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Gaming => General Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: max_cady on November 11, 2014, 08:34:44 am

Title: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: max_cady on November 11, 2014, 08:34:44 am
Sonic Stadium discovered something ( very interesting today. A trademark for a game called Sonic Runners. Seeing how SEGA Networks is doing all of this it's safe to assume that it's a new game for iOS and Android.

Maybe a sequel do Sonic Dash?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on November 11, 2014, 08:44:33 am
Nah, it's a Sonic Dash sequel
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on November 11, 2014, 10:16:07 am
It's not going to be a sequel to Sonic Dash - my guess is a 2D title in the same vein as Dash
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on November 11, 2014, 10:25:46 am
Temple Run, but with Sonic?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on November 11, 2014, 10:27:11 am
Temple Run, but with Sonic?

That's Sonic Dash, I think this will have more in common with Rayman Jungle and Fiesta run
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: baba_944 on November 11, 2014, 06:08:47 pm
"Sonic R" remake, I'm calling it now.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: ROJM on November 12, 2014, 03:41:09 am
SONIC RUNNERS implies more than one character...
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on November 12, 2014, 09:39:59 am

SONIC RUNNERS implies more than one character...

Exactly. This could be the first mobile game 100% developed by Sonic Team since that Sega Networks now has more than a half of the Arcade staff and many producers/developers from the console side helping/doing games.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Berto on November 13, 2014, 10:32:38 pm
SONIC RUNNERS implies more than one character...

Make me remember that years ago there is a mobile game (java) with had Sonic race and run against his friends.. The title is ...

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Berto on February 02, 2015, 10:50:55 pm
So the freemium thing is gonna apply to the Wisps or life?

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 02, 2015, 11:08:09 pm
It's proving extremely difficult for me to be positive about this project.  The auto-running tap based gameplay sounds like everything I don't want.  The focus on the heritage/developer combined with this weeks announcement is making me nervous that this is what ST's been working on since Gens. 

Also freenium.  Good god is freenium never a good idea. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 02, 2015, 11:25:11 pm
"An interview between Iizuka and Famitsu lists a end of February release for the game in Japan. From what we can understand from the interview, characters will run forward on their own and Eggman will make appearances during stages which there appears to be 50 of at first (if we are reading the translation correctly). Tails and Knuckles are also playable, but Sonic is the only character initially available. Famitsu also went hands-on with the game, mentioning a cutscene featuring Sonic, Tails, and Eggman. Jumping appears to vary based on where you tap on the screen, possibly indicating that you tap on enemies to homing attack. The Eggman boss battle appears to have Sonic throwing or knocking back Eggman’s projectiles to defeat him." (

How 'free-to-play' can work for this title and I would be OK with. Base game has all the levels that span Sonic's history, multiple paths and ways to play. Leaderboards are world wide and new content would be added after awhile. Instead of just going around and saying "Christmas Sonic" and crap like that, I think they should really look into the history of the franchise and pull some really obscure stuff to add on to the premium level.

1. Don't force people to pay to play. Sorry, not good.
2. Skins (like make Sonic look like Sonic R Saturn Sonic), items and such are paid to get.
3. Allow players to win premium items without paying: Like digital in game coins after you win races goes to a slot machine where you can win premium items. More you play, the more chances.
4. Try to get sponsored events online and people that participate get the content for free.
5. Buying Sonic toys, console games and such all have unique codes to unlock items that deal with that game. This could be cool for Sonic Archie readers, lots of cross promotion can be done.

So what will happen? Probably none of the above.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 03, 2015, 12:04:56 am
So it's a free Sonic game and it's similar to Rayman Jungle Dash or whatever it was called... I'm okay with this.

I really hope it's a quality title and doesn't feel cheap. The Rayman game was really good. Nice level art, good character animations and a good variety of things to do that didnt make it feel like endless running on flat dull paths. If Sonic Runner can be as good it'll be a great game.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on February 03, 2015, 07:35:31 am
The way its being introduced with the transitions from classics to whats gonna be a mobile game made by sonicteam isnt something that excites me. Oh well, maybe japan needs it
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 03, 2015, 08:01:50 am
I kind of admire the optimism here that this game will be anything but trash.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 03, 2015, 09:24:29 am
The teaser trailer went about it all wrong. Starting with 1991 and having the dates tick by, showing screens of Sonic 1, 2, 3, & Knuckles, and 4 Episode 1, and Episode 2 implies that this is the successor to the originals, which it is not. It also lumps Sonic 4 in with the classics, which given Sonic 4's reception, is a bad decision on the trailer makers part. Instead of thinking about Sonic Runners, all I'm thinking about is SEGA's mismanagement of Sonic 4, and how weird it is to see them actually grouping it with the classics. Especially when Sonic Generations really was much more connected to the classics given it was a fully produced Sonic Team game, and played much more like the originals.

And then there are the handheld games, which given Runners being mobile, doesn't runners have more in common with the likes of those? But after reading the Iizuka interview, Runners is sounding more like Jump and Dash, which isn't a bad thing because Jump especially is an enjoyable mobile game, but tying Runners in with the classics is just plain stupid.

Having said all that, I do think the game could be enjoyable, I just think the setup for the teaser was all wrong. As mentioned, Rayman Jungle Run is a really fun title, and from the sound of it this is not an endless runner, nor are stages randomly generated. It sounds like we'll have pre-made stages with 50 in total, which should appeal to speedrunners who are constantly moving forward anyway.

tl;dr the teaser goofed in linking it with the classics, Runners could be good, but making that connection has backfired in the past (see Project Needlemouse)
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Aki-at on February 03, 2015, 09:38:49 am
I just find it amusing they made a teaser trailer for a mobile game.

Guess it was a slow day for the video editing staff.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 03, 2015, 09:59:40 am
Have you seen the promotion Clash of Clans has had? CG animated TV ads, bus and transit campaigns! It's crazy, given the game is free to play. Ads for free things.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 03, 2015, 10:02:50 am
Have you seen the promotion Clash of Clans has had? CG animated TV ads, bus and transit campaigns! It's crazy, given the game is free to play. Ads for free things.

Free things that they use to hook 'whales' who'll drop hundreds of dollarydoos on it.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on February 03, 2015, 12:10:46 pm
I kind of admire the optimism here that this game will be anything but trash.
Im being very mild because im not sure about the overall impications of this. It seems they're giving it a big introduction. Its made by sonicteam. Console sonic game composer tomoya ohtani is confirmed to be doing the music. The signs are worrying but im gonna wait till the next couple of months, whrre they usually anounce the "real" sonic game. And then we can go to fase 2, hope that it doesnt suck
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 03, 2015, 01:46:23 pm
To be honest, I just look at mobile Sonic games same way I looked at Game Gear Sonic games. They're smaller in scope and budget, occasionally featured similar staff. I would take ASRT iOS, Dash, Jump, and Runners over Lost World and Boom 3DS. Far cheaper entry point, and I get more gameplay out of ASRT iOS and Jump than I have with the latest two Sonic 3DS games.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 03, 2015, 02:00:23 pm
I don't think people really hate mobile gaming as a platform. I just think it hasn't reached the point where full price games are making as much money as free-to-play games and there are a few reasons for this. First is traditional games usually require a controller and most fans want to play on a bigger screen.

The funny thing is most phones have the ability to hook up bluetooth controls and output 1080p with a HDMI adapter. I think mobile gaming will be legit in a few years when these bluetooth/HDMI out connections are built into Android and iOS and actually marketed.

Imagine being able to pick up a game like, Virtua Fighter 6 on mobile. At first your like "UGH FUCK U MOBIEL" but instead your paying 30 dollars to keep the game. Its the same as the console game, but its on something you already own, a phone. You connect your phone to your TV and play with your bluetooth controller. Play online matches, unlock stuff. Same as always. You get off the game and want to check rankings/other players. You can do that within the app on the phone on the go. Wow, watch replays and shit.

Now what if you don't know if you want to buy VF6? You never played one, you a Tekken casual. I think having a free to play option with unlockable items locked, x amount of online games and x amount of single player games and ads would be OK. This will mean you, the person that purchase the game, actually have more players to play against online, those that never played VF get a chance to get addicted and SEGA has like a billion plus potential buyers.

So, no, I don't hate mobile. I just hate how mobile is being done right now.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 03, 2015, 02:18:12 pm
^I agree there is nothing inherently WRONG with games on a phone, just that the most popular are skinner boxes or shit.

I would be down for downloading games to my phone and playing them like a console. Only issue would be limited hardware options. Then again, PC is still a thing that can accommodate for those games.

You also seem to have a massive VF boner, this pleases me.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 03, 2015, 02:41:51 pm
Oh yes, all I'm thinking about is VF lately. :( too fucking long between releases and not being pleased with SFV just makes me long for a real fighting game.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 03, 2015, 03:18:11 pm
To be honest, I just look at mobile Sonic games same way I looked at Game Gear Sonic games. They're smaller in scope and budget, occasionally featured similar staff. I would take ASRT iOS, Dash, Jump, and Runners over Lost World and Boom 3DS. Far cheaper entry point, and I get more gameplay out of ASRT iOS and Jump than I have with the latest two Sonic 3DS games.

I agree with you to a point, that being said tap based controls are where I bow out interest wise.  The game becomes less of a platformer and more of a mini-game at that point. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Berto on February 03, 2015, 07:19:41 pm
tl;dr the teaser goofed in linking it with the classics, Runners could be good, but making that connection has backfired in the past (see Project Needlemouse)

Well.. At least they didn't name this game as Sonic The Hedgehog 5.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: crackdude on February 04, 2015, 06:47:04 am
A friend of mine is downright addicted to AllStars racing. He also enjoys the mobile iOS version. When he goes out of town he takes an apple tv and plays the iOS version on the big screen over airplay. It has 360 graphics
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 04, 2015, 08:51:14 am
It also is one of the few versions of the game to have Ryo, the other is the PC release. I need to download ASRT on my new phone, I'll bet it runs like a dream.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on February 19, 2015, 09:53:27 am
Gameplay trailer
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 19, 2015, 11:01:44 am
It. . . .it looks kinda fun.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 19, 2015, 11:09:23 am
Oh dear...
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: segaismysavior on February 19, 2015, 11:26:49 am
Part of me is like, "ok, what is that?" The other part is giddy about the inclusion of Chao.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on February 19, 2015, 11:50:42 am
Im glad it looks cheap. Means that it may not take a lot of resource from team sonic
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 20, 2015, 07:12:51 am
It looks better than Sonic Advance, and I paid full game price for Sonic Advance... The character model is better, graphics are better, the little of the music we heard is already better, there's 50 odd stages and its free... What's to complain about?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 20, 2015, 08:02:40 am
It looks better than Sonic 06 too, but so does Temple Run.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 20, 2015, 09:31:55 am
at least the camera wont be a problem
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 20, 2015, 02:22:40 pm
It looks better than Sonic 06 too, but so does Temple Run.

I don't see the problem though? Looks a lot like Sonic Rush or Sonic Advance. It's a new 2D Sonic game, graphics look good, music sounds pretty good. Sonics Model is a nice mix of modern and classic. I can't say for sure but it appeared to have quite good physics when Sonic ran down the hill... Apparently 50 odd levels and completely free?

I don't get the whole anti free-to-play snobbery. If it's good it's good.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 20, 2015, 02:38:08 pm
If you think it looks like a good Sonic game, why haven't you been playing things like Temple Run or Line Runner or the twenty million other games of it's ilk without the Sonic brand? I'm not even saying this to be snarky, go and try those games and tell me if you think they are genuinely fun platformers. ( (

I find those types of games fun for about ten minutes, if you only have the control over when to jump it gets very dry very quickly. You used to complain about boost being used too much in Sonic, this is a game where you literally cannot even control Sonic's movement apart from jumping. Do you get a better idea of why I'm not expecting much out of this?

It'll be 50 levels, yes, but I'm anticipating they'll be very weak or very short levels, possibly created by a random level generator or something.

As for the 'Free to play snobbery', I explained this in detail in the other thread you made already.

Maybe this game will be good, but I don't like the odds.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Aki-at on February 20, 2015, 02:47:24 pm
This does not look better than Sonic Advance.

I mean, graphics are better but the graphics are better than the classics. And I'd argue the sprite for the Advance games are pretty great work.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 20, 2015, 02:54:17 pm
Runners is looking better than Dash and Jump, and even Sonic 4 Episode 1, but thats about it. It could be an enjoyable game, but I can't see myself proclaiming it to be better than any of the Advance titles or the classics.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Aki-at on February 20, 2015, 03:26:30 pm
Runners is looking better than Dash and Jump, and even Sonic 4 Episode 1, but thats about it. It could be an enjoyable game, but I can't see myself proclaiming it to be better than any of the Advance titles or the classics.

I'll give it looking better than both Dash and Jump. It does seem like the best made for mobile Sonic game there is, but it really depends if you like mobile games that your mileage may very.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: TimmiT on February 20, 2015, 03:34:36 pm
This does not look better than Sonic Advance.

I mean, graphics are better but the graphics are better than the classics. And I'd argue the sprite for the Advance games are pretty great work.
It's also not like they put that much effort into the visuals in Sonic Runners. Aside from the new models for Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, all the stages re-use assets from Sonic Lost World.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 20, 2015, 07:10:38 pm
But this isn't templerun... this is basically the Rayman game, which was pretty damn fun.

And I never said it looked better than the classics, I understand it's just a free mobile game.. But the Sonic Advance games sucked man, the sprite work was good but the models were bad, the way they looked... And the game was sooo clunky, getting Sonic running was like running through syrup. I didn't enjoy the advance games at all. 3d party,  Handheld Sonic only got good at the Sonic Rush games. And no, this doesn't look better or even close to Sonic Rush... But it looks good, and it's free... So why the hell not?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Team Andromeda on February 21, 2015, 12:09:46 am
It looks better than Sonic Advance, and I paid full game price for Sonic Advance... The character model is better, graphics are better, the little of the music we heard is already better, there's 50 odd stages and its free... What's to complain about?
Sorry for me it doesn't look as good as Sonic on the Mega Drive which features way better Parllax scrolling . This to mean looks like a cheap flash game . I'm sure it make some money but Sonic and the Sonic Team are better than this
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 21, 2015, 07:37:34 am
I'm sure it make some money but Sonic and the Sonic Team are better than this

It's not like mobile Sonic games are anything new and it was never a problem before... Everyone recognised them as a spin off and that was that... At least this one is distinctly a Sonic like game... Unlike some of the older ones:


Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 21, 2015, 08:15:14 am
It's not like mobile Sonic games are anything new and it was never a problem before... Everyone recognised them as a spin off and that was that... At least this one is distinctly a Sonic like game... Unlike some of the older ones:

Were those actually made by Sonic Team though?

Also I had a look at that Rayman game, I can see it looks different to temple run in that it actually has some semblance of level design, but still looks rather dull to me. I can't see much lasting appeal in a one button platformer. You can't control pace or left/right movement and just time jumps along a pre-set 'course'.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: TimmiT on February 21, 2015, 10:36:24 am
Were those actually made by Sonic Team though?

Also I had a look at that Rayman game, I can see it looks different to temple run in that it actually has some semblance of level design, but still looks rather dull to me. I can't see much lasting appeal in a one button platformer. You can't control pace or left/right movement and just time jumps along a pre-set 'course'.

The Rayman runner games have more than jumping though. You also have a punching move that at the same time you can use to gain momentum in your jumps and you can hover. And when the levels are actually designed rather than randomly generated, it feels a lot more like your moveset is meant to be used in a certain way in each level. They're by far the best runner games out there IMO.

It also seems like that's what Sonic Team is going for with Sonic Runners. The trailer shows that each character has special abilities, so it won't just be "jump when you need to jump".
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on February 21, 2015, 10:55:42 am
I think Sonic Team wants to use it's Lost World assets for the last time, before changing the look completly again for it's big PS4/Xbone game.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: TimmiT on February 21, 2015, 11:32:48 am
I think Sonic Team wants to use it's Lost World assets for the last time, before changing the look completly again for it's big PS4/Xbone game.
The next Sonic game being released didn't stop SEGA from re-using Seaside Hill assets.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on February 21, 2015, 11:55:34 am
Yeah for side-titles. I'm just assuming. Windy Hill being the new Seaside Hill is ok with me.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 21, 2015, 11:58:23 am
I think Sonic Team wants to use it's Lost World assets for the last time, before changing the look completly again for it's big PS4/Xbone game.

you said based on nothing at all.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on February 21, 2015, 12:02:05 pm
you said based on nothing at all.

I think the next console game will change it up again, based on what we have heard form rumors (and by that I mean Endri from Sonic Retro).
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 21, 2015, 12:35:34 pm
Who is endri and what did he claim?  I guess I'm curious enough to peek down that dank, dusty rabbit hole. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 21, 2015, 01:01:52 pm
Who is endri and what did he claim?  I guess I'm curious enough to peek down that dank, dusty rabbit hole. 

You leave Cream's mom out of this!
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 21, 2015, 02:35:30 pm
You leave Cream's mom out of this!

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on February 21, 2015, 03:01:17 pm
It's not unrealistic to think that the next Sonic game will have new visuals. Smart phone games are usually meant to be low budget, so it makes sense that they are reusing lost world's assets for this game. Also, as cool as smartphone games with cutting edge graphics are, they cut out a large portion of a potential audience due to lots of people being on older phones. Lost World's graphics work perfect for a cell phone game. Game honestly looks like it could be fun, too. Unlike Lost World.

It will be a bit depressing if this is the major Sonic game for 2015, but I suppose that will make 2016 all the more special.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 21, 2015, 03:04:38 pm
You think this is the major Sonic game for 2015 and its coming out this month? You really don't think Sonic Team has a game coming out in the fall?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on February 21, 2015, 03:15:29 pm
You think this is the major Sonic game for 2015 and its coming out this month? You really don't think Sonic Team has a game coming out in the fall?

I hope they do, but who knows. They might have other plans... like a second sonic boom game developed by High Voltage Software or Gearbox.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on February 21, 2015, 04:07:09 pm
Relax, guys.

Something Sonic will come in the Holiday season this year.
Now they are focusing on promote Runners all the Spring season.

I'm very suspicious about the next E3 because new Sonic games are revealed around Feb-April every year.

Also, we don't know anything about that and the possible sequel of Isolation...and TW: Warhamme-wait...

That's a strong lineup if you put in that way. Hmmm.....
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 21, 2015, 04:10:52 pm
According to someone, SEGA has not announced a booth at E3 but a conference room.

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 21, 2015, 04:15:05 pm
Relax, guys.

Something Sonic will come in the Holiday season this year.
Now they are focusing on promote Runners all the Spring season.

I'm very suspicious about the next E3 because new Sonic games are revealed around Feb-April every year.

Also, we don't know anything about that and the possible sequel of Isolation...and TW: Warhamme-wait...

That's a strong lineup if you put in that way. Hmmm.....

Hard to say it's a strong lineup based on a potential Sonic game, a game that may not ever happen and a game we literally only know the name of.

I don't mean to be negative, but two out of the three games you listed don't even officially exist yet.

I agree I think there's a 'real' Sonic game coming.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on February 21, 2015, 04:19:22 pm
don't forget the rumor from December

( (
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on February 21, 2015, 04:34:51 pm
The thing that got me more concerned is the deal with the temporary exclusives that could be "the next big thing to talk about" in this E3.

The PS4 Version of Isolation is best selling version, this year it will be released for both of this gen consoles in Japan, the GotyAwards, Bafta/"Free PR" nominations and the hints of a sequel is in a bunch of interviews maded to Al Hope...something fishy is going around that and seeing how , when and where the  original game was maded  from, always have a point of interesting things that got me.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 21, 2015, 07:17:42 pm
If the next main series entry is a movie tie in, I think we can safely call the franchise over. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on February 21, 2015, 09:51:21 pm
Rumors are rumors.

Is easy to do one because all the variants you can have/make are infinite.

Trust me, being in Sonic Community for a long time,  teach me when and where a rumor could possibly be true or false.

This is only a part of the multitude of rumors for the next console Sonic game.

As an advise, I will say that you need to wait at least two or three months for some new information.

This sort of things always go in their own ways....::)
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 21, 2015, 09:54:13 pm
I can tell you right now, that rumor is not true.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 22, 2015, 07:47:58 am
If the next main series entry is a movie tie in, I think we can safely call the franchise over. 

I genuinely don't expect it to be... But if it was I would agree. Movie tie in games are almost always trash. The only exception is when its a game set in the world of a film and done years later with no movie release deadlines. Like Alien Isolation.

Given how much I genuinely really enjoyed Sonic Generations I am dying to see what they come out with next, really hoping it's in the same vein.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 22, 2015, 01:20:43 pm
I can't see much lasting appeal in a one button platformer. You can't control pace or left/right movement and just time jumps along a pre-set 'course'.

I feel similarly about Project Diva and look how popular that is! Sonic Runners, for me is entirely free since I never pay a dime in freetoplay and for a totally free game Sonic Runners looks pretty damn appealing to me. That's all that matters.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Team Andromeda on February 22, 2015, 02:48:59 pm
You think this is the major Sonic game for 2015 and its coming out this month? You really don't think Sonic Team has a game coming out in the fall?

What its in on , Is Sonic still only going to be on the Wii U and the major trouble I have is I'm sick to death of the Sonic Team working on a number of completely separate Sonic titles . They should be 100% focused on just one main Sonic game and that's it  - which is then ported to a Varity of systems   .
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 22, 2015, 02:50:58 pm
I feel similarly about Project Diva and look how popular that is! Sonic Runners, for me is entirely free since I never pay a dime in freetoplay and for a totally free game Sonic Runners looks pretty damn appealing to me. That's all that matters.
Having looked at the Rayman game, it's better than I thought it would look but still not something I would play, even for free. We'll see how it goes for Sega I guess.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: TimmiT on February 22, 2015, 05:24:58 pm
don't forget the rumor from December

( (
Good thing we already know that not all characters in Sonic Runners control the same and that it's 2D only.

Anyway, if it's from 4chan, automatically assume that it's fake unless there's a good reason to believe otherwise.

Who is endri and what did he claim?  I guess I'm curious enough to peek down that dank, dusty rabbit hole. 

Endri is a Sonic Retro forum member who works at Harmonix and seemingly has helped SEGA with Xbox One development stuff. He was one of the people who leaked Sonic 4 stuff when the game popped up on PartnerNet. I think it's fairly safe to assume that what he says is legit. And going by what he said, it seems likely that the big Sonic game released this year will be from Sonic Team for the Xbox One and likely PS4.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 23, 2015, 12:06:45 am
What its in on , Is Sonic still only going to be on the Wii U and the major trouble I have is I'm sick to death of the Sonic Team working on a number of completely separate Sonic titles . They should be 100% focused on just one main Sonic game and that's it  - which is then ported to a Varity of systems   .
Hey, we agree on something.

Yes, while I don't think signing a exclusive deal with Nintendo was bad per-say, it just happen that the Wii U was terrible selling and the fans ignore anything not Nintendo published except for Sonic. The shit part is that SEGA tried really hard to shit all over Nintendo fans by releasing 3 shitty (though I would argue that Lost World isn't the shittest game, just average) games on Nintendo consoles in a span of 2 years.

Yeah, not the best way to treat your flagship franchise.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: TimmiT on February 23, 2015, 04:14:45 am
Personally I think that maybe Sonic Team should take a break from Sonic and make something different. A new original game or maybe a new sequel to an old game like Burning Rangers.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on February 23, 2015, 05:01:33 am
Personally I think that maybe Sonic Team should take a break from Sonic and make something different. A new original game or maybe a new sequel to an old game like Burning Rangers.

Internal Sega staff (since Sonic Team as a subsidary does't really exist) will probably not do new IP or bring back old IP on console anytime soon. After Rhythm Thief and Hero Bank did not do well on 3DS, the only plattform is mobile.

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Team Andromeda on February 23, 2015, 05:40:26 am
Hey, we agree on something

Look we both want the best for SEGA I would imagine, I just think different . I grew up with SEGA Japan leading the way.. always high end, always leading edge games (both in graphics and gameplay) I do not like the low tech safe and easy SOJ of today , nor do I think Mobile is the way to go for the main teams (have seprate teams handle the mobile side)

Internal Sega staff (since Sonic Team as a subsidary does't really exist) will probably not do new IP or bring back old IP on console anytime soon. After Rhythm Thief and Hero Bank did not do well on 3DS, the only plattform is mobile

I would imagine the Sonic Team are made up of 80 to 100 staff and that means you can have 3 to 4 lines doing different projects in the main team. To me ST just need to go all out on a next gen Sonic - no worrying about looking over and producing spin offs or mobile or handheld games just 100% on 1 main Sonic game - That to me gives them the best chance of making a true and great Sonic game that doesn't feature any short comings
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Berto on February 26, 2015, 02:46:15 am
Finally read on the site that this game has been released and George is kind enough to share the APK files.
Since I'm still at work, I couldn't get it on it right now. Anyone has played the game? What do you think about the game?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 26, 2015, 11:08:17 am
I've played 2 hours of the game so far. Contrary to the teaser and to Sharky believing that this would be better than Sonic Advance - it's not. It's a very fun endless runner, but it's not a traditional 2D Sonic title and it does not stack up against those. Still, the game has some very attractive graphics with 3D stages and black outlines around the characters making them stand out easily. I also dig the redesign of Sonic for the game, with a slightly smaller body and shorter quills, it's actually very much like the nendoroid figure and I'm hoping this is a redesign we will see again in the future.

As for controls, you tap to jump and can triple jump. There is no homing attack, and the spindash occurs automatically when you hit a downward slope but unlike boost pads in games like Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal you can cancel out of it with a jump. I've also not seen any boost pads in the game.

I do like the progression, with the story advancing based on how far you're progressed through the runners segments. Sometimes you might be on a streak and playing very well, and when you die, you go back to the story and progress through a full episode through to the boss. The cutscenes are super low tech, just talking heads of still frames, but the writing is pretty good and they make reference to games like Sonic Colors which is sure to please fans who like a bit of continuity.

As far as IAP goes, it's really not that invasive. There is no "gas" refill like Crazy Taxi City Rush, or a meter like in Jump Fever. You can play as much as you want. I've also yet to see ads, or "watch an ad to get rings". You earn a good amount of rings and red rings in the game, and I've yet to see any reason to spend money (which I guess is a bad thing for SEGA).

It's a fun game though, I like it way more than Dash and it is much more fitting for Sonic than Jump was despite Jump being a solid game.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on February 26, 2015, 12:06:37 pm
So someone posted the credits on SSMB, and I'd say Sonic Team staff is pretty much in the vein of a Dimps release, without outsourcing to Dimps being such a small release anyhow.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 26, 2015, 12:39:41 pm
Well, its a fun game and I currently liked it more than Sonic Dash and Sonic Jump.

The game is 2D in perspective and I find that the speed resembles more akin to the Sonic Retro series, though the jumping is a bit heavier than the retro titles. I played the game on an Android tablet, the Nexux  7. I did have a few issues with the game; not game breaking but:

- The game had a weird minor slowdown especially when jumping.
- The game's menu's weren't designed for 1080p I think, look a bit lower res.
- IF you pause the game on Android and you leave to do something and the screen turns off, if you come back it restarts the game (annoying.).

Outside of that all I have played so far was like 40 mins and I had fun. Its a nice little fun game that has some potential I think.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 26, 2015, 01:32:36 pm
So someone posted the credits on SSMB, and I'd say Sonic Team staff is pretty much in the vein of a Dimps release, without outsourcing to Dimps being such a small release anyhow.

could you rephrase this?  I can't make head or tails out of your statement. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 26, 2015, 01:37:56 pm
That its a smaller title, not made up of the full Sonic Team... team.

Which I thought we all assumed. Sonic Team also has a small team updating Phantasy Star Online 2. Sorta gives me validation that they might be working on a bigger game, for newer consoles....maybethatisit,don'tbesurpised...
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on February 26, 2015, 01:46:20 pm
Sonic Team don't make PSO2.

To answer RadRappy, the director of this is the same as the handheld versions of Colors and Lost World. Meaning a smaller scale title.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 26, 2015, 01:53:17 pm
Just noticed its not Sonic Team anymore its the Phantasy Star Crew....

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Trippled on February 26, 2015, 02:01:16 pm
Isn't it ironic how they used Sonic Team to promote PSO, but now they rather use the Phantasy Star name to promote Phantasy Star...?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 26, 2015, 02:23:06 pm
Sadly there hasn't been a Phantasy Star game published in the US since 2010... :(
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Randroid on February 26, 2015, 04:30:33 pm
I like the game. It's pretty vibrant. The music is keeping me from getting too into it though.

There's two types of music that I identify as Sonic music. The stylish, hip, timeless neo-synth-pop of Sonic 1 - 3k + CD and the bland, uninspired lame guitar rock of the modern games. This game has the blandest of the bland music.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 26, 2015, 05:33:09 pm
It's classic sunoe.  The melody aint bad; it's just the fucking power chords are seriously grating after about 5 minutes. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 26, 2015, 05:43:40 pm
I didn't think it was bad, I actually thought some of the tracks where catchy. As good as Retro titles? Nah. Trash? no.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: crackdude on February 26, 2015, 05:48:00 pm
Superior music coming through
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 26, 2015, 06:39:42 pm
to a 13 year old perhaps!
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 26, 2015, 06:46:02 pm
to a 13 year old perhaps!
Shots fired towards Portugal.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 26, 2015, 07:10:18 pm
Why does anyone that doesn't like the same music as you have to be a certain age demographic? I mean, Sonic Adventure 2 came out 13 years or so ago, so how many 13 year olds do you think are still into those games? Those are 'Retro games' to them.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on February 26, 2015, 07:48:16 pm
to a 13 year old perhaps!

better get used to it. No doubt it's the kind of music the 25th anniversary game will have. Jun's rock songs seem to be saved for big releases.

don't you love what he did with chemical plant? or green hill zone? I think those remixes are great!
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on February 26, 2015, 09:35:47 pm
I played and so far I got into it. The gameplay is really addictive.

Did people notice that ST implemented some sort of a completely functional, although not the same, jumping and physics system that is reminiscent to the classic games? It's the same concept of S4:2 but better and without Dimps.

Also, this is the director first game with no Dimps colaboration in years. So, they ended their arrangement or this miracle is only a misunderstanding? Time will tell...
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 26, 2015, 09:55:23 pm
Yeah, no homing attack, tho we don't know if its a upgrade later (sorta how Generations introduced that stuff). I wouldn't mind it as optional, but I don't think it needs it.

The levels aren't as great designed due to being random but works for the type of gameplay, since your character moves forward by himself. I can see this getting over 100 million downloads easy.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 26, 2015, 09:57:29 pm
I like the music. :-/ The theme song especially:
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 27, 2015, 02:46:58 am

don't you love what he did with chemical plant? or green hill zone? I think those remixes are great!

nah, he cluttered up those melodies with cheesy guitar riffs and overly busy instrumentation.  I feel like I'm being shouted at during those songs, which isn't ever what I want.  I prefer ohtani and tokoi's stuff way way, more. 

incidentally, does anyone think these songs were a collab between sunoe and others? (

this in particular feels like an excellent fusion of syncopated guitar riffs and soulful piano melody in the middle.  It's quite striking.  Like sweet mountain mashed with planet wisp. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: crackdude on February 27, 2015, 11:59:16 am
to a 13 year old perhaps!
I was 11 at the time, so I TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENT.

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Aki-at on February 27, 2015, 12:28:47 pm
Pft, this is REAL DEAL Sonic soul music and not the trash Jun makes.

<3 <3 <3 <3 Takenobu Mitsuyoshi
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 27, 2015, 01:07:32 pm
The levels aren't as great designed due to being random

Randomly Generated levels?

Just kidding, we knew it was going to be like that. Shame, I don't like randomly generated levels being the basis of a game though.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 27, 2015, 01:16:30 pm
Obviously I can't play it but from what I've seen I think the game looks good. I like the aesthetic, character models, I like the music and the play on nostalgia... There's not much offensive about the game at all, which is very good for a Sonic game. I don't know how SEGA are going to make money out of this though I've seen no reason to spend a single dime... It keeps rewarding the player with stuff non-stop.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 27, 2015, 01:23:12 pm
I don't think the levels are randomly generated, at least in the sense that every single item is placed at random. I think there are stretches from start to the beginning of a boss fight that are pre-built. The Eggman battles are what break them up. So it's like:

STAGE 1-A -> Eggman Battle 1 -> STAGE 2-C -> Eggman Battle 2 -> Stage 3-A -> Eggman Battle 3 -> Stage 4-D

The Eggman battles break up the stages that get progressively harder and faster in speed. No clue how many stages there are of each kind, but I feel that in the first world there were three intro stages.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 27, 2015, 02:11:54 pm
I think they are designed/random; as in, they are build in parts and then randomly connected and generated. Is the vibe I got.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 27, 2015, 02:41:29 pm
Do you mean they are different each time you play, or they just built 50 stages with a random map maker tool?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 27, 2015, 02:46:45 pm
It's like how PSO works, there is a pool of various pre made level parts it selects from and then joins say 3 together in a random order so it feels different but without ever being so randomly generated that it breaks up the flow of the levels. No weird anomalies or strangely placed platforms.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 27, 2015, 02:53:03 pm
It's like how PSO works, there is a pool of various pre made level parts it selects from and then joins say 3 together in a random order so it feels different but without ever being so randomly generated that it breaks up the flow of the levels. No weird anomalies or strangely placed platforms.

I thought that would be the case. I don't really like that kind of level creation, as it's really quantity over quality.

Either way, is it possible to play this game offline? I know some games lock you play only connected to the net (like some SNK games) which is horrible for me since I would only play this on the bus or on a train when I have no net connection.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Aki-at on February 27, 2015, 02:57:57 pm
I thought that would be the case. I don't really like that kind of level creation, as it's really quantity over quality.

Either way, is it possible to play this game offline? I know some games lock you play only connected to the net (like some SNK games) which is horrible for me since I would only play this on the bus or on a train when I have no net connection.

Most if not all of SEGA Networks games are always online.

Not sure why this game even has that though, you don't need a buddy to complete the missions like you do in stuff like Chain Chronicle or Dragon Coins.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: MadeManG74 on February 27, 2015, 03:05:48 pm
Most if not all of SEGA Networks games are always online.

Not sure why this game even has that though, you don't need a buddy to complete the missions like you do in stuff like Chain Chronicle or Dragon Coins.

Probably so you can make In-app purchases or so they can collect data or something. Actually, could be to stop cheating as well? So you can't alter the files and unlock everything without paying, or fake 'grinding' to avoid paying?
Either way, if it's not offline I'm not going to bother since I wouldn't be able to play it on the go anyway.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 27, 2015, 03:33:21 pm
Pretty sure its server side to stop cheating.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: max_cady on February 27, 2015, 04:56:24 pm
Shame though, the game is pretty fun. Much more focused then Sonic Jump Fever.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 27, 2015, 05:39:41 pm
yeah, stop cheating and collecting data; knowing what people like and what leads them to use real money is a big big part of these games.

It is F2P after all.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on February 27, 2015, 07:09:05 pm
I think the Runners music is great. a nice mix between Classic and Modern. Definitely sounds like Sonic music, IMO.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 27, 2015, 08:15:06 pm
Yeah, thought they did a good job. Seems that most people here aren't really into it. That's a shame.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on February 27, 2015, 09:08:43 pm
Well, watching all the stuff that was founded in data of the game, I can guarantee you that this game is gonna be a full fan service show for long time Sonic fans, especially the Heroes side.

Being a F2P only makes it better because everybody can try the game without excuses.

I think the game could turn a profit for Sega just like Dash when they reach 1 million active users/80 million downloads. That's a lot of people and maybe a 15% of them will use IAP.

Maybe ST could learn something about how handled fans requests with this experience.

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on February 28, 2015, 08:50:21 am
Interview with Iizuka about Runners:

It's in Japanese, but Woun at SSMB translated it, there's currently no plans to make Sonic a mobile exclusive.

That's a big relief. And btw, I already knew it, this is just a confirmation, we've known for a while about this mysterious title in development by Sonic Team A since 2012.

And for the record, none of Sonic Team's members worked on Runners, I don't know why they're credited, but apparently Runners is made by the people who developed the Olympic crossovers.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on February 28, 2015, 10:20:12 am
Where is the translation?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 28, 2015, 10:42:35 am
well thank goodness.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on February 28, 2015, 01:20:19 pm
It was obvious. The proyects before the situation about SOA aren't gonna be delayed or canceled because what IP of Sega is the most indicated to jump in this gen first?

I don't know why people had fear about Runners being "the only new Sonic gake this year"...c'mon, until E3, Sonic news are gonna coming in big, be prepared.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on February 28, 2015, 04:10:56 pm
If you think SEGA was going to keep their biggest in-house IP exclusive to mobile, for no sane reason (Nintendo got them in a contract) i dunno what to say. Eh... surprise? What sane business would go "Well, we released the mobile phone and its doing great. Cancel all other console games and keep this app up". Just doesn't make any sense what-so-ever, even if the game does 1 billion downloads and 60 million active users. SEGA would just grow that team and continue to hit other platforms for MORE money.

As its said, this game is being done mostly by the Mario & Sonic Olympic game developers while Sonic team heads are over seeing (including those Story Book devs).

So would you rather SEGA make more Mario & Sonic Olympic titles or have that small team support this game with more modes, characters, events and such?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on February 28, 2015, 06:54:44 pm
I just hope they're being smart about the next big game.  It was clear from Sonic Unleashed that they broke the bank while simultaneously biting off more than they can chew.  More time/money spent on something does not necessarily an unforgettable game make.  They need to get smart and keep it simple. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on March 01, 2015, 07:48:28 am

the man himself confirms it
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on March 01, 2015, 10:35:42 am
off cause it is
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on March 01, 2015, 11:07:16 am

good to see Sonic Team is writing the dialogue again for Sonic games. I was getting sick of the unfunny writers writing the story for the last few games.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on March 01, 2015, 11:52:37 am
uhhh on the other hand, knuckles cursing feels extremely out of character.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on March 01, 2015, 02:05:33 pm
But is the one that unlike Sonic doesn't chuckle (

At least is nothing like ow the edge-Shadow stuff.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on March 01, 2015, 02:20:33 pm
This is a really shitty game. Im not the most experienced or knowledgable mobile gamer but I have played some endless runners. This has been the worst so far. My main gripe is one that probably doesnt last long, but it instantly gives a bad first impression. The pop ups and constant tutorials handholding at the start is a lot worse than sonic dash, jump or other endless runners and really tested my patience
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on March 01, 2015, 02:40:50 pm
You mean the 4 notifications and the tutorial? Well, at least you can wait until next updates when they changed some things..
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 01, 2015, 03:01:51 pm
or hit 'skip' on top. Is it annoying? Yeah, but took me like 2 seconds to skip it all.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on March 01, 2015, 03:14:49 pm
I just went back, and they still occur. Just had the game showing me how to do the roulette, use a partner, pop ups for wisps, pop up for facebook sharing, pop up for every passing goal. Just saying I think its done better in other games. The endless running itself gets old fast and doesnt motivate me to keep playing.

Edit: what i mean to say really is that i dont like mobile gaming f2p traditions, so anyone who's more accustomed to this stuff, I am not so excuse me if I sound ignorant.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: TimmiT on March 01, 2015, 06:48:48 pm
The tutorial stuff is only the for the first ten minutes or so? They still do tutorial stuff in story dialogue but aside from that it's not really that bad.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Nirmugen on March 01, 2015, 07:55:14 pm
Japanese iOS users love Runners right now. From Friday 27th, it reach the Top 3 in free overall Apps and it still there :)
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on March 01, 2015, 10:42:24 pm
You know. Where I come from 'damn' isn't really considered a swear word... I mean 'bloody hell' is worse and even that is acceptable in children's books like Harry Potter.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 01, 2015, 10:51:17 pm
I don't think 'damn' has been a curse word since like 1960.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on March 02, 2015, 12:42:00 am
Not sure if you guys are kidding or not but

a) 'Damn' absolutely is still a swear/curse word; you're not allowed to have characters say it on any major children's television network and it does officially go towards a movie's language score in the MPAA rating system.

b) Regardless, Knuckles has never spoken like this up until now and it feels super weird coming out of him.     

c) it's probably in all honestly just a poor translation of the Japanese "darn it."

d) the last time sonic characters said damn was in shadow the hedgehog.  nuff said.

this is all probably just a taste thing but it definitely makes me cringe hardcore. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 02, 2015, 02:12:09 am
Rad, I understand you work in the industry of films, but really the MPAA is bullshit. Honestly find the whole idea of 'bad language' bizarre. Honestly, who is offended with the term 'damn' and why does the MPAA dictate what is good or bad language? 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: crackdude on March 02, 2015, 04:16:43 am
Is this out on european iOS yet?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on March 02, 2015, 10:04:57 am
Rad, I understand you work in the industry of films, but really the MPAA is bullshit. Honestly find the whole idea of 'bad language' bizarre. Honestly, who is offended with the term 'damn' and why does the MPAA dictate what is good or bad language? 

Well, from a broad perspective I don't care about language.  I'm not a housewife and it's not as if there's anything morally wrong with knuckles dropping a curse here or there; it just feels out of style imo. 

What I abhor is the notion of shoe-horning curse words into something to somehow make it edgier or more for adults.  It's pretty much everything wrong with ShtH in a nutshell from a tonal point of view.  In this case, it feels more like a careless mistake than an attempt at any kind of appeal to teenagers so it's not a big deal. 
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on March 02, 2015, 10:28:35 am
Not sure if you guys are kidding or not but

a) 'Damn' absolutely is still a swear/curse word; you're not allowed to have characters say it on any major children's television network and it does officially go towards a movie's language score in the MPAA rating system.

b) Regardless, Knuckles has never spoken like this up until now and it feels super weird coming out of him.     

c) it's probably in all honestly just a poor translation of the Japanese "darn it."

d) the last time sonic characters said damn was in shadow the hedgehog.  nuff said.

this is all probably just a taste thing but it definitely makes me cringe hardcore. 

I find it more cringe inducing that damn is considered a swear word. Damn, or dammit really means very little unless you are deeply religious. Same as bloody hell, which is considered worse, at least in the UK. Both damn and bloody come up a lot in a kids book called Skellig, which is a regular book study in primary school at age 10-11.

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on March 02, 2015, 12:12:46 pm
I'm not disputing whether damn should or should not be offensive, I just don't think it sounds right coming out of Knuckles.  Don't bring your language crusade to me, I don't care one bit about the issue. 

Also, cursing in Japanese is not a 1:1 equivalent to English.  Culturally the words do not carry the same weight at all.  You can translate "Kuso" or "Chikusho" as "damn" or "shit," but you're not fully appreciating the nuanced differences between them.  They simply aren't taboo over there.

Also translating "Bakayarou" as "bastard" among other things is extremely loosey-goosey.  It literally translates to "stupid person."

Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 02, 2015, 01:45:37 pm
Is this out on european iOS yet?
No. You have to make a canadian iTunes account to get it.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on March 02, 2015, 03:35:33 pm
I'm not disputing whether damn should or should not be offensive, I just don't think it sounds right coming out of Knuckles.  Don't bring your language crusade to me, I don't care one bit about the issue. 

Also, cursing in Japanese is not a 1:1 equivalent to English.  Culturally the words do not carry the same weight at all.  You can translate "Kuso" or "Chikusho" as "damn" or "shit," but you're not fully appreciating the nuanced differences between them.  They simply aren't taboo over there.

Also translating "Bakayarou" as "bastard" among other things is extremely loosey-goosey.  It literally translates to "stupid person."

I'm not sure I'm the one with the language crusade here...
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on March 02, 2015, 03:57:41 pm
The game isnt available in my play store either. But there's android apk floating around. Not sure if its wrong to share, since its free to play with in game microtransactions. Which strangely all function correctly with euros and everything.

Ive played a bit more. Thought maybe ive been a bit harsh and gave it a genuine chance. So it is not randomly generated I think. Seems like im going through 2/3 variarion of the same run over and over again. It feels pretty good when u start to handle everything well so I do see a lot of potential. But there doesnt seem a lot of content at the moment. I got to rank 8. Should I expect new environments?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Aki-at on March 02, 2015, 04:42:35 pm
The game isnt available in my play store either. But there's android apk floating around. Not sure if its wrong to share, since its free to play with in game microtransactions. Which strangely all function correctly with euros and everything.

Ive played a bit more. Thought maybe ive been a bit harsh and gave it a genuine chance. So it is not randomly generated I think. Seems like im going through 2/3 variarion of the same run over and over again. It feels pretty good when u start to handle everything well so I do see a lot of potential. But there doesnt seem a lot of content at the moment. I got to rank 8. Should I expect new environments?

Retro Sonic have been pulling out a bunch of assets from playable Metal Sonic to Big the Cat as well as music tracks that seem made for a snow level. So probably expect a bunch more content in future since we're current in the test phase.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 02, 2015, 04:45:07 pm
Yes, I posted the APK here:

also link to the work around for iTunes users (like always people ignore our hard work on the front page. Thanks, you guys make us feel good like always).
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on March 02, 2015, 08:05:15 pm
Does the current version end at a certain episode, or does it keep going? I am currently at Episode 18.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on March 02, 2015, 09:15:12 pm
Does the current version end at a certain episode, or does it keep going? I am currently at Episode 18.

Think I read somewhere it goes to Episode 50 or something.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: CrazyT on March 03, 2015, 01:39:53 am
Retro Sonic have been pulling out a bunch of assets from playable Metal Sonic to Big the Cat as well as music tracks that seem made for a snow level. So probably expect a bunch more content in future since we're current in the test phase.
Lol sounds good. Used to be very informed on this sort of stuff. Should probably visit retro every now and then like I used to.

@George. U know good point. I have the forums on bookmark but its not a bad idea to set the frontpage as my homepage.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: crackdude on March 03, 2015, 05:35:17 am
No. You have to make a canadian iTunes account to get it.
Not sure if serious..
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Barry the Nomad on March 03, 2015, 09:42:02 am
Not sure if serious..

He's serious, it soft launched in Canada in the same way Crazy Taxi City Rush did to test the game before rolling out to America and Europe. SEGA West says they have "no plans" for other territories at the moment, but this is bullshit as the game is likely to get a wide release in the coming months. Hell, I would not be surprised to see it getting a wide release in a month or so.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: nuckles87 on March 03, 2015, 02:14:04 pm
I really don't understand the purpose of this "soft launch" stuff
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 03, 2015, 03:12:08 pm
Its so you can iron out bugs so you don't get hit with bad reviews early on. Basically 'beta testing' is a more proper term.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Sharky on March 03, 2015, 03:13:55 pm
I really don't understand the purpose of this "soft launch" stuff

It's a beta test... If there was bugs, problems, anything they can roll it back and fix it before an official launch, they're probably also getting feedback and collecting data.

EDIT: Beaten.

So where is Amy gameplay? And how many environments?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Happy Cat on March 06, 2015, 06:53:32 am
Sonic Runners is really awesome. I regret not installing it on my device sooner. It starts off way too slow for me, but it speeds you up fast. I love how the game rewards you by going faster when you do good. I hate how it seems to run laggy on my device, i don't think it should be either, but i imagine they still have a lot of optimizing to do. Or maybe I just need to get a new phone. Overall, great game though.

i have more to say but want to spend more time with the game first, will post my full impressions either tonight or later this weekend.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Chaosmaster8753 on March 13, 2015, 04:23:54 am
When will this come out for Android in America?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 13, 2015, 04:35:34 am
No dates have been discussed. Installing the APK is the easiest thing in the world..
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: crackdude on March 13, 2015, 07:21:02 am
How can I get this game on my EU iPhone?

Do I need to jailbreak?
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: George on March 13, 2015, 01:54:31 pm
You have to basically make a Canadian itunes account.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Berto on June 21, 2015, 08:40:44 pm
No need of Canadian account anymore.
According to the official twitter, the game's launching worldwide on June 25th.
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: Radrappy on June 21, 2015, 08:48:02 pm
No need of Canadian account anymore.
According to the official twitter, the game's launching worldwide on June 25th.

And classic sonic makes an appearance!
Title: Re: Sonic Runners: A New iOS / Android game?
Post by: crackdude on June 22, 2015, 10:32:04 am
Been playing this a lot. Very fun game. Add me on facebook so we can be friends