayonetta 2 story point that was Star Fox based? I don't know how far it goes since I want to see as little as possible of the game before I play it.

Still I don't know. It rubs me the wrong way. Bayonetta as a character is 100% Sega. All these costumes --- like imagine if they took a sonic game and dressed him up as Link  and made him prance around in Hyrule or something. Oh wait...

Well, it was 100% Sega, but they would rather publish skinner boxes on mobile phones instead of Bayonetta... I don't mind it having Nintendo references, but I completely understand what you mean. I would much rather see an Afterburner level than Star Fox, but can you blame them considering Nintendo is publishing this game and not Sega?

Also, I'm from Canada too, so that's good to know! My Wii-U is probably arriving next week so I'll be able to get some demo time to brush up :)

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 10, 2014, 01:35:19 pm
Aren't the costumes just a fun optional thing?  You guys literally are complaining just to complain. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 10, 2014, 01:44:51 pm
Aren't the costumes just a fun optional thing?  You guys literally are complaining just to complain. 

Complaining is fun.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 11, 2014, 07:28:48 am
Well i'm not complaining about the game at least. I think the thing with the costumes shows the difference between how Sega operates and how the old enemy..Nintendo operates. Nintendo is always good at selling their characters...while Sega is always good at letting the people who make games for them do whatever they want. Its both companies greatest strengh and greatest weakness...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 11, 2014, 08:05:50 am
I can confirm that Bayonetta 2 still has SEGA references in it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 11, 2014, 09:21:28 am
So can i..having just got thru the game...
I think some people are sore about how blatant the Nintendo references are compared to the Sega ones in the first game...
However as i mentioned before Nintendo always did things like that.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on October 11, 2014, 10:22:13 am
Played the demo and died repeatedly during the big monster fight. I need some practice! Might pop in the first game on the 360 just to warm up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 11, 2014, 10:31:51 am
I will say this...Its not the same playing this game as it is on the 360 or PS3. It just seems..out of place. Idunno if that's just my personal feeling..but i've played the first title on this as well which amplified my feeling of the game not really connecting on this platform.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 11, 2014, 04:41:16 pm
Same here. I had forgotten as well how amazing this whole franchise is. It's probably also because I havent played a huge action game like this in a long time. I think it also has to do with how much better bayo 2 feels. I think it animates more smoothly. Like theres an addition of frames making everything look a lot more fluid
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on October 11, 2014, 07:54:14 pm
Bayonetta 2 is 60fps whereas the original was 30, I believe.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 11, 2014, 08:45:48 pm
I can confirm that Bayonetta 2 still has SEGA references in it.

Interesting. Somewhat gives credence to the rumors that the game was developed mostly as a Sega title, or that Sega was involved with the game after ninty picking it up. I have a hard time believing Nintendo would voluntarily drop Sega references into the game themselves.   
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 11, 2014, 08:48:59 pm
Bayonetta 2 is 60fps whereas the original was 30, I believe.

IIRC, Xbox version was 60fps (or near it) and PS3 was 30fps or less even. I felt bad for PS3 gamers at the time.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 11, 2014, 11:21:38 pm
I meant the frames in all animations. Not framerate. For example the dodge animation just feels more complete and fluid compared to bayo 1 which now may feel stiff in comparison. I dunno.

Got the game pre ordered and am going to play 1 again before i start with 2. Is gonna be a good winter!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 12, 2014, 11:46:07 am
It's funny, but one thing I'm looking forward to the most is the music. I heard a bit of the 'Tomorrow is Mine' theme and it sounds great, then I listened to the old 'Fly me to the Moon' cover and remembered how amazing it was.

Oct 24 can't come soon enough. Hell, I'm even hyped for the demo at this stage!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on October 12, 2014, 11:58:18 am
Is that really the same thing though? People knew that BAYONETTA was a Sega game..IE a Sega game made by PG who made their debut under the Sega banner. Also a lot of the references were subtle.
The diference here is that Bayonetta is wearing Nintendo costumes et etc and its way too much in you're face as compared to the Sega game where the references were more clever and didn't detract from the game.

Yeah, people know it's a SEGA game hopefully (although I have seen many people assume it's now a Nintendo franchise), but I'm sure there are fans out there who thought the references to SEGA were a bit much too (other than the "Eggman" reference, I was okay with all of the references), as there are sadly people who don't like SEGA (experienced a few in my time).

If Nintendo's costumes become mandatory in the story or are required to get other weapons in the game, then I'll have a problem with it, but as far as I know, they've only shown them on Nintendo Direct to hopefully move more units for the more mature Nintendo fans out there (no idea how many there are, probably not a lot).

All in all, I am happy the game exists and the other stuff is just extra.

I can confirm that Bayonetta 2 still has SEGA references in it.

I saw the Biplane cutscene in one of the trailers and thought of the Tornado.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 12, 2014, 10:45:54 pm
Saw a guy at neogaf saying the review embargo's gonna get lifted at 3am est. Which'll be in 4 hours? My sleeping pattern is all fucked up so im just chillin and looking forward to most likely great reviews
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 13, 2014, 02:27:26 am
Reviews are extremely positive so far:

Perfect scores from Edge, Gamespot and Joystiq. Only site that hasn't given it at least near a 9/10 is Polygon because Polygon lol.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TruthEnigma on October 13, 2014, 05:34:38 am
Joystiq's review.

"If you bought the Wii U months ago explicitly in anticipation of Bayonetta 2, congratulations, your decision has paid off in spades."

Which I did. Yay! Can't wait for it to arrive now.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 13, 2014, 05:37:19 am
Gamespot's only negative:
The sad realisation that future action games may never top this
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 13, 2014, 06:31:26 am
Yeah, people know it's a SEGA game hopefully (although I have seen many people assume it's now a Nintendo franchise), but I'm sure there are fans out there who thought the references to SEGA were a bit much too (other than the "Eggman" reference, I was okay with all of the references), as there are sadly people who don't like SEGA (experienced a few in my time).

If Nintendo's costumes become mandatory in the story or are required to get other weapons in the game, then I'll have a problem with it, but as far as I know, they've only shown them on Nintendo Direct to hopefully move more units for the more mature Nintendo fans out there (no idea how many there are, probably not a lot).

All in all, I am happy the game exists and the other stuff is just extra.

I saw the Biplane cutscene in one of the trailers and thought of the Tornado.

Can't see how since the references were to games that a lot of today's gamers never played like SPACE HARRIER. If anything they would have gone over their heads.
And yes while there are people who hate sega...they're talking shiznit when complaing about the references..if they actually know what they were without reading a list about them online first...compared to the Nintendo references in this title its minimal.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TruthEnigma on October 13, 2014, 06:52:10 am
At this point, if Bayonetta doesn't sell it says more about the state of the Wii U rather than the viability of the franchise.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 13, 2014, 07:01:02 am
At this point, if Bayonetta doesn't sell it says more about the state of the Wii U rather than the viability of the franchise.

Well Bayonetta didn't sell that great on the 360 or PS3 really . I have to say that Bayonetta is a vastly overrated game from a developer that is also vastly overrated imo (read that doesn't mean they're bad, just not as good as some make out) .

The sad realisation that future action games may never top this

Well I've yet to play the Bay II but will have to say that action games for SEGA itself I found better . To me Binary Domain is a much better 'action' game (yes ok some will class it as a 3rd person action game)  never mind Ninja Gadien II which it is head and shoulders above Bayonetta - Hell I might be the only one but I enjoyed the totally over the top, totally bonkers action in Ninja Blade.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 13, 2014, 12:10:44 pm
Well Bayonetta didn't sell that great on the 360 or PS3 really . I have to say that Bayonetta is a vastly overrated game

Get the fuck out and never darken these forums with your presence again.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 13, 2014, 12:16:56 pm
Get the fuck out and never darken these forums with your presence again.

Well it didn't sell that big in the west..but enough to have great Japan it sold the million sales....
But now its kinda flopped in would the west sales be like? I'd laugh if this game saw the reverse..and became the million seller in the west instead of japan...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 13, 2014, 01:03:07 pm
I think he was more talking about how Bayonetta is "vastly overrated". Which it isn't, it's an amazing game by an amazing developer. This is totes a fact that can't be argued with.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 13, 2014, 05:47:57 pm
Well I've yet to play the Bay II but will have to say that action games for SEGA itself I found better . To me Binary Domain is a much better 'action' game (yes ok some will class it as a 3rd person action game)  never mind Ninja Gadien II which it is head and shoulders above Bayonetta - Hell I might be the only one but I enjoyed the totally over the top, totally bonkers action in Ninja Blade.

OMG!! Lol, No no no, just no.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Sharky on October 13, 2014, 08:05:54 pm
So is this the end of Bayonetta then?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mariano on October 13, 2014, 08:34:12 pm
So is this the end of Bayonetta then?

For the info that george gave it maybe bayonetta 2 is the last time SEGA and PG work together...Oh was nice and very worth it, for the gamers at least.
To be honest i dont think is the "end" of Bayonetta as many people think. I really doubt that the game will end up being profitable but Porbably Nintendo know that at the beginning, loss some money today to earn some more money in the future.
If at least the game sell "acceptable" then maybe we can hope for another sequel or another thing. have faith.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 14, 2014, 01:28:25 am
At this point, if Bayonetta doesn't sell it says more about the state of the Wii U rather than the viability of the franchise.
I  think most if not everyone already aknowledged that. Myself at least, I dont care anymore. I'm just happy appreciative that nintendo has been supporting it so much and is going to go full throttle in 2015. Anyone who "is" getting a wii u for bayo 2 is gonna have a pretty solid catologue of exclusives to choose from.

I personally recommend mario kart 8 and donkey kong tropical freeze if you get one. The latter is especially surprising for a fan of the platforming haydays on the genesis. With that I mean that the game feels more like a ristar/sonic than it does to the original dkc snes games(which are kind of overrated). If you're in for some more platinum action i'd recommend wonderful 101.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TruthEnigma on October 14, 2014, 04:48:14 am
I  think most if not everyone already aknowledged that. Myself at least, I dont care anymore. I'm just happy appreciative that nintendo has been supporting it so much and is going to go full throttle in 2015. Anyone who "is" getting a wii u for bayo 2 is gonna have a pretty solid catologue of exclusives to choose from.

I personally recommend mario kart 8 and donkey kong tropical freeze if you get one. The latter is especially surprising for a fan of the platforming haydays on the genesis. With that I mean that the game feels more like a ristar/sonic than it does to the original dkc snes games(which are kind of overrated). If you're in for some more platinum action i'd recommend wonderful 101.

I would also add Mario 3d World, Resident Evil Revelations and Hyrule Warriors. Also it's flawed but ZombiU is fun. Killing Zombies in London is very fun. The Wii U is a great machine, between the game pad and the solid Pro Controller, and it sounds like I'm not the only one who saw Mario Kart 8 and Bayonetta 2 and made the purchase.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Sharky on October 14, 2014, 07:31:27 am
I  think most if not everyone already aknowledged that. Myself at least, I dont care anymore. I'm just happy appreciative that nintendo has been supporting it so much and is going to go full throttle in 2015. Anyone who "is" getting a wii u for bayo 2 is gonna have a pretty solid catologue of exclusives to choose from.

I personally recommend mario kart 8 and donkey kong tropical freeze if you get one. The latter is especially surprising for a fan of the platforming haydays on the genesis. With that I mean that the game feels more like a ristar/sonic than it does to the original dkc snes games(which are kind of overrated). If you're in for some more platinum action i'd recommend wonderful 101.

Feels more like Nintendo bought it back to life just to really, really kill it dead. Okay so Sega didn't want to publish it, fine. But I wish literally ANY other publisher had got their hands on it above Nintendo so there was a CHANCE it wouldn't bomb miserably on the Wii U... And even a Chance we could have got it on multiple platforms including PC... Would have been so great!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 14, 2014, 08:07:15 am
So is this the end of Bayonetta then?

Don't worry, Sega will release a free to play mobile phone game that plays like flappy bird. Of course you can only play it for 20 seconds on the free version, but you can pay for more time by buying Halos with real money!

For real though, looking at how Sega is releasing games recently, I don't see them doing much with Bayonetta in the future. Even if they do, I don't see them doing it with Platinum Games, and then the only Sega team I would trust with the game would be AM2.

Feels more like Nintendo bought it back to life just to really, really kill it dead. Okay so Sega didn't want to publish it, fine. But I wish literally ANY other publisher had got their hands on it above Nintendo so there was a CHANCE it wouldn't bomb miserably on the Wii U... And even a Chance we could have got it on multiple platforms including PC... Would have been so great!

I know exactly what you mean. It's like they pulled Bayonetta from her deathbed gave her a shot of adrenalin and threw her off a cliff. I agree I would have liked to see any other publisher get the rights and then do a multi-plat, but I don't think there are many devs out there who would be willing to take a chance on it. Maybe some of the smaller guys, who in turn probably couldn't afford it anyway.

Sega would rather mothball the series than put effort into making it something big.

Either way, I bought my Wii-U now. Got a Wii-U, a controller & Mario Kart 8 for about $330, so I'm happy with that. Will get Bayonetta 2 when it's released and then slowly work through some other exclusives that look good.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 14, 2014, 08:20:17 am
Feels more like Nintendo bought it back to life just to really, really kill it dead. Okay so Sega didn't want to publish it, fine. But I wish literally ANY other publisher had got their hands on it above Nintendo so there was a CHANCE it wouldn't bomb miserably on the Wii U... And even a Chance we could have got it on multiple platforms including PC... Would have been so great!
Well since Sega put 50% of development money into the title..there's a slim chance that they might end up putting the game on other systems at one point...without the Nintendo elements in it. The first title made over a million after all so i don't think we have seen the last of BAYONETTA where Sega is concerned. I just think it depends on certain management people...
Anyway it proves that people in japan won't buy any system to buy any hot game. If BAYONETTA 2 had been released by Sega on other systems..i would have no doubt that it would have cemented its value as a franchise and like what happened with YAKUZA could have gone from a multi selling franchise of games. YAKUZA took 4 games into the series before it became a title that could help shift systems alone. Also YAKUZA struck while the iron was still hot by releasing a sequel a year after the first game. BAYONETTA 2 took too long to come out. Anyway it depends what happens in the west.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 14, 2014, 08:23:23 am
For the info that george gave it maybe bayonetta 2 is the last time SEGA and PG work together...Oh was nice and very worth it, for the gamers at least.
To be honest i dont think is the "end" of Bayonetta as many people think. I really doubt that the game will end up being profitable but Porbably Nintendo know that at the beginning, loss some money today to earn some more money in the future.
If at least the game sell "acceptable" then maybe we can hope for another sequel or another thing. have faith.
To be honest...that stuff isn't concrete. There's some beef with PG and Sega but its not necessarly to do with mis mangement of Sega's funds. If it was then Sega would never have bothered to support the sequel which that guy concedes that they did. Sega has sat on ips from second party developers for years without even getting an other version of the title made. Sega could have easily done it with this title but they didn't. No doubtt he full story will come out soon enough.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 14, 2014, 08:50:59 am
I think he was more talking about how Bayonetta is "vastly overrated". Which it isn't, it's an amazing game by an amazing developer.

To me the game and the developer are. I liked Bayonetta a lot but it's not nearly as good as some make out imo and nothing compared to Ninja Gaiden on the XBox for starters

OMG!! Lol, No no no, just no.

Yes really for me  . Ninja Gaiden II is the best action game I've ever played, its just a shame that the game takes until Chapter 7 to really get going and then when it does , it turns in to best action game around . Ninja Gaiden combat system and controls are the best there is , the AI and enemy fights are much better than in any other of this type and I just love the dismemberment system of Ninja Gadien II

So is this the end of Bayonetta then?

I think the developers will give it one more go and I'll bet we'll see the game on the XBox One and PS4 sometime next year . I doubt SEGA will go near Platinium ever again . That deal did nothing for SEGA at all really and most of their games for SEGA were sales disasters and to add insult SEGA got all the flak for the sub bar PS3 version of Bay 

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 14, 2014, 08:53:27 am
Yes really for me  . Ninja Gaiden II is the best action game I've ever played, its just a shame that the game takes until Chapter 7 to really get going and then when it does , it turns in to best action game around . Ninja Gaiden combat system and controls are the best there is , the AI and enemy fights are much better than in any other of this type and I just love the dismemberment system of Ninja Gadien II
I loved Ninja Gaiden on Xbox, but preferred Bayonetta.

I haven't played NG2 yet. Is NG3 meant to be any good? I know NG3:Razor is on Wii-u but I've heard nothing but bad things. Shame since NG1 was a phenomenal game.

Did it ever get a PC release?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: JRcade19 on October 14, 2014, 09:02:44 am
Only NG game on the PC as of current(excluding retro releases) is NG:Z.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 14, 2014, 09:28:22 am
Only NG game on the PC as of current(excluding retro releases) is NG:Z.

Ew :(
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 14, 2014, 09:49:39 am
If BAYONETTA and the other PG games were truly sale disasters..then Sega wouldn't have bothered with ANARCHY REIGNS or fund initially BAYONETTA 2. Like i said before and continue to was more to do with contract negotiations that was the reason for them leaving Sega not anything else. Any beef between Sega/PG was from some of the developmental issues of certain titles and on PG's view how AR was handled by the Sega PR department. But that's the usual thing with a publisher and their contract studio in a second party contract. Its nothing that can't be really sorted out and forgiven in the industry because if it weren't the majority of small studios wouldn't work with big game publishers ever again.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 14, 2014, 11:46:17 am
If BAYONETTA and the other PG games were truly sale disasters..then Sega wouldn't have bothered with ANARCHY REIGNS or fund initially BAYONETTA 2. Like i said before and continue to was more to do with contract negotiations that was the reason for them leaving Sega not anything else. Any beef between Sega/PG was from some of the developmental issues of certain titles and on PG's view how AR was handled by the Sega PR department. But that's the usual thing with a publisher and their contract studio in a second party contract. Its nothing that can't be really sorted out and forgiven in the industry because if it weren't the majority of small studios wouldn't work with big game publishers ever again.
Speculation sure is fun. While that is a possibility, that's not necessarily what happened. We probably won't know what really happened for quite some time.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 14, 2014, 11:52:32 am
Seriously, Bayonetta 2 is probably one of the best games of the year and instead of talking about how good it is you're all just talking about how the franchise is gonna be dead because of its Wii U exclusivity. So here's a topic without all of that shit.

So far reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, with perfect scores from Destructoid, Giant Bomb, Gamespot, Edge, Joystiq and The Guardian. Most other reviews give it at least a 9. There's also a demo on the eShop, which is just the prologue but will still give you a good idea of how amazingly over the top and fun the game is.

And again: no talk about how there won't be any sequels and how the sales are bad and stuff.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 14, 2014, 12:08:57 pm
I was waiting for the actual release to do this, since I can't play the game yet, but OKAY!

I'm eagerly awaiting my Wii-U so I can download the demo and play it until October 24th.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 14, 2014, 12:12:56 pm
Speculation sure is fun. While that is a possibility, that's not necessarily what happened. We probably won't know what really happened for quite some time.


Joe is actually the president of Sega WEST.

End Spoiler.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 14, 2014, 12:21:20 pm
Speculation sure is fun. While that is a possibility, that's not necessarily what happened. We probably won't know what really happened for quite some time.

It aint speculation. Sega had beef with PG over their development regards to time and too much data. PG had beef with Sega over ANARCHY REIGNS. The latter was reported widely on the net so its hardly a state secret. ANARCHY REIGNS came way after the deal with Sega expired..meaning Sega didn't have a problem in continuing their relationship with PG...PG also said at that time they were still negoiating with Sega over a new contract..again hardly a state secret. Sega then funds Bay 2..and drops it in mid development among other titles. Now if you take out what ultimatly happened with Bay 2..That's hardly the behaviour of a company that didn't want anything to do with PG if ALL their games for them flopped. And since some of this was even reported here..i can't see how anyone can now summise its just speculation....Geez...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 14, 2014, 12:23:14 pm
What about Ninja Gaiden 2 being better than BAYONETTA 1 and 2 and how its overated? Can a certain someone troll that here? LOL...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 14, 2014, 12:24:31 pm
I'd like to know what people who have played it thought of the storyline compared to the first one...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 14, 2014, 12:25:17 pm
Well yeah, that PG wasn't happy with how SEGA did the US/EU release of Anarchy Reigns isn't a secret nor that their contract expired. I don't know about SEGA having problems with PG though.  The rest of what you're saying is mostly speculation and shouldn't be taken as fact.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 14, 2014, 12:43:27 pm
Well yeah, that PG wasn't happy with how SEGA did the US/EU release of Anarchy Reigns isn't a secret nor that their contract expired. I don't know about SEGA having problems with PG though.  The rest of what you're saying is mostly speculation and shouldn't be taken as fact.

It isn't speculation since you can find the various reports of what i've said around the net on game news sites. Logic is another factor.
But again you are saying this..
" Ohh i'm a big million dollar contract with the hottest game studio at the time has expired because it was only for four games....None of those games hit our expectations....IKNOW! let's give them more money to make another game....Then we shall give them someMORE money to make a sequel to another title that was part of the four title deal that didn't make any money!"

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 14, 2014, 02:06:13 pm
I'd like to know what people who have played it thought of the storyline compared to the first one...
According to reviews it's about the story is about as good as in the first game. So I wouldn't expect much from it aside from ridiculousness.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 14, 2014, 02:07:55 pm
Bayonetta actually had pretty decent sales, 1.35 million sold worldwide by the end of March 31st, 2010.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 14, 2014, 04:32:15 pm
Yeah I think we need to stop talking about the wii u sales and game performance as well. Lets enjoy its existence imo. And now especially with its great reviews maybe those silly nintendo gamers who only play nintendo games may actually decide to enjoy it as well
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 14, 2014, 11:09:28 pm
I was thinking just now. What are the chances bayonetta 2 is scoring so high because of nintendo's support? For one the game has been really long in development. Seems like there was no deadline whatsoever and hence no pressure. Also nintendo likes to put some of their own staff on 2nd party projects. I mean honestly if this would be the case I think its great that they published it
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 15, 2014, 01:06:45 am
I was thinking just now. What are the chances bayonetta 2 is scoring so high because of nintendo's support? For one the game has been really long in development. Seems like there was no deadline whatsoever and hence no pressure. Also nintendo likes to put some of their own staff on 2nd party projects. I mean honestly if this would be the case I think its great that they published it

I would disagree with you, only because Bayonetta 1 deserves just as high scoring.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TruthEnigma on October 15, 2014, 03:04:35 am
I've had this ordered for weeks. I cannot wait for it to arrive. The first one was a revelation and this one looks just as good. The fact that it comes with the first one too makes it astounding value.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 15, 2014, 03:31:29 am
Bayonetta actually had pretty decent sales, 1.35 million sold worldwide by the end of March 31st, 2010.

I know that..i originally put that number up in this forum.
But INFINITE SPACE did well as was only MW that didn't sell a lot of units.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 15, 2014, 03:32:47 am
According to reviews it's about the story is about as good as in the first game. So I wouldn't expect much from it aside from ridiculousness.
I've played the game..but i was just asking what people thought of the storyline..if anyone else has got a copy of it yet...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 15, 2014, 05:23:59 am
I would disagree with you, only because Bayonetta 1 deserves just as high scoring.
I agree. And no doubt the team that already made an excellent first game would have made a great sequel under SEGA as well. But from statements and videos here and there about the relationships I got the impression platinum was incredibly positive on nintendo as a publisher. I dont know what it is, but for a company to have invest so much into a game in which they possibly lose more than gain seems like priorities are right for people who just wanna make a great game. IE maybe got bayo2 to reach its full potential.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 15, 2014, 05:32:38 am
I agree. And no doubt the team that already made an excellent first game would have made a great sequel under SEGA as well. But from statements and videos here and there about the relationships I got the impression platinum was incredibly positive on nintendo as a publisher. I dont know what it is, but for a company to have invest so much into a game in which they possibly lose more than gain seems like priorities are right for people who just wanna make a great game. IE maybe got bayo2 to reach its full potential.

Gimme a break..its not like Sega didn't put any money into this game..the basis of the game was built using Sega's money..all Nintendo did was use their funds to finish the title and market it. So the game was always going to turn out good under already was since they built the game with Sega money. This nintendo love that you get in a forum full of sega fans can be sometimes silly.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 15, 2014, 05:59:18 am
I dont make a secret of my appreciation for nintendo as a gamedevelooer. But what im saying is unrelated to that. Its true that a good working environment and great lead can have great influence on products. Platinum with them making what they want and what the mainstream would call niche strikes me as a dev team that isnt very business centric. I mean the game WAS turned down by a lot of publishers. All those publishers who turned down the game most likely did it because the statistics were there. And to think all publishers they went to turned down the game just shows the mentality of these companies nowadays.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 15, 2014, 07:35:17 am
I agree. And no doubt the team that already made an excellent first game would have made a great sequel under SEGA as well. But from statements and videos here and there about the relationships I got the impression platinum was incredibly positive on nintendo as a publisher. I dont know what it is, but for a company to have invest so much into a game in which they possibly lose more than gain seems like priorities are right for people who just wanna make a great game. IE maybe got bayo2 to reach its full potential.

Nintendo didn't actually think they would lose as much money as they did with Platinum Games.  They are a highly conservative business outfit and I doubt they would work with Platinum again anytime soon unless it's a sure fire hit.

And furthermore there is nothing wrong with the mentality of all the other publishers. Fact is it is a SEGA IP, if Bayonetta 2 was successful under EA's banner it wouldn't help them in the long run, it'd only benefit SEGA. Nintendo or the other two console makers had more incentive to make the sequel because in the end an exclusive is an exclusive and every Co sole sales help.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 15, 2014, 07:39:27 am
I dont make a secret of my appreciation for nintendo as a gamedevelooer. But what im saying is unrelated to that. Its true that a good working environment and great lead can have great influence on products. Platinum with them making what they want and what the mainstream would call niche strikes me as a dev team that isnt very business centric. I mean the game WAS turned down by a lot of publishers. All those publishers who turned down the game most likely did it because the statistics were there. And to think all publishers they went to turned down the game just shows the mentality of these companies nowadays.

Like i said that's another story and its quite different to the story putting out by PG and Nintendo PR.
PG has always worked in their own offices..its hardly like Sega or Nintendo was breathing down their their work enviroment would really be unchanged...its only when they have to show the game to their publisher's representives is when things happen..
As for Nintendo..yes they are good..but sometimes people show too much love to nintendo to the point they think Sega is like them in every sense of the word but in a more extreme context. They aren't and never will be.
As for BAYONETTA..well going to Nintendo hasn't helped has it...But good on them for trying.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 15, 2014, 07:41:03 am
Nintendo didn't actually think they would lose as much money as they did with Platinum Games.  They are a highly conservative business outfit and I doubt they would work with Platinum again anytime soon unless it's a sure fire hit.

And furthermore there is nothing wrong with the mentality of all the other publishers. Fact is it is a SEGA IP, if Bayonetta 2 was successful under EA's banner it wouldn't help them in the long run, it'd only benefit SEGA. Nintendo or the other two console makers had more incentive to make the sequel because in the end an exclusive is an exclusive and every Co sole sales help.
And it backfired on them. It didn't pull in new customers to the Wii U. As i said ages before, BAYONETTA is unproven as a system seller and it shows..but its not like Nintendo packaged the game with the system.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 15, 2014, 07:46:24 am
If BAYONETTA and the other PG games were truly sale disasters..then Sega wouldn't have bothered with ANARCHY REIGNS or fund initially BAYONETTA 2.

Reigns was part of the original deal and given that the game had little push and was a complete flop meant the end of the deal for SEGA and SEGA not looking to renew their deal with Platinium

I haven't played NG2 yet. Is NG3 meant to be any good?

NG III is utter tripe , stay well away from that game. Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360 is just utter class (don't get Simga II) , but it just a shame that the games really takes until Chapter 7 to truly get going , but boy when you get to Chapter 7 the game takes off and throws everything at you and just becomes the best action game I've played .

I like Bay a lot, but feel like with DMC IV and III its really overrated and see O.TO. GI 1/II, Ninja Gaiden 1/ II as the best action games I played
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 15, 2014, 07:53:01 am

Reigns was part of the original deal and given that the game had little push and was a complete flop meant the end of the deal for SEGA and SEGA not looking to renew their deal with Platinium

No it wasn't. (
Announcement inbound, says Sega West vice president Alan Pritchard         
Sega appears to have extended its partnership with Osaka-based studio Platinum Games, following the completion of a four-game deal.
In an interview with Game Informer, Sega West vice president Alan Pritchard said the publisher was set to reveal another Platinum Games project shortly.
Sega’s four-project contract with Platinum Games came to an end in October with the release of the Shinji Mikami-directed title Vanquish.
Though the Japanese studio is free to talk to other publishers, executive producer Atsushi Inaba revealed to Develop ( that talks with Sega on a new contract were underway.
“The partnership has been great, and we are in talks with Sega now, but there’s nothing concrete we can say about it at the moment,” he said at the time.
Sega’s deal with the developer allows it to keep new IP – a stipulation Inaba said he would eventually like to turn around.
Now i'm sure you are going to spin this..deny it..create another flame war that has nothing to do with anything. But this is the facts. For all to see. Good day.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TruthEnigma on October 15, 2014, 10:59:33 am
It remains to be seen how many new customers it pulled, as the game has only released in Japan. It's not out in North America or Europe until the 24th.

Also, anecdotally, it has sold at least one machine, as I bought mine specifically to play Bayonetta 2. We will not know full figures until we see October's sales for the console, so we cannot tell anything of that apart from Japan, where it did do disappointingly. However, if it helps Nintendo in any way in the markets outside Japan, it was worth it. Nintendo needs all the help it can to get past it's image as the machine you buy to get the latest versions of the same old Nintendo franchises.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 15, 2014, 12:00:23 pm
I would disagree with you, only because Bayonetta 1 deserves just as high scoring.
If you've already played the game: what do you think has improved with the sequel?

If not: please stop acting as if you have.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 15, 2014, 12:06:00 pm
Nintendo didn't actually think they would lose as much money as they did with Platinum Games.  They are a highly conservative business outfit and I doubt they would work with Platinum again anytime soon unless it's a sure fire hit.

source?  Or are you just speculating negatively?  Last I checked W101 bombing didn't change Nintendo's promotion/support of B2 one bit. 

In fact I would like to think they, being a highly conservative business outfit, were prepared for B2's dismal numbers.  Nintendo is more about long term sales and the quality of their brand than anything else.  Also, I thought this thread was supposed to be free of this stuff. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 15, 2014, 12:07:25 pm
If you've already played the game: what do you think has improved with the sequel?

If not: please stop acting as if you have.

I think you've misunderstood my point. All I'm saying is that Bayonetta 2 couldn't now be scoring high because of the new publisher, when the first game deserves just as high scoring.

I'm not comparing Bayo 1 to 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 15, 2014, 12:19:21 pm
I think I'm definitely going to do a playthrough of Bayonetta 1 before jumping into Bayo 2. Anyone who's played the demo, can you tell me if the controls have changed much? Can you just use the old controls for consistency?

Also, my Wii-U has arrived but I need to go pick it up from the post office. Probably won't be able to play until the weekend, but I'm looking forward to spending Friday evening and Saturday playing the demo.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 15, 2014, 12:21:29 pm
source?  Or are you just speculating negatively?  Last I checked W101 bombing didn't change Nintendo's promotion/support of B2 one bit. 

In fact I would like to think they, being a highly conservative business outfit, were prepared for B2's dismal numbers.  Nintendo is more about long term sales and the quality of their brand than anything else.   

Do you think Nintendo/any game company honestly releases games expecting to lose much money? Why would The Wonderful 101 failing change Nintendo's tactics on promoting Bayonetta 2? It's become clear the Wii U brand is toxic to anything unfortunate enough to be released on it, even Nintendo's own major series.

Fact is they picked up Bayonetta 2 prior to the release of the Wii U and I would imagine, were expecting a healthy million seller instead of the financial failure it more than likely will end up being. But at this point, not promoting any exclusive they have to shift hardware would be worse than ignoring it and letting your hardware sales slip further into irrelevance.

I was thinking just now. What are the chances bayonetta 2 is scoring so high because of nintendo's support? For one the game has been really long in development. Seems like there was no deadline whatsoever and hence no pressure. Also nintendo likes to put some of their own staff on 2nd party projects. I mean honestly if this would be the case I think its great that they published it

It's scoring about the same as the original Bayonetta, infact it's only one point better than Bayonetta on the Xbox 360.

Besides that what was The Wonderful 101's excuse then?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 15, 2014, 12:25:01 pm
Why would The Wonderful 101 failing change Nintendo's tactics on promoting Bayonetta 2? It's become clear the Wii U brand is toxic to anything unfortunate enough to be released on it, even Nintendo's own major series.

Fact is they picked up Bayonetta 2 prior to the release of the Wii U and I would imagine, were expecting a healthy million seller instead of the financial failure it more than likely will end up being. But at this point, not promoting any exclusive they have to shift hardware would be worse than ignoring it and letting your hardware sales slip further into irrelevance.

Yes, that's old news Aki.  The failure of W101 and presumably B2 can be attributed to the platform, not the developer.  I don't know why Nintendo would refuse to work with PG again based on this premise.  Their strategy with the Wiiu is to release/produce as much high quality software as they can in order to make the system more attractive.  Like I said, they're in this thing for the long term.  B2's draw as a high quality hardcore game is still valuable to them, despite weak sales. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 15, 2014, 12:47:28 pm
Yes, that's old news Aki.  The failure of W101 and presumably B2 can be attributed to the platform, not the developer.  I don't know why Nintendo would refuse to work with PG again based on this premise.  Their strategy with the Wiiu is to release/produce as much high quality software as they can in order to make the system more attractive.  Like I said, they're in this thing for the long term.  B2's draw as a high quality hardcore game is still valuable to them, despite weak sales. 

Because if Bayonetta 2 is neither a hardware mover or a software seller, then unless Nintendo can dictate what Platinum Games get to produce, they won't let them. And as we know from various developer interviews, PG very much want to do their own thing.

Even Pikmin 3 shifted more consoles and software than Bayonetta did and prior to release of both sequel, they had similar sort of sales.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on October 15, 2014, 12:53:12 pm
Made it simple for all: One Bayonetta 2 topic, no positive or negative title, just discussion :)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 15, 2014, 01:15:32 pm
I would have preferred a new thread when the game came out, we've got hundreds of pages already dedicated to the drama surrounding the game, I'd like one seperate to discuss the actual game. Can we wait until October 24th and then make one for actually playing it? :afroman: :afroman:
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Happy Cat on October 15, 2014, 01:34:52 pm
I would have preferred a new thread when the game came out, we've got hundreds of pages already dedicated to the drama surrounding the game, I'd like one seperate to discuss the actual game. Can we wait until October 24th and then make one for actually playing it? :afroman: :afroman:

I think that would be fair. You can be the one that makes it if you want. IF Barry is okay with the idea. We will lock this topic when the new topic is created though. We don't need two different topics for the same game right next to each other. We are a small forum. Is the reason we merged all the existing threads to begin with.

Edit: Barry gave the OK. I'll be PMing you with details.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 16, 2014, 03:30:40 am
What's the point of locking it..just merge all the topics and call it Bayonetta 2 the mega discussion topic...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 16, 2014, 04:42:33 am
It's scoring about the same as the original Bayonetta, infact it's only one point better than Bayonetta on the Xbox 360.

Besides that what was The Wonderful 101's excuse then?
wonderful 101 is a whole different game and irrelevant to the discussion because there's nothing like it to compare. Some great games just aren't for everyone.

Im assuming that you are using the metacritic score average to weigh bayo 2 to bayo 1's review. I think there's nothing wrong with that, but there's the issue of metacritic's selection of valid review websites imo. Its also very inconsistent in its selections as well. The point im making will be clear if you look at the reviews individually. A lot of 9's for bayo 1 are now 10's at the same outlets. A lot of 8's for bayo 1 are now 9's for bayo 2.

I mean lets list some of them side to side.

Destructoid:             Bayo 1= 80, Bayo 2 = 100
Gamespot:               Bayo 1= 90, Bayo 2 = 100
Giant Bomb:             Bayo 1= 80, Bayo 2 = 100
Gametrailers:           Bayo 1= 90, Bayo 2 = 98
Cheat code central: Bayo 1= 86, Bayo 2 = 92
IGN consistent with both a 95

The only one which I found to give a lesser score was gamesradar. I mean this is as far we can look for a decent comparison in reviews. Gamespot is stating a bad being "The sad realisation that future action games may never top this".

The only way we're gonna find out is when the game comes out. But having played the demo for a bit I could already tell that it was a polished game through and through.

So back to my point of bayo 2 meeting its full potential under nintendo. I think if salestalk and potential future of the console is important to a person, I can see where one is coming from. The WII U costs more than previous nintendo consoles and the investment has to be right for you. But if you're looking for the best bayonetta, it could be that a team like platinum games with their gameplay mindset was right at home under nintendo.

About nintendo expectations on the game's performance. I think both you and radrappy are right and the truth is probably at the middle. They probably expected more at the time when they got the deal, but a lot of things happened hence expectations lowered and focus changed.

The one thing that could possibly make bayo 2 a succes is this. The great reviews and the current installbase actually giving a damn + people who'll buy the console for bayo 2 in anticipation towards smash bros U. I have a feeling bayo 2 may do a lot better than nintendo's "current" expectations.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 16, 2014, 05:49:26 am
I think you're really just trying to see something that isn't there CrazyT. I mean your point was that because Platinum was working under Nintendo it ensured them to develop a better game. That is relevant to the discussion because The Wonderful 101 was developed entirely with Nintendo's helped whilst Bayonetta 2 started under the supervision of SEGA and then moved to Nintendo.

Not everything has to be contributed to Nintendo being there, sometimes it's entirely down to the developer and I think this is a case of Platinum being great and a critical darling got a sequel. I mean you saw Games Radar gave it a lower review but places like EDGE and Eurogamer seemed consistent with the numbers.

Also hyperbole about games never being topped are always the worst reviews. The GTA4 comment about an Oscar worthy story still gets me everytime.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 16, 2014, 07:47:46 am
I think you're really just trying to see something that isn't there CrazyT. I mean your point was that because Platinum was working under Nintendo it ensured them to develop a better game. That is relevant to the discussion because The Wonderful 101 was developed entirely with Nintendo's helped whilst Bayonetta 2 started under the supervision of SEGA and then moved to Nintendo.

Not everything has to be contributed to Nintendo being there, sometimes it's entirely down to the developer and I think this is a case of Platinum being great and a critical darling got a sequel. I mean you saw Games Radar gave it a lower review but places like EDGE and Eurogamer seemed consistent with the numbers.

Also hyperbole about games never being topped are always the worst reviews. The GTA4 comment about an Oscar worthy story still gets me everytime.

Let's not forget Aki the sacred rule with game reviewers today...Thou shalt mark a game higher if it is Nintendo...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 16, 2014, 08:12:41 am
Also hyperbole about games never being topped are always the worst reviews. The GTA4 comment about an Oscar worthy story still gets me everytime.

GTAIV's story was so fucking horrible. I can't believe that it got that almost literal praise of being 'oscar worthy'.

Fuck, just thinking about it makes me angry it was so retarded.



So I'm  getting my Wii-U this evening on the way home from work, will probably download the demo tomorrow night. I understand it's the prologue so no real spoilers :)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 16, 2014, 08:50:19 am
Now i'm sure you are going to spin this

No not at all. Though the old deal was 5 games and 1st refusal on their next one .  Anyway the deal was bad for SEGA it did nothing much for SEGA in terms of sales and even the only half decent seller for SEGA Bay , SEGA had so little confidence in that they wouldn't fund and publish the game .

It's not just SEGA either its seems that Platinium don't do great sales for Konami or Nintendo and I doubt their XBox One game will be a massive seller either   
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 16, 2014, 10:52:45 am
I think you're really just trying to see something that isn't there CrazyT. I mean your point was that because Platinum was working under Nintendo it ensured them to develop a better game. That is relevant to the discussion because The Wonderful 101 was developed entirely with Nintendo's helped whilst Bayonetta 2 started under the supervision of SEGA and then moved to Nintendo.

Not everything has to be contributed to Nintendo being there, sometimes it's entirely down to the developer and I think this is a case of Platinum being great and a critical darling got a sequel. I mean you saw Games Radar gave it a lower review but places like EDGE and Eurogamer seemed consistent with the numbers.
Not contributing too much to nintendo. just saying the partnership could have been really healthy and played a small factor in addition. I guess we'll find out soon how great the game is but itll still be baseless assumptions untill explicitly stated ofcourse

Also hyperbole about games never being topped are always the worst reviews. The GTA4 comment about an Oscar worthy story still gets me everytime.
sadly this has been the case most of the time. I absolutly hated gta4. Thankfully The standalone expansions were much better though
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: The KKM on October 16, 2014, 11:09:37 am

No not at all. Though the old deal was 5 games and 1st refusal on their next one .  Anyway the deal was bad for SEGA it did nothing much for SEGA in terms of sales and even the only half decent seller for SEGA Bay , SEGA had so little confidence in that they wouldn't fund and publish the game .

It's not just SEGA either its seems that Platinium don't do great sales for Konami or Nintendo and I doubt their XBox One game will be a massive seller either

Platinum's quickly building a reputation of making good games that don't sell. at this point I'm expecting companies to start hiring them more as PR, "this game won't sell but will show we want good games which will hopefully increase expectations of other games"
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Aki-at on October 16, 2014, 11:28:05 am
Not contributing too much to nintendo. just saying the partnership could have been really healthy and played a small factor in addition. I guess we'll find out soon how great the game is but itll still be baseless assumptions untill explicitly stated ofcourse

Oh of course without Nintendo we wouldn't have Bayonetta 2, I'm not doubting that.

But Bayonetta 2 being awesome is down to Platinum Games, all they ask from their publishers is to be hands off and let them do their thing, which is more often or not good things. We'll see with both Korra and Scalebound similar level of awesomeness I'm sure.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 16, 2014, 11:42:03 am

No not at all. Though the old deal was 5 games and 1st refusal on their next one .  Anyway the deal was bad for SEGA it did nothing much for SEGA in terms of sales and even the only half decent seller for SEGA Bay , SEGA had so little confidence in that they wouldn't fund and publish the game .

It's not just SEGA either its seems that Platinium don't do great sales for Konami or Nintendo and I doubt their XBox One game will be a massive seller either   

It never was five games. That was never the original deal and you know it.  It was and has always been four. AR is the pick up..and Bay 2 was the continuation which obviously ceased. Even if the games failed which you claim Sega under this regime of sammy would not have BOTHERED to continue with them with a pick up game like AR to begin with. Again I have various sources saying much the same thing including ones where they said it themselves with no shadow of a doubt where the positions are. Not some ambigious comment from a magazine that doesn't specifiy clearly enough what he meant...

But again any reason to troll for another pointles argument without backing ANYTHING up. How typical...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 16, 2014, 11:42:44 am
Oh of course without Nintendo we wouldn't have Bayonetta 2, I'm not doubting that.

But Bayonetta 2 being awesome is down to Platinum Games, all they ask from their publishers is to be hands off and let them do their thing, which is more often or not good things. We'll see with both Korra and Scalebound similar level of awesomeness I'm sure.
Exactly..the level of Nintendo worshipping and blatant ass kissing that goes on in here and other sega forums is sickening...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 16, 2014, 12:27:23 pm
Exactly..the level of Nintendo worshipping and blatant ass kissing that goes on in here and other sega forums is sickening...

Are you kidding me?  Ass kissing?  PG have been quoted numerous times saying how grateful they are to Nintendo and the support given during the development of B2.  Sega and PG had a falling out of some variety, and Nintendo was there to pick up the pieces.  How is pointing that out ass kissery?  We all think PG is a fantastic developer; but the way you and others are desperately trying to discredit/blame Nintendo for nonexistent villainy is just sad.  The game is on Wiiu, probably won't sell very many copies, but is supposedly still a fantastic game.  Why not just enjoy the game and celebrate its existence? 

You people left your brains in the 90's apparently. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 16, 2014, 12:41:28 pm
You people left your brains in the 90's apparently. 

That's Racist!
(I assume Joe is black)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on October 16, 2014, 01:04:10 pm

We've all gotta admit that a lot of gamer's do kiss Nintendo's ass. I mean, let's be real for one second. If Sony or MS created a lame ass game like Captain Toad, they would get thrown into a pit of shit, but because it's Nintendo, you get a completely different reaction. "Oooh soo cute, look at how Toad holds his breathe while under water"..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 16, 2014, 01:11:23 pm

That was never the original deal and you know it

No thought it was a 5 game deal and 1st refusal on any new Platinum game . The deal didn't do much for SEGA at all and  most prob cost SEGA more money than they made for the deal , so its little wonder SEGA didn't want to continue, much less fund Bay II

But Bayonetta 2 being awesome is down to Platinum Games, all they ask from their publishers is to be hands off and let them do their thing

Nice to see somebody gets it . Bayonetta is Platinum game and all this talk of SEGA or Nintendo references makes it somehow their games is just a bit silly . 

PG have been quoted numerous times saying how grateful they are to Nintendo and the support given during the development of B2.

And when Nintendo drop them like a stone, watch Platinum games praise their paymasters and make out they're corp they love always wanted to work with 

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 16, 2014, 01:40:44 pm
If Sony or MS created a lame ass game like Captain Toad, they would get thrown into a pit of shit, but because it's Nintendo, you get a completely different reaction. "Oooh soo cute, look at how Toad holds his breathe while under water"..

What makes Captain Toad so lame?  Is it because you've perceived it as juvenile?  Are you the kind of person that needs violence or photorealistic graphics in his/her games in order to feel like an adult?  Never mind that Captain Toad looks like a smartly made and charming puzzle game that I will probably buy.  Get off your high horse.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 16, 2014, 02:20:45 pm

We've all gotta admit that a lot of gamer's do kiss Nintendo's ass. I mean, let's be real for one second. If Sony or MS created a lame ass game like Captain Toad, they would get thrown into a pit of shit, but because it's Nintendo, you get a completely different reaction. "Oooh soo cute, look at how Toad holds his breathe while under water"..

To be fair, they get shit on from a great height just as often for their hardware decisions and when they make stuff like Wii Music. Remember that? Yeah...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: pirovash88 on October 16, 2014, 05:47:10 pm
What makes Captain Toad so lame?  Is it because you've perceived it as juvenile?  Are you the kind of person that needs violence or photorealistic graphics in his/her games in order to feel like an adult?  Never mind that Captain Toad looks like a smartly made and charming puzzle game that I will probably buy.  Get off your high horse.

Yeah, i'm one of those dudes that prefers babes, guns, and gore..

Seriously, no. I've stated on here many times that i am a Nintendo fan, but some of their games are ridiculous. I don't see how a game like Captain Toad warrants a $40 pricetag. It just seems like a quick buck game to me, a complete afterthought.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Radrappy on October 16, 2014, 05:51:39 pm
Yeah, i'm one of those dudes that prefers babes, guns, and gore..

Seriously, no. I've stated on here many times that i am a Nintendo fan, but some of their games are ridiculous. I don't see how a game like Captain Toad warrants a $40 pricetag. It just seems like a quick buck game to me, a complete afterthought.

forgive me for jumping on you like that.  You wouldn't believe how many people I've met who actually believe that kind of nonsense.

About Capt. Toad, it's obviously a title made to fill a gap, I won't argue that.  However, a lot of the levels I've seen (and even played at e3) are extremely well crafted and fun to navigate through.  I agree that a 20-30$ price tag might be more fair though. 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 17, 2014, 04:09:15 am
Are you kidding me?  Ass kissing?  PG have been quoted numerous times saying how grateful they are to Nintendo and the support given during the development of B2.  Sega and PG had a falling out of some variety, and Nintendo was there to pick up the pieces.  How is pointing that out ass kissery?  We all think PG is a fantastic developer; but the way you and others are desperately trying to discredit/blame Nintendo for nonexistent villainy is just sad.  The game is on Wiiu, probably won't sell very many copies, but is supposedly still a fantastic game.  Why not just enjoy the game and celebrate its existence? 

You people left your brains in the 90's apparently. 

PG is doing PR like they always do when they release a game. And if it wasn't for Sega Nintendo WOULDN'T have been able to pick it up in the first place. Again people will believe any fantasy about the games industry especially where Nintendo is concerned. Sheez...

And i haven't blamed Nintendo for anything in this thread. I state the facts on the good and the bad. So i dunno where that came from. People in the nineties have more brains to lose than people in the noughties who simply don't have the capacity of using logic.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 17, 2014, 04:10:42 am
That's Racist!
(I assume Joe is black)

No. I'm not. You americans do have a big problem about can't discuss a game or anything else in a american dominated forum before some moron goes on a bout it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 17, 2014, 04:13:35 am

No thought it was a 5 game deal and 1st refusal on any new Platinum game . The deal didn't do much for SEGA at all and  most prob cost SEGA more money than they made for the deal , so its little wonder SEGA didn't want to continue, much less fund Bay II
Thought isn't FACT TA...
Again i have the facts to back me up on don't.

Nice to see somebody gets it . Bayonetta is Platinum game and all this talk of SEGA or Nintendo references makes it somehow their games is just a bit silly . 

You mean an IP Sega has sole rights to...yes that's a SEGA game if ever by definition...

And when Nintendo drop them like a stone, watch Platinum games praise their paymasters and make out they're corp they love always wanted to work with 

You obviously have an issue with PG. PG isn't doing anything different to what other superstar dev studios say when they work with a big games publisher like Nintendo or Sega...Look what GBX Randy said when they began working with Sega..."its a dream come true".... and look what happened there.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 17, 2014, 04:18:16 am

We've all gotta admit that a lot of gamer's do kiss Nintendo's ass. I mean, let's be real for one second. If Sony or MS created a lame ass game like Captain Toad, they would get thrown into a pit of shit, but because it's Nintendo, you get a completely different reaction. "Oooh soo cute, look at how Toad holds his breathe while under water"..

Exactly. The truth hurts..but its true nonethe less...Would WONDERFUL 101 get the same scores had Sega published the game?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 17, 2014, 04:44:05 am
Thought isn't FACT TA..

Never said it was , Just that I thought it was.

You mean an IP Sega has sole rights to...yes that's a SEGA game if ever by definition

By definition . It doesn't mean they developed the title or had much input to the title though. SEGA may well own the IP rights to the likes of of Ecco or Red Dog  but we all know SEGA had little to do with their development input much like with EA and them owning the rights to Syndicate. And just because a game as some sort of old references means little, other than you've got a decent development team behind the title

You obviously have an issue with PG.

No I'm just making the point that developers will always speak highly of their publisher when they are funding and publishing their games (more so if their dream games). I mean to see Itagaki-san talk highly of Nintendo is a bit laughable after what he said about them in the past , but money talks


Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 17, 2014, 05:10:13 am

Never said it was , Just that I thought it was.

Then stop going about it then...

By definition . It doesn't mean they developed the title or had much input to the title though. SEGA may well own the IP rights to the likes of of Ecco or Red Dog  but we all know SEGA had little to do with their development input much like with EA and them owning the rights to Syndicate. And just because a game as some sort of old references means little, other than you've got a decent development team behind the title
Never said they did..but for someone experienced in Sega you should know there are these type of Sega games around...since the MS really and the second third wave of Sega arcade games. Sega second party titles..which are just as much as Sega as the core Sega games. You should be used to that way by now. So you saying its not a Sega title doesn't hold water. Its a Sega IP. A Sega second party game. That's it.

No I'm just making the point that developers will always speak highly of their publisher when they are funding and publishing their games (more so if their dream games). I mean to see Itagaki-san talk highly of Nintendo is a bit laughable after what he said about them in the past , but money talks

Seems you were picking on PG specifically. We all know the BS goes on..and will carry on as long as the industry will carry on. It not something i would criticise them for. They are not going to say "I'm working with guys i detest because the money is good." Itagaki oddly enough is someone i'd imagine would have ended making a Sega title since he was an admirer and fan boy of the Saturn and model 2 games....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 17, 2014, 06:51:48 am
but for someone experienced in Sega you should know there are these type of Sega games

Games not made by SEGA but with SEGA references ? Yes I know that  but I'll not class them as SEGA titles and then for the titles that SEGA owns the IP rights and Published (but did not develope)  I'll always  not class them as SEGA 'developed' titles either for the likes of Gunstar Heroes, Guardian Heroes and give the credit to Treasure for those or to Climax for Dark Saviour and the like.

Seems you were picking on PG specifically

No there's many other classic examples not least Gable Newell falling back in love with SONY . Money will alway talk
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 17, 2014, 10:55:35 am
Reading your conversations I think you're probably right about any dev will speak highly of the publisher, which kind of passed me by.

Anyway I think its silly to think nintendo games get better scores because their nintendo, especially when ive been arguing the contrary in past. That outlets have been extra harsh towards nintendo. I guess this proves that both sides of the extremes are wrong and things in general just are the way they are without some conspiracies. Nin games get good scores for no other reasons then the reviewers genuinly enjoying them

itagaki's devils third looked rough as hell when it was shown. I guess that game could be the ultimate proof of my theory about publisher's contribution or influence.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 17, 2014, 11:49:47 am

Games not made by SEGA but with SEGA references ? Yes I know that  but I'll not class them as SEGA titles and then for the titles that SEGA owns the IP rights and Published (but did not develope)  I'll always  not class them as SEGA 'developed' titles either for the likes of Gunstar Heroes, Guardian Heroes and give the credit to Treasure for those or to Climax for Dark Saviour and the like

There we go twisting again. I never said they were Sega developed titles. I said Sega games. I also specifically stated where they fit in in the sega echelon when i said Second party sega titles. Which anyone knows are companies working for Sega who are making games specifically for them that Sega owns. So in that context they are Sega titles. So keep using semantics on something that was established way before you played a sega title. Sega has always had a second party system. They are part of the sega family as anything AM2 produces. Don't act like a hardcore saying this is sega and this is not..because its BS when Sega has ALWAYS used this system way before you and I were born.


No there's many other classic examples not least Gable Newell falling back in love with SONY . Money will alway talk

Why do you repeat the exact same thing that i said but using you're own words? I said that at the beginning about PG. I just won't pick on them for doing it which you were clearly doing.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 17, 2014, 02:40:10 pm
. I never said they were Sega developed titles. I said Sega games

Not twisting anything . I don't see the likes of Bay as SEGA developed game or a game where SEGA had much input . Sure there own the IP rights , but like with Ecco, Red Dog Guardian Heroes Seaman  and the like. All SEGA really did was to sign the games up and make sure to own the IP rights. To turn its on its head I give SEGA  AV and  AM#1full credit for the likes of F-Zero GX and Vampire Night even though SEGA don't own the IP rights  to those games in question

Sega has always had a second party system. They are part of the sega family as anything AM2 produces.

Sigh... Every major software house will have a 2nd party or a company that will have a close working relationship with them , sometimes exclusives to one corp in question . Core made have been a great 2nd party developer for  SEGA on the Mega CD, but I still class the likes of BattleCorps and BC Racers as Core developed titles and not SEGA ones . 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 17, 2014, 03:05:29 pm

Not twisting anything . I don't see the likes of Bay as SEGA developed game or a game where SEGA had much input . Sure there own the IP rights , but like with Ecco, Red Dog Guardian Heroes Seaman  and the like. All SEGA really did was to sign the games up and make sure to own the IP rights. To turn its on its head I give SEGA  AV and  AM#1full credit for the likes of F-Zero GX and Vampire Night even though SEGA don't own the IP rights  to those games in question

Sigh... Every major software house will have a 2nd party or a company that will have a close working relationship with them , sometimes exclusives to one corp in question . Core made have been a great 2nd party developer for  SEGA on the Mega CD, but I still class the likes of BattleCorps and BC Racers as Core developed titles and not SEGA ones . 

You are twisting it. No one said they were developed by Sega. They are sega games because they are owned..funded...marketed by Sega and created and developed for Sega. End of. Stop acting like this is something knew when Sega has an extensive history on this field.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 17, 2014, 05:02:43 pm
They are sega games because they are owned..funded...marketed by Sega and created and developed for Sega.

Yes but too many here are making that out to mean they're like a SEGA In-House game and its getting a bit silly with Bayonetta II where SEGA had little to do with the title and couldn't be assed to publish it , but some here love to class it as a SEGA title  . Look at the likes of  Chromehounds I'll give credit too Fromsoftware everyday of the week for that , not matter if SEGA part own the IP rights and published pushed the game .

And also people overplayed the SEGA references in Bayonetta too imo.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 18, 2014, 05:28:39 am

Yes but too many here are making that out to mean they're like a SEGA In-House game and its getting a bit silly with Bayonetta II where SEGA had little to do with the title and couldn't be assed to publish it , but some here love to class it as a SEGA title  . Look at the likes of  Chromehounds I'll give credit too Fromsoftware everyday of the week for that , not matter if SEGA part own the IP rights and published pushed the game .

And also people overplayed the SEGA references in Bayonetta too imo.

Come off it Sega friggin funded half of the development and brought it to Nintendo in the first place..that's hardly anything to do with it. Look you obviously don't see it as a TRUE Sega game whether they published it or not..which is fair enough as that really belongs to the titles developed by the main studios in Japan. But Sega is more than just a developer of titles as well so in that context its Sega.
As for people overplaying it...matter of opinion...but that is to be expected i guess because the title really came at a time where it seemed sega was getting its act together. But i'm sure you will tell them that titles like that are really second party games and not true Sega titles.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on October 18, 2014, 09:08:27 am
Ack! We're getting into another back and forth battle guys, could you cool it?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 18, 2014, 02:54:11 pm
So I got my Wii-U set up and played the Bayonetta 2 demo today. Mmmm, that's good stuff.

I have a knock-off pro controller which works perfectly for the game, and it feels like classic Bayonetta. One complaint would be that I found the demo a bit too easy, but it's the prologue so that's fine, and my scores were rubbish so I'll obviously need to git gud.

I loved the swords and leg whip things too, they were really cool and there were a lot of combos to discover.

I hate the fact that you can only play the demo 15 times before they block it. It also seems I can't download older demos? Maybe Wii-U's interface is just buttcheeks, it's so hard to find anything.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 18, 2014, 04:00:16 pm
. It is said that the demo is set on easy setting.

I think u can search for demos in the eshop. At the home menu theres a demos section somewhere. If you feel like it, Try out the wonderful 101 demo as well
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 19, 2014, 10:01:51 am
As for people overplaying it...matter of opinion...but that is to be expected i guess because the title really came at a time where it seemed sega was getting its act together.

People do over play it imo, There's SEGA references in Snatcher and a classic one with the end of the game, but I'll not class it as a SEGA title , There's SEGA VF characters in DOA V , but deep down it's a Temo game . I'm pretty sure Activision own the IP rights to Destiny (could be wrong though) but there sure as hell funding the game , but I'll still class it as a BUNGiE game . That's the only point I'm making [size=78%] [/size]

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 19, 2014, 11:47:23 am

People do over play it imo, There's SEGA references in Snatcher and a classic one with the end of the game, but I'll not class it as a SEGA title , There's SEGA VF characters in DOA V , but deep down it's a Temo game . I'm pretty sure Activision own the IP rights to Destiny (could be wrong though) but there sure as hell funding the game , but I'll still class it as a BUNGiE game . That's the only point I'm making [size=78%] [/size]

Not a fair example..Snatcher was a Mega CD exclusive in a way...DOA is a cameo... The games were talking about are titles specifically made for Sega and paid for by Sega and owned by you should keep it in that context.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 19, 2014, 01:06:09 pm
.Snatcher was a Mega CD exclusive in a way

We all know it wasn't and isn't . The only exclusive thing about Snatcher on the Mega CD  is the english translation .

DOA is a cameo..

Yep just like the SEGA and Nintendo ones in Bayonetta 1 and II. 

Like I said with destiny and the like . I'm not trying to be clever or pick a fight . In the same way I don't really see Density as Activision game , I do need Bay 1 and II as SEGA games , that's all 
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 19, 2014, 02:26:48 pm

We all know it wasn't and isn't . The only exclusive thing about Snatcher on the Mega CD  is the english translation .

Yep just like the SEGA and Nintendo ones in Bayonetta 1 and II. 

Like I said with destiny and the like . I'm not trying to be clever or pick a fight . In the same way I don't really see Density as Activision game , I do need Bay 1 and II as SEGA games , that's all 

Except DOA wasn't made for Sega. So no its not the same thing and you know it. No one is saying the references make the game Sega...we all know that the game is owned by Sega. So again its a pointless debate.

I do need Bay 1 and II as SEGA games , that's all 
Its good for you to admit it. Now let's discuss the game instead of trolling you're points again. We have both been warned on this so please do not ignore BTN's requests...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 20, 2014, 05:22:04 am
European review embargo has been lifted today, and more reviews >90 >95 @100 have shown up.

Chances that the average score can still go up. Really nice to see platinum being recognized once again by another great game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 21, 2014, 12:41:42 pm
No one is saying the references make the game Sega..

Some have though . Like I say I'm not wanting to pick a fight or be clever , just because SEGA owns the IP rights to Bay - That to me doesn't really make it a SEGA game. In just the same way the likes of EA or Activision got their check books out to buy the rights to TitianFall or Destiny  SEGA did just the same for Bay .

Now let's discuss the game instead of trolling you're points again.

Its not trolling . A troll on a videogame board will tend not to own the Hardware or games in question they choose to pick a fight in and just slag a game or hardware off with own every play the game or hardware, just to get a response . There's vast difference imo 

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 22, 2014, 06:00:25 am

Some have though . Like I say I'm not wanting to pick a fight or be clever , just because SEGA owns the IP rights to Bay - That to me doesn't really make it a SEGA game. In just the same way the likes of EA or Activision got their check books out to buy the rights to TitianFall or Destiny  SEGA did just the same for Bay .

Its not trolling . A troll on a videogame board will tend not to own the Hardware or games in question they choose to pick a fight in and just slag a game or hardware off with own every play the game or hardware, just to get a response . There's vast difference imo 

Don't be silly TA. You are trolling because you are repeating points that's been done to death in this thread alone.

And no...its hardly the same. SAKURA TAISEN by that mark isn't a Sega game. Neither is WONDERBOY. Neither are a lot of many old Sega titles that you say are Sega aren't because they were made outside of the Sega first party structure..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 22, 2014, 06:06:05 am
European review embargo has been lifted today, and more reviews >90 >95 @100 have shown up.

Chances that the average score can still go up. Really nice to see platinum being recognized once again by another great game.
Do great scores sell games though....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 22, 2014, 06:17:45 am
Do great scores sell games though....
I'm not sure. I think to an extent but it also depends on the game. The last of us for example was a game that could have easily reached great sales with an average of 80, but because of the review scores it may have sold double/tripple. It really benefited from review scores and the goty awards. Now imagine if bayonetta 2 sold "decently" now. And later it won a lot of goty awards. Its good publicity at least
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 22, 2014, 10:20:58 am
I'm not sure. I think to an extent but it also depends on the game. The last of us for example was a game that could have easily reached great sales with an average of 80, but because of the review scores it may have sold double/tripple. It really benefited from review scores and the goty awards. Now imagine if bayonetta 2 sold "decently" now. And later it won a lot of goty awards. Its good publicity at least

Yes but Bay 2 not only needs to be a hit it needs to shift Wii U's...and that's the problem. The WiiU hasn't got enough gamers that would buy Bay 2...and the people who would buy it don't have a Wii U and more likely wait until it becomes so cheap that it wouldn't matter anymore...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 23, 2014, 08:02:21 am
The day is nearly upon us gentlemen.

It's been a long time coming, but tomorrow Bayonetta 2 is released on an unsuspecting public. The return of one of the best action games ever created, will it match the first in terms of gameplay excellence, wondrous musical score, superb graphics and ludicrous story?

Are you going to be playing it with a smile on your face the entire time?

This is the thread for discussing the game, if only for the release week. No controversy, no anger, just Bayonetta fun and love.

For one week, this topic is about discussing the game aspect of Bayonetta 2. So that people who have bought the game have a place to discuss it without getting their hype drowned out by politics and sales talk.

Discussions prohibited during the first week in this topic include:

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 23, 2014, 08:06:35 am
SEGA!PG! and nintendo...does that count as political?

I've played the japanese version so i won't say anything until people have played the western game...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 23, 2014, 08:18:46 am
SEGA!PG! and nintendo...does that count as political?

I've played the japanese version so i won't say anything until people have played the western game...

Without spoilers can you tell us what you think of the game and how it compares to the original?

I'm hoping some local stores break street date so I can pick it up tonight :) If not I'll just hold out until tomorrow evening after work and check it out. Going to re-play Bayonetta 1 first, which I haven't played in a long while to, to get re-acquainted.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 23, 2014, 08:28:51 am
Without spoilers can you tell us what you think of the game and how it compares to the original?

I'm hoping some local stores break street date so I can pick it up tonight :) If not I'll just hold out until tomorrow evening after work and check it out. Going to re-play Bayonetta 1 first, which I haven't played in a long while to, to get re-acquainted.

I like the original. It doesn't help the game's cause to have the original included because it reminds me on how fresh the game was and the direction that Sega was going as a publisher. The sequel is a worthy follow up. Some things i can do without. No real complaints but i prefer the original. On an added note i prefer the 360 controls to the WiiU's for this title which i think aded to it and my frustration over this and the original.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on October 23, 2014, 09:11:52 am
Just got the special edition bundle with the two games. They come in separate cases, which means two Club Nintendo codes. They do have large USK (German rating) logos on them in Europe though.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 23, 2014, 09:20:19 am
Just got the special edition bundle with the two games. They come in separate cases, which means two Club Nintendo codes. They do have large USK (German rating) logos on them in Europe though.

Oh nice, the special edition looks sweet! Shame it was only for Europe!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 23, 2014, 09:48:19 am
^A real shame. It is the first special edition I ordered for any game. It seems extremely limited because it was sold out pretty soon. There's still a couple left now again I think.

Tomorrow it will be mine. Cant wait!

Edit: I dont think ill be able to smile with my jaw dropped lol. I have a feeling a lot of thats gonna happen
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on October 23, 2014, 10:38:23 am
I'll be getting my copy next week unfortunately, waiting for pay day and am applying some Amazon credit towards it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 23, 2014, 12:23:55 pm
I like the original. It doesn't help the game's cause to have the original included because it reminds me on how fresh the game was and the direction that Sega was going as a publisher. The sequel is a worthy follow up. Some things i can do without. No real complaints but i prefer the original. On an added note i prefer the 360 controls to the WiiU's for this title which i think aded to it and my frustration over this and the original.

You are basically confirming all my fears regarding this game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Sharky on October 23, 2014, 02:05:13 pm
Bayonetta was my game of last gen, wont be getting Bayonetta 2. Don't own any of the new consoles and sure as hell wont be getting a Wii U. Shame but Alas, can't afford to waste so much for just one game.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 23, 2014, 03:17:45 pm
I couldnt be more hyped for this game. Wish I could just sleep and let time pass by but Im havign a nightshift tonight which sucks.

Havent played bayo 1 since around it came out and honestly i remember almost nothing. For me the fact it is going to be packed in is just insane. An insane amount of value right there. I will have to play 1 first because I just know that going back from 2 to 1 is gonna be harder than one might think. Improvements can be subtle and hard to notice when going forward, but when taking a step back it can become a lot more noticable and maybe discouraging.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on October 24, 2014, 12:17:29 am
Everything I'm hearing about Bayonetta 2 makes it sound like a far better game than the original, so I'm considering giving it a try. Will probably trade in my remaining 360 library for it (since my 360 broke.)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 24, 2014, 06:24:36 am
I got screwed pretty hard today. Had ordered the first print edition and didn't receive any confirmation message yesterday about my order. Seems they scrapped my order without telling me and now not only am I not gonna play the game for the upcoming days, but getting the first print edition seems almost impossible!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Sigh. I may find somebody who could sell it to me for an extra 10 euro's. That would become 80 euro total for the whole thing instead of the 70 I was gonna get it  for. I'm mad as fuck...... but I must have this thing of beauty

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 24, 2014, 08:02:48 am
^Who screwed you over by cancelling the order without notice!?

I'm planning on picking it up tonight, I didn't pre-order since there's no special edition for NA. It also seems like everyone in Canada just goes out at RRP for every game, very different to Australia where prices were very competitive at launch.

Guess I'll go to EB games and if they are sold out there's a mom 'n' pop store nearby too. And if they are BOTH sold out, I'll go to Bestbuy which is far away. I doubt they'll be sold out though.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on October 24, 2014, 09:17:43 am
Seeing as this is the drama topic now, I want to apologize for my idiot comments when Bayonetta 2 was announced as a Wii U exclusive:

Best to not do a podcast tonight. All I will do is cuss and swear. Really, this IS a slap in the face to Bayonetta fans. To be honest, I don’t want to buy a fucking Wii U for that type of game. I will not suck Nintendo’s dick for that title. Now I get that SEGA does exclusives, but at least do exclusives that make sense. Keep IPs consistant on a platform. Not some bullshit like Shenmue 2 being cancelled in the US and shifting to XBOX. Imagine if Yakuza 5 was a Wii U exclusive, fans would rage.

Bayonetta 2 will end up being one of those games I don’t play for a long time, at least until I buy a Wii U wich I would… used at a lower price.

1. I bought a fucking Wii U, lol
2. I very much did suck Nintendo's dick
3. Shenmue 2 shifted to Xbox was stupid, but not comparable to Bayo 2 on Wii U
4. I'm playing the game on release. It did not end up being a game that I "don’t play for a long time"
5. I bought my Wii U new, albeit after the price drop (Zelda bundle)

Haha! Man what a whiner I was. Fuck.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 24, 2014, 08:49:19 pm
Some huge webshop im never going to order from again. But I already found someone who is willing to sell me it for a little extra. Thankfully i overworked a little bit this week so ill consider that as compensation.

The impressions at various places are just "too" positive. Sucks that i cant play this weekend but oh well! More time fot other stuff i guess!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 24, 2014, 10:02:21 pm
I'm so fucking angry that America didn't get a first print edition. What the fuck, Nintendo? Just like SEGA did with Bayonetta 1...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 24, 2014, 11:17:26 pm
It does suck indeed. I mean there are ways but I imagine it would be very expensive and require too much effort if you ordered it from abroad, traded the discs and then sold the US case with the EU discs back to europe.

Anyway i'm quite surprised and glad with the effort that's put into bayonetta 2. They're giving the game a lot of exposure and lol at that playmate cosplaying bayonetta... I guess nintendo isnt that stupid to ignore the great reception and not build on that momentum
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 25, 2014, 01:51:52 am
Well got the game and its just more of the same (hardly looks any different) and while that maybe good enough for some .. to me its just a very well made action game, but have played and owned far better
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 25, 2014, 05:19:17 am
Well got the game and its just more of the same (hardly looks any different) and while that maybe good enough for some .. to me its just a very well made action game, but have played and owned far better

Coming from the guy who thinks Ninja Gaiden 2 is better than the first BAYONETTA....LOL...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 25, 2014, 06:26:20 am
I've been replaying the first game before playing 2, I'd forgotten how good it is! The Wii-U port is very nice too, I'm playing default costume, but the new ones look fun as well (might be a little broken).
I'm surprised they bothered to implement touch controls, is there really anyone who'll be using those to play the game?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on October 25, 2014, 08:54:41 am
I didn't even bother with touch controls when I played the demo. I liked W101, but I do not want touch screen nonsense when playing Bayonetta. I'll have to try out the pro controller, forgot the game used that.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Team Andromeda on October 25, 2014, 10:14:44 am
Coming from the guy who thinks Ninja Gaiden 2 is better than the first BAYONETTA

Much better and so is Ninja Gaiden 1 . Both happen to be the best action games around imo , but I doubt you've ever played them, much less finished them
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 25, 2014, 11:30:33 am

Much better and so is Ninja Gaiden 1 . Both happen to be the best action games around imo , but I doubt you've ever played them, much less finished them

And that's why no one takes you seriously anymore TA.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: George on October 25, 2014, 11:58:53 am
Ninja Gaiden is better than Bayonetta?

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 25, 2014, 04:14:02 pm
I didn't even bother with touch controls when I played the demo. I liked W101, but I do not want touch screen nonsense when playing Bayonetta. I'll have to try out the pro controller, forgot the game used that.

Yeah I'm thinking of getting the pro controller too. After playing the first 2 chapters, the standard Wiiu gamepad is my last remaining hangup with this game. It's not terrible, but that 360 controller just pampered me too much.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 25, 2014, 04:24:01 pm
Exactly my point...its not suited for a game like BAYONETTA 2..or 1...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 25, 2014, 04:24:37 pm
Also, I gotta say, my fears of Nintendo being rubbed in my face throughout this game have subsided. That intro was awesome. Kinda makes me wish as I did when I first got the WiiU, that Sega would just double down on the WiiU and release all of their titles for it solely. Make it sega console by default. I know it's not gonna happen though.

Also, I'm definitely sure now that sega had creative involvement with this game. Alex the kid? Fuggettabowdit!

How would you guys feel about a Wii-U Vanquish?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 25, 2014, 04:24:56 pm
JASON F'ing Lee...when he was cool ...and before he did Earl....listen to the man...WHAT?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 25, 2014, 04:28:07 pm
To me that's what they should have done with BINARY DOMAIN at least was make it into a launch title for PS4 / would have had a better chance in making a profit than it did on a system full of those games..and VANQUISH 2 and other titles Sega had would have benefited if they released it on a system like Wii U for the west first and then go to Japan. But oh well. HOUSE OF THE DEAD OVERKILL 2 would have benefited  if Sega continued their western plans..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on October 25, 2014, 05:04:27 pm
To me that's what they should have done with BINARY DOMAIN

Definitely. Hold out for a next gen release, beef up the graphics/framerate and release it on PC at the same time. Would have stood out a lot more than it did. All new original Sega IPs are going to have this problem now where if they are released on platforms with many titles of the same genre, they simply won't get noticed or will be dismissed outright for having a Sega label, only to be touted as hidden gems 6 months later. 

I recalled Binary Domain on release being endlessly dismissed as a Gears of War clone. That remark would have benefited the game as a Wii-U exclusive as it had no Gears of War equivalent.

One thing Sega nailed was SSAR:Transformed. Perfect timing! All the platforms didn't have major Kart racers out and it got the spotlight it deserved. Sega has to be sooo careful with their timing now.

Do you think Sega can even release new IPs on the next gen consoles anymore? Thank Neptunia they got Atlus! Sneaking their new IPs through Atlus will get them attention on the PS4/XB1 again.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 26, 2014, 08:21:07 am
I ended up getting a Nyko Commander controller, it's cheaper than the official Pro controller and it's actually very good.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 26, 2014, 08:33:37 am
You had a pro controller knock off if i remember correctly right? Usually knock offs dont output a full 360 degrees on the analog sticks. Is that the reason why you ended up getting the nyko controller?

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 27, 2014, 05:22:15 am
Definitely. Hold out for a next gen release, beef up the graphics/framerate and release it on PC at the same time. Would have stood out a lot more than it did. All new original Sega IPs are going to have this problem now where if they are released on platforms with many titles of the same genre, they simply won't get noticed or will be dismissed outright for having a Sega label, only to be touted as hidden gems 6 months later. 

I recalled Binary Domain on release being endlessly dismissed as a Gears of War clone. That remark would have benefited the game as a Wii-U exclusive as it had no Gears of War equivalent.

One thing Sega nailed was SSAR:Transformed. Perfect timing! All the platforms didn't have major Kart racers out and it got the spotlight it deserved. Sega has to be sooo careful with their timing now.

Do you think Sega can even release new IPs on the next gen consoles anymore? Thank Neptunia they got Atlus! Sneaking their new IPs through Atlus will get them attention on the PS4/XB1 again.
It goes to show the incompetence of SOJ and the management team that resides their. Incompetence after incompetence. Sega only got to where it did because of american management. Once the japanese took over...the company while having a great creative force and innovatice tech team...was incompetent from a buisness point of view. No coincidence that when SOA was running the show..SONIC became a household name and the Genesis and MCD and other Sega products sold by the bucketload. When SOJ took charge with the Saturn...failure after failure. Even in the late noughties when the subsidaries had a bit more control we started to see better games again including Sonic..and a publishing release that showed a diversity of great games and release dates. Now SOJ is chasing the digital dollar on mobile where they're succesful at but excluding everything else. 

I'm sure there's a deal with Atlus..but make sure this..Atlus was the ones who insisted on it..not Sega. Pretty much that they insisted that Atlus USA would remain untouched.  When we see these collaberations its no thanks to SOJ management that's for sure...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 27, 2014, 08:41:21 am
You had a pro controller knock off if i remember correctly right? Usually knock offs dont output a full 360 degrees on the analog sticks. Is that the reason why you ended up getting the nyko controller?
This is the only controller I have for Wii-U apart from the big tablet. It's true the Nyko doesn't do a full 360 degrees, and I have no clue as to why. I only notice it when you have the 'Pole Dance' section to spin an island or something in Paradiso, but it doesn't work with the Nyko, but works fine with the tablet. Curious as to why that is.
Otherwise I can do all the moves without issue and it just is easier to play with than the Tablet.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 27, 2014, 08:43:03 am
Guys, guys... Ninja Gaiden/Black on Xbox is pretty fucking spectacular. I can fully understand someone saying that's better than Bayonetta. I personally still prefer Bayonetta, but they are both phenomenal games.

I haven't played Ninja Gaiden 2.

I want Ninja Gaiden Black to get a PC release already :(
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on October 27, 2014, 11:21:02 am
Oh so it's the nyko controller as well? Well that sucks. Personally i've been maining the tablet. It took some time to get used to it in the beginning, but its something new so my hands had to adept a bit to it as well. The tablet is really good but I think 1 thing holds it back after a long time using it, and they are the bottom corners. They should have been more ergonomic because they sit on the palm of your hands for longer durations. They're too angular. They should have been rounder. Thankfully there are grips that remedy the problem a bit. Ever since I got one I didnt feel  the need to play with the pro controller anymore which are too expensive at the moment. Everytime I think about getting one, the thought of it costing the same as a new game stops me.

Anyway, I just got the First print edition yesterday. It's amazing. now to decide whether I should open it or not....

Edit: This one to be exact (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 28, 2014, 05:20:54 am
I'm so fucking angry that America didn't get a first print edition. What the fuck, Nintendo? Just like SEGA did with Bayonetta 1...

Looks like SOJ's contempt for western gamers is rubbing off on Nintendo as well...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TruthEnigma on October 28, 2014, 08:23:25 am
I'm so jealous. I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive! If it's not in my post by the time I get home, I will have to have a stern word with the postie to see if he's been pilfering!

I had issues with the game pad for a couple of games, particularly Mario Kart 8 so purchasing the Pro Controller is a must if you own a Wii U. The game pad is great on a number of games, Resident Evil Revelations comes to mind, but I knew that Bayonetta 2 and Smash Brothers would be far more comfortable on the Pro controller.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 29, 2014, 08:54:13 am
I'm excited to finish Bayo 1 so I can dig into Bayo 2 this weekend.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: segaismysavior on October 29, 2014, 09:08:57 am
I got my copy last night, played a few levels of the first game... so happy. I played a bit of the X360 version last weekend to brush up on it, and the WiiU port looks stunning in comparison. Wider color palette, sharper image, smoother frame rate. I don't mind the tablet controller too much, but I noticed that I am getting crappier medals than on X360, whether I take damage or not.

U.S.A. people: Did your copy come with a Club Nintendo Code? Mine didn't.  :-\

I'm excited to finish Bayo 1 so I can dig into Bayo 2 this weekend.

Same here, not that Bayo 1 had a comprehensible story, but I can't bring myself to play the sequel without giggling my way through the first game (never completed it before).
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on October 29, 2014, 11:10:29 am
So at the moment most people here love the game but like me as i pointed out..hate the use of the controller....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on October 29, 2014, 11:12:40 am
I've only tried using the tablet once when I played some off screen gameplay. It wasn't too bad for a short burst, but I'm very glad I bought a pro style controller.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: segaismysavior on October 29, 2014, 05:06:25 pm
U.S.A. people: Did your copy come with a Club Nintendo Code? Mine didn't.  :-\

So, FYI if you didn't notice, the code is printed on the back of the cover... weird, but thrifty.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on November 01, 2014, 11:31:26 pm
Alright, so I just beat Bayo 2 today. I gotta say, I like 1 way more than 2. Even subtracting the Sega vs Nintendo aspects, I still think 1 is the superior game.

Those who've beat both, what do you say?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 02, 2014, 10:14:51 am
Alright, so I just beat Bayo 2 today. I gotta say, I like 1 way more than 2. Even subtracting the Sega vs Nintendo aspects, I still think 1 is the superior game.

Those who've beat both, what do you say?

I'm up to chapter 4 or so of Bayonetta 2 after just beating the first again. I have to say I do think the first is the better game so far, but it's a close call. There are improvements in Bayo 2, and it's still got some excellent boss fights and great enemy design in general, so really tough. I'll have to keep playing before I can say anything definitely.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Sharky on November 02, 2014, 10:34:07 am
Cant remember if I asked this, but is there any chance this game will ever be ported to other consoles, or even better PC, even in the far future? Or has Nintendo got this on lock down forever?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on November 02, 2014, 11:15:35 am
Alright, so I just beat Bayo 2 today. I gotta say, I like 1 way more than 2. Even subtracting the Sega vs Nintendo aspects, I still think 1 is the superior game.

Those who've beat both, what do you say?

Isaid that already..1 is better than two..mainly down to experience...two as i sad before worthy follow up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: ROJM on November 02, 2014, 11:16:40 am
Cant remember if I asked this, but is there any chance this game will ever be ported to other consoles, or even better PC, even in the far future? Or has Nintendo got this on lock down forever?

I'd say a lock for now...and i can't see Sega paying Nintendo to port it either...stranger things has happened though..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 02, 2014, 10:34:36 pm
Cant remember if I asked this, but is there any chance this game will ever be ported to other consoles, or even better PC, even in the far future? Or has Nintendo got this on lock down forever?

Nintendo own publishing rights to Bayonetta 2, so it's hugely unlikely. Look at Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, never released on anything other than Gamecube.

I believe that Sega (since they own the IP) would either have to buy the rights to publish it elsewhere from Ninty, or else totally remake the game so it's not the 'same title'? Not sure of the particulars but again it's massively unlikely Sega would go to the trouble or spend the money.

I'm pretty sure it's Wii-U or bust.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: segaismysavior on November 03, 2014, 08:47:36 am
I have to say I do think the first is the better game so far, but it's a close call.

Ugh, don't tell me that. I just finished the first game this weekend and I'd say I enjoyed the first 40% of it, but then I was eagerly awaiting the credits... but the game just would not finish. There are a lot of ambitious level and boss designs in that game, but they are super confusing and punishing until you finally/randomly figure out what you're supposed to do.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 03, 2014, 08:50:49 am
Ugh, don't tell me that. I just finished the first game this weekend and I'd say I enjoyed the first 40% of it, but then I was eagerly awaiting the credits... but the game just would not finish. There are a lot of ambitious level and boss designs in that game, but they are super confusing and punishing until you finally/randomly figure out what you're supposed to do.

Really? I never had issue knowing what to do in Bayonetta and found the game a joy from beginning to end. Can you give me some specific examples about ones you didn't like? Genuinely curious.

I loved everyting minus the cutscenes. I played the game through watching the story segments for the first time since my first playthrough and holy shit they are painful.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: segaismysavior on November 03, 2014, 03:55:35 pm
Really? I never had issue knowing what to do in Bayonetta and found the game a joy from beginning to end. Can you give me some specific examples about ones you didn't like? Genuinely curious.

Tough to recall everything, but many of the bosses with floating platforms confused the hell out of me. They'd keep their distance, extend something closer to you, but be vague as to what you were supposed to attack (or how you could attack instead of dodge every 2 seconds) while it spammed projectiles at you. Many of these gave you the ability to leap to other platforms with a context-sensitive button press, but I had trouble noticing it right away and the button press would disappear right after I did. Not sure how I would lose it, but the boss tended to smash the platform before I could get off of it. Then there are also two-second-window button presses that will instantly kill you if you missed them (which I did, every first time they popped up).

I also had trouble with the witch power that lets you walk on walls. Only when they first introduce it do they make a big deal out of it, but the blue shadow alone isn't always obvious to tell you when it's active. I mainly remember the plane-interior level where the electrified water rose up quickly and I spun around trying to figure out what to jump to. Took about 5 minutes to realize the blue shadow was there, considering the entire level was now shaded blue as well. If I actually had control over when the power is active, then I'd more likely remember I could use it.

I initially loved the inclusion of the motorcycle and Space Harrier levels, but hot damn if they didn't stick around 3 minutes too long. Also the final level where you run through a skyscraper fighting remixed versions of all the bosses... ugh, just let me finish the game already.

I'll also point out how terrible the game is at explaining the items, crafting, weapons, weapon slots, and purchasing of upgrades. I'd likely have had a better experience if I knew what to do with those and knew better combos beyond trial and error mashing. I am in no way excellent at this type of game, but I am willing to later replay levels with better weapons, moves, and knowledge of the boss attacks.

I loved everyting minus the cutscenes... holy shit they are painful.

This. Some are genuinely funny, but I'd estimate 65% of them outstay their welcome.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on November 03, 2014, 06:40:15 pm
Can't agree with either you guys here. For Bayo1 I both thought the game was incredibly intuitive and I loved all the cut scenes.

Can't say the same about Bayo2 regarding the cut scenes, although I'll admit the story ties in nicely with Bayo1.

Comon guys, catch up so we can go full spoiler mode up in this bitch.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: segaismysavior on November 03, 2014, 11:36:42 pm
So after just a couple levels of Bayo 2, I immediately noticed how much more responsive the game is on the tablet compared to the original. I'm able to dodge like crazy and actually string combos in a more responsible manner. It's likely a lot of my issues in the port of first game were due to sluggish input detection. Bummer.  :-\

In the sequel, I can walk up to a person sitting on a bench and smash the shit out said bench, then watch that person freak out. 10/10
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Nameless 24 on November 05, 2014, 07:44:45 am
I'd say the second game improved a lot on the first game.

Hated those QTE deaths on the first game. -_-

I like both of the still.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 05, 2014, 08:05:09 am
I'm starting to think the second might actually be better....

Just finished the Insidious boss fight, and then fought you-know-who a second time. Holy. Shit. That enemy so far has the best boss fights in either of the two games IMO.

Might just be first playthrough euphoria but wow this game is really impressing me.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 05, 2014, 05:47:27 pm
still havent opened my first print edition. I mean i just keep finding excuses to keep it closed. My excuse now is that my backlog is too huge and I have to finish a couple of games first before i start with it. Will probably be by next week hopefully
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on November 08, 2014, 01:13:09 am
Can't wait until I have the money to pick this one up.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 08, 2014, 07:43:24 pm
This game is phenomenal, I might actually like it better than the first. The boss fights are definitely more entertaining IMO. I love the weapons too! So creative, just like the first game, and so effective. There's just so much depth to it all!

I'm not sure where I'm up to in the game, but I think I'm nearing the end, it's so good, I'm sure I'll be doing multiple playthroughs!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: segaismysavior on November 17, 2014, 10:45:34 am
So the game didn't rank on the October NPD, which would've taken a miracle, but I wish Nintendo would mention how it did in eShop sales. It was on the top list there for a while during the first week, but it wouldn't take a million seller to achieve that since the bar is lower. Physical copies were difficult to find, it took my second attempt to find one at a Best Buy that only had 2 copies left when I got there.

I hope Nintendo gets something out it, at least breaking even, cause it's easily the best gift to WiiU owners outside of the obvious Nintendo hits releasing this holiday.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 17, 2014, 10:55:16 am
I finished the game on the weekend, it's really fantastic. Not sure if it's better than 1 in my eyes, but it's a worthy follow up.

I'm loving the Witch Trials bonus too, and it seems like there's just tons of content in the game, just like the first. Not sure if I want to try and unlock everything which order... hmmm
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Kuronoa on November 18, 2014, 10:23:29 am
In the sequel, I can walk up to a person sitting on a bench and smash the shit out said bench, then watch that person freak out. 10/10

Attack the cats if you find one.

Hated those QTE deaths on the first game. -_-

I am liking Bayo 2 more for this reason.  Also when sometimes you start battle when it followed a cutscene the enemy can get away with a free hit if you weren't prepared.  Bayonetta 2 (of what I played I"m about chapter 5) has been behaving itself better in that way.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 21, 2014, 11:19:37 pm
Finally started playing. Bayonetta is better than i remember it. I thought I was doing quite good, untill platinum decided to throw me off guard quick lol The game is kicking my ass! But man. I am playing this alongside other games. And where i sometimes get kind of bored or want to rush myself through a game, this just makes me want to continue and perform better and stays exciting. Such a well designed game. There's only a few that understand how you can impact a player the way platinum does. What a game
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 24, 2014, 05:02:24 am
Playing a bit more I think I like it better than I used. not surr if its being older and more focussed or simply forgetting how i felt back then. But now I think bayonetta may be the best franchise ever made. I am not even playing the 2nd game yet.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 24, 2014, 08:14:35 am
^Where are you up to now? So glad to hear you're enjoying it!

Also the second game does not disappoint in the slightest, they've managed to keep everything that made the first game great and build on it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 24, 2014, 10:33:42 am
I'm just done with route 666. Gotta love the music in that stage. Chapter 9 now. I remember loving this bit with the ambient music and antigravity platforming. Im progressing well right now

I think the reason why I like it more this time is because the last time i finished it, I wan't very focussed. I only cared about getting through it and not like now performing well. I was playing more laid back, back then while now im crunching my teeth and sweating like crazy
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 24, 2014, 10:55:02 am
I'm just done with route 666. Gotta love the music in that stage. Chapter 9 now. I remember loving this bit with the ambient music and antigravity platforming. Im progressing well right now

I think the reason why I like it more this time is because the last time i finished it, I wan't very focussed. I only cared about getting through it and not like now performing well. I was playing more laid back, back then while now im crunching my teeth and sweating like crazy

Oh man the music was so gooooood! I have to say there was one bit in Bayo 2 I was gutted they didn't use similar music. You'll probably know it when you get to it.

And yeah, Bayonetta is best played hard and fast and getting through by the skin of your teeth! Have you learnt 'Dodge offset' yet? I didn't get the hang of it until I was playing Bayo 2 and part way through, but it's very useful.

Basically hold the attack buttons when comboing, so even basic like Punch, Kick, Punch, you should Hold down Punch for a full second, then Kick for a full second then Punch. While holding, bayo will fire the guns on her limbs. This means you can do an evade while firing and then in witch time, let go of the button and press the next one. The combo will continue uninterrupted and you can go straight into the Wicked Weave and more damaging bits of the combo! It's not just for high-scores, as you do more damage with the combos this way.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 24, 2014, 11:19:17 am
Holy shit! I remember doing that once but I didnt know you could continue combos when doing that. Oh wow man thanks. That's gonna be useful. Wouldn't be a platinum game if the first playthrough WASN'T the tutorial. It was the same thing with wonderful 101. Speaking of which, I only realize now how similar w101 is to bayonetta, surprisingly.

Yeah i'm curious about the 2nd game's music. Hope its even better but i'll see. Honestly cant wait haha. Its encouraging me going through bayo 1. I think i'll be done in the next few days

Edit: In reaction to the other thread. It's a lot better now. I was getting my ass kicked but doing much better now. Getting golds mostly and some platinums now and then
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 25, 2014, 12:03:22 pm
Gamechanger mademang. Cant believe we only find out about it now... You can even do 2 evades. Its absolutly amazing how you can just press evade and connect the next action. All I could think of is "have been playing this wrong the whole time". Surprised the game never explains it.

It gives a lot of breathing time. My new style is backing off with 2 evades evading an attack or not, and then continue the combo. Those alfheim missions btw really help learning the mechanics. It was one of those elfheim missions that got me to master it. There was one where you could only kill with wicked weave attacks. So I had to back off a lot of times from them to charge up the ppkkk combo. Usually doing 2 evades away from them when holding down the first kick in the combo. Those last 2 (weave attack) kicks do a lot of damage.

Btw, does anyone use any other weapons than the guns? I recall using the sword a lot in my last playthrough years ago, but now I only sticked with the guns so far.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 25, 2014, 12:30:45 pm
Gamechanger mademang. Cant believe we only find out about it now... You can even do 2 evades. Its absolutly amazing how you can just press evade and connect the next action. All I could think of is "have been playing this wrong the whole time". Surprised the game never explains it.

It gives a lot of breathing time. My new style is backing off with 2 evades, evading an attack or not, and then continue the attacks. Those alfheim missions btw really help learning the mechanics. It was one of those elfheim missions that got me to master it. There was one where you could only kill with wicked weave attacks. So I had to back off a lot of times from them to charge up the ppkkk combo. Usually doing 2 evades away from them when holding the first kick in the combo. Those last 2 (weave attack) kicks do a lot of damage.

Btw, does anyone use any other weapons than the guns? I recall using the sword a lot in my last playthrough years ago, but now I only sticked with the guns so far.

Nice! It's so much fun when you get the hang of it. Like you, I didn't use it my first time through, only really 'got it' when I was playing Bayonetta 2 and made a concious decision to try and use it. So good.

The game does actually teach you how to do it, but instead of being in a tutorial it's just one of Antonio's Notes and doesn't explain it very well. I guess they gloss over it because it's not really 'required' and might scare off newer players if they had to do it in a tutorial?

As for weapons in Bayonetta 1: I used to use the shotguns (Onyx Rose?) a lot. They do absolutely disgusting damage at close range with the free aim, and you can use all your regular combos as well since they have the same move-set.

I remember I enjoyed using the bazookas (Lt Col Kilgore) a as well, but that was a bit more gimmicky or for Halo Farming.

Finally the claws were pretty cool and fun to use.

In Bayo 2 I fell in love with the Bow and Arrow and another weapon I wont spoil for you :)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 26, 2014, 11:46:04 am
Nice! All the options have been overwhelming me tbh. I've been sticking with the guns, but I see myself finishing this game a second  time over the next few months with all the different weapons. Definitely gonna consider the onyx shotgun . Also Gonna try to platinum the whole game eventually. These 2 games are gonna keep my attention for a long while it seems.

Edit: Oh yeah and the nintendo costumes. May try the metroid one
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 26, 2014, 11:57:09 am
Nice! All the options have been overwhelming me tbh. I've been sticking with the guns, but I see myself finishing this game a second  time over the next few months with all the different weapons. Definitely gonna consider the onyx shotgun . Also Gonna try to platinum the whole game eventually. These 2 games are gonna keep my attention for a long while it seems.

Edit: Oh yeah and the nintendo costumes. May try the metroid one

Don't forget you can have two sets at any given time, I would keep Scarborough Fair on set A, and then experiment with Set B.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 26, 2014, 03:25:52 pm
It seems that every weapon takes some time to get used to :P . I just wanted to git gud with one of the weps first and not overwhelm myself with different combo sets etc. I have the sword on my B set but I only changed it once. Ended up deciding not to waste my time learning other weapons yet. Maybe i'm being stubborn, because I imagine some weapons may be a lot more effective, but i'll find that out eventually.

I think i'm almost done. Just dealt with Jeanne for the last time on that skyscraper. What a fight.. I got platinum for both combos and time but damage was bronze. Some of her weave attacks are just way too unpredictable! I think i'll be done by tomorrow
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 26, 2014, 03:34:50 pm
It seems that every weapon takes some time to get used to :P . I just wanted to git gud with one of the weps first and not overwhelm myself with different combo sets etc. I have the sword on my B set but I only changed it once. Ended up deciding not to waste my time learning other weapons yet. Maybe i'm being stubborn, because I imagine some weapons may be a lot more effective, but i'll find that out eventually.

I think i'm almost done. Just dealt with Jeanne for the last time on that skyscraper. What a fight.. I got platinum for both combos and time but damage was bronze. Some of her weave attacks are just way too unpredictable! I think i'll be done by tomorrow

That fight is so fucking good.

You'll find the sword is pretty similar to the guns for the combos, it differs in more subtle ways (Spin attack instead of manual aiming, ability to charge the attack instead of shooting guns etc)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 27, 2014, 10:29:14 am
Well I finished it. Holy crap.....

It'ss been what, like 5 years ago now? I didn't remember almost anything about the game. It's crazy how I actually finished it a long time ago, and i've been deceived of thinking I was done 3 times at the ending lmfao. After I defeated balder, then after I defeated that huge mofo, and then the credits all of a sudden disappeared. Damn you platinum! XD. For me playing the first game first was a good decision. Glad it was included. I think jumping right to the next game is gonna make me feel like a pro perhaps (or maybe not)

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 27, 2014, 10:33:32 am
Well I finished it. Holy crap.....

It'ss been what, like 5 years ago now? I didn't remember almost anything about the game. It's crazy how I actually finished it a long time ago, and i've been deceived of thinking I was done 3 times at the ending lmfao. After I defeated balder, then after I defeated that huge mofo, and then the credits all of a sudden disappeared. Damn you platinum! XD. For me playing the first game first was a good decision. Glad it was included. I think jumping right to the next game is gonna make me feel like a pro perhaps (or maybe not)

What difficulty did you finish 1 on? I finished on the hard mode and then went into 'Third Climax' for Bayo 2, felt right (although a bit harder because I had to learn the new enemies etc).

I think you'll really like Bayonetta 2 :) Thankfully all the skills and techniques you unlock in the first game are unlocked from the start in Bayo 2!!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 27, 2014, 10:41:21 am
Wow you played on hard? I played on normal. What's the difference? Is it the damage output or does it actually affect their speed and frequency of attacks?

Oh that's good to hear about bayo 2. I think depending on how easy or hard the (what's supposed  to be) normal mode is in 2nd game is gonna factor which difficulty I choose. I may perhaps go with "third climax" since I feel i've really improved a lot. I would get stones and bronzes the first 2 chapters. I think if I go back now the improvements would be striking

That ending was crazy man. Sheeeitt
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 27, 2014, 11:15:58 am
Hmm, I think they actually throw more/tougher enemies at you in harder difficulties. I also think the damage and aggressiveness is higher, but I'm not sure.

In Non-Stop infinite Climax mode disables Witch Time, which is tough as nails (also, I think it's less fun overall).
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 27, 2014, 11:31:54 am
Alright man, looking forward to it. First a small break :P . You ever considered on platinum-ing the games? I read it unlocks jeanne
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 27, 2014, 12:36:32 pm
Alright man, looking forward to it. First a small break :P . You ever considered on platinum-ing the games? I read it unlocks jeanne

I did unlock almost everything in the first game on Xbox 360, or at least got the 1000/1000 (If you finish the game in under 3 hours you unlock a really cool weapon! It's not as hard as it sounds, as it's cumulative, not in one run). I understand there were a few things I missed, I know I didn't defeat the Secret Rodin fight, that was insane. There was also the secret chracter 'Little King' that I didn't unlock yet.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on November 27, 2014, 02:13:04 pm
Seems we have the right person here. I can understand now :D. Just beat it and i cant stop thinking about it. I really love the way the angels and paradiso is portrayed. The first time going through the portal from... i think its called purgatoria, to paradiso felt amazing. Also some of the music is really impactful.

One last question. Does it matter if you get a few golds but averaged to a platinum as a result if you want to unlock jeanne?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 27, 2014, 02:34:21 pm
Seems we have the right person here. I can understand now :D. Just beat it and i cant stop thinking about it. I really love the way the angels and paradiso is portrayed. The first time going through the portal from... i think its called purgatoria, to paradiso felt amazing. Also some of the music is really impactful.

One last question. Does it matter if you get a few golds but averaged to a platinum as a result if you want to unlock jeanne?

The music is one of my favourite things about the game. That's saying a lot because I feel this is one of those rare games that get's EVERYTHING right (except story).

As for the question about Jeanne... I honestly can't remember sorry! It's been so long since I unlocked her on Xbox. I don't think it matters, but you might have to check that one online somewhere for a definite answer.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 30, 2014, 10:44:19 am
Up to Chapter 8 on Infinite Climax mode, this game is fucking legit on this difficulty. Trying to unlock all the extra weapons. It amazes me how much I missed even when I was exploring the first time around, this game truly is a masterpiece.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on December 07, 2014, 07:13:47 pm
Just started bayo 2 this weekend. I avoided  the demo because I wanted to experience it fresh as possible. The prologue was crazier than i expected. How is that even a prologue?

Now i'm at chapter 1 . The new environment is already alot more refreshing and to my surprise a lot more open. I like to breathe a little bit between fights and bayonetta 2 seems to make that more satisfying with the more open and explorable environments. Im typing this as  the game's paused. Not sure if this is gonna be the standard from now on but it already feels better than the 1st.

Visually  its actually not that much better from a technical side. I mean the resolution isnt that better and texture look kind of the same as 1. I think what makes it look better is the effects. The overall lighting and glow on everything is making it look a lot more satisfying.

That's my first impression so far.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TruthEnigma on December 10, 2014, 05:28:40 am
Finally got my copy (Amazon sent it to Australia first so it took over a month extra to get here. Fun!) I'm playing through Bayonetta 1 again first and I love the update. The original was great but this looks so crisp. Also the extra costumes are great but I'd kinda forgotten how much I love the story. I love the dynamic between Bayonetta and Cereza. It's adorable!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on December 10, 2014, 08:26:23 am
Finally got my copy (Amazon sent it to Australia first so it took over a month extra to get here. Fun!) I'm playing through Bayonetta 1 again first and I love the update. The original was great but this looks so crisp. Also the extra costumes are great but I'd kinda forgotten how much I love the story. I love the dynamic between Bayonetta and Cereza. It's adorable!

While I generally hate the story (Skipping cutscenes makes the game more fun IMO), I do love select moments, and the interaction with Bayo and Cereza is the best. MY favourite image in the game is Bayonetta leaning against the wall and Cereza trying to imitate her.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on December 10, 2014, 09:00:57 am
Finally got my copy (Amazon sent it to Australia first so it took over a month extra to get here. Fun!) I'm playing through Bayonetta 1 again first and I love the update. The original was great but this looks so crisp. Also the extra costumes are great but I'd kinda forgotten how much I love the story. I love the dynamic between Bayonetta and Cereza. It's adorable!

Same here. The story in 1 is fantastic. Bayo 2, well, let's just say that Cereza is a thousand times more bearable than that Yugioh kid following her around.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on December 29, 2014, 01:30:23 am
That yu gi oh kid is unbearable. Honestly i was pretty fond of the cutscenes in bayo 1 as well but loki so far ruins it in 2. Thank god story isnt close to the attraction of the game. Bayonetta 2's first couple of chapters for me are already better than bayonetta 1.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on December 29, 2014, 08:32:36 am
I actually didn't hate him as much as I was anticipating, but as per Bayonetta 1, the game becomes much more fun on the second playthrough when I just skipped every possible cutscene.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on December 29, 2014, 12:45:38 pm
I actually didn't hate him as much as I was anticipating, but as per Bayonetta 1, the game becomes much more fun on the second playthrough when I just skipped every possible cutscene.

The cutscenes are actually the only part of his story I can stand.

It's the constant "Where do you think you're going?" and "You're going the wrong way" type dialog that you hear every 2 fucking seconds that I can't fucking stand from him.

I'll never understand why developers see fit to repetitively drop that in every 2 seconds. It puts a damper on the exploration that is so enjoyable in Bayonetta.

The more I play both, I'm finding Bayo 2 to be far far technically superior a game than the first, but vice versa in every other aspect.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on December 29, 2014, 12:48:00 pm
^I honestly didn't notice him that much during the gameplay and exploring.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on December 31, 2014, 01:33:36 pm

Why is Bayonetta 2 on selection when it's not even a Sega game?
This is why I don't check the front page much >:(
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: TimmiT on December 31, 2014, 02:44:55 pm (

Why is Bayonetta 2 on selection when it's not even a Sega game?
This is why I don't check the front page much >:(
SEGA's logo is literally the first logo that pops up in the game's intro. Also they own the IP. It qualifies.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on December 31, 2014, 03:01:45 pm
The cutscenes are actually the only part of his story I can stand.

It's the constant "Where do you think you're going?" and "You're going the wrong way" type dialog that you hear every 2 fucking seconds that I can't fucking stand from him.

I'll never understand why developers see fit to repetitively drop that in every 2 seconds. It puts a damper on the exploration that is so enjoyable in Bayonetta.

The more I play both, I'm finding Bayo 2 to be far far technically superior a game than the first, but vice versa in every other aspect.
Also the way he keeps calling her "love". Just sounds so friggin dumb everytime. Not sure if he keeps doing that later on.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on December 31, 2014, 05:17:12 pm
SEGA's logo is literally the first logo that pops up in the game's intro. Also they own the IP. It qualifies.
They own the IP, but didn't develop nor publish the game :/
Also the way he keeps calling her "love". Just sounds so friggin dumb everytime. Not sure if he keeps doing that later on.

He does it FOREVER!
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on January 03, 2015, 01:37:16 pm
It hurts everytime lol. Guess I know where the real challenge lies. I dont wanna keep going on about it but his voice acting is just really strange. Like how does one even talk like that?

Anyway I wanted to say that 3rd climax is some serious business. Less witch time, definitly more frequent and simultanious attacks from the enemies, more damage from them. I thought coming from bayo 1 was gonna help out... This is harsh. Though now I feel forced finishing it on this difficulty level. Gonna have to do 1 chapter per day
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on January 03, 2015, 04:12:57 pm
I'm up to... I can't remember I got distracted by Rome 2 :(

But yeah Third Climax is no fucking joke. I think I'm up to the first Prophet fight? The Lumen Sage in 3rd Climax is just... ogodwhy.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Ben on January 04, 2015, 03:12:03 am (

Why is Bayonetta 2 on selection when it's not even a Sega game?
This is why I don't check the front page much >:(

Yeah god forbid we express our enjoyment of a game resulting from a Sega/Nintendo partnership on the front page....
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on January 04, 2015, 08:28:45 am
Yeah god forbid we express our enjoyment of a game resulting from a Sega/Nintendo partnership on the front page....

"We can pretend it's made by Sega if it's a good game!"
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Barry the Nomad on January 04, 2015, 12:50:00 pm
George and I knew there would be a lot of shit flung about over Bayonetta 2 being allowed in the favorite SEGA games of 2014 article, and while we did urge writers to try all of SEGA's offerings before making their decision (rather than ignoring most of 2014's titles and picking the only game they played), in the end Bayonetta 2 was some of the writer's picks.

I hate the whole "what's a SEGA game?" discussion, because it can get so messy and murky. Is ToeJam & Earl or Ecco SEGA games? What about Seaman? Where is there a line drawn? I'm against whittling it so far down that it only applies to original IPs developed in-house. Even worse when if gets into the "SEGA DNA" discussion.

In the case of what we cover here, what the wiki covers, and what we report on it comes down to if SEGA is involved in any capacity, it's fair game. In the case of Bayonetta 2, true it is more removed from being a "SEGA game" than Isolation or Miku, but given SEGA's name is on the box and they own the IP and had an "advisory" role that makes it a fair choice. Of course, it should still be noted by those who chose the game that it is a Platinum developed game, largely paid for by Nintendo, using an IP owned by SEGA. Even if it falls under the SEGA umbrella, credit should be given to the developer Platinum with at least a mention.

Now in regards to titles like Child of Eden, Crimson Dragon, and Rodea those do get a little coverage on the front page thanks to the talent involved, but of course none have ever been eligible because just because a former SEGA staffer made it, does not make it a SEGA game. So if there is a line to be drawn, that's it.

"We can pretend it's made by Sega if it's a good game!"

There is no pretending, as I laid out above, and even if it were a shitty game, it would still fall under the SEGA umbrella. Though, given it is our FAVORITE games of the year, of course you aren't going to see the bad titles get a mention.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Trippled on January 04, 2015, 02:05:04 pm
Well you know, in that one IGN video, the Nintendo producer did say " we thought it would be for the best if Nintendo and SEGA teamed up..."
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on January 05, 2015, 08:04:00 am
Finally beat Chapter XII on Infinite Climax, holy shit the Lumen Sage was tough. Had to use a ton of lollipops to get through it.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: CrazyT on January 05, 2015, 09:34:56 am
Don't lollipops affect the medal rankings?

The words "holy shit" and bayonetta seems to go along really well hahaha. Just beat the lumen sage for the first time and had to say it repeatedly. *takes a deep breath
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: MadeManG74 on January 05, 2015, 11:00:17 am
Don't lollipops affect the medal rankings?

The words "holy shit" and bayonetta seems to go along really well hahaha. Just beat the lumen sage for the first time and had to say it repeatedly. *takes a deep breath
Oh you're only up to the Lumen fight (Chapter 7?) so far? Please keep us updated with progress!

And yeah, I believe lollipops affect medal rankings, but I couldn't do it without lollipops, this is just me trying to SURVIVE, let alone get good medals!

I can go back and play regular or hard mode for rankings, but Infinite Climax is too hard for me to do without items.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on January 23, 2021, 12:14:10 am
SEGA Talk Podcast #62: Bayonetta (2009)

On this stylish, sexy episode of the SEGA Talk Podcast, George and Barry look back at the Platinum Games’ masterpiece known as Bayonetta.
We dive into the development, the characters, the games, and hopefully by the end we can silence what little critics this game has left. 

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 01, 2021, 09:08:25 pm
Bayonetta Nendoroid Action Figure available for preorder on Amazon
($89.99, very low stock)



About this item :
- A Good Smile Company import
- From the hit game "Bayonetta"
- Comes with three face plates for multiple expressions
- Recreate all kinds of poses
- Plenty of optional parts

Source :
Link :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 14, 2021, 12:02:09 am
Bayonetta's Voice Actor Isn't So Sure About Her Future In The Role


Bayonetta 3 has been making headlines once again over the past week, and while PlatinumGames has said everything is fine on its end, there's a new development that's got some fans worried.
In an exchange on Twitter, the character's voice actor, Hellena Taylor, told one of her "lovely" followers that they might have to get used to the idea of Bayonetta without her "amazing" voice.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 14, 2021, 10:56:59 am
Is Bayonetta even still "Sega"? I dunno anymore ever since her sequel was exclusive to the Wii U.

While I know she is technically PlatinumGames, her first game not only was published by Sega but had quite the few references which made me think she's a Sega girl at heart. But by the sequel no mention of Sega and DLCs of skimpy Super Mario outfits.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 15, 2021, 12:15:29 am
Is Bayonetta even still "Sega"? I dunno anymore ever since her sequel was exclusive to the Wii U.

While I know she is technically PlatinumGames, her first game not only was published by Sega but had quite the few references which made me think she's a Sega girl at heart. But by the sequel no mention of Sega and DLCs of skimpy Super Mario outfits.

What do you mean no mention of SEGA on the sequel?
When we play Bayonetta 2, the big SEGA logo is the first thing we look at.

Yes, she is still SEGA's franchise.
But most likely SEGA won't make any game of her without Platinum Games' involvement.
Just like SEGA won't make any Total War games without Creative Assembly's involvement or Football Manager games without Sports Interactive's involvement.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 15, 2021, 10:54:40 am
What do you mean no mention of SEGA on the sequel?
When we play Bayonetta 2, the big SEGA logo is the first thing we look at.
I honestly forgot. Just seems Bayonetta 2 is so heavy on the Nintendo references that it made me question if she's still legit Sega.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 23, 2021, 08:04:02 pm
Bayonetta 3 finally shows off gameplay footage on Nintendo Direct
officially coming 2022

Bayonetta 3 is one of those games we have all been waiting for here at SEGAbits, we did a post about how Nintendo Japan had the game slated for release in 2022 ( and now Nintendo Direct’s latest presentation has confirmed it!
Plus we got a look at the game for the first time, which includes an all new designed Bayonetta. 

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 23, 2021, 09:14:13 pm
Love how she's just dancing while the giant monsters are fighting. Though curious what these new creatures are. They don't look heaven or hell.

And whoever's at the end is giving me Devil May Cry vibes, as in could be Nero with his fathers sword.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 23, 2021, 09:39:49 pm
Or could it be "Featuring Vergil from Devil May Cry"?


Or probably Bayo's long lost son?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 23, 2021, 10:10:49 pm
Or could it be "Featuring Vergil from Devil May Cry"?


Or probably Bayo's long lost son?
Would be funny the play off that DMC meme.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 23, 2021, 11:57:23 pm
A Message from Bayonetta 3 Executive Director Hideki Kamiya


Bayonetta’s look has been handled by someone you might call her personal designer, Mari Shimazaki.
This time Bayonetta dances into the fray looking more fashionable and elegant than ever.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 24, 2021, 12:03:30 am
A Message from Bayonetta 3 Director Yusuke Miyata


We’re in the home stretch of development right now, working on making the core of the game even more fun and test playing nonstop.
As the culmination of this series loved by all of you, we’re giving our all to make it a masterpiece worth of the name Bayonetta so please wait and anticipate just a bit longer!

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 24, 2021, 07:10:14 am
I just hope it won't get covered in Nintendo DLCs again.

Or if it's inevitable, what about some Sega DLCs to balance it out? I bet Bayonetta would look fetching in a DLC costume based on Rouge.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 25, 2021, 03:34:53 am
I just hope it won't get covered in Nintendo DLCs again.

Or if it's inevitable, what about some Sega DLCs to balance it out? I bet Bayonetta would look fetching in a DLC costume based on Rouge.

Just like Streets of Rage 4 and WB Asha in Monster World, since basically SEGA didn't publish it, I think SEGA wouldn't add anything and let the publishers (Dotemu, Inin Games, Nintendo) handle it themself.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 25, 2021, 08:01:26 am
Just like Streets of Rage 4 and WB Asha in Monster World, since basically SEGA didn't publish it, I think SEGA wouldn't add anything and let the publishers (Dotemu, Inin Games, Nintendo) handle it themself.
So likely all the Nintendo DLCs then.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 28, 2021, 04:02:55 am
Bayonetta creator tells “dumbass” fan to expect the character to get naked in video game sequel


Despite the charismatic witch’s promise, though, one fan wondered if Bayonetta devotees would really be getting everything they want.
You see, Bayonetta’s form-fitting fashions are actually made out of her magically charged hair, and as she applies those energies to other sorcerous skills, her outfit becomes more revealing.
The bigger the spell, the more hair it requires, and one fan took to Twitter to ask Bayonetta creator and producer Hideki Kamiya. 

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 28, 2021, 10:34:50 am
Bayonetta creator tells “dumbass” fan to expect the character to get naked in video game sequel


Article : (
Even I knew Bayonetta's costumes were made from her own hair... except in Bayonetta 2 I guess.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 30, 2021, 02:41:27 am
Even I knew Bayonetta's costumes were made from her own hair... except in Bayonetta 2 I guess.

What do you mean 2 is different?
She still shows some skin when attacking in 2.
Still of course depending on what she wears.
Both in Bayo 1 and 2 there are outfits that are not made with her hair,
and thus will not come off when she uses her hair to attack.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 30, 2021, 11:54:21 am
What do you mean 2 is different?
She still shows some skin when attacking in 2.
Still of course depending on what she wears.
Both in Bayo 1 and 2 there are outfits that are not made with her hair,
and thus will not come off when she uses her hair to attack.

But she's clearly has a haircut. If her costume is still made from her hair then where could possibly be hairy enough for her to...

You know what, nevermind.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 30, 2021, 08:31:12 pm
She only manipulated it to looks short and disconnected to her hair costume, but she could get her old look back instantly anytime.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 01, 2021, 08:32:08 pm
I guess that's the reasonable answer than the alternative... you know, (armpit) hair.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 02, 2021, 03:16:02 am
Ahh.. So that's what you meant.. I thought of different hair.  ::)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 02, 2021, 08:35:56 am
Dunno what you could possibly mean.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on November 26, 2021, 12:08:53 am
Bayonetta – Scarborough Fair Prop Replicas | Teaser 2
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on November 28, 2021, 12:44:22 am
Bayonetta – Scarborough Fair Prop Replicas | Teaser 3
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on November 30, 2021, 12:27:34 am
[LAUNCH STREAM] Bayonetta – Scarborough Fair Prop Replicas
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on December 02, 2021, 12:12:00 am
First 4 Figures (F4F) Presents Bayonetta – Scarborough Fair Prop Replicas
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 10, 2022, 12:28:11 am
Hideki Kamiya Would Like You To Play The First Two Bayonetta Games Before Trying The Third


"I’d like you to play Bayonetta 3 after you’ve played the previous games.
We wrote the storylines for the first and second games in a way that you could enjoy them regardless of which one you started with, and there’s no reason why you won’t be able to follow the story and enjoy it if you start with Bayonetta 3. But I’m convinced that if you’ve played Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 you’ll find it even more interesting. So I hope you’ll [play them to] prepare yourself for the third game.
If you haven’t played the first and second games, I think you’ll be missing out."

Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on February 10, 2022, 06:50:13 am
Hideki Kamiya Would Like You To Play The First Two Bayonetta Games Before Trying The Third


Source : (
I've played and finished the first game, onl;y seen Let's Plays of the second. I'm sure I'm good with the third. I just wish 2 and 3 made it to Steam.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 10, 2022, 06:47:40 pm
I just wish 2 and 3 made it to Steam.

Since Sony had jumped wagon into steam too,  may be later when swicth sales is declining.
Now it's still the strongest console around (, so it won't happen soon.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on February 11, 2022, 04:31:51 pm
Since Sony had jumped wagon into steam too,  may be later when swicth sales is declining.
Now it's still the strongest console around (, so it won't happen soon.
As long as Nintendo keeps the licence on Baynetta 2 and 3 I doubt they'll relinquish these games from their claws anytime soon.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 06, 2022, 01:30:16 am
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 06, 2022, 01:31:34 am
SEGA Talk Podcast #99: Bayonetta 2 (2014)

Strap on your guns and get ready to fight some angels because SEGA Talk returns to the world of Umbra Witches as we cover Bayonetta 2!
A once SEGA published title turns to their biggest rival, Nintendo!
What do SEGA fanboys think of this outcome?
Let’s find out…

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 13, 2022, 09:07:16 pm
Bayonetta 3 Release Date Revealed


Publisher Nintendo and developer Platinum Games announced today that Bayonetta 3 will launch on October 28 for Nintendo Switch with a new game play trailer along with an introduction of the new playable character, Viola, who is ready to unleash hell on the Homunculi with her sword and her capricious companion, the feline demon Cheshire.
Bayonetta 3 will launch with “A Trinity Masquerade Edition” with a full-color 200-page art book, and display the whole Bayonetta trilogy with three reversible game cases, one for each title, that combine ... 

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 14, 2022, 12:13:10 am
Bayonetta 3 - “Naive Angel Mode”



Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 14, 2022, 08:22:43 pm
SEGA News Bits Live: SEGA Genesis Mini 2 Revealed + Bayonetta 3 Release Date

SEGA Genesis Mini 2 has been revealed! Let’s talk about it.
Oh, and is that Bayonetta? She’s back as well!
And what’s Barry’s Beef this week? It’s Green Hill Zone.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on July 15, 2022, 03:00:55 pm
Bayonetta 3 - “Naive Angel Mode”



Source : (
I mean... it helps for parents concerned about that kinda thing but she was still somewhat covered up when using her hair for umbra magic anyway. Maybe if we saw nips or butt I'd say it be more worth while.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 16, 2022, 06:37:34 am
I mean... it helps for parents concerned about that kinda thing but she was still somewhat covered up when using her hair for umbra magic anyway. Maybe if we saw nips or butt I'd say it be more worth while.

Well, this is basically like adding kid mode. Nothing to lose but nothing new interesting things too for longtime mature fans.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on July 16, 2022, 04:30:49 pm
Well, this is basically like adding kid mode. Nothing to lose but nothing new interesting things too for longtime mature fans.
I know, I'm just saying while Bayonetta is not afraid to show a bit of skin she is still tastefully censored. Naive Angel Mode is the equivilent of putting a T-shirt over a two-piece bikini or not.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on August 05, 2022, 12:35:22 am
I know, I'm just saying while Bayonetta is not afraid to show a bit of skin she is still tastefully censored.

Yeah, other games usually just use light or censor bar.
And If I remember correctly I don't think she's ever went 100% naked like those girls on Senran Kagura.
Even if she did, she wouldn't put such an embarassed or shy face.



Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on August 05, 2022, 12:42:53 am
Introducing Super Groupies new Bayonetta collection!


SuperGroupies is releasing a number of fashion items for the Bayonetta series.
The 3-item lineup of a watch, jacket, and necklace is inspired by everybody’s most beloved Umbra Witch, Bayonetta.
⏰Pre-order deadline: August 28 @ 8PM Pacific

Link :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 05, 2022, 08:22:18 am
Yeah, other games usually just use light or censor bar.
And If I remember correctly I don't think she's ever went 100% naked like those girls on Senran Kagura.
Even if she did, she wouldn't put such an embarassed or shy face.



Oh wow... is that Pumpkin Hill?

Yeah she never went full naked, or the times she did her hair conveniently censored her.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 13, 2022, 08:56:54 pm
Bayonetta 3 - Ways of the Witch Trailer
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 29, 2022, 12:15:25 am
Bayonetta 1 & 2 Receive New Update Ahead Of Third Game's Launch


Bayonetta (Version 1.1.0) - Sept 29, 2022
Added support for Korean, Chinese (simplified), and Chinese (traditional) as in-game display and subtitle languages. *Voice support languages ​​are Japanese and English only.

Bayonetta 2 (Version 1.1.0) - Sept 29, 2022
Added support for Korean, Chinese (simplified), and Chinese (traditional) as in-game display and subtitle languages. *Voice support languages ​​are Japanese and English only.
*The latest update data is required to play online elements.
*Local communication is not compatible with Ver. 1.0.0. Please match the version of the update data with the person you play with.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 05, 2022, 12:38:29 am
Bayonetta is now voiced by Jennifer Hale in Bayonetta 3


She is best known for her work in video game franchises such as Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, BioShock Infinite, Metroid Prime, Overwatch, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
For her role as Commander Shepard, Hale was nominated for the "Best Performance by a Human Female" at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards.

Source : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 06, 2022, 12:04:11 am
Bayonetta 3 Fan Comic by @AstethART

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 06, 2022, 12:05:23 am
Used to be like this but it's finally coming soon

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 06, 2022, 12:07:55 am




Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 12, 2022, 12:22:54 am
Meet Viola, the NEW Bayonetta 3 Character! | Exclusive Gameplay Breakdown
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 12, 2022, 08:46:38 am
Meet Viola, the NEW Bayonetta 3 Character! | Exclusive Gameplay Breakdown (
My guess is she is the daughter of Bayonetta and Luka.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 13, 2022, 03:51:22 am
My guess is she is the daughter of Bayonetta and Luka.

Isn't she from different reality from where Bayonetta and Luka?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 13, 2022, 08:36:11 am
Isn't she from different reality from where Bayonetta and Luka?
Did they say? As we know in the first game, time travel is definitely possible. Plus, why would she have a demon ally named Cheshire?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 13, 2022, 08:41:45 pm
Did they say? As we know in the first game, time travel is definitely possible. Plus, why would she have a demon ally named Cheshire?

No, they haven't say anything. Just the fandom page wrote her as "Viola is an Umbra Witch in-training from another reality, paired with a demon named Cheshire." but of course it still could be mistaken though since it's input are from users.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 13, 2022, 08:43:22 pm
Bayonetta 3 The Witching Hour Official Trailer
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 14, 2022, 12:18:50 pm
No, they haven't say anything. Just the fandom page wrote her as "Viola is an Umbra Witch in-training from another reality, paired with a demon named Cheshire." but of course it still could be mistaken though since it's input are from users.
Yeah but look at this trailer you just posted...
Bayonetta 3 The Witching Hour Official Trailer (
We see what looks like the death of Bayonetta, but she is wearing her first game attire. So Viola could still be the daughter of Bayonetta and Lucas just not the daughter of the Bayonetta and Lucas from Bayonetta 3.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 16, 2022, 08:58:14 am
Yeah but look at this trailer you just posted...We see what looks like the death of Bayonetta, but she is wearing her first game attire. So Viola could still be the daughter of Bayonetta and Lucas just not the daughter of the Bayonetta and Lucas from Bayonetta 3.

Yeah.. The possiblity rate is much bigger now..
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 16, 2022, 09:02:02 am
Hellena Taylor, the original English-speaking voice actor for Bayonetta, Calls for Boycott of Bayonetta 3


Hellena Taylor, the original English-speaking voice actor for Bayonetta, took to social media to share that she didn't reprise the role after being offered only $4,000 flat rate.
Taylor then spoke about Hale replacing her and saying that, while she wishes her all the best, "she has no right to say she is Bayonetta."

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 16, 2022, 10:37:45 am
Hellena Taylor, the original English-speaking voice actor for Bayonetta, Calls for Boycott of Bayonetta 3


Article : (
Should I be sympathetic? I mean wouldn't she accepted if she actually appreciated the role of Bayonetta's voice like most voice actors I know?

This is like a rich person complaining £4,000 is not rich enough and I could probably buy a fancy house and have enough left over to look after it with that kinda money.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 16, 2022, 08:28:51 pm
Should I be sympathetic? I mean wouldn't she accepted if she actually appreciated the role of Bayonetta's voice like most voice actors I know?

This is like a rich person complaining £4,000 is not rich enough and I could probably buy a fancy house and have enough left over to look after it with that kinda money.

I don't know but $4.000 is really low for VA as good as her.
(at least that's what fans said, I'd never know since I played both B1 & B2 with Japanese dub).
And we didn't know whose fault, Platinum Games or Nintendo.
Nintendo has a history of underpaying their VAs before.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 17, 2022, 07:51:48 am
I don't know but $4.000 is really low for VA as good as her.
(at least that's what fans said, I'd never know since I played both B1 & B2 with Japanese dub).
And we didn't know whose fault, Platinum Games or Nintendo.
Nintendo has a history of underpaying their VAs before.

( (
I guess it is unfair to her if she is not getting properly paid for her services.
Just being $4,000, sounds like she's upset she can't afford to import her caviar from Russia and have to settle for local caviar like the common peasants.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 17, 2022, 10:39:24 pm
I guess it is unfair to her if she is not getting properly paid for her services.
Just being $4,000, sounds like she's upset she can't afford to import her caviar from Russia and have to settle for local caviar like the common peasants.

It's okay to get upset and attack the publishers, but I still think it wasn't cool for her to attack Jen as the new VA too.
Jen gave a very professional response though.


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 18, 2022, 08:08:34 pm
A New Bayonetta 3 Report Features A Differing Account Of PlatinumGames VA Pay Offer


As reported by Bloomberg's Jason Schreier, two sources — who requested to remain anonymous, though whose claims are supported by documentation seen by both Bloomberg and VGC — say that PlatinumGames was "determined" to have Taylor reprise the role, and wanted to secure Taylor for "at least five sessions, each paying $3,000 to $4,000 for four hours in the studio," putting the total payment for the role at a minimum of $15,000.
The report says "Taylor asked for a six-figure sum as well as residuals on the game," which Platinum dismissed before holding auditions for a replacement.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 18, 2022, 08:23:07 pm
How Big is Bayonetta 3? File Size Guide


Bayonetta 3 is not out yet, so the only way to confirm the file size was via leaks that claimed that the download size would be around 15GB.
But as Nintendo finally posted all of the data on the game’s official page on the Nintendo Store, now we know for sure that Bayonetta 3 in digital download form takes exactly 16GB of free space.
For a Switch game that is not small, but it is not too much either when we consider the promised size of the Bayonetta 3 world, all the levels, cutscenes, and music that the title will be packed with.

Article : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 19, 2022, 05:10:37 pm
A New Bayonetta 3 Report Features A Differing Account Of PlatinumGames VA Pay Offer


Article : (
So Taylor may have screwed herself over and tried to pin it on Platinum? Guess she really is a snob.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 20, 2022, 11:18:31 pm
So Taylor may have screwed herself over and tried to pin it on Platinum? Guess she really is a snob.


Well, with all respect to her, may be she's not lying but she just didn't tell the whole story.
Also seems there's a miscomunication too about the final offer.
The last offer of $4,000 for all that she said, it's for the cameo role only.
And probably not as Bayonetta since Jen has been decide to replace her as Bayonetta since after the negotiation couldn't reach agreement.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 21, 2022, 10:26:20 am

Well, with all respect to her, may be she's not lying but she just didn't tell the whole story.
Also seems there's a miscomunication too about the final offer.
The last offer of $4,000 for all that she said, it's for the cameo role only.
And probably not as Bayonetta since Jen has been decide to replace her as Bayonetta since after the negotiation couldn't reach agreement.
So Bayonetta 3 will star a new Bayonetta? And taylor is just voicing the old one who dies off?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 23, 2022, 09:31:10 pm
So Bayonetta 3 will star a new Bayonetta? And taylor is just voicing the old one who dies off?

Taylor was asked voicing as other minor character may be as a good will from PG since the Bayoneta role has already been given to someone else due to their non-agreement on the first offer, but Taylor took that as an insult.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 24, 2022, 05:36:23 pm
Taylor was asked voicing as other minor character may be as a good will from PG since the Bayoneta role has already been given to someone else due to their non-agreement on the first offer, but Taylor took that as an insult.
Oh jeeze. Though I think she could play the role as the Bayonetta that got crystalized.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 24, 2022, 09:11:25 pm
Oh jeeze. Though I think she could play the role as the Bayonetta that got crystalized.

They could if the story went that route but I think the story is more about Viola now.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 25, 2022, 12:57:14 pm
They could if the story went that route but I think the story is more about Viola now.
Yeah, but her motivation is the death of Bayonetta from Bayonetta 1, which I presume was her Mum.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on November 10, 2022, 10:36:56 pm
Famitsu Sales: 10/24/22 – 10/30/22


1. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 51,547 (3,235,701)

2. [NSW] Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo, 10/28/22) – 41,285 (New)

3. [PS4] Star Ocean: The Divine Force (Square Enix, 10/27/22) – 27,001 (New)
4. [PS4] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (Activision, 10/28/22) – 24,371 (New)
5. [NSW] Ace Angler: Fishing Spirits (Bandai Namco, 10/27/22) – 23,297 (New)
6. [PS5] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (Activision, 10/28/22) – 17,710 (New)
7. [PS5] Star Ocean: The Divine Force (Square Enix, 10/27/22) – 17,177 (New)
8. [NSW] Aquarium. Limited Edition (Entergram, 10/27/22) – 13,199 (New)

9. [NSW] Persona 5 Royal (ATLUS, 10/21/22) – 12,040 (58,038)

10. [NSW] Needy Streamer Overload (WSS playground, 10/27/22) – 11,693 (New)

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on November 10, 2022, 10:41:25 pm
Famitsu Sales: 10/31/22 – 11/6/22


1. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 51,715 (3,287,416)
2. [NSW] HARVESTELLA (Square Enix, 11/04/22) – 26,644 (New)
3. [NSW] Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom (Bandai Namco, 11/02/22) – 11,278 (New)

4. [NSW] Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo, 10/28/22) – 10,103 (51,388)
5. [NSW] Persona 5 Royal (ATLUS, 10/21/22) – 7,791 (65,829)

6. [NSW] Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Offline (Square Enix, 09/15/22) – 7,781 (218,732)
7. [NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 7,602 (2,840,716)
8. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 7,501 (4,891,234)
9. [PS4] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (Activision, 10/28/22) – 7,351 (31,722)
10. [NSW] Ace Angler: Fishing Spirits (Bandai Namco, 10/27/22) – 6,854 (30,151)

Article : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on November 28, 2022, 02:03:38 am
Bayonetta Bloody Fate Blu-ray/DVD is $10.24 (was $19.98) For Limited Time at Right Stuf




Media: Blu-ray
Spoken Language: English, Japanese
Subtitle Language: English
Genre: Action
Age Rating: 17+
Run Time: 90
Release Date: 10/21/2014
Dimensional Weight: 1
Region Code: A

Link :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on December 02, 2022, 07:42:39 pm
Bayonetta 3 - Accolades Trailer - Nintendo Switch
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on December 08, 2022, 11:06:42 pm
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on December 09, 2022, 08:13:05 am
Slayyy! Bayonetta 3 wins Best Action Game at 2022 The Game Awards!



Not long now until the next entry in the Bayonetta series makes its debut with Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon! ✨
Once upon a time, there was an Umbra Witch named Cereza, a young version of the Bayonetta in #Bayonetta 3…
Control both Cereza and Cheshire to solve puzzles and fend off faeries in Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon, dancing onto Nintendo Switch on 3/17/23.

Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 03, 2023, 01:29:12 am
Bayonetta 3 soundtrack (An 8-disc box set!) release set for Japan


The Bayonetta 3 Original Soundtrack comes out on March 29th, 2023 in Japan.
There’s no word on a localized release at this time, but you can always import through retailers like Amazon Japan (

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 12, 2023, 03:06:29 am
Famitsu Sales: 1/30/23 – 2/5/23



1. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet (The Pokemon Company, 11/18/22) – 31,191 (4,807,491)
2. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 14,298 (3,862,841)
3. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 13,858 (5,142,172)
25. [NSW] Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Special Price (SEGA, 11/17/22) – 1,914 (35,883)
29. [NSW] Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo, 10/28/22) – 1,613 (68,498)
30. [NSW] Pokemon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl (The Pokemon Company, 11/19/21) – 1,583 (2,622,069) 

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 12, 2023, 03:12:47 am
Bayonetta 3 Surpasses 1.04 Million Copies Sold


In the Q3 FY 2023 financial earnings report, Nintendo has finally announced how many copies Bayonetta 3 has sold!
The title has sold over 1 million copies since it launched on October 28, 2022.
This is a bit lower than most were probably expecting, however, it has already matched the numbers of Bayonetta 2 on Nintendo Switch, with that title selling through 1.04 million copies in its lifetime.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on February 12, 2023, 05:41:33 pm
Bayonetta 3 Surpasses 1.04 Million Copies Sold


Article : (
Oh is it out now?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 12, 2023, 10:42:34 pm
Oh is it out now?

Yeah. Now we wait for the prequel,  Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon! in March.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on February 14, 2023, 04:09:28 pm
Yeah. Now we wait for the prequel,  Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon! in March.

Oh yeah, I forgot there was gonna be spin-offs.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 25, 2023, 04:04:38 am
Famitsu Sales: 2/13/23 – 2/19/23


1. [PS5] Hogwarts Legacy (Warner Bros. Games), 02/10/23) – 36,958 (104,154)
2. [PS5] WILD HEARTS (Electronic Arts, 02/17/23) – 26,905 (New)
3. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet (The Pokemon Company, 11/18/22) – 23,593 (4,860,103)
30. [NSW] Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo, 10/28/22) – 1,582 (71,442)

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 28, 2023, 04:11:56 am
New Bayonetta Origins Gameplay Shows Cheshire Using Elemental Cores


Nintendo of Europe took to Twitter to share gameplay footage from Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon that shows how your companion Cheshire will be able to gain powers from Elemental Cores.
These abilities can be used both in combat and in traversing the environment.
Cheshire previously appeared in Bayonetta 3 where he also aided the witch Viola. 

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 08, 2023, 08:35:36 am
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon demo now available


Save data from the demo can be transferred over to the full game when it launches.
In this demo, you’ll play as both Cereza and her demon companion Cheshire.
Are you prepared to join Cereza on a journey into the Avalon Forest for a bewitching taste of the adventure yet to come?

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 08, 2023, 07:33:32 pm
Happy International Women's Day 👩‍🦰


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 08, 2023, 11:46:56 pm
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon - Official Story Trailer
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 15, 2023, 09:12:02 pm
Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1789


Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key (PS5, PS4, Switch) – 8/9/9/8 [34/40]
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (Switch) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
Gal Guardians: Demon Purge (PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, Switch) – 7/7/8/6 [28/40]

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 15, 2023, 10:31:34 pm
Bayonetta 3 Cospa Merchandise Includes Viola’s T-Shirts and Cheshire keychain




There is also a rocks glass with The Gates of Hell logo, a variety of T-shirts, and a sticker of Bayonetta’s iconic “Let’s dance, boys.”
Pre-orders will open on the Cospla online store from April 27, 2023, and they are estimated to release on early July 2023.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 17, 2023, 05:45:47 am
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon is out now! Happy Playing!




This is the story of the fateful journey of the apprentice witch Cereza, and her wayward demon companion...
Experience their tale for yourself today!

Link :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 24, 2023, 12:21:09 am
Famitsu Sales: 3/13/23 – 3/19/23



1. [NSW] Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe (Nintendo, 02/24/23) – 25,201 (308,945)
2.[NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet (The Pokemon Company, 11/18/22) – 15,306 (4,944,593)
3. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 12,100 (3,946,727)
6. [NSW] Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (Nintendo, 03/17/23) – 6,474 (New)
23. [PS4] Like a Dragon: Ishin! (SEGA, 02/22/23) – 1,899 (46,668)
30. [PS5] Like a Dragon: Ishin! (SEGA, 02/22/23) – 1,408 (39,057)

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 30, 2023, 10:14:59 pm
Famitsu Sales: 3/20/23 – 3/26/23


1. [PS5] Resident Evil 4 (Capcom, 03/24/23) – 89,662 (New)
2. [PS4] Resident Evil 4 (Capcom, 03/24/23) – 85,371 (New)
3. [NSW] Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key (Koei Tecmo, 03/23/23) – 31,140 (New)
28. [NSW] Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (Nintendo, 03/17/23) – 1,969 (8,443)
30.[PS5] Gran Turismo 7 (SIE, 03/04/22) – 1,737 (300,682)

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 30, 2023, 10:18:02 pm


"BAYONETTA 3 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK", a set of 8 gorgeous CDs containing all the songs of Bayonetta 3, with a total of 265 songs, is out now!
Don't miss the booklet with comments on all the songs completely supervised by Platinum Games!
Please get it ❤️

Link :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on April 07, 2023, 11:41:26 pm
1/1 Scale "Color My World" Acrylic Stand's arrived at Bayonetta POP UP SHOP in OIOI




The product pictured below has arrived at Bayonetta POP UP SHOP in OIOI
It will be on sale from 4/7 (Friday) when the store opens.
Please check the image for details.

Click here for details >>
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on May 03, 2023, 12:07:43 am
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon — Overview Trailer
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on May 03, 2023, 12:08:24 am
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon — "Twice upon a Time" Trailer (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on May 24, 2023, 01:27:31 am
Nintendo suggested the direction for Bayonetta Origins, Platinum devs joke about a Bayonetta fighting game


It turns out the path that led to Bayonetta Origins started with Nintendo themselves, as Nintendo and Platinum were talking about doing something more with the Bayonetta franchise.
After some discussion, this led to Nintendo suggesting a Bayonetta prequel game, and this resonated with Platinum.
As a matter of fact, Kamiya said he had a chat with Inaba years ago about doing a Bayonetta title that took place years ago, so the idea has been floating around for quite some time.
That’s not the only ...

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on June 09, 2023, 12:46:00 am
SEGA ASIA Summer Early-Bird Sale offers are now available!🤩
Sale ends on June 12, 2023.




😜🤌🕶 June is here and we've got some more sales for you!
Head over to the official website below to check out the latest sale information

Link: (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on June 09, 2023, 08:17:00 am
Nintendo suggested the direction for Bayonetta Origins, Platinum devs joke about a Bayonetta fighting game


Article : (
Bayonetta is more of a Nintendo franchise than a Sega franchise at this point.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on June 11, 2023, 10:40:47 am
Bayonetta is more of a Nintendo franchise than a Sega franchise at this point.

I don't mind now.
While I do like Bayonetta 1 & 2, Bayonetta 3 got me bored so fast, I don't know why.
May be my gaming taste have changed.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on June 11, 2023, 10:54:05 am
I don't mind now.
While I do like Bayonetta 1 & 2, Bayonetta 3 got me bored so fast, I don't know why.
May be my gaming taste have changed.

Bayonetta 3 is that bad eh?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Randroid on June 12, 2023, 05:38:58 pm
I also got bored with Bayo 3. I did beat it, but man, it was a chore.

So many problems:

The performance on switch was horrible for this game.

Bayo's voice change made me feel like I was playing a different character.

The enemy designs were all same-y. I had trouble telling them apart sometimes.

Tedious puzzles, weird level design. Clunky combat (when controlling the demons or Viola).

The plot's a mess. Origins should have been released first to at least give some context to all the fairy based stuff that's going on.

Even with all that against it, the game is still a good game, and I'd re-play it on better hardware. It's just far below the other 2 IMO.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on June 13, 2023, 06:47:55 am
I also got bored with Bayo 3. I did beat it, but man, it was a chore.

So many problems:

The performance on switch was horrible for this game.

Bayo's voice change made me feel like I was playing a different character.

The enemy designs were all same-y. I had trouble telling them apart sometimes.

Tedious puzzles, weird level design. Clunky combat (when controlling the demons or Viola).

The plot's a mess. Origins should have been released first to at least give some context to all the fairy based stuff that's going on.

Even with all that against it, the game is still a good game, and I'd re-play it on better hardware. It's just far below the other 2 IMO.

THIS !!!
You summed up it well.
Like you said, it's not bad .... but somehow playing it isn't as satisfying as Bayo 1 or 2.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on June 13, 2023, 05:45:14 pm
I also got bored with Bayo 3. I did beat it, but man, it was a chore.

So many problems:

The performance on switch was horrible for this game.

Bayo's voice change made me feel like I was playing a different character.

The enemy designs were all same-y. I had trouble telling them apart sometimes.

Tedious puzzles, weird level design. Clunky combat (when controlling the demons or Viola).

The plot's a mess. Origins should have been released first to at least give some context to all the fairy based stuff that's going on.

Even with all that against it, the game is still a good game, and I'd re-play it on better hardware. It's just far below the other 2 IMO.
THIS !!!
You summed up it well.
Like you said, it's not bad .... but somehow playing it isn't as satisfying as Bayo 1 or 2.
Oof! Sounds like a miss.
That or I'll watch a Gamer's Little Playground ( cutscene-compilation for it. (They already have Bayo3 and Cerez movies.)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on June 15, 2023, 07:09:14 pm
So I watched this (, I can see why it was somewhat meh compared to the last game. Especially the whole "passing of the torch" schtick.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on June 16, 2023, 12:19:40 am
So I watched this (, I can see why it was somewhat meh compared to the last game. Especially the whole "passing of the torch" schtick.

Even if the story was dissapointing, if the gameplay was fun I'd still considered it's as a fun game.
But the gameplay's kinda struggling and held by Switch's limited specification.
Playing as Bayonetta is still kinda fun in some area but playing as Viola or the demons are definitely not fun.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on June 16, 2023, 07:40:36 am
Even if the story was dissapointing, if the gameplay was fun I'd still considered it's as a fun game.
But the gameplay's kinda struggling and held by Switch's limited specification.
Playing as Bayonetta is still kinda fun in some area but playing as Viola or the demons are definitely not fun.

Perhaps a PC port would do it some justice?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on June 18, 2023, 10:57:23 pm
[Dev Blog] Bayonetta Origins: Music and Bonds – PlatinumGames Official Blog



Did you know the music in Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon evolves along with the bond between Cereza and Cheshire?
Lead Composer Aoba Nakanishi tells us more in this article.🐾

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on June 18, 2023, 11:00:39 pm
Perhaps a PC port would do it some justice?

Yes, since some fans said it played better in Ryujinx, but of course Nintendo wouldn't allow that.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on June 18, 2023, 11:01:34 pm
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon Lead Sound Designer Yusuke Konishi introduces us to the game's sound design.

Don't miss a relaxing ASMR video featuring the lush scenery and rich sounds of the game's forest.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on June 19, 2023, 07:02:42 am
Yes, since some fans said it played better in Ryujinx, but of course Nintendo wouldn't allow that.
The only multi-platform Nintendo will have is how many platforms Mario can jump on.
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 30, 2023, 11:01:38 pm
Bayonetta Fan Art by Tholia Bentz


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on July 30, 2023, 11:05:19 pm
The only multi-platform Nintendo will have is how many platforms Mario can jump on.

Mario can only jump so far until he breaks his leg (;_1992-1994)).

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on August 01, 2023, 01:38:32 am
[Dev Blog] Bayonetta Origins: Concept Art


Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon takes you deep into Avalon Forest.
But how did this backdrop come to be?
Lead concept artist Jun Seung Jin shares some of the thought processes along with some concept art!

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on August 02, 2023, 09:42:00 pm
Bayonetta 3 | Umbran Studies — Bayonetta 3 Music Vol. 3 Al Fine

Al Fine is Bayonetta3's fiery main battle theme💃
Learn how it came to be with lead composer Naofumi Harada in the newest Umbran Studies!
Perhaps it has a surprising connection to the game's theme song, We Are As One...

Article : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on August 03, 2023, 01:08:06 am
Bayonetta 3 | Umbran Studies — In-Game Sound Effects 2: Enemy Sound Design

Ever wondered why the Homunculi in Bayonetta 3 sound the way they do?
Sound designer Yasuhiro Naka breaks down the sound of a few of these enemies in this new Umbran Studies entry.
You may be surprised by some of the objects used🐚

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on August 04, 2023, 01:07:45 am
Bayonetta 3 | Umbran Studies — Bayonetta 3 Music Vol. 4 GH()ST

GH()ST is a battle theme filled with that nostalgic alt rock sound perfect for #Bayonetta3's Viola.🤘
Composer Tomoki Kameyama fills us in on the making of the track.

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on August 28, 2023, 09:30:09 pm
Bayonetta Clock Arrives in 2024!



A clock inspired by the Bayonetta series is being released by Movic and Animate.
It is a part of the UselessUse laboratory lifestyle brand which creates interior items inspired by various Japanese anime and video game franchises.
The clock is available to pre-order between August 28, 2023 and September 19 on the Animate online shop. The price is ...

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 12, 2023, 07:59:48 pm
Bayonetta concept art by Mari Shimazaki.


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on September 25, 2023, 02:14:25 am
Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya will be Leaving PlatinumGames Next Month


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 15, 2023, 09:05:28 pm
Bayonetta Fan Art by Dreadful Exmile


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 15, 2023, 09:06:55 pm
Bayonetta and Jeanne Fan Art by Seedz


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 15, 2023, 09:07:28 pm


(not counting ports and collection bundles)
and games with playable Bayonetta characters :

2009 - Bayonetta
2013 - Anarchy Reigns
2013 - The Wonderful 101

2014 - Bayonetta 2
2014 - Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
2014 - Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
2015 - Bayonetta Pachislot

2017 - 8-Bit Bayonetta
2018 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2019 - Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation

2022 - Bayonetta 3
2023 - Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon!

Articles : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on October 15, 2023, 09:10:08 pm
Let's Dance, Boys!


Wayô Records have teamed up with SEGA and Platinum Games to release this gorgeous Bayonetta Original Soundtrack 4LP vinyl set!
The limited 'Lollipop' Edition includes an exclusive shikishi and worldmap.

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on December 13, 2023, 07:16:38 pm
This Wednesday's DAILY DEAL is for Bayonetta's awesome Rosemary Prop Replica - $45 OFF!


Use the code DDROSE45 to get it!
This deal expires December 20, 2023.

Snag 'em here:
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 01, 2024, 04:53:45 am
TEKKEN 8 | Zafina (Bayo 2) Customization Tutorial (NO MODS)
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 01, 2024, 04:55:25 am
TEKKEN 8 - Zafina ( Bayonetta ) vs Lili ( Tifa )
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 14, 2024, 10:01:44 pm
❤️Happy Valentine's Day!❤️


A sweet little Bayonetta kiss just for you💋

Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on February 15, 2024, 12:54:46 am
✨Up to 80% off at SEGA Publisher Sale✨





🎮Sega Publisher Sale February 2024 will last for 2 amazing weeks between Feb 14th (Wed) and Feb 28rd (Wed)!
Click link below to enjoy the sales: 👇

Link : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 03, 2024, 10:12:06 pm
"You look tired. Let me tuck you in." — Bayonetta


Source :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 03, 2024, 11:11:00 pm
You Can Now Own the Official Bayonetta 3 Glasses




The left leg includes a golden moon symbol with a blue crystal at temple length, and the right leg has a golden sun symbol with a red crystal engraved.
Both legs are decorated with golden star symbols, and the temple part is inspired by Bayonetta’s wicked weave and her magic hair attacks. Additionally, the glasses come with a special gray case, and the Bayonetta 3 logo is engraved on it.
You can take ...

Article :
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on March 04, 2024, 09:50:04 am
You Can Now Own the Official Bayonetta 3 Glasses




Article : (
Would they allow me to see into Purgatario?
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 04, 2024, 09:13:37 pm
Would they allow me to see into Purgatario?

Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Mystic Monkey on March 06, 2024, 09:52:45 am
I should have seen that coming...
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on March 17, 2024, 11:29:31 pm
Get your baskets ready, the Steam Spring Sale has just arrived! 🧺  📣




You can SAVE up to 25% off Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth during the SEGA Spring Sale on Steam now through Mar 21st🤙
Don't miss out on a story about the unluckiest but happiest people in the world🌞
Oh, and it's Steam Deck Verified ✅

🌱 Nourish these sweet deals now: (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on April 29, 2024, 12:39:46 am
🇫🇷 France Charts | Week 15, 2024 (Apr 8 - Apr 14)


1 [NSW] Princess Peach: Showtime! (=)
2 [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (=)
3 [NSW] Super Mario Bros. Wonder (=)
4 [NSW] Bayonetta 3 (RE)
5 [NSW] Minecraft (=)

Article : (
Title: Re: Bayonetta 2 Discussion Mega Thread
Post by: Berto on May 02, 2024, 12:17:18 am
The Golden Week Sale is happening right now over on Steam!! 🎏




It's time to play peak for less during our Steam Golden Week sale! 🎏

Get up to 80% off some beloved SEGA games including :
- Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth🏝️ Save 30%
- Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name🕶️ Save 40%
- Persona 3 Reload Save 30%
- Bayonetta Save 70%
- Yakuza: LIke a Dragon🐉 Save 80%
Of course these four are Steam Deck Verified!

Don't miss out on this celebration 🎊

Link : (