!! Official DEMO Released !! You waited for it ? Here is finally !!!
This official demo is the quite last stable version deserving of a complete game.
Papi Commando and his wife are at war with the CePlusPlus because they stole them their CommoStrad!
But it will be necessary to clean at first 11 zones of the BaseCamp !
Exciting Gameplay ...
Up to the final Boss, terrible Colonel KASSTAGOUL guard of the retro treasure! Features : - An exciting 2 Players Mode !
- 5 musical quality atmospheres to choose in game ! (Button START) and a rich sound FX !
- An increasing difficulty and a retro challenge deserving of the best productions HomeBrew.
- 11 exclusive Zones with 2 Zones Bonus!
- Varied units: of the soldier CePlusPlus in passing the Zombie starving for human flesh and Cyber Guard, technological jewel CePlusPlus with specific IA !
- Diversified Retro Gameplay.
- A REAL final BOSS who will give a hard Challenge to you and a CommoStrad designed to encourage you in game !
- All the knowledge of the Studio Vetea only for you!
- Compatible PAL and NTSC.
( This game has been released with Bex. )
The challenge is hard, will be ready ?!
Papi & Mami Commando can't wait for this !
MEDIA :2 players Longplay Video ( on a RetroN5 ) with the Proto version :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shgsSRbxVpM Rom Link :https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/108143465/Papi%20Commando%20MD.bin Good Game and Good luck !!