Author Topic: What exactly is SOJ management good for?  (Read 19943 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2014, 02:43:40 pm »
Sammy has provided Sega with the funds to use when necessary..its not like there hasn't been any big budget game productions from sega since the merger

Sammy has slashed SEGA R&D spends by something like 25% and its shown in SOJ rubbish output of late .

You can't blame sammy for helping sega west a least compete again by giving the funds available. Why is Sega west at least effectivly allowed to do what they want and make wise decisions while SOJ couldn't or should i say wouldn't and not capable.

Why do you keep on brining up SEGA West ? Other than buying CA and SI - They've done nothing of note really  and have plenty of disasters them self's be that the waste of time with the driving studio, the huge amount of money wasted on the likes of the Crucible, Alpha Protocol its quite sad really .

Face facts SOJ offer the die hard old SEGA fan little to cheer, much less look forward too

And SOJ has been profitable but they are playing safe well before they needed to

And how was that done - It was done by slashing R&D and milking SEGA old IP on the mobiles . Going forward SOJ got little to offer . Remember too that SEGA Japan was profitable before the Sammy Take over back in 2002 


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Offline ROJM

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2014, 02:56:09 pm »

Sammy has slashed SEGA R&D spends by something like 25% and its shown in SOJ rubbish output of late .
Still not addressing the years after the merger that sammy gave money to sega to do various big game productions. Its only lately they have cut back. Even then SOJ didn't go full tilt compared to SOA and SOE...which shows tthat SOJ was still incompetent...

Why do you keep on brining up SEGA West ? Other than buying CA and SI - They've done nothing of note really  and have plenty of disasters them self's be that the waste of time with the driving studio, the huge amount of money wasted on the likes of the Crucible, Alpha Protocol its quite sad really .

And thank you for proving my point..the point is Sammy has provided the money when Sega needs it. So they can't be the true cause of SOJ doing nothing if they have provided millions on various projects, can they. The difference is Sega west when they were ran by hayes and co was ran better than SOJ was..that's the point..

Face facts SOJ offer the die hard old SEGA fan little to cheer, much less look forward too

Never said they did..that's the point of the topic..SOJ management is the problem. The fact is Sammy has given sega lots of money to do various big game productions..its SOJ management that isn't using the funds allocated to them.

And how was that done - It was done by slashing R&D and milking SEGA old IP on the mobiles . Going forward SOJ got little to offer . Remember too that SEGA Japan was profitable before the Sammy Take over back in 2002 

No because the classic IP is not the games that sold the most it was the games in japan that have been the big sellers for mobile. And SOJ was profitable for two the black..since Sammy they've seen bigger profits.And still Sammy has cut back across the board which is a recent thing and Sammy weren't responsible for Sega not localizing anything...
This has NOTHING to do with the way SOJ has been behaving. Are you gonna blame the saturn mess on Sammy too? Are you gonna blame the 32x on Sammy too? Or the DC or anything else...Face the facts SOJ management has and ALWAYS been the problem. Stop using scapegoats to cover SOJ management mistakes...there's always been a patern with SOJ management from the start. Until you face that and stop being a soj zealot maybe you'll be at peace.


« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 03:04:48 pm by ROJM »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2014, 04:08:58 pm »
Still not addressing the years after the merger that sammy gave money to sega to do various big game productions. Its only lately they have cut back

How many of those productions were already in the pipeline though . Games like Yakuza were well into development before the Sammy Takeover

The difference is Sega west when they were ran by hayes and co was ran better than SOJ was..that's the point..

Well other than buying 2 class studios they've done little really and SEGA Europe were doing deals with SI before the Sammy Takeover and like I said SEGA west made plenty of cock up's  like selling Visual Concepts off (mind you even I thought it made sense at the time) the waste of time that was the driving studio and so on  . I'm not seeing much to cheer for or look forward to from either SEGA West or Japan

The fact is Sammy has given sega lots of money to do various big game

At the start Sammy seemed happy to continue funding the big games , but the last few years its been slashed and even SEGA Arcade divisions as seen Sammy cost cutting measures come into play .

Are you gonna blame the saturn mess on Sammy too? Are you gonna blame the 32x on Sammy too? Or the DC or anything else.

Sega Saturn and the 32X Hardware development did not cost SEGA Japan. It was the DC that was sold at a lost and saw SEGA build up massive debts . But in those days for all SOJ failings to keep SEGA cash flow in check one couldn't fault its consumer or Arcade game output even in the dark days of the end of the DC and consumer dream

Now even SEGA in the Arcades isn't the force it once was. Its new Arcade boards behind the tech Namco or even bloody TATIO offer for christ sake and where the hell is the likes of Virtual Fighter 6 . Its just not good enough . Sammy is slowly killing off the SEGA we both grew up with and loved

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2014, 05:12:35 pm »
Relax and have sex guys  ;)

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2014, 09:45:25 pm »
SEGA America has made some pretty bad decisions which is why I'm sure SOJ doesn't want to give them any control. Just look at how they handled Aliens Colonial Marines, and now look at how they are handling Sonic Boom. SoJ is probably laughing at how Sonic Boom is crashing and burning. I can't imagine they were happy that SEGA America wanted to replace the Sonic Team Japanese Sonic. I imagine the only reason the game is being released in Japan is because their contract with Nintendo stated worldwide releases or something. Sonic hardly sells in Japan to begin with.

I'm not saying SoJ are angels or anything, they definitely make some decisions that annoy me. I definitely think it's better to have them in control though rather then SEGA West.

Who is division responsible for games not being localized to the west? They are who im most annoyed with.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 10:03:46 pm by Will »

Offline Mariano

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2014, 10:18:33 pm »
Just because the demo of the WiiU version did not gave a good impression doesnt mean the WHOLE project is going to fail...
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 10:20:12 pm by Mariano »

Offline ROJM

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2014, 08:08:28 am »

How many of those productions were already in the pipeline though . Games like Yakuza were well into development before the Sammy Takeover

Not the ones after it.

Well other than buying 2 class studios they've done little really and SEGA Europe were doing deals with SI before the Sammy Takeover and like I said SEGA west made plenty of cock up's  like selling Visual Concepts off (mind you even I thought it made sense at the time) the waste of time that was the driving studio and so on  . I'm not seeing much to cheer for or look forward to from either SEGA West or Japan
VC sell off was down to SOJ not Sega west. And i was against that...which at the end i was proven right considering how well they did with their sports games during 2004 and onwards. And SI and the Total wars publishing deals and eventual take over came after the merger not before.

At the start Sammy seemed happy to continue funding the big games , but the last few years its been slashed and even SEGA Arcade divisions as seen Sammy cost cutting measures come into play .

No one disputes that but that came because of they are cost cutting after what happened in 2012 But before that they have been supporting sega with the funds that they want . But they aren't responsible for how SOJ has handled things before or after the merger. Sammy has at least supported Sega in whatever they wish to do. Its the SOJ management that are messing things up not sammy. Sammy isn't telling SOJ to not localize, produce crap arcade games(which were becoming stale back in 2009/10 but you had to be mr different and argue against that as well...look who is right again on that BTW..)or even focus on digital gaming. That's all SOJ.

Sega Saturn and the 32X Hardware development did not cost SEGA Japan. It was the DC that was sold at a lost and saw SEGA build up massive debts . But in those days for all SOJ failings to keep SEGA cash flow in check one couldn't fault its consumer or Arcade game output even in the dark days of the end of the DC and consumer dream
It was the accumulation of those failures that ended up destroying the DC. Again it was down to SOJ management not being on the ball. Again this has nothing to do with the games but the ability of the japanese management not knowing what they are doing.

Now even SEGA in the Arcades isn't the force it once was. Its new Arcade boards behind the tech Namco or even bloody TATIO offer for christ sake and where the hell is the likes of Virtual Fighter 6 . Its just not good enough . Sammy is slowly killing off the SEGA we both grew up with and loved
Told you that four years you finally see it...

Offline ROJM

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2014, 08:11:40 am »
SEGA America has made some pretty bad decisions which is why I'm sure SOJ doesn't want to give them any control. Just look at how they handled Aliens Colonial Marines, and now look at how they are handling Sonic Boom. SoJ is probably laughing at how Sonic Boom is crashing and burning. I can't imagine they were happy that SEGA America wanted to replace the Sonic Team Japanese Sonic. I imagine the only reason the game is being released in Japan is because their contract with Nintendo stated worldwide releases or something. Sonic hardly sells in Japan to begin with.

I'm not saying SoJ are angels or anything, they definitely make some decisions that annoy me. I definitely think it's better to have them in control though rather then SEGA West.

Who is division responsible for games not being localized to the west? They are who im most annoyed with.

SOA and SOE has a very strong track record. ALIENS CM is a unique situation that nobody foresaw. If SOJ wanted these games out in the west good golly they would BE released. Blaming Sega west for not localizing is silly because its SOJ that can order them to do it if they wanted them released.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2014, 02:18:09 am »
Not the ones after it

Where were ?

VC sell off was down to SOJ not Sega west

I'm sure the order came from the very top -Ie Sammy. But there's been plenty of screw ups by SEGA west . Sega America messed up various 360 and PS3 projects wasted loads on Secret Level and even in the 16  bit days saw fit to piss up 20 million on the Multi Media Studio -only for it make 2 games and piss more money down the drain with daft projects like the Mega Drive 3D glasses or Activtor .

SEGA Europe they done plenty of screw ups - They pissed loads on SEGA advertising money down the drain on stupid football sponsorship, screwed up with No Clich and SEGA Racing Studio and messed up on its own projects like  Take the Bullet and so on

It was the accumulation of those failures that ended up destroying the DC

They hurt SEGA market share and in the end the bottom line . But development of the systems and selling the system didn't cost SEGA. The DC for the get go was sold at a lost and always at a lose to SEGA. Its a shame as NA@MI went on to be SEGA best selling Arcade board

Told you that four years ago

Huh I'm the one that's being having a go at SEGA Japan and Sammy for years . It's quite tragic that even TATIO offer better boards than SEGA thanks to Sammy cost cutting .

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Offline ROJM

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2014, 01:45:54 pm »

Where were ?

Where were should KNOW the fricking games...the point is they exist and some of us have played them so don't act that sammy didn't give sega the money to make was SOJ to decide whether they keep making solid a sega games or not..and they didn't.

I'm sure the order came from the very top -Ie Sammy. But there's been plenty of screw ups by SEGA west . Sega America messed up various 360 and PS3 projects wasted loads on Secret Level and even in the 16  bit days saw fit to piss up 20 million on the Multi Media Studio -only for it make 2 games and piss more money down the drain with daft projects like the Mega Drive 3D glasses or Activtor .

So bloody what! SOA is responsible for making Sega into a household name in the states if not the rest of the world..Sega europe BUILT on the success of virgin mastertronic and made sega more succesful in UK and europe..SOJ didn't do that in their ENTIRE run as a console producer in Japan. You can't get away from it that the management culture in japan has to change...

"ohh SOA made this mistake and that one" that overshadows all the mistakes of SOJ..a record in failure after failure after failure...

SEGA Europe they done plenty of screw ups - They pissed loads on SEGA advertising money down the drain on stupid football sponsorship, screwed up with No Clich and SEGA Racing Studio and messed up on its own projects like  Take the Bullet and so on

Compared to SOJ its a little teardrop in the rain...

They hurt SEGA market share and in the end the bottom line . But development of the systems and selling the system didn't cost SEGA. The DC for the get go was sold at a lost and always at a lose to SEGA. Its a shame as NA@MI went on to be SEGA best selling Arcade board

It did if the consumer ignored the machine which they did..which you were fond of telling me was down to the saturn and 32x you are saying they don't matter..Sega was operating at a loss by the time the DC had been released..and SOJ f ups didn't help it did to keep saying this didn't matte when it clearly did is erroneous..

Huh I'm the one that's being having a go at SEGA Japan and Sammy for years . It's quite tragic that even TATIO offer better boards than SEGA thanks to Sammy cost cutting .

No TA is remember i said that the arcade games for AOU 2011 SEGA had was rubbish and that it was a downward as usual had to be mr popular and take the view of everyone else and say it wasn't..when the games on show were updates of previous games and card collecting titles..any sega hardcore gamer could see where things were going back then on the arcade side and we were proven right...the arcades have gone worse than they were back then sega wise...but they are still making money so...

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2014, 02:46:38 pm »

Huh I'm the one that's being having a go at SEGA Japan and Sammy for years . It's quite tragic that even TATIO offer better boards than SEGA thanks to Sammy cost cutting .


Games on TAITO Hardware:

Games of SEGA Hardware currently:

Nothing amazing on either hardware. Arcades haven't been impressive since a long time

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2014, 02:48:00 am »
Games on TAITO Hardware:

Type X3 is vastly more powerful than SEGA's Ringedge 2, hell even my Laptop is more powerful than Ringedge 2 . The fact that SEGA Arcade teams make better games is never in doubt
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Offline ROJM

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2014, 05:59:50 am »

Type X3 is vastly more powerful than SEGA's Ringedge 2, hell even my Laptop is more powerful than Ringedge 2 . The fact that SEGA Arcade teams make better games is never in doubt

Backtracking said that the games were you are saying that they are not? LOL!

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2014, 07:30:26 am »
Backtracking said that the games were you are saying that they are not? LOL!

Can you stop the lies ? . Never ever said SEGA make bad Arcade games and I'll defy you to show otherwise (Go on try it)  . Techwise well that's a different story SEGA been behind Tatio's Type X series for years now and I bet it not be long before Namco makes a board based on the PS4 for SEGA to again be behind Namco too

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Offline ROJM

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Re: What exactly is SOJ management good for?
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2014, 02:05:32 pm »
Can you stop the lies ? . Never ever said SEGA make bad Arcade games and I'll defy you to show otherwise (Go on try it)  . Techwise well that's a different story SEGA been behind Tatio's Type X series for years now and I bet it not be long before Namco makes a board based on the PS4 for SEGA to again be behind Namco too

I'm not a liar...unfortunately for you you've been caught out several times in the same topic...and that was last month...
But you 've been complaing "that no one looks forward to sega games anymore" and how bad the arcade scene is segawise..suggesting that they are rubbish because they are using inferior tech. That's the implication. Now you are backtracking and saying tha the games are good? Really..backtracking usual..