SEGAbits Forums

Gaming => General Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: Berto on August 28, 2018, 02:10:35 am

Title: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 28, 2018, 02:10:35 am

Post anything you want (pics, memories, opinions, news) about Streets of Rage here.



(not counting ports without significant change and collections)
and games with playable SOR characters :

1991 - Streets of Rage
1992 - Streets of Rage 2
1994 - Streets of Rage 3

2013 - 3D Streets of Rage (Remake with all-new 3D presentation)
2015 - 3D Streets of Rage 2 (Remake with all-new 3D presentation)

2016 - Project X Zone 2 (Axel Stone as playable char)
2016 - 3D Power Drift (Axel Stone, Blaze, and Adam as playable chars)
2018 - Sega Heroes (Axel Stone, Blaze, Adam, and Mr. X as playable chars)

2020 - Streets of Rage 4
2020 - Streets of Kamurocho (a mashup of Streets of Rage 2 and Yakuza)
TBA - Streets of Rage Revolution


And the latest news.....

The wait is over. Streets of Rage 4 is as real as Shenmue 3.
Official website : (
Articles on Segabits : (



The question is....

Two confirmed chars so far ... but as you can see there's one more char on the screenshot.
The one with blue hair.
Who is she ? Mona? Liza? A brand new char?
Or is it just Blaze with another costume?

Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: CrazyT on September 01, 2018, 12:06:28 pm
My first reaction was pretty hype mostly because of the idea of a new streets of rage, but I ended up getting skeptical because SoR is one of those games where its the total package which made the games great. Not just gameplay but also aesthetic and music.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 01, 2018, 09:38:12 pm
Is it just me, or does anyone feel more underwhelm than hoped for a sequal to SoR?

I mean if a game doesn't have a proper sequal for 24 years, kinda feels "too little, too late."

Don't get me wrong, I strongly support Sega to make more use of their older IPs. It's just I always imagined a possible installment to SoR more like Yakuza only more fighting orientated and set in mid-80s Miami or New York.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Randroid on September 02, 2018, 12:13:44 am
If we're talking our dream sequels, then yeah underwhelmed, but I'm definitely going to give it its chance.

What I don't like though are sequels that are not sequels, in that they re-hash environments, scenarios. There's a real progression between SOR - SOR3 in regards to the settings, music, themes, etc. I'm worried that SOR4 is going to be a compilation of the last 3 (with a new coat of paint) instead of a true true, on its own sequel. Each SOR game was a representation of the dark themes of its time. I really hope they don't make the mistake of just recreating an 80's and 90's feel and instead take the brave step of really modernizing it and showcasing the same themes of this era.

From what I've seen so far, people are on the fence about the art-style and I understand the criticisms. Ultimately, I feel the music is gonna make or break this as far as acceptance with the fans. SOR is pretty much, for many, that generation's introduction to real, deep, masterful electronic music which I think peaked at SOR2, but still evolved onwards. Anything less, will be a disappointment to the legacy of the game. This is what I'm worried about most as Lizard Cube's rearrangement of Wonder Boy's 3 music was off the mark for me. I can take an SOR game with samey gameplay as the originals. I can stand the comicbook-ish look. What I can't take though, is an SOR game with an uninspired soundtrack. It just won't work.
We'll see what they come up with in this department. If they announced that Yuzo was handling the soundtrack then I wouldn't worry about this as it would be in the hands of the master, but I'm not one of those who will not consider this an SOR game without him either. The SOR Remake game had a very capable artist in Paul Clark (BGM1401) that I wish would get a chance to do an original soundtrack for the sequel.
I think we all have a burning passion for this series and it's great that it is coming back with a release that at the very least looks competent. I REALLY want it to do well just so that SOR can return and be considered for more experimental sequels down the road.

Oh man, all in all, SOR was soooo brave and edgy for its time in everything that it did. The closest I've ever felt to a modern game being close in terms of its execution, edge and bravery would be the first Bayonetta game. My dream SOR game would have been done by Platinum if Sega had maintained its relationship with them. Sega and Platinum had a magic for the few titles they made together that's gone now. You can even say Mad World and Anarchy Reigns are spiritual successors to SOR.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Essay on September 03, 2018, 10:26:56 am
Despite being a die-hard Genesis fan (and I still chalk that console up with my favorite of all-time), Streets of Rage was a series I was never heavily invested in.  I think I rented Street of Rage 2 or 3.  I'm miffed that I might have missed out on such a great series, and am looking forward to getting Streets of Rage 4.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Randroid on September 03, 2018, 05:42:10 pm
Some good news about the game,
So far, only two characters have been announced, with more promised to come.
The article also contains some updates on the gameplay. None of it revolutionary, but still interesting.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Berto on September 04, 2018, 08:35:08 pm
My first reaction was pretty hype mostly because of the idea of a new streets of rage, but I ended up getting skeptical because SoR is one of those games where its the total package which made the games great. Not just gameplay but also aesthetic and music.

About the music :

DotEmu stressed to us that the effects in the demo were not final, but when asked if there would be an option to retain the classic sounds, the team did offer the following, “We understand that music is as important as gameplay itself.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Berto on September 06, 2018, 08:16:50 pm

Trivia : Mr. X wouldn't be back in this game.

"The last time we saw Mr. X, his brain might have been blown up by an explosion.
It might be difficult to come back from that," Fiquet says. He has a point.

Behind the scenes :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Randroid on September 06, 2018, 11:39:38 pm
I like what I'm reading and the art style is growing on me more and more each day.

They absolutely nailed the Blaze look.

I also like that they won't rehash the Mr. X thing.

Oh man, getting optimistic about this one.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: CrazyT on September 11, 2018, 09:04:29 am
I like what I'm reading and the art style is growing on me more and more each day.

They absolutely nailed the Blaze look.

I also like that they won't rehash the Mr. X thing.

Oh man, getting optimistic about this one.
I was about to say the exact same thing. It's growing on me a lot. I do wish they finetune it a little bit more but mostly hope to hear music reminiscing of the original 2
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: CrazyT on September 11, 2018, 09:07:37 am
Is it just me, or does anyone feel more underwhelm than hoped for a sequal to SoR?

I mean if a game doesn't have a proper sequal for 24 years, kinda feels "too little, too late."

Don't get me wrong, I strongly support Sega to make more use of their older IPs. It's just I always imagined a possible installment to SoR more like Yakuza only more fighting orientated and set in mid-80s Miami or New York.
Tbh they would have to leave behind most of their legacy of this were the case. Most actually hope SEGA revives more than just this. The 2 I wished for most were this and wonderboy so they sorta answered my calls, but they still have phantasy star v left for me.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage 4
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 20, 2018, 09:33:50 pm
Tbh they would have to leave behind most of their legacy of this were the case. Most actually hope SEGA revives more than just this. The 2 I wished for most were this and wonderboy so they sorta answered my calls, but they still have phantasy star v left for me.
Modernising a classic-era game is possible if done right.
When I first played the original Streets of Rage to me the theme they were going for is late-80s action movies which were popular at the time. To me this was the audience they were trying to appeal too.

They could of made it a standard beat 'em up game we have today with high-poly models and graphics, but still set in the late-80s world of Streets of Rage and give the game camera an aged VCR appearance.The House of the Dead: Overkill is a good example of a game made fairly recently that use camera filters to compliment the theme and era the game is set in.When I see Streets of Rage 4 trailer and gameplay it just feel it somewhat pandering to a degree. To the fans by giving them pure nostalgia of the series to the point there's hardly any room for anything new and to anime fans which I don't believe the original Streets of Rage games were trying to go for at the time.They could of at least try to make it look as quality as 90s anime which were just as popular as the movies SoR were based on.

What I'm saying is, they could of made Streets of Rage 4 a modern beat 'em up game while still being recognised as Streets of Rage without going too off-the-norm, that's all.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 13, 2020, 10:59:29 pm
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 13, 2020, 11:02:23 pm
This mod allows the player to choose Bruce Lee, the iconic super star and martial artist,
in the classic game Bare Knuckle III (Streets of Rage 3).


Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 26, 2020, 07:22:52 pm
Streets of Rage 4 To Receive DLC Content


Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 01, 2020, 10:55:44 am
Streets of Rage 4 Axel Stone 1:12 Scale Action Figure is coming on October 2020


Article :
Store :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 07, 2020, 07:31:41 pm
Streets of Rage 4 Balance Patch Now Available with 150 changes


Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 22, 2020, 10:55:49 pm
Streets of Rage punks we love to punch
George details the five most punchable enemies in the franchise


Let’s be honest, Zamza looks like Blanka from Street Fighter II if he was wearing some sort of armor? No?
Well, when I was a kid I always thought Blanka from Street Fighter II was scary, so I enjoyed beating the blast processing out of this bastard.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 22, 2020, 11:02:40 pm
3DS.. The 3D SEGA Classic Machine.
Including 3D SOR and 3D SOR2


Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 30, 2020, 09:06:13 pm
Segabits Retrospective : Streets of Rage


Lots of kids in the 90s, especially in America, lived for these types of games.
Beat ’em up was a huge genre and Streets of Rage was at the top of the pack.
I think even today, if people had to rank the best beat ’em ups of all time, Streets of Rage will be somewhere on the top of the list.
Its dynamic soundtrack with club beats bumping like a heart beat through stereo blew the minds of many young gamers.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 30, 2020, 09:08:00 pm
Segabits Podcast: Streets of Rage 2 (1992)


One of the things about the early days of SEGA, was the creative freedom that the workers had there and as a result delivered great products.
While the team worked from Japan, they aimed Streets of Rage's music at American and European audiences.
I think this is one of the reasons the soundtrack resonated so well with gamers outside of Japan.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 30, 2020, 09:15:58 pm
Congratulations to Streets of Rage 4 Lead Composer, Olivier Deriviere and all musicians involved in the soundtrack.
Streets of Rage 4 OST is listed in the "Best Audio" category in The Golden Joystick Awards 2020


Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 06, 2020, 11:34:55 pm
Streets of Rage 4 Social Media


To keep up to date on all things Streets of Rage 4, punch your keyboard until it types,
go to
share your fan arts & creations in
and slice that follow button on Twitter @Dotemu, @Lizardcube and @Guard_Crush.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 12, 2020, 09:24:30 pm
3D Streets of Rage 2 (3DS)
Great art style that pops in 3D


M2 delivers Streets of Rage 2 on your 3DS with eye-popping 3D, two new game modes, a intact soundtrack that makes you dance in your seat and a ton more.
The game is just as fun as it was growing up and each character has their own pros and cons, giving them a unique look and feel.
Textures seem sharper than they did on those old “boob-tube” TVs and the game’s local network multiplayer functions work as expected.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 12, 2020, 09:26:00 pm
SEGA's 60th Anniversary Celebration
Save 91% on SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics BUNDLE on Steam
Over 50 classic games in one great bundle including Streets of Rage 1,2,3.
Offer ends 20 October 2020


Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 14, 2020, 07:36:06 pm
Four Free Mini Games including Streets of Kamurocho (a mashup of Streets of Rage 2 and Yakuza) coming to PC for a limited time


While SEGA of Japan kicked off the SEGA 60th anniversary celebrations earlier this year, SEGA West has officially started celebrations today with a 60 day long GO SEGA event and a dedicated website,
During the next 60 days, there will be let’s plays, competitions, employee interviews and content covering the company’s history.

Article :

Armor of Heroes (a Retro Take on Company of Heroes):
Golden Axed (a Cancelled Prototype) :
Endless Zone (a Homage to Fantasy Zone) :
Streets of Kamurocho (a Mashup of Streets of Rage 2 and Yakuza) :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 14, 2020, 10:28:48 pm
Streets of Kamurocho Announce Trailer :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 17, 2020, 10:47:11 pm
Streets of Kamurocho is out now, you only have two days to keep the game to make it yours.
Ichiban is also available as unlockable as playable character.


Download the game here : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 18, 2020, 11:29:36 pm
The Analogue Pocket Is Designed To Play Games From All Game Boy Systems
and Through Adapters It Could Play Game Gear Games including GG Streets of Rage 1-2



Essentially, the system is able to play 2,780+ Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games, and through adapters, other systems like Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Atari Lynx, and more.
The Analogue Pocket is also set to have a dock that will connect it to the TV via HDMI.
In TV mode, 8BitDo controllers can be connected via Bluetooth, as well as wired USB controllers.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 20, 2020, 07:28:09 pm
SEGA News Bits: SEGA 60th Anniversary Mini Games Reviewed


On this SEGA News Bits, we share our thoughts on the newly released mini games as a part of SEGA’s 60th anniversary.
How do the games play, which is our favorite and what is all this drama around the Golden Axe game?

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 25, 2020, 08:39:36 pm
SEGA's 60th Anniversary Sale Celebration
For a limited time save up to 50% on some of Officially Licensed SEGA Products on SEGA SHOP UK
All of your favourite brands including : Jet Set Radio, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and Sonic The Hedgehog
Free delivery on all orders over £50


Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 04, 2020, 01:01:56 am
Coming up in SEGA 60th Celebrations : Creative Assembly Week !


We are a craft-led studio with over 33 years’ experience.
We make deep and detailed games and give our team the creative freedom to achieve their potential.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 12, 2020, 05:50:03 pm
Sega Forever - Streets of Rage
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 12, 2020, 05:51:13 pm
Sega Forever - Streets of Rage 2
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 12, 2020, 05:52:42 pm
The Making of Streets of Rage 2 (extended version)
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 12, 2020, 05:58:03 pm
For a limited time save 30% on Streets of Rage 4 (PC)
Offer ends 17 November 2020


Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 12, 2020, 06:01:53 pm


“As usual, we'd like to thank you all for spreading so much love for Streets of Rage 4 since its release on April 30.
Starting today, Streets of Rage 4 is officially available on Mac and Linux via Steam (thank you Ethan Lee for your awesome help)."

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 12, 2020, 06:48:39 pm
Streets of Kamurocho Returning to Steam
Temporarily from November 13 until 16


“Due to popular demand and to celebrate RGG week as part of the #SEGA60th celebrations, Streets of Kamurocho will be available to download again on Steam from Nov 13 at 5PM GMT/9AM PST until the same time on Nov 16!
Don't miss out!"

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 04, 2020, 03:51:51 am
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 04, 2020, 03:58:07 am
Vote Streets of Rage 4 as Best Action Game category at The Game Awards!


"We are honored and proud to announce that Streets of Rage 4 is nominated in the Best Action Game Category at The Game Awards!
On behalf of the whole Streets of Rage 4 team, we'd like to thank you for your everlasting support!
If our game is nominated it's also thanks to its amazing community!
You can vote for Streets of Rage 4 on The Game Awards Website ("

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 21, 2020, 01:46:19 am
SEGA Forever - Streets of Rage Series Retrospective
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 21, 2020, 11:31:21 pm
Favorite SEGA Games of 2020 | SEGA News Bits (

Most Disappointing SEGA Games of 2020
| SEGA News Bits (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 23, 2020, 01:44:26 am
Now You Can See Your Most-played Switch Games of 2020!

Here's mine btw :


If you've got an account registered in the United States or Canada, all you have to do is sign in on the Nintendo website to see all of your own personalised stats.
It will reveal your most-played game, total hours played, and much more.

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 31, 2020, 11:08:27 pm
Streets of Rage 2 - Slam Masters Mod

This mod also uses the system of Da Lao Hu's previous mods, except for
*Takedowns are much more powerful than strikes.
*Air juggle is not available, because this mod emphasizes grapple attacks.
*A glitch that caused the player character's jump movement laggy has been fixed.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 23, 2021, 12:29:01 am
Streets of Rage 4 Limited Run Games
Worth $150 Dollar Price Tag?

Today we will be unlocking the $149.99 Limited Run Games version of Streets of Rage 4.
Is the product worth the cost of half a Xbox Series S? Let's open it up.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 23, 2021, 03:15:46 am
TMNT - The Streets of Rage Project

- Hack of Streets of Rage 2, characters replaced with turtles.
- All turtles have a huge range of unique attacks.
- A feature of this hack is that the Turtles received their signature attacks.
- You can finally use the drill attack as Raphael !!
- Let’s kick shell all the villains and save April.
- Have fun!

Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 23, 2021, 03:40:59 am
Streets of Rage 3 - No Music Hack


In this simple ROM Hack of Streeets of Rage 3, no music plays throughout the attract mode, high score screen, menus, stages or endings.

Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 25, 2021, 01:50:06 am
Streets of Rage 4 DLC seems to be coming, as SteamDB listing appears


According to the listing the Streets of Rage 4 DLC is suppose to be Mr. X Nightmare, as a playable character or maybe some sort of expansion?
The last update to the SteamDB page was yesterday, March 23, 2021.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on March 25, 2021, 08:53:31 am
*Goes down town at night.
*Looks up to the night sky.

Yo, should we be concerned over the giant purple face and hands over the sky?
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 25, 2021, 07:28:31 pm
*Goes down town at night.
*Looks up to the night sky.

Yo, should we be concerned over the giant purple face and hands over the sky?

"Hsss.. Quiet... He Can't See Us If We Don't Move."

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 28, 2021, 09:47:47 pm
Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 Fan Game - Download and Info



Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 contains approximately 300 additional bugfixes, tweaks, gameplay improvements, and new features over the original v5.1 release.
DO NOT use an old save file from previous versions of the game. It is recommended to start a fresh save with v5.2.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 08, 2021, 10:02:57 am
Streets of Rage 4 Mr X. Nightmare DLC - Official Trailer
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 08, 2021, 07:43:56 pm
Streets of Rage 4 announces Mr. X Nightmare DLC,
will also come with free content update to base game


The DLC is set to have Estel Aguirre as playable, new game modes, new moves, new weapons, and even new tracks by Sonic Mania fame Tee Lopes.
But what if you just got Streets of Rage 4? Well, Dot Emu isn’t leaving the base game behind as this update for the DLC will also include free upgrade to the base game that will include Mania + difficulty, Training mode with tutorial, New color palettes, and more stuff to be announced in the future.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 13, 2021, 11:59:19 pm
SEGA PlayStation 3 PSN Titles To Buy Before Sony Shuts Down the Store


Most of the titles we talked about here are available via the English PlayStation Network Store, since that is how most of us buy games.
But if you are daring and want to dive into some Japanese PSN goodies, you should totally check out some of the PS2 Japanese only releases especially the long running ‘SEGA Ages 2500’ titles:
- Phantasy Star Generation Complete Collection
- Bonanza Bros.
- Gain Ground
- Dragon Force
- Space Harrier Complete Collection
- SEGA Memorial Selection (Obscure titles!)
- Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box (MUST HAVE)
- Dynamite Deka
- Galaxy Force II – Special Extended Edition
- Fantasy Zone Complete Collection (MUST HAVE)
- SEGA Vintage Comix Zone
- SEGA Vintage Juoki (Altered Beast)
- SEGA Vintage Golden Axe
- SEGA Vintage Bare Knuckle II (SOR2)

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 30, 2021, 12:40:06 am
Including SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics Bundle




The Steam Golden Week sale is here!
Feeling bored? Get up to 85% off amazing titles like Shenmue I & II, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Binary Domain, Yakuza 0, Sonic Mania, Shining Resonance Refrain, and many more.
Offer ends 7 May 2021.

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 01, 2021, 06:15:39 am
Streets of Rage 4 reveals Max Thunder as playable, part of ‘Mr. X Nightmare’ DLC

Dot Emu has announced the ‘Mr. X Nightmare’ DLC where they teased the DLC having three new playable characters.
The last announcement had Estel Aguirre as playable and this time its Max Thunder.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 03, 2021, 08:15:18 pm
3D Streets of Rage 1 & 2 (3DS) are currently on sale in Japan
Known in Japan as "3D Bare Knuckle" 1 & 2


Nintendo 3DS eShop "Golden Week Sale" until May 12th (Wednesday), 2021 :

3D Altered Beast (3DS) : 300 yen (was 628 yen)
3D Space Harrier (3DS) : 300 yen (was 628 yen)
3D Super Hang-On (3DS) : 300 yen (was 628 yen)
3D Power Drift (3DS) : 400 yen (was 880 yen)
3D The Super Shinobi II (3DS) : 300 yen (was 628 yen)
3D Bare Knuckle (3DS) : 300 yen (was 628 yen)
3D Bare Knuckle II (3DS) : 400 yen (was 880 yen)

3D Fantasy Zone (3DS) : 400 yen (was 880 yen)
3D Fantasy Zone II W (3DS) : 400 yen (was 838 yen)
3D Afterburner II (3DS) : 400 yen (was 838 yen) 
3D Ecco the Dolphin (3DS) : 300 yen (was 628 yen)
3D Galaxy Force II (3DS) : 400 yen (was 838 yen)
3D Thunder Blade (3DS) : 400 yen (was 1,019 yen)
3D Puyo Puyo 2 (3DS) : 500 yen (was 880 yen)
3D Gunstar Heroes (3DS) : 400 yen (was 880 yen)
3D Sonic the Hedgehog (3DS) : 300 yen (was 628 yen)
3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (3DS) : 400 yen (was 880 yen)

Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 07, 2021, 12:08:38 am
Streets of Rage 4, Nioh, and Jump Force Join "PlayStation Now"


Announced on the PlayStation Blog, the new games are available from today, with Jump Force remaining on the subscription service until 2 August 2021, and Streets of Rage 4 available until 1 November 2021.
No removal date was given for Nioh.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 14, 2021, 09:05:42 am
SEGA Financial Presentation Suggests Reviving Streets of Rage, NiGHTS, Panzer Dragoon and More!


SEGA has released their latest financial report for fiscal year March 2021, which reads as an English language PDF you can view for yourself here.
There is a lot to sift through here, and we hope to have another article breaking the report down soon, but of interest to fans of SEGA’s past titles there is an interesting slide.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 29, 2021, 12:22:31 am
Streets of Rage 4 - Official Shiva Character Reveal Trailer

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 30, 2021, 09:47:13 am
Streets of Rage 4 - Official Shiva Character Reveal Trailer (

Article : (


Link for Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare DLC for Steam :

With this new DLC, get ready for:

• 3 new playable characters
• A new Survival mode with weekly challenges
• Character customization: build your own fighting style with new moves
• New weapons and enemies!
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 04, 2021, 01:23:18 am
Reliance Jio Partners With Sega to Bring Games to Jio Fiber Set Top Box


The partnership will bring Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage 3 to the Jio Games Store, which is available on all of Jio's devices.
The games will be available to JioFiber users first and will be the first SEGA games to be available in Hindi and Tamil.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 14, 2021, 12:25:02 am
Streets of Rage 4 Mr. X Nightmare DLC 8 Minutes Gameplay | Summer of Gaming 2021
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 01, 2021, 08:58:16 pm
Developer secrets, new character info and more detailed ahead of the Mr. X Nightmare DLC release.


"Bonjour! I am Jordi Asensio, Lead Game Designer on Streets of Rage 4.
I worked on the game’s design system, character integration, level design, and game modes.
Today I would like to introduce the new Survival mode, as well as the new characters that will be playable in our DLC, Mr. X Nightmare."

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 01, 2021, 08:59:55 pm

Mr. X Nightmare DLC will include:
1. Estel Aguirre, Max Thunder and Shiva
2. New game modes: Survival
3. New moves, weapons and enemies to bring more challenge to Wood Oak City
4. Exclusive brand-new tracks by Tee Lopes

The DLC will come along with a free update including:
1. New difficulty level: Mania + (good luck with that one)
2. Training mode with tutorials
3. New colour palettes per character
4. Balancing (of course)

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 05, 2021, 09:05:08 pm
Streets of Rage 4 - Streets of Rage 4 - Survival Mode and Release Date (Mr. X Nightmare DLC) Trailer
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 15, 2021, 07:31:22 pm

Mr. X Nightmare DLC features:

1. Estel Aguirre, Max Thunder and Shiva
2. Survival mode & new survival leaderboard
3. New moves and weapons
4. New tracks by THE Tee Lopes
5. All our love

The free update includes:

1. Difficulty level: Mania +
2. In-depth training mode with tutorial
3. New color palettes per character
4. Refinements and balancing changes addressing feedback from Streets of Rage 4’s passionate community)
5. All our love

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 15, 2021, 10:14:53 pm


 Sound: Gameplay: ALL characters: ALL SOR1 characters: ALL SOR2 characters: SOR2 Blaze: SOR2 skate: SOR2 Axel: SOR2 Max: SOR3 Axel: SOR3 Blaze: SOR3 Skate: SOR3 Shiva: SOR3 Zan: SOR4 Axel: SOR4 Adam: SOR4 Cherry: SOR4 Floyd: Enemies:
 Karatekas: Raven:
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 15, 2021, 10:18:03 pm
An Issue is Currently Preventing Switch Players from Purchasing the DLC


"As you all know, a technical issue is affecting Nintendo Switch players from being able to purchase the #SOR4 DLC for a few hours now.
We are all hands on deck to remedy this issue for fans and we deeply apologize for the inconvenience and delay.

Currently, our best projections are that the fix will come in following days but beyond that, we are unable to give a more accurate timeframe. 
We will post regular updates on the ETA for when we anticipate the fix to be live. This is extremely unfortunate for fans of the game who’ve waited patiently for the DLC and we  REALLY apologize unreservedly.

Like we said earlier, we will keep everyone posted as soon as possible!
We understand that you are disappointed and so are we but we've got no other choice right now.

Thank you for your patience and understanding."

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 17, 2021, 05:18:26 am



We are still working hard to fix the tech issue (we mentioned yesterday) affecting Switch players who want to purchase Mr.X Nightmare DLC. We believe that it should be fixed in the following days as we need to restart the validation process with Nintendo to get the fix live on the eShop.
We understand that you are disappointed and so are we but we had no other option right now.
We'll keep you posted as sure as we've got another update regarding this issue.


Several players reported not being able to purchase nor play Mr. X Nightmare DLC.
This issue affects people who didn't buy it in the same store/region as their main game.
If you didn't buy the "right" version of the DLC, you can get a refund from Playstation.

To get a refund on EU PSN:
To get a refund on US PSN:

How to change PSN region?

1. Head to Playstation website
2. Click on Sign in
3. Create a new account
4. Select the region
5. Make sure to use another email address not linked up with your actual PSN account

Here are the steps to follow to make sure that you will purchase the right version:

1. If you own the digital version, get the DLC from the same region/store you got the main game from.
2. If you own the LRGs/Merge US physical version, you have to purchase the DLC on US PS Store.
3. If you own the Merge EU physical version, you have to purchase the DLC from EU PS Store.

Again, we'll keep you posted as soon as we've got an update.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 20, 2021, 01:52:18 am
Switch Version of SOR4 DLC's fix is currently being reviewed by Nintendo



"As you all know, a technical issue is affecting Switch players trying to purchase the SOR4 DLC.
The fix is currently being reviewed by Nintendo. The process usually takes several days however given that situation, the validation timeframe will be shortened.
We expect an answer very soon and will keep you posted as soon as the DLC is going live.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience! The wait is almost over."

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 21, 2021, 07:23:43 am
Ben Fiquet : How Streets of Rage 4 Came To Be


"Hi folks, Ben here, art/creative director and CEO at Lizardcube.
I just wanted to give you a glimpse into the creation of the game.
When finishing up Wonder Boy, I still wanted to breath life back into one of my favorite game, Streets of Rage 2.
I figured we could use the same tech as WB but Omar, my associate and brilliant programer was already working on his personal project DearImGUI.
Nonetheless, I still drew the characters to get a feeling out of it.
Hey, I even tried a bit of animation. It was a huge leap artistically speaking after WB.

At Wonder Boy's release party, we shared a beer with Cyrille from Dotemu and discovered we had a shared hope to get that franchise back.
Since Omar was out, I figured it would be easier to make a 4th one 10 years later instead of trying to replicate poorly SOR2.
With Dotemu as publisher, Cyrille went to present the project to Sega Japan .
We had gained Sega's trust with the acclaimed release of WB, but we didn't expect much. Maybe we were there at the right time, maybe just luck, but we had a greenlight and couldn't be much happier.
Guard Crush, with their amazing knowledge of beat'em ups and a game engine to boot, came to program and game design the entire thing.

Few years later, you have it, a game (+DLC) of passion and sweat, enjoyed by millions
From Lizardcube (Art/creative), Guard Crush Games (programing) and Dotemu (publishing/GD) + all the composers.
I hope we did good, I hope people are having fun.
It was a teenage dream come true.

Here's to all the people behind it, to Yuzo Koshiro San and to SEGA, and to many more games of passion.

On a personal note, it made me grow so much as an artist, as an animator and as a studio. Julian You , Lizardcube's background director did a massive job painting every details and the visuals owe a lot to him.
The art of the game was a two men job and we tried to be generous.

And even if we all love this game to bits, it's time for Lizardcube to brave new horizons.
We have truly amazing projects in the work and I'm sure you'll all love it."

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 27, 2021, 12:28:49 am



The steps to follow:

1. Update SOR4 manually
2. Launch SOR4
3. Select "Mr. X Nightmare"
4. Hit "Nintendo eShop" button just once
5. Enjoy to the fullest

PS: 15% discount ends July 29th

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 28, 2021, 09:38:12 pm
Picross S: Mega Drive & Mark III Edition launches August 5

Enjoy drawing nostalgic pixel art characters while solving Picross puzzles!
The compilation includes a total of 59 titles :

Action Fighter
After Burner
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alien Soldier
Alien Storm
Alien Syndrome
Altered Beast
Arrow Flash
Beyond Oasis
Bio-Hazard Battle
Bonanza Bros.
Columns III
Comix Zone
Crack Down
Dynamite Headdy
Enduro Racer
ESWAT: City Under Siege
Eternal Champions
Fantasy Zone
Gain Ground
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Kid Chameleon
Kung Fu Kid
Light Crusader
Out Run
Phantasy Star
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Puyo Puyo
Puzzle & Action:Ichidant-R
Puzzle & Action:Tant-R
Record of the Bahamut War
Rent A Hero
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shining Force II
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Sonic the hedgehog CD
Space Harrier
Space Harrier II
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3

Super Hang-On
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
The Ooze
The Revenge of Shinobi
Turbo Out Run

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 08, 2021, 05:42:10 am
Streets Of Rage 4 Publisher Dotemu Has Been Acquired By Focus Home Interactive


"Joining the Focus Home Interactive Group was an obvious choice for Dotemu.
We share the same passion for video games, the same desire to improve, as well as the same values of respect and benevolence towards our partners and teams.
While continuing its activities, this new collaboration will allow Dotemu to benefit from the incontestable expertise of Focus Home Interactive's teams for the production of AA titles and thus launch the production of future remakes or sequels on licenses of first-generation 3D consoles (the games of the early 2000s)."

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 19, 2021, 03:03:48 am
Interview: VGM Composer Tee Lopes Talks about Sonic, Streets Of Rage, etc

"When I joined the SOR4 project, Olivier Deriviere and the other composers involved had already taken liberties that redefined SOR music, using more modern and even acoustic elements which were impossible to recreate on a Sega Genesis, so I continued further down that path by adding even more outlandish features; heavy metal, trap, dub, jungle and other elements we hadn’t heard in a Streets of Rage game before.
I took lots of inspiration from classic SOR music, but also from old movies, modern music and pop culture media."

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 02, 2021, 12:11:00 am
Streets of Rage 2 Level Editor


Edit Streets of Rage 2 enemies and goodies spawning data, including positioning, health, score, etc.
Editing the type of enemies on vanilla Streets of Rage 2 require additional work.
However, using the Streets of Rage 2 Syndicate Wars ROM hack, or derived hacks, all types of characters can be spawned. This utility also provide enemy spawns randomization.
Requires Java.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 02, 2021, 04:45:03 am
Wonder if it does Golden Axe?
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 03, 2021, 01:15:00 am
Wonder if it does Golden Axe?

This one's specifically for SOR.
Level editor for Golden Axe, I've never seen one.
Not for Genesis version at least.
Only for Master System version :

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 03, 2021, 01:16:05 am
"Unlocking Roo Kangaroo" SOR3 cheat code also works in Streets of Rage 4



Ever dreamed of cleaning up the streets of Wood Oak City as a kangaroo?
SEGA can make those dreams come true!
Just hold Up and B while pressing Start on Streets of Rage 3’s title screen to add Roo to the character select!

The cat is out of the kangaroo pocket !!!
In case you didn’t know, that 1994 SOR3 cheat code also works in Streets of Rage 4 with Mr X Nightmare in order to unlock SoR3 Roo!

Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 05, 2021, 01:17:40 am
Official art of Roo Kangaroo for Streets of Rage 4


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: ridoskon on September 07, 2021, 12:27:21 pm
Everyone played these games in childhood.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 07, 2021, 09:15:16 pm
Everyone played these games in childhood.

Yes. SOR franchises is definitely one of the must have for Genesis / Mega Drive.
Sonic, Shinobi, and Phantasy Star games too.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: jobruilan on September 08, 2021, 01:53:45 am
For the current generation of children, Cs Go will be a game of childhood. Personally, I've been playing this game for over 9 years (I'm 27 now). In all my playing time, I have met many people from all over the globe. The youngest was 12 years old. Despite his age, he talked like an adult. We played together with him for a very long time. And for his birthday, I gave him some cool skins from here His mom didn't want to give him money for it, so I fulfilled his dream.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 08, 2021, 02:39:00 am
For the current generation of children, Cs Go will be a game of childhood.

True. And for next generation, may be Roblox and Fortnite will be their childhood game.
I'm fine with that.
Time changes. People changes.
The only thing that doesn't change is change itself.

My hope is juts everybody can appreciate other's culture, genres, or memories.
Releasing a sequel of franchises that's untouched for years or collaboration between two franchises (which one of them was almost forgotten) was one of those acts.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 08, 2021, 11:04:12 am
True. And for next generation, may be Roblox and Fortnite will be their childhood game.
I'm fine with that.
Time changes. People changes.
The only thing that doesn't change is change itself.

My hope is juts everybody can appreciate other's culture, genres, or memories.
Releasing a sequel of franchises that's untouched for years or collaboration between two franchises (which one of them was almost forgotten) was one of those acts.
Hard to believe Roblox or Fortnite will be someones nostalgia someday.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 08, 2021, 08:58:22 pm
Hard to believe Roblox or Fortnite will be someones nostalgia someday.

It's not just about the game, it's more about how the game made you feel back then.
Especially if the game is played with your friends or families.
My kids are always playing Roblox together during pandemic since they can't go to their friend's house, I'm sure that would leave some memories for them.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 08, 2021, 10:12:06 pm
It's not just about the game, it's more about how the game made you feel back then.
Especially if the game is played with your friends or families.
My kids are always playing Roblox together during pandemic since they can't go to their friend's house, I'm sure that would leave some memories for them.
That's true. Though crious fif you're raising your kids "Sega" or not. Not that a parent should force their kids to like what they like or not. I just pity to think a generation skipping out on "why" we like it than they have to.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 09, 2021, 12:55:39 am
That's true. Though crious fif you're raising your kids "Sega" or not. Not that a parent should force their kids to like what they like or not. I just pity to think a generation skipping out on "why" we like it than they have to.

My kids know I love SEGA since all of my game collection mostly have SEGA logo at it.
Still I'm glad they at least love Sonic eventhough they're not interested in Space Harrier, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, or Phantasy Star.
My older kid could even beat Sonic Mania and Sonic CD in single sitting back then while he's still 7 years old.
He beats Sonic Mega Drive tetralogies too, but using save states, unlike those two games I mentioned.
My younger kid prefer his 3D games, mainly Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Lost World.

They're used to be console / handheld gamer until pandemic strikes when they have to be in front of PC for school.
They then tried many games on PC and fell in love with Minecraft and Roblox.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on September 09, 2021, 09:24:24 am
My kids know I love SEGA since all of my game collection mostly have SEGA logo at it.
Still I'm glad they at least love Sonic eventhough they're not interested in Space Harrier, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, or Phantasy Star.
My older kid could even beat Sonic Mania and Sonic CD in single sitting back then while he's still 7 years old.
He beats Sonic Mega Drive tetralogies too, but using save states, unlike those two games I mentioned.
My younger kid prefer his 3D games, mainly Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Lost World.

They're used to be console / handheld gamer until pandemic strikes when they have to be in front of PC for school.
They then tried many games on PC and fell in love with Minecraft and Roblox.
Yeah the pandemic was a big boom for PC gaming. And it's understandable children are more into the newer stuff than the old stuff we grtew up with... But if I was a Dad I'd still encourage them to "give the old things" a try than let them watch whatever because it shuts them up.

PowerPuff Girls and Teen Titans come to mind... though at this point Teen Titans Go! lasted longer than the original series, which is depressing.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 19, 2021, 09:53:55 pm
Yeah the pandemic was a big boom for PC gaming. And it's understandable children are more into the newer stuff than the old stuff we grtew up with... But if I was a Dad I'd still encourage them to "give the old things" a try than let them watch whatever because it shuts them up.

I gave them all of mine to try, even Gamewatches, Game Gear, and ol' SEGA Master System.
In the end it's still up to them to chose what they like.
They have too many options right now compared to when I was a kid.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 19, 2021, 09:54:20 pm
Streets of Rage 2-3 Artist Mick McGinty Has Passed Away


Mick McGinty was an artist with unparalleled talent. Back when video games required enticing box art to sell, much like books often require captivating covers, Mick was one of the best around.
Mick created artwork for Street Fighter 2, Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3, Shining Force, Kid Chameleon, and more.
However, his talents weren’t even restricted to video game art, as he has a website dedicated to a whole host of other art, including breathtaking scenic landscapes.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 19, 2021, 09:57:32 pm
Official art of Roo Kangaroo for Streets of Rage 4


Source : (


Trivia : Despite SOR3 Roo being added to SOR4 via DLC, his debut counterpart's portrait uses his SOR4 appearance instead.
This is due to him not appearing on the cover art of Bare Knuckle 3, only on the cover of Streets of Rage 3.
Shiva's portrait uses official line art from SOR3 development, but Roo doesn't have any available.

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 23, 2021, 08:21:09 pm
New Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack Membership lets you play N64 and SEGA Genesis games


The SEGA Genesis will launch with the following games:

– Castlevania: Bloodlines
– Contra Hard Corps
– Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
– Ecco the Dolphin
– Golden Axe
– Gunstar Heroes
– Phantasy Star IV
– Ristar
– Shining Force
– Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
– Sonic the Hedgehog 2
– Streets of Rage 2
– Strider 

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 04, 2021, 12:26:42 am
Streets of Rage 4 - Anniversary Edition Physical Launch Trailer
(include Mr. X Nightmare DLC on the Cartridge/BD)
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 12, 2021, 12:03:50 am
PS Vita release: Streets of Rage Remake (BennuGD) port


Developer isage has released a port of Streets of Rage Remake (SORR) for the PS Vita.
SORR from BoMbErGaMeS is a remake of the classic arcade Beat’em up game Streets of Rage.
The remake was developed with the BennuGD game engine.
This port has gone through its share of controversy, with Sega shutting the project down back in 2011 (
But it seems to still be actively maintained to this day, with the latest release dated from December 2020.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 29, 2021, 10:57:42 pm
SEGA is Introducing the SEGA Insights Lab


Introducing the SEGA Insights Lab! 🔬
Help shape our games by providing feedback, there’s even rewards for those who participate!
Sign-up & FAQ:

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 01, 2021, 12:59:14 am
Happy 3 Years Anniversary for SEGA Heroes !


Battle classic SEGA bosses and minions in tactical Match-3 combat.
Go on an epic adventure through SEGA history, as you build an all-star team.

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 02, 2021, 10:47:49 pm
Sega Channel Revival v1 for Megadrive released by Billy Time



Sega Channel Revival is a 32 MegaByte rom designed to emulate an offline version of Sega Channel.
Using the SSF2 mapper and bank switching, The collection features 40 unique selections to choose from across all genres.

Games Included:
Streets of Rage
Castlevania - Bloodlines
General Chaos
Road Rash 2
Street Fighter 2 SCE
Mega Man - The Wily Wars (USA Version)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sunset Riders
Gunstar Heroes
Toejam and Earl
X-Men (Ultimate X-Men hack by BillyTime! Games)
Shinobi III
Sega Soccer
NHL Hockey
Madden 92
Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl
Golden Axe
Jewel Master
Revenge of Shinobi
Gauntlet 4
Super Hang On
Super Monaco GP
Micro Machines
Marble Madness (Tengen Version)
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Home Alone
Tiny Toon Adventures
The Flintstones
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
Williams Arcade Greatest Hits
Arcade Classics
Bonanza Bros.
Decap Attack
Dick Tracy
Sega Channel Help Menu (Nov. 94')"

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 08, 2021, 11:04:44 pm
Streets of Rage x Altered Beast Inspired Game "One Night in Tokyo" is Playable Now


One Night in Tokyo is a free advergame that you can play on any device, made for the realise of the album "Dark Connection" by BEAST IN BLACK.
Inspired and by one of the most epic beat 'em up game of all times, Easy guess...
Arrow Keys to Move, X to Jump, C to Attack
Press SPACE BAR to transform into a Beast, when diamond bar is full.

Play the game here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 14, 2021, 01:37:39 am
SEGA Creator Focus - G to the Next Level
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 28, 2021, 12:51:27 am
An All Out Fight'N Rage / Streets of Rage Crossover is Here!

From the mind of savok, the powerhouse behind the River City Girls… of Rage hack, comes his next big crossover, SOR2 Fight’N Rage.
Play as Ricardo, F. Norris, or Gal in a universe sporting a full replacement of SOR2 baddies in favor of those from Fight’N Rage. 

Source :
Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 30, 2021, 12:17:03 am
Streets of Rage is Featured on HG101 Presents: The Guide to Beat-Em-Ups: Vol. 1


Are you ready for hot-blooded fighting action? Hardcore Gaming 101 Presents: The Guide to Beat-Em-Ups Vol. 1 covers the origins of the belt-scrolling brawler with Technos’ Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (AKA Renegade) and the world-famous Double Dragon.
Also covered are the works of Capcom (Final Fight, Captain Commando, Aliens vs. Predator, Dungeons & Dragons) and Konami (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Simpsons, Vendetta) as well as Sega’s Streets of Rage series!

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 01, 2021, 07:15:44 pm
Same energy :

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on December 01, 2021, 07:35:50 pm
Same energy :

You'd think their'd be room in the van for those pipes.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 14, 2021, 01:09:02 am


Today, we would like to thank you all for your feedback and love since the launch of Mr. X Nightmare last July.
Thanks to you and your detailed reports, our dev team has been able to work on some game stability improvements! ❤️
Check out the changelog below:
• Fixed a rare crash in Survival, when an AI was able to take a bonus.
• Fixed random crashes during loading times.
• Fixed a crash in the training mode for Windows 8 users, or users using Windows 8 compatibility mode.
• Fixed a crash at startup for users having accented characters in the app path.
• Improved online multiplayer stability.

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 03, 2022, 04:07:51 am
"Streets of Rage 2 : Mega Man Wars" Hack Patch

Features :
- The player characters look like Megaman.
- Not change any of the enemy characters or anything, but this is Syndicate Wars’s hack, you can easily edit them with pancake 2.

Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on February 03, 2022, 05:37:19 am
"Streets of Rage 2 : Mega Man Wars" Hack Patch (

Download the patch here : (
I feel sorry for those thugs having to fight Megaman, most of them barehanded. Like those thugs maybe tough but they're still just humans. Megaman I think has enhance strength and a blaster for an arm.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 03, 2022, 07:12:22 pm
I feel sorry for those thugs having to fight Megaman, most of them barehanded. Like those thugs maybe tough but they're still just humans. Megaman I think has enhance strength and a blaster for an arm.

Lol yeah... It made me remember a local superhero movie...
When he's a superhuman but his enemies are just ... mere humans..
Talk about fair fight....

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on February 04, 2022, 03:44:08 am
Lol yeah... It made me remember a local superhero movie...
When he's a superhuman but his enemies are just ... mere humans..
Talk about fair fight....

'xactly. Even though the residents of the city look mostly jacked.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 04, 2022, 04:05:52 am
'xactly. Even though the residents of the city look mostly jacked.

Jacked doesn't mean a thing when your enemy could shoot laser.
Even in his own game, his enemies are all robots right?  ;-D
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on February 04, 2022, 07:10:39 am
Jacked doesn't mean a thing when your enemy could shoot laser.
Even in his own game, his enemies are all robots right?  ;-D
Yeah, robots for the kind of labour humans require but not practical for... though I think later games Wily makes his own robts which are more for weapons than stealing Dr. Lights robots.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 15, 2022, 12:04:11 am
Focus Home Interactive Acquires Studio Leiker


Focus Home Interactive has acquired the French developer behind the upcoming Metal Slug Tactics, it has been announced.
Leiker Studio joins the likes of Dotemu (Streets of Rage 4, Windjammers 2), Douze-Dixiémes (Shady Part of Me), Streum On (Space Hulk: Deathwing) and Deck 13, all of which were purchased by Focus Home Interactive over the past two years.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 22, 2022, 12:07:31 am
'Kung Fury' Video Game Adaptation Pays Tribute To Streets Of Rage, And It's Coming To Switch



5 playable characters with unique playstyles:
-Kung Fury
-David Hasselhoff and his impressive chest hair!

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on March 22, 2022, 05:12:41 am
'Kung Fury' Video Game Adaptation Pays Tribute To Streets Of Rage, And It's Coming To Switch



Article : (
I love Kung Fury. I hope LaserUnicorn makes sequels to it. That or a Sega hires them to make a Streets of Rage film. (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 22, 2022, 08:20:12 pm
I love Kung Fury. I hope LaserUnicorn makes sequels to it. That or a Sega hires them to make a Streets of Rage film.

It's a fun movie, but it was too short. Is there longer version? Director's Cut version?

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on March 23, 2022, 06:45:41 am
It's a fun movie, but it was too short. Is there longer version? Director's Cut version?
Nah it ment to look like the VHS was heavily damaged at some scenes that skipped on some super-action stuff only for us to miss it.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 29, 2022, 10:08:49 pm
Streets of Rage 4 is Coming to iOS and Android (

👊 Get ready to fight! 👊
The retro beatemup Streets of Rage 4 from Dotemu, Guard_Crush, lizardcube and SEGA is coming to iOS and Android this May 24th!
The mobile version port by Playdigious will feature cloud syncing, a revamped interface for the touchscreen, Game Center achievements, and controller support.

Pre-order/Pre-register the game here :
🍎 : (
🤖 : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 06, 2022, 12:16:21 am
SEGA / Atlus Spring 2022 sale live on the Switch / 3DS eShops
until April 17 at 11:59 PM PT / April 18 at 2:59 AM ET



– Puyo Puyo Champions – $2.99 (was $9.99)
– Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 – $19.99 (was $39.99)
– SEGA Ages Phantasy Star – $4.79 (was $7.99)
– SEGA Ages Wonder Boy in Monster Land – $4.79 (was $7.99)
– Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD – $14.99 (was $29.99)
– and many more

– Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth – $9.99 (was $39.99)
– Persona Q: Shadows of the Labyrinth – $7.99 (was $19.99)
– Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology – $9.99 (was $19.99)
– Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure – $7.99 (was $19.99)
– 3D Streets of Rage – $2.99 (was $5.99)
– 3D Streets of Rage 2 – $2.99 (was $5.99)
– and many more

Full list :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 10, 2022, 09:13:11 pm
Digital Version of Super Hang-On, OutRun dan Space Harrier Soundtrack Albums (from MP3 to AIFF) have been added to Data Discs' Bandcamp.
Accompanying Streets of Rage 1-3 and Revenge of Shinobi Soundtrack Albums


Space Harrier Album was originally released in 2018 as a vinyl-only edition and has been newly remastered in 2022 for digital. It features the complete 1985 arcade score, along with a bonus arranged version of the main theme by SEGA’s in-house live band (S.S.T. Band) which is exclusive to Bandcamp.

OutRun Album was originally released in 2016 as a vinyl-only edition and has been newly remastered in 2022 for digital. It features the complete 1986 arcade score, along with 3 bonus tracks taken from the Mega Drive and Nintendo 3DS versions of the game (exclusive to Bandcamp).

SUPER HANG-ON album was originally released in 2015 as a vinyl-only edition and has been newly remastered in 2022 for digital.

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 20, 2022, 12:42:27 am
Reminder: Streets of Rage 4 will be leaving the Game Pass library soon


Leaving April 30 :

The following games will be leaving the Game Pass library soon, so be sure to carve out some time out of your gaming schedule to play before they leave!
Remember to use your member discount to save up to 20 percent to keep these in your library.

- Cricket 19 (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Outlast II (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Secret Neighbor (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Streets of Rage 4 (Cloud, Console, and PC) 

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 20, 2022, 12:43:19 am
Streets of Rage Movie in the works with John Wick creator behind the project


Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog movie’s success has now gotten the studio interested in going forward with a movie based on Streets of Rage.
This project will be done under dj2 Entertainment, who recently also signed a contract with Amazon to adapt the video game “It Takes Two” to film or TV.

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 20, 2022, 09:20:09 pm
SEGA News Bits Live: Sonic Origins Revealed + Streets of Rage movie from the John Wick guy

WAKE UP! There’s a lot to talk about this morning as Sonic Origins has been officially revealed and detailed.
Let’s run through all the features, digital bonuses and prices.
Also, we run through the past week of SEGA news including reboots of Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio and a Streets of Rage movie from the John Wick guy.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on April 22, 2022, 12:12:17 pm
I just found out about a movie called Streets of Fire!Streets of Fire (

While gameplay of Streets of Rage was based based off the game Final Fight and recycled from Golden Axe, the aesthetics and name of Streets of Rage were inspired from this movie.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 24, 2022, 09:28:20 pm
I just found out about a movie called Streets of Fire!

While gameplay of Streets of Rage was based based off the game Final Fight and recycled from Golden Axe, the aesthetics and name of Streets of Rage were inspired from this movie.

Nice. This is new to me.
I still wonder why SEGA of America changed the title from Bare Knuckle to Streets of Rage though.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on April 25, 2022, 02:09:26 pm
Nice. This is new to me.
I still wonder why SEGA of America changed the title from Bare Knuckle to Streets of Rage though.
Probably to make it more like the movie the appearance was based on.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 26, 2022, 12:07:48 am
For limited time Streets of Rage-Inspired side-scrolling beat'em up "The TakeOver" (Switch) can be purchased at 75% OFF the original price.
The soundtrack featured in the game contains music from Little V Mills, Richie Branson, James Ronald and Yuzo Koshiro!
Discount Price :  $4.99 (was $19.99)
Sale ends May 05, 2022.



Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 26, 2022, 09:27:34 pm
Streets of Rage 4 is Coming to iOS and Android (

SOR4's Mr X Nightmare DLC is joining on Mobile Version as well on launch day!



This May 24th, Streets of Rage 4 won't be coming alone on mobile!
The Mr X Nightmare DLC is joining as well on launch day!
New characters, moves and weapons will be yours to master! 

Pre-order/Pre-register the game here :
🍎 :
🤖 :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 27, 2022, 12:45:20 am
The Censorship in Streets of Rage 2 (All Regional Differences)
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 03, 2022, 11:03:05 am
Nickelodeon reached out to Dotemu about a TMNT game after seeing their work with Streets of Rage 4

According to a profile in EDGE magazine, it was Nickelodeon who reached out to Dotemu first.
Nick had seen the studio’s work on titles like Streets of Rage 4, and they were clearly impressed.
That’s when they reached out to Dotemu about the possibility of working on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 11, 2022, 12:23:31 am
Art by Kataru Uchimura for the US CD reissue in 2000

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 19, 2022, 12:25:26 am
Honour the hours spent striking down your enemies! 👊💥


Honour the hours spent striking down your enemies in SEGA’s classic beat ‘em up with a brand new Streets of Rage collection! 👊💥
Browse our selection of official Streets of Rage merchandise including Streets of Rage t-shirts, hats and more.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 23, 2022, 09:58:36 pm
Hands On: Final Vendetta - The Ultimate Love Letter To Final Fight And Streets Of Rage?

Developers Bitmap Bureau — better known for the Smash TV-inspired Xeno Crisis — know their 2D gaming well.
With three difficulty settings, a cluster of unlockable secrets, and game modes that include Arcade, Survival, Boss Rush and Versus options, the package seems well-equipped to satiate people who thirst for Capcom’s halcyon days and still live and breathe the Mega Drive like it was 1992 (us, basically).

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 23, 2022, 10:01:26 pm
Streets of Rage 4 for iOS and Android is Available Now! Happy Playing!!!


👊 Get ready to fight! 👊
The retro beatemup Streets of Rage 4 from Dotemu, Guard_Crush, lizardcube and SEGA is available now for iOS and Android!
This mobile version port by Playdigious features cloud syncing, a revamped interface for the touchscreen, Game Center achievements, and controller support.

🍎 :
🤖 :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 24, 2022, 09:50:17 pm
Streets of Quarantine by DoubleXP


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 24, 2022, 09:51:17 pm
Streets of Rage 4 for iOS and Android is Available Now! Happy Playing!!!


👊 Get ready to fight! 👊
The retro beatemup Streets of Rage 4 from Dotemu, Guard_Crush, lizardcube and SEGA is available now for iOS and Android!
This mobile version port by Playdigious features cloud syncing, a revamped interface for the touchscreen, Game Center achievements, and controller support.

🍎 : (
🤖 : (

Streets of Rage 4 - Mobile Launch Trailer (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 05, 2022, 11:37:03 pm


Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 09, 2022, 01:34:41 am
After Gillius and Tails, Streets of Rage is Now Pin of the Month! 🦊



Get ready to mark your calendar; on the first of every month, we're launching a brand-new official pin badge for you to snap up for just €1.99 when bought with any other product!
With each pin featuring a different SEGA brand each month, don't miss out on the perfect one for you as once the launch month is over it will return to full price!
Just add the Pin of the Month to your basket with any other item and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 10, 2022, 12:36:17 am
💎 Megadrive: Art Collection Book 🇯🇵 - PRE-ORDER NOW IS LIVE! 💎


A selection of over 260 games.
The most artistic covers.
A worthy collection for any collector, photographed in detail.

After Burner II
Air Buster. Trouble Specialty Raid Unit
Air Diver
Alien Soldier
Alien Storm
Bad Omen
Bahamut Senki
Bare Knuckle . Ikari no Tekken
Battle Mania Daiginjou
Blue Almanac
Captain Lang
Lord Monarch
Master of Weapon
Minato no Traysia
Musha Aleste Fullmetal Fighter Ellinor
Star Cruiser
Sword of Sodan
The Hybrid Front
Vampire Killer
Vixen 357
Whip Rush
Darwin 4081
Dragon's Eye Plus . Shanghai III
Ecco the Dolphin
El Viento
Eliminate Down
Fighting Masters
Fire Mustang
Gouketsuji Ichizoku
Gunstar Heroes
Heavy Unit
Herzog Zwei
Insector X
Janou Touryuumon
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor
Koutetsu Teikoku
Kuuga- Operation Code "Vapor Trail”
Kyuukyoku Tiger
Lord Monarch
Master of Monsters
Maten no Soumetsu

and more of 260 games

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 16, 2022, 12:46:39 am
Nickelodeon reached out to Dotemu about a TMNT game after seeing their work with Streets of Rage 4

According to a profile in EDGE magazine, it was Nickelodeon who reached out to Dotemu first.
Nick had seen the studio’s work on titles like Streets of Rage 4, and they were clearly impressed.
That’s when they reached out to Dotemu about the possibility of working on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

Article : (

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge Hands-On | SEGA News Bits Live
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 19, 2022, 09:31:38 pm
Happy Father's Day!





Wishing all Dads around the world all the best! 🥰🕺

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 21, 2022, 12:07:10 am
Streets of Rage Art by Okeko


Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on June 21, 2022, 05:40:39 am
Streets of Rage Art by Okeko


Link : (
What a lucky roo.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 21, 2022, 12:39:35 am
SDCC2022 Storm Collectibles Booth Teased Golden Axe and SOR4 Characters


Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 02, 2022, 12:17:24 am
Wood Oak City is callin' 👊🔥


Save 50% off Streets of Rage 4 and 30% off its DLC - Mr. X Nightmare - on Nintendo eShop till August 7!
Two gems made by Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games w/ love ❤️

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 02, 2022, 10:24:51 am
Do you think the upcoming Streets of Rage film will be set in Wood Oak City or do you think they will set it in an actual American city, like Detroit or something.

Because honestly to me Wood Oak City doesn't sound like a name for a concrete metropolis as depicted in the games.

More like something like this...
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 02, 2022, 07:59:55 pm
Do you think the upcoming Streets of Rage film will be set in Wood Oak City or do you think they will set it in an actual American city, like Detroit or something.

Because honestly to me Wood Oak City doesn't sound like a name for a concrete metropolis as depicted in the games.

More like something like this... (

Yeah, that's what I think.
Even the city where Sonic lives is more suited to the Wood Oak name than New York or Detroit-like.
The name is coming from Japan so it's understandable if the naming is kinda off.
(Just like some character names in Valkyria Chronicles)
I'd prefer too if they change it to real city in movie version.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 03, 2022, 05:54:54 pm
Yeah, that's what I think.
Even the city where Sonic lives is more suited to the Wood Oak name than New York or Detroit-like.
The name is coming from Japan so it's understandable if the naming is kinda off.
(Just like some character names in Valkyria Chronicles)
I'd prefer too if they change it to real city in movie version.
I agree. I googled "most crime ridden city in America" and I came up with Detroit, which I think would be a cool setting for a Streets of Rage movie whenever it be set in twenty-twenty-something or eighties or early nineties as the games were.

For a city with high crime rate as well as gangs, the Syndicate would fit right in, especially if the Syndicate owns Detroit gangs like subsidiaries.

And given the Earth depicted in Sonic's movies is more like our Earth, it's likely that Earth will have it's own Detroit.

It's either that or eighties to nineties New York or Los Angeles.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 04, 2022, 01:04:14 am
I agree. I googled "most crime ridden city in America" and I came up with Detroit, which I think would be a cool setting for a Streets of Rage movie whenever it be set in twenty-twenty-something or eighties or early nineties as the games were.

For a city with high crime rate as well as gangs, the Syndicate would fit right in, especially if the Syndicate owns Detroit gangs like subsidiaries.

And given the Earth depicted in Sonic's movies is more like our Earth, it's likely that Earth will have it's own Detroit.

It's either that or eighties to nineties New York or Los Angeles.


I prefer Detroit.
SOR plus Robocop do kinda fit, especially there are also robot bosses in SOR.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 04, 2022, 12:13:50 pm

I prefer Detroit.
SOR plus Robocop do kinda fit, especially there are also robot bosses in SOR.

( (
It just works. But what are the chances the upcoming movie ( will go Detroit?
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 04, 2022, 10:28:35 pm
Estel and Blaze Fanart by HanjiBaby


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 04, 2022, 10:29:06 pm
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 04, 2022, 10:30:05 pm
It just works. But what are the chances the upcoming movie ( will go Detroit?

Low I think.
While storywise video game movies are different than the source material,
they at least adapt the place name right (Racoon City, Mushroom Kingdom, Green Hills).

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 05, 2022, 05:57:17 am
Low I think.
While storywise video game movies are different than the source material,
they at least adapt the place name right (Racoon City, Mushroom Kingdom, Green Hills).

Green Hills they can get away with because it's suppose to be a small town. That's common in American fiction, but it depends on how fictional they would want this world that it may make it more of an alternate Earth than intended.

Take DC comics for example, it's set on "Earth" but they got so much heroes, villains, sci-fi and magic stuff going on as well as fictional cities like Metropolis, Gotham, Keystone City, Fawcett City and other places that at this point this Earth may as well be alien to ours.

I don't mind if we'll get a Sega Cinematic Universe where Wachowski's Earth will be a world for various Sega IPs set on Earth to get their movies going, but the Sonic movies establishes this Earth as a normal planet. Yes this Earth has fictional towns like Green Hills and super roboticists like Dr. Robotnik but these could be regarded as isolated fictional elements given they're small and have little impact on the world around them.

At least that's my thoughts on how Paramount/Sega should treat the world of Sonic movies if ever expands to a cinematic universe. They'll probably just film in some popular cities and call it Wood Oak City regardless where it be on Wachowski's Earth.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 07, 2022, 03:30:15 am
Green Hills they can get away with because it's suppose to be a small town. That's common in American fiction, but it depends on how fictional they would want this world that it may make it more of an alternate Earth than intended.

Take DC comics for example, it's set on "Earth" but they got so much heroes, villains, sci-fi and magic stuff going on as well as fictional cities like Metropolis, Gotham, Keystone City, Fawcett City and other places that at this point this Earth may as well be alien to ours.

I don't mind if we'll get a Sega Cinematic Universe where Wachowski's Earth will be a world for various Sega IPs set on Earth to get their movies going, but the Sonic movies establishes this Earth as a normal planet. Yes this Earth has fictional towns like Green Hills and super roboticists like Dr. Robotnik but these could be regarded as isolated fictional elements given they're small and have little impact on the world around them.

At least that's my thoughts on how Paramount/Sega should treat the world of Sonic movies if ever expands to a cinematic universe. They'll probably just film in some popular cities and call it Wood Oak City regardless where it be on Wachowski's Earth.

Yeah, it'll be better if it's the same earth.
It simplifies the story too compared than having universe travelling.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 07, 2022, 09:36:57 am
Yeah, it'll be better if it's the same earth.
It simplifies the story too compared than having universe travelling.

Yes, but speaking of universal traveling, another reason why it would be good for Streets of Rage and other Sega movies to share Wachowski's world is because a solution for universal travel was already provided in Sonic's first movie.

Rings are established as means for advance cultures to travel between worlds. No space ships or sci-fi explanations for travel or the complications, it's convenient, it's subtle in comparison to finding a parking spot for your space ship without causing a global panic and looks quick and easy. If Sega/Paramount ever made movies based on Alex Kidd, Phantasy Star, Space Harrier or Fantasy Zone and want any of those characters to visit other planets of go to Earth then just give them rings.

It's also why I wouldn't oppose if the Chaos Emeralds showed up in other Sega movies. I like the idea of Mr. X becoming physically powerful because he found one of the Chaos Emeralds and fitted it onto a ring which empowers him. Or if Dr. Roy Curien was given one of the Chaos Emeralds as a vital component for his BioReactor, allowing him to mass produce mutant clones.

I would love there to be a Sega Cinematic Universe with an Infinity Saga ( with the Chaos Emeralds.

But I know I've been on about this in the Sega Cinematic Universe thread ( Just saying how cool it be if the Streets of Rage movie takes place on the same Earth Sonic and the Wachowski's reside on.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 08, 2022, 02:01:17 am
Best short SEGA games! (

Do you ever find that you don’t have enough time for gaming anymore?
Has your attention span seen better days?
Or do you just simply prefer brief games for some short and sweet video game sessions?

We got you!
Here are some SEGA games that you can enjoy in short bursts, so you can have time for other things in life… or maybe even more games!

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 08, 2022, 02:14:43 am
Yes, but speaking of universal traveling, another reason why it would be good for Streets of Rage and other Sega movies to share Wachowski's world is because a solution for universal travel was already provided in Sonic's first movie.

Rings are established as means for advance cultures to travel between worlds. No space ships or sci-fi explanations for travel or the complications, it's convenient, it's subtle in comparison to finding a parking spot for your space ship without causing a global panic and looks quick and easy. If Sega/Paramount ever made movies based on Alex Kidd, Phantasy Star, Space Harrier or Fantasy Zone and want any of those characters to visit other planets of go to Earth then just give them rings.

It's also why I wouldn't oppose if the Chaos Emeralds showed up in other Sega movies. I like the idea of Mr. X becoming physically powerful because he found one of the Chaos Emeralds and fitted it onto a ring which empowers him. Or if Dr. Roy Curien was given one of the Chaos Emeralds as a vital component for his BioReactor, allowing him to mass produce mutant clones.

I would love there to be a Sega Cinematic Universe with an Infinity Saga ( with the Chaos Emeralds.

But I know I've been on about this in the Sega Cinematic Universe thread ( Just saying how cool it be if the Streets of Rage movie takes place on the same Earth Sonic and the Wachowski's reside on.

Yeah, seeing the all powerful Jimbotnik in Sonic 2 Movie was really satisfying.
Imagine if that's happened to Mr. X, Curien, Dural, or Napoleon.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 08, 2022, 05:39:04 am
Yeah, seeing the all powerful Jimbotnik in Sonic 2 Movie was really satisfying.
Imagine if that's happened to Mr. X, Curien, Dural, or Napoleon.

They would only have one-seventh of that power but I imagine they could still do a lot with it.

In the game, Mr. X is a towering man with no boast on his strength. The way he chills in his chair on your arrival seems to be he is very confident in both his physical strength and political power. Though his posture may also indicate his finds your presence a minor nuisance.
Thing is, physical strength and confidence may not be enough to enforce enough authority to run a crime empire. Surely some of his "employers" have challenged him for the throne. Just saying if movie Mr. X had some supernatural edge over the people of Wood Oak City/Detroit, something that offers him enhanced physical skills and abilities, then that would definitely elevate his status as a crime boss. Just one-seventh of the power Dr. "Jim Carrey" Robotnik once possessed.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 08, 2022, 08:26:28 pm
They would only have one-seventh of that power but I imagine they could still do a lot with it.

In the game, Mr. X is a towering man with no boast on his strength. The way he chills in his chair on your arrival seems to be he is very confident in both his physical strength and political power. Though his posture may also indicate his finds your presence a minor nuisance.
Thing is, physical strength and confidence may not be enough to enforce enough authority to run a crime empire. Surely some of his "employers" have challenged him for the throne. Just saying if movie Mr. X had some supernatural edge over the people of Wood Oak City/Detroit, something that offers him enhanced physical skills and abilities, then that would definitely elevate his status as a crime boss. Just one-seventh of the power Dr. "Jim Carrey" Robotnik once possessed.

Well, he already has a technological edge over the people of Wood Oak City/Detroit.
He has a robot body.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 09, 2022, 11:31:06 am
Well, he already has a technological edge over the people of Wood Oak City/Detroit.
He has a robot body.

That comes later though. Though given Dr. Robotnik practically pioneered the technlogy of Wachowski's world means it will only be awhile before others reverse engineer his tech.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 09, 2022, 08:18:35 pm
That comes later though. Though given Dr. Robotnik practically pioneered the technlogy of Wachowski's world means it will only be awhile before others reverse engineer his tech.

Yeah, later, but we don't know what the movie will be based on.
SOR 1, 2, 3, or 4?
If 4, his kids also have a technological edge.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 10, 2022, 08:47:37 am
Yeah, later, but we don't know what the movie will be based on.
SOR 1, 2, 3, or 4?
If 4, his kids also have a technological edge.

Yeah,but we know the movies will be different from the games. I mean, I'd rather they be set in '80s or early '90s Detroit than it's own Wood Oak City.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 10, 2022, 08:52:07 pm
Yeah,but we know the movies will be different from the games. I mean, I'd rather they be set in '80s or early '90s Detroit than it's own Wood Oak City.

Me too.
I don't mind different things as long as it's better.
Like X-Men's Wolverine costume being black instead of yellow spandex.
'80s Detroit is definitely better than fictional Wood Oak City.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 11, 2022, 04:28:56 am
Me too.
I don't mind different things as long as it's better.
Like X-Men's Wolverine costume being black instead of yellow spandex.
'80s Detroit is definitely better than fictional Wood Oak City.

I agree, but I suppose all we can do is wait for the next two years. And hope we don't die by then.

I never really had concern over my mortality until we got the Sonic movies. Now I fear dying before seeing Sonic 3 or if we do get a Sega Cinematic Universe I'll never see the end of it.

I mean, how many MCU fans died before Endgame?
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 11, 2022, 09:14:10 pm
Roo and Blaze Fanart by HanjiBaby


Source :

I agree, but I suppose all we can do is wait for the next two years. And hope we don't die by then.

I never really had concern over my mortality until we got the Sonic movies. Now I fear dying before seeing Sonic 3 or if we do get a Sega Cinematic Universe I'll never see the end of it.

I mean, how many MCU fans died before Endgame?

There are some things we can control and some things we can't.
For now, let's just focus on what we can by...

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on August 13, 2022, 05:56:24 am
There are some things we can control and some things we can't.
For now, let's just focus on what we can by...

Yes. That and don't end up ran over by traffic... Unless I want to go on an Isekei adventure.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 19, 2022, 11:54:05 pm
See the complete SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Mini 2 lineup – European release confirmed!




SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2 (JP) has 62 Titles: 42 Mega Drive, 20 MEGA CD, 1 SEGA CD. 10 of the Mega Drive titles are New/Unreleased.
SEGA Genesis Mini 2 has 61 titles: 49 Genesis, 12 SEGA CD. 8 of the Genesis titles are New/Unreleased.
For SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2 (JP), 35 of the 63 titles become US/UK versions when switching the language to English.

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 22, 2022, 01:24:25 am
Streets of Rage for NES Project - August 2022 Update Video
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 28, 2022, 09:00:42 pm
ESPN NFL Football was the SEGA All-Stars Football game we never knew we had



To unlock the characters one must do the following:

- Axel Stone – 100 house of gameplay
- Beat – Rush and receive 150 years each with one player in a single game
- Kage-Maru – 7 interceptions in one game
- Jacky Bryant – kick a 55 yard field goal
- Taka Arashi – complete a game without your QB getting sacked
- Jeffrey McWild – 40 tackles in a single game
- Axel (called “Crazy Axel”) – 15,000 passing yards
- Ryo Hazuki – 100 interceptions
- Wolf Hawkfield – 500 sacks
- Combo – 150 wins

If you want a copy of the game, check ebay of the bargain bin of your local retro game shop.
An Xbox copy can be found for as little as $5!

Article and video :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 29, 2022, 12:14:18 am
Streets of Rage 4 is now 70% off in Nintendo eShop!
Sale ends on October 03, 2022.




Streets of Rage 4 got its iconic characters back: Axel, Blaze, and Adam teaming up with new brother and sister in arms Floyd Iraia and Cherry Hunter.
With some brand-new moves and kickass tracks to take a listen, our heroes are ready to dish out beatdowns to a fledgling group of ill-advised criminals in full force.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 13, 2022, 12:20:09 am
Streets of Rage series Sound Creator Yuzo Koshiro Appears in SEGA-ON spin-off #6 !

Don't forget to turn on the English subtitle.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 13, 2022, 09:22:24 am
Any fresh news on the movie development?
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 13, 2022, 08:28:35 pm
Any fresh news on the movie development?

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 13, 2022, 10:41:56 pm
Blaze Fanart by HanjiBaby


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on October 14, 2022, 11:30:50 am
Aw... I know it's early days, but still.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 18, 2022, 11:54:04 pm
Blaze Fan Art by by Eddie Ferreira


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 19, 2022, 12:06:53 am
Blaze Fan Art by Hanji Baby


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 20, 2022, 12:18:44 am
SEGA Genesis Classics is now 70% off on US Playstation Store!
Offer ends 10/27/2022 01:59 PM GMT+7




Including over 50 titles across all genres, from all-time classics like Sonic and Streets of Rage 2 to deep RPGs like the Phantasy Star series arcade action, shooters, beat’m ups, puzzlers, old favourites and hidden gems. There is a classic title for every player to enjoy!

New features also bring modern convenience to the classics. Save your game at any time, rewind those slip-ups, or customise your controls. Earn bragging rights with online multiplayer and achievements.

The largest collection of retro classics on console in one great package!

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 30, 2022, 08:27:56 pm
Blaze Fan Art by Pict_A_Piyond


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 30, 2022, 08:30:06 pm
Storm Collectibles Teases Adam Hunter (Streets of Rage 4) Figure


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 07, 2022, 10:35:27 pm
SOR Fan Art by : Matt Herms e Dané Shobe

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 07, 2022, 10:36:16 pm
Estimated Release Date: Q2 2023





Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 09, 2022, 07:30:32 pm
Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam REMIX updated schedule of the event
RAGE: Fan Film is one of the main event


Only 4 days away until Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam REMIX.
Here is our updated schedule of the event!
Get your badges today:

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 09, 2022, 07:42:10 pm
Streets of Rage/Golden Axe double-sided poster with a copy of SEGA Genesis Classics (PS4) is $10.99 on Amazon


Over 50 titles across all genres from all-time classics like Sonic and Streets of Rage 2 to deep RPGs like the Phantasy Star series; arcade action, shooters, puzzlers, old favorites and hidden gems.
New features bring modern convenience to the classics. Save your game at any time, rewind those slip-ups, or customise your controls.
Earn bragging rights with online multiplayer and achievements.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on November 21, 2022, 07:32:26 pm
Streets of Rage fanfilm by Fran Campos Films is finally up!
It's called RAGE: A Streets of Rage Fanfilm (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 22, 2022, 07:03:48 pm
Streets of Rage 2 New Era fan port updates old game with new features

There aren’t many widely celebrated classics on Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive quite like Streets of Rage 2.
The beat-em-up classic exclusive to Sega’s 16-bit juggernaut still holds up perfectly well the way it is, but some fans have set out to modernize the game in Unity 3D with some amazing new enhancements, made through reverse engineering.
Streets of Rage 2 New Era is a brand new fan-developed port of the original game for PC and Mac that builds on it with new 4-player multiplayer, widescreen, and even online co-op.
It is a complete experience currently at version 2.0 at the time of this writing. The game ...

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 23, 2022, 07:16:55 pm
RAGE: A Streets of Rage Fanfilm
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 02, 2023, 12:12:14 am
SEGA Forever's new intro animation and theme tune


Say hello to the SEGA Forever intro animation and theme tune, composed on original Genesis hardware!
Stay tuned for more regular retro-focused SEGA videos in the coming months on SEGA Forever.
 We welcome any and all feedback for video content you'd most like to see!

🎵 Dale North
🎨 Keith Stack

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 02, 2023, 10:28:52 pm
Streets of Rage 2 - Among Us Hack

Did I have fun while making this? Yes I did! Was it also stressful? Yes, because of the possible bugs from editing enemies.
SOR2: Among Us is based on version 0.9 of SOR2: Syndicate Wars, a ROM Hack by Red Crimson and gsaurus that not only makes all the enemies playable (barring Vehelits), but converted their graphics from compressed to uncompressed, so one can freely customize their sprites.
It also added Adam to the roster, and a Survival Mode.

Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 03, 2023, 12:08:53 am
Streets of Rage 2 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Re-Revenge Hack


- Replaced all characters, all enemies and all bosses.
- Added shadow for all characters, all enemies and all bosses.
- Some enemies have new attacks, that will surprise experienced players.
- Characters replaced by Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April O’Neil, Splinter and Casey Jones.
- All seven playable characters can jump further while running
- All of the characters attacks are similar to those from TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge.

Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on January 03, 2023, 07:20:12 am
Streets of Rage 2 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Re-Revenge Hack (

Download the patch here : (
It's interesting how TMNT has become just as much of a staple in '90s video games than they are in general. Kind of fitting really.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 04, 2023, 04:36:32 am
It's interesting how TMNT has become just as much of a staple in '90s video games than they are in general. Kind of fitting really.

I remember when the 4-player TMNT arcade game cabinet came out first time in my town.
The queue to play the games was crazy ... as much as when Street Fighter II was released.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Mystic Monkey on January 05, 2023, 06:37:20 am
I remember when the 4-player TMNT arcade game cabinet came out first time in my town.
The queue to play the games was crazy ... as much as when Street Fighter II was released.
I simply remember playing it on the Mega Drive II.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 23, 2023, 11:06:15 pm
I simply remember playing it on the Mega Drive II.

I played it too but Mega Drive version only 2 players, right? Arcade version is more memorable for me because it's 4 players.
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 23, 2023, 11:07:46 pm
"They Just Didn't Offer Us The Project" - Why Streets Of Rage 3 Is The Black Sheep Of The Family


Amazingly, despite the critical and commercial success of SOR2, only one Koshiro was invited back to work on the third outing – and that was Yuzo on musical duties alongside Motohiro Kawashima), not Ayano.
She said: "I don't really know. It was Sega's decision. I think they just wanted to produce the game internally instead of outsourcing it, like the second part. Unfortunately, we were not involved in that decision. They just didn't offer us the project."

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 23, 2023, 11:08:25 pm
Interview with Ayano Koshiro (Streets of Rage, Story of Thor) and her husband Hitoshi


Do your kids actually know and play your old games?

Ayano Koshiro: We bought them a Mega Drive Mini a few years ago and they didn't want to play Streets of Rage 2.
They played Puyo Puyo.
They don't even read my husband's manga!
Hitoshi Ariga: I wonder why they're not interested in the stuff we do. But that's okay. (laughs)

Full interview : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 07, 2023, 12:53:28 am


STREETS OF RAGE 3 by @yuzokoshiro ( & @mvorak ( on double 180g translucent orange vinyl :

OUTRUN by @Hiro_H10th ( 180g mint green vinyl in die-cut sleeve.

Stock in-hand and available to order now! @SEGA

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 23, 2023, 12:52:31 am
In stock & part of our 3 for 2 offer !





Pay homage to the exploits of Axel, Blaze & Adam with our Streets of Rage ceramic mug featuring pixel art from the original SEGA Mega Drive classic!

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 24, 2023, 02:09:01 am
Greyfox Books Release Mega Drive Book For Free After Sega Issues "Cease And Desist"




Greyfox Books, the publisher behind Atari: a Visual History and Coin-Op: The Arcade Guide, had originally planned to fund a similar book to its previous efforts via a Kickstarter campaign in 2021, but Sega's lawyers ended up taking exception to the project and sent them a C&D to stop production of it immediately.
Rather than have all that work go to waste, however, Darren Doyle, the book's creator, has now decided to publish it on the Greyfox site as a free download, giving Sega fans access to the shelved release.

Article :

Download link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 27, 2023, 05:51:03 pm
"Sega 3DS Final Sale" - Up to 94% OFF on March 2nd!





"Sega 3DS Final Sale" will be held at the Nintendo eShop on March 2nd ?

29 titles such as "Seventh Dragon Ⅲ code: VFD", "Puyo Puyo Chronicle", and "Sega 3D Reprint Archives" ✨
Don't miss the final Nintendo 3DS ™ title sale 📣

Until 8:59 on Tuesday, March 28

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 01, 2023, 07:00:40 pm
New SEGA survey asks about Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, and Streets of Rage



You may remember that a report from Bloomberg in April last year said that SEGA is investing in its extensive back catalogue of classic video games and are currently working on reboots for Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio.
These two SEGA games will apparently be the first of the reboots and they are scheduled to release in the next few years.
Fast forward to today and SEGA has sent out a new survey which is being distributed to specific fans and it mentions a number of older SEGA franchises which haven’t been touched in years and ...

Article :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 08, 2023, 07:56:54 pm
Happy International Women's Day 👩‍🦰




Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 11, 2023, 09:33:42 pm
New free update bringing more than 300 improvements for Streets of Rage 4 (and Mr. X Nightmare DLC) !

Streets of Rage 4 unleashes today with a new MAJOR & FREE update:

🤝 New co-op moves
🤯 +300 in-game improvements
🔥 Brand-new custom survival mode for its DLC
✨ A 50% discount across Steam, PS4, and Nintendo Switch for a limited time only!

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 15, 2023, 10:00:00 pm




Remember to pick up your favorite SEGA games on the 3DS e-Shop before it closes! 🛍️
What are your favorite SEGA memories on the console?

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 30, 2023, 04:02:55 am
CD "SEGA Archives - M2 Music Memorial -" will be released on Thursday, April 27✨


Original songs and arranged songs of "SEGA AGES ONLINE", "SEGA 3D Classic Series", and "SEGA AGES", the transplant series that SEGA has been developing for 10 years, are now available as albums!

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 30, 2023, 04:07:04 am
Streets of Rage - Title Cover PSG - slogra - (SEGA Master System style OST)

A different take on the title music from Streets of Rage.
Based on the Genesis/Mega Drive version.
Made using SnevenTracker.
Sequenced by slogra for the SMS Power music competition 2023.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 13, 2023, 08:34:51 pm
As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems.






After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows.
In order to continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam, users will need to update to a more recent version of Windows.
This change is required as core features in Steam rely on an embedded version of Google Chrome, which no longer functions on older versions of Windows.
In addition, future versions of Steam will require Windows feature and security updates only present in Windows 10 and above.

Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 13, 2023, 08:52:10 pm
Streets of Rage 4 (Xbox One) is $19.99 ($30 off) at Amazon for Limited Time


Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 13, 2023, 09:14:37 pm
Streets of Rage 2 Hack - TMNT: Shredder’s Re-Revenge by savok (Mega Everdrive Pro - Mega SG Gameplay)
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on April 13, 2023, 09:18:53 pm
SOR4 Survival mode crashes have been fixed on all platforms (PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, & Xbox)




The crash issues on survival mode have been fixed!
Again, sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding!

Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 04, 2023, 12:40:52 am
The Atari Jaguar Almost Got Alex Kidd, Altered Beast, Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star, Golden Axe, Shinobi, Wonder Boy and ESWAT




Shortly after the deal was signed, Sam Tramiel suffered a heart attack and control of Atari Corp was passed back to his ageing father, Jack.
With the prospect of seriously challenging Sony, Nintendo and Sega in the upcoming next-gen console war getting slimmer each month, the elder Tramiel wisely decided it was time to get out of the video game business and brokered a reverse merger with hard drive maker JTS on July 30th, 1996.
Atari, and the Jaguar, were dead.
As you can see from these scanned documents, Sega was willing to ...

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 05, 2023, 02:44:31 am
Streets of Rage 2 Medley Cover
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 16, 2023, 01:37:55 am
Streets of Rage 2: Puyo Wars - Hack [Sega Genesis] Longplay
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 25, 2023, 02:06:07 am
Streets Of Rage 4 Adam Hunter Luxury Enamel Icon Pin is 48% Off in Entertainment Earth Store!


Streets Of Rage 4 Adam Hunter Luxury Enamel Icon Pin:

"They are willing to risk anything, even their lives. On the Streets of Rage, no one is safe."

The officially licensed Streets Of Rage 4 Adam Hunter Luxury Enamel Icon Pin measures about 2-inches in length and has a rubberized pin back.

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on June 08, 2023, 10:50:30 pm
ICYMI - for one month only, all previous SEGA Shop monthly pins are just £1.99/€1.99!




Whether you missed out on a previous Pin of the Month or you simply want to pick up extras of your favourites, this month is for you!
For one month only, we're giving you the chance to pick up ANY of the previous SEGA Shop monthly pins for just £1.99/€1.99!

Source :
Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 16, 2023, 08:08:51 pm
Retro Game Books’ “Video Game Maps: Genesis & Mega Drive” releases physically and digitally





This book features maps from over 100 Genesis and Mega Drive games, includes memories from thirty gamers and, oh yeah, features a foreword written by yours truly!
You can snag the physical version for $40, and it features 226 full color pages in a paperback format and includes a sticker of the cover art.
The digital version, meanwhile,  can be had for $4.95. Having paged through it myself, it’s ... 

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on July 30, 2023, 11:09:32 pm
SEGA Genesis Classics is now 70% off on US Playstation Store!
Offer ends August 03, 2023 01:59 PM GMT+7




Including over 50 titles across all genres, from all-time classics like Sonic and Streets of Rage 2 to deep RPGs like the Phantasy Star series arcade action, shooters, beat’m ups, puzzlers, old favourites and hidden gems. There is a classic title for every player to enjoy!

New features also bring modern convenience to the classics. Save your game at any time, rewind those slip-ups, or customise your controls. Earn bragging rights with online multiplayer and achievements.

The largest collection of retro classics on console in one great package!

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on August 02, 2023, 09:42:36 pm
Streets of Rage was released in Japan 32 years ago today! 👊




From the archives: The original pitch for the cast of Streets of Rage!
Originally known as D-SWAT, or Street Karate. 🥋

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 11, 2023, 12:19:44 am
Streets of Rage-inspired "Streets of Chaos" is Coming Out Soon!

Streets of Chaos is a new retro sidescroller beat em up (fighting game), made with pixelart similar to 16 bits consoles.
Is highly based on Streets of Rage, Double Dragon, Final Fight, and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, with original story and various homages to classics.

Wishlist the game here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on September 27, 2023, 12:09:43 am
Enemies to relax in various games!






Sources :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 01, 2023, 12:35:49 am
Several Sega Forever mobile games unceremoniously delisted + End of Service announcement




Checking the Google Play Store for myself, I can confirm the only Sega Forever games remaining as of this writing are:

Sonic the Hedgehog Classic
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Classic
Sonic CD Classic
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Ep. II
Crazy Taxi Classic
Streets of Rage 2 Classic
Streets of Rage Classic
Golden Axe Classics (Golden Axe, Golden Axe II, and Golden Axe III)
Super Monkey Ball: Sakura Ed.
Shining Force Classics (Shining in the Darkness, Shining Force, and Shining Force II)
Virtua Tennis Challenge

The games that are no longer available to download, at least on Google Play, are

Ristar Classic
Kid Chameleon Classic
Phantasy Star Classics (Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star III, and Phantasy Star IV)
Vectorman Classic
Decap Attack Classic
Gunstar Heroes Classic

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 19, 2023, 04:27:54 am
SEGA Genesis Classics is now 80% off on US Playstation Store!
Offer ends October 26, 2023




Including over 50 titles across all genres, from all-time classics like Sonic and Streets of Rage 2 to deep RPGs like the Phantasy Star series arcade action, shooters, beat’m ups, puzzlers, old favourites and hidden gems. There is a classic title for every player to enjoy!

New features also bring modern convenience to the classics. Save your game at any time, rewind those slip-ups, or customise your controls. Earn bragging rights with online multiplayer and achievements.

The largest collection of retro classics on console in one great package!

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 29, 2023, 08:29:22 pm
Sketch of an unused Streets of Rage 2 illustration



Drawn by the late Mick McGinty.
His wife and 2 sons posed for Blaze, Axel and Skate.
Here is the final version for comparison.

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 30, 2023, 01:16:59 am
Streets of Rage 4 Axel Stone Fan art by Luciano Andrade


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 30, 2023, 01:20:17 am
SEGA Talk #128: Unreleased Dreamcast Games Part 2 (1999-2002) (





We end our epic finally of ranking each unreleased Dreamcast games.
This second part will cover big SEGA games like Shenmue III, Scud Racer, Toejam & Earl 3, and of course Propeller Arena.
Check out the epic finale!

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 31, 2023, 12:52:34 am
"SEGA vs CAPCOM: The Next Level" Fan Game | Version 1.5




( (

Updated UI, Remade Stages and Character Animations

Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on October 31, 2023, 12:57:01 am
SEGA vs CAPCOM: The Next Level" Fan Game | First set of stages (W.I.P)








Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 06, 2023, 02:49:56 am
B-Stock Vinyl OST sale on Data-Discs For Limited Time
(40-60% off with imperfections)






STREETS OF RAGE (1LP Red) - £14.00 (was £24.00)
OUTRUN (1LP Mint Green) - £12.00 (was £24.00)
SONIC FRONTIERS (2LP Blue + Booklet) - £13.00 (was £33.00)
STREETS OF RAGE 2 (2LP Frosted Clear) - £17.50 (was £29.00)
FANTASY ZONE (1LP Black) - £12.00 (was £24.00)
STREETS OF RAGE 3 (2LP Orange) - £17.50 (was £29.00)
SONIC MANIA (1LP Blue) - £14.00 (was £24.00)
SONIC SPINBALL (1LP Ltd. Edition) - £16.00 (was £24.00)

All orders will ship by 22nd November

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 07, 2023, 02:00:49 am
Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis) - Difficulty Randomizer Hack

This patch is designed to introduce dynamic enemy placement in Streets of Rage 2 for the Sega Genesis.

How it Works
As you play, the internal difficulty counter is randomized and will introduce enemies from Very Easy all the way to Mania difficulties with various speeds, health bars and aggression. No playthrough will ever be identical!

End of round bonuses will be randomized
Semi compatible with SOR2 Hi-Score SRAM (

Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 20, 2023, 12:45:06 am
The first wave of Nintendo's big Black Friday sale on the Switch eShop is now live.




We've got the whole list + our highlights 💸

✚ Sonic Superstars Deluxe Edition (SEGA) – $79.06 (Usually $112.95, ends 03/12) – 30% off
✚ Sonic Superstars (SEGA) – $79.06 (Usually $112.95, ends 03/12) – 30% off
✚ Sonic Frontiers (SEGA) – $39.82 (Usually $99.55, ends 03/12) – 60% off
✚ Sonic Origins (SEGA) – $31.81 (Usually $48.95, ends 03/12) – 35% off
✚ No Man’s Sky (Hello Games) – $39.97 (Usually $79.95, ends 03/12) – 50% off
✚ Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (CAPCOM) – $6.79 (Usually $39.95, ends 03/12) – 83% off
✚ Persona Collection (SEGA) – $84.47 (Usually $129.96, ends 03/12) – 35% off
✚ Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak Deluxe (Capcom) – $51.27  (Usually $89.95, ends 03/12) – 43% off
✚ Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection (SEGA) – $71.97 (Usually $119.95, ends 03/12) – 40% off
✚ Persona 3 Portable (SEGA) – $19.46 (Usually $29.95, ends 03/12) – 35% off
✚ Persona 4 Golden (SEGA) – $19.46 (Usually $29.95, ends 03/12) – 35% off
✚ Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap (DotEmu) – $7.80 (Usually $26.00, ends 03/12) – 70% off
✚ Samba de Amigo: Party Central (SEGA) – $38.96 (Usually $59.95, ends 03/12) – 35% off
✚ EA SPORTS FC 24 (Electronic Arts) – $44.97 (Usually $89.95, ends 03/12) 50% off
✚ Disney Dreamlight Valley (Gameloft) – $62.97 (Usually $104.95, ends 03/12) – 40% off
✚ Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles (SEGA) – $39.99 (Usually $59.95, ends 03/12) – 33% off
✚ Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope  (Ubisoft) – $52.75 (Usually $119.95, ends 03/12) – 56% off
✚ Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time (Activision) – $34.95 (Usually $69.95, ends 03/12) – 50% off
✚ LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (WB Games) – $29.98 (Usually $99.95, ends 03/12) – 70% off
✚ Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix (SEGA) – $44.97 (Usually $89.95, ends 03/12) – 50% off
✚ Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 (SEGA) – $13.73 (Usually $54.95, ends 03/12) – 75% off
✚ Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania (SEGA) – $27.98 (Usually $69.95, ends 03/12) – 60% off
✚ Streets of Rage 4 (DotEmu) – $18.75 (Usually $37.50, ends 03/12) – 50% off
✚ Streets of ....

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 20, 2023, 12:47:51 am
Streets Of Rage 4 - Stage 3 Boss "Nora" (Streets Of Rage 1 Remix)

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on November 27, 2023, 03:09:05 am
Streets Of Rage 4 - Main Theme (Streets Of Rage 2 Remix)
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 07, 2023, 12:22:47 am
This 90s Sega Game Soundtrack Is CRAZY
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 07, 2023, 08:59:51 pm




New Era, New Energy!
New games from Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and Crazy Taxi  - now in development! 

Sign up to follow the latest: (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 10, 2023, 07:27:28 pm
SEGA News Bits Live: New SEGA Games Announced + Trailer Breakdown
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 13, 2023, 09:53:39 pm
Now You Can See Your Most-played Switch Games of 2020!

Here's mine btw :


If you've got an account registered in the United States or Canada, all you have to do is sign in on the Nintendo website to see all of your own personalised stats.
It will reveal your most-played game, total hours played, and much more.

Link : (

Check out your Nintendo Switch Year in Review 2023!


Look back at all the fun you had with Nintendo Switch games this year with a personalized wrap-up.
You can see what you played most, choose your favorite game of the year, and share your stats with friends.

Link : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 14, 2023, 09:50:53 pm
SEGA Filed Trademarks Of Classic Titles : Altered Beast, Alex Kidd, After Burner, House of the Dead, Outrun, Super Monkey Ball, etc





With these trademarks being filed publicly, we might see more games in development from SEGA down the line or it could be something completely different from what we could expect.
Following up with the recent announcement during the Game Awards, SEGA has filed  trademarks of their classic IPs which includes ...

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 20, 2023, 07:19:33 pm
Streets of Rage 4 Fan art by HanjiBaby


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 20, 2023, 07:23:09 pm
Streets of Rage 4 Fan art by Noodlez-麺-🍜


Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on December 20, 2023, 07:24:47 pm
New Streets of Rage game title revealed in SEGA SAMMY report, developer potentially revealed


A recent report from SEGA parent company Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. has revealed a new look at the upcoming Streets of Rage game, including the games potential title! Streets of Rage Revolution promises a return to the side-scrolling beat ’em up action series in a whole new (well, new as of the mid 90s) dimension: 3D! While the developer has not been announced, fans speculate Mighty Fight Federation developer Komi Games Inc. is behind the title based on shared visual styles and recent job postings. Streets of Rage Revolution will likely be published by SEGA so as to bring their legacy franchises back under ...

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 18, 2024, 12:38:22 am
Streets of Rage 2 - Italian Translation Patch


Italian translation for Streets of Rage 2.
You can choose between normal translation or with the removal of censorship.
The translation with restoration patch* expands the ROM and may be incompatible with some emulators or with the real machine and restores:

- Blaze’s original flying kick sprites;
- the cigar smoked by Mr. X;
- the count of defeated enemies on the status bar (press A in the pause screen);
- the names of Galsia, Galuda and Mosquite in Garcia, Garuda and Mosquito.
- Also changes the music of the pirate ship with the unused music track “Little Money Avenue” (the song removed is still used in the second stage, so the soundtrack is complete).

(*) draws partially from SCD’s Streets of Rage 2 Restoration hack.

Download the patch here :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 18, 2024, 06:43:44 pm
Streets of Rage 4: REIGNITED Trailer

Streets of Rage 4: REIGNITED is a mod project aimed at re-balancing changes made to the game in it's latest patch (v8). In it's vanilla state, it feels like there is quite some room for improvement, which we hope to deliver with this passion project.

- Improved AI
- Removed additional boss reinforcements (Mania+)
- Removed cursed arcades (Mania+)
- Enhanced combos
- Fixed enemy anti-air
- More radical stuff to come in future!

Please follow the link to find out more.

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on January 31, 2024, 12:57:00 am
SEGA vs CAPCOM: The Next Level | BETA V.1 Download Trailer


( ( (


The first DEMO to test out SEGA VS CAPCOM Fangame early.
Secondly, INFINITE (rapper and announcer from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike) will be featured on a song alongside @Razzie_16 ( exclusively, as well as a bonus announcer!

Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 08, 2024, 01:17:38 am
Get ready to level up your wardrobe 🔥





This Insert Coin Tees x SEGA collection brings you Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Streets of Rage, and more!

Check it out now:
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 11, 2024, 09:00:30 pm
SEGA's Red Zone and Blue Zone Fan Art by Naratani


Source : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on February 11, 2024, 09:01:07 pm
Nintendo Switch 2 Rumored to Get 5 Big Games from SEGA


According to user @MbKKssTBhz5 on X, all five of the games that Sega announced back in December at The Game Awards are in the works for Nintendo Switch 2. During this event, Sega revealed that it was in the process of remaking or creating new entries associated with Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and Crazy Taxi. Specifics tied to each weren't divulged, but Sega did happen to ...

Article : (
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 08, 2024, 12:07:16 am
STREETS OF RAGE 2 Vinyl is finally back in stock and shipping now!


Widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential game soundtracks of all time, STREETS OF RAGE 2 remains a towering achievement of the 16bit era.
Data Discs is extremely proud to be releasing this masterpiece of FM synthesis, composed by Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima in 1992 and sounding more relevant today than ever.

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 09, 2024, 11:47:54 pm
SEGA Celebrates International Women's Day 2024!



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Happy International Women's Day 2024!
Today we’re celebrating our powerful cast of female characters!
Can you spot your faves?

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Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on March 21, 2024, 01:09:43 am
No-One is Safe! Axel Stone from Streets of Rage is the ultimate solution to punk pollution.





This action figure from JAKKS Toys comes complete with the Grand Upper Cut effect accessory and is available exclusively at Wal-Mart stores in the next several weeks. 👊

Source :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 28, 2024, 10:04:05 pm
Streets of Rage 4 (PS4) will be Available for free from June 4 for all PlayStation Plus members




Say hello to your PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for June

🤜 Streets of Rage 4
🧽 SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake
🤼 AEW Fight Forever

Link :
Title: Re: Streets of Rage - Only Trust Your Fist !!!
Post by: Berto on May 30, 2024, 09:48:02 pm
Sonic-ifying SWGA Characters Fan Art by The Pink Galaxy


Sonic-ifying guest characters is a really funny, underused idea and I wish it was done more often

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