Just don't forget to add dragons in it though... Chicken Legs too, but not as vital as dragons for me.

I think the Chicken Legs are more vital and recognisable than the dragon mounts.
The dragon mounts simply look like generic ridable drakes, while the cockatri or "chicken legs" have more a distinct design recognisable to the Golden Axe and altered Beast games.

Ax-Wrestler !
Wouldn't be smart to wrestle an axe.
And would fit the Saturn game (The Duel) more than the arcade and Mega Drive ones.
She would probably be a bit over the top in design i comparison to the others but then again The Duel felt mostly its own thing than a Golden Axe game.
It definelity is. He already mentioned that he uses "Night Cafe Studio" (an AI Art generator program).
Not many artists were this honest.
Ah OK, I just noticed the weirdness in it.