Author Topic: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread  (Read 123464 times)

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2013, 07:17:44 am »
I wonder what the name of the next Sonic game will be called?

The rumoured Sonic Dimensions? Or perhaps something more articulate such as "Sonic Pilgrimage"?

I really can't think of many good names to give Sonic's new games these days.

Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline jonboy101

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2013, 07:40:57 am »
Sonic Team have been really good for the past few year now. They're one of the few that stepped up their game in SOJ and I expect the new Sonic to be a great Sonic game and to look fabon the 360 and PS3

I'll be convinced when the game is out. It's going to take more than two genuinely good sonic games to undo six years of utter incompetence and consumer disappointment.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2013, 07:58:07 am »
That's a bit harsh on the series. The handheld titles have been great, the past two console titles have been great. I think it's time fans stop giving Sonic Team a number of quality titles to fulfill before they are forgiven for Heroes through to '06. The team itself is different than it was back in '04-'06 anyway.

Offline crackdude

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #63 on: January 25, 2013, 08:03:11 am »
I'll be convinced when the game is out. It's going to take more than two genuinely good sonic games to undo six years of utter incompetence and consumer disappointment.
six years of utter incompetence and consumer disappointment = 2 bad games?

As for the name, what about something simple like Sonic Chaos, Sonic Slam, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boost, Sonic Xtreme, Sonic Turbo Egg

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #64 on: January 25, 2013, 08:16:35 am »
Still playing it safe as usual I see

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #65 on: January 25, 2013, 08:37:00 am »
I'm of the mindset that Heroes was a good game, whose flaws were attributed to Sonic Team spreading themselves thin by trying to release it to too many platforms. It was their first Sonic game not on a SEGA console, and the finished product shows this. The History of Sonic book implies this as well, with Sonic Team pretty much admitting that it was a lot of work to get a game that played on PS2, XBOX and GameCube, and that the PS2 version suffered the most because of this. Really, I think it was the repitition that killed it for me. Once as Team Sonic was fun, twice as Chaotix was different (and I liked playing as them again), three times as Team Rose was too much, four times as Team Dark was too much. Also, they needed to tone down the character voices, way too much chatter.

Shadow was a spin-off, so I don't think it hurt the Sonic games for me as much as it may have for others. It has a lot of unique ideas that (according to the rumor) are being resurrected and refined. Really, the OutRun style progression was really a cool idea. But again, the game suffered from Sonic Team being overly ambitious and reusing the Heroes engine (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is a modified Heroes engine). Returning to Sonic Adventure 2 stages and plot elements was a cool idea, I did like the Prison Island stage.

'06 was shit, pure and simple. And thankfully it was this game that broke the camels back, and made Sonic Team realize they need to get their act together. Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a lot of those responsible for '06 did not continue on to future Sonic titles, at least in the high level positions they had before. Iizuka was not a part of it, Naka left during development and Shun Nakamura (director) has since only received a level design special thanks in Unleashed and went back to what he does best: making rhythm games like Rhythm Thief.


Unleashed was a solid game. The art direction was very strong, music was excellent. There were far fewer characters, which lead to a more focused and simple story. The human character of Unleashed are really charming and lovable, really it's night and day when compared to '06's humans and adventure fields. The thing is, the werehog gameplay WAS polished and playable, and dare I say fun at times. Really, the problem was that the stages just dragged on too long. Werehog would have been a lot of fun if stages lasted 5-8 minutes. Instead, they typically went on for 20-30 minutes, which was really shitty. Also, the sun/moon medal collecting was not needed. The day stages were and still are praised as being the best aspects of the game, and since Unleashed, Sonic Team has refined this sort of Sonic gameplay which gave us Colors and Generations.

So I'd say we had four fantastic titles (Sonic 1-3&Knuckles), two good/great* 3D titles (SA1&2), one decent title (Heroes), one misguided not-too-bad-but-not-good title which is a spin-off anyway (Shadow), one shit title ('06), one game that got things back on track despite some flaws (Unleashed), and two great games (Colors, Generations).

Again, this is my opinion, so others surely differ. But still, I'd say the Sonic series has a lot more good than bad and has been solid in the main series department since 2010. Not to mention the Advance and Rush series have been enjoyable, and were very good Sonic titles during the years in which the console titles were not as good.

*nostalgia plays a factor in how good fans think the games are, as well as the ability to play and understand that these were achievements for their time, even if they haven't aged incredibly well for some

Offline crackdude

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #66 on: January 25, 2013, 10:04:28 am »
Adventure games were good when they came out, today they get iffy.
Heroes was ok, still ok.
06 was bad and you should feel bad.
Unleashed was good/bad and was panned unfairly.
After that all good.

I think the only bad games are 06 and Shadow. Taking into account that these came out at the same time AVGN was getting popular for bashing Sega, and suddenly it seemed that everything Sega ever did was shit. It was funny to bash Sega and Sonic and give them unfair reviews for cheap publicity.

In my opinion both Sega and Sonic Team have been doing a wonderful job for nearly 6 years in a row now, regaining public trust and reestablishing it's image as top dogs in videogame-land. I hope the next year will be an extension of this.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #67 on: January 26, 2013, 04:15:00 am »
I'll be convinced when the game is out. It's going to take more than two genuinely good sonic games to undo six years of utter incompetence and consumer disappointment.

I think you'll be surprised. Sonic Team really have got their act together these days  . Great Tech and some decent ideas and good games . In fact most of the people that knock SEGA and Sonic these days are the ones that don't even buy or play them .

I'm of the mindset that Heroes was a good game, whose flaws were attributed to Sonic Team spreading themselves thin by trying to release it to too many platforms. It was their first Sonic game not on a SEGA console, and the finished product shows this

 Yes there is a world of difference making the game on multi platforms , but that's not the really issues (it doesn't help for sure) the trouble is when you're a 3rd party Team you've got hit deadlines and street dates and say goodbye to 1st party funding and soft release dates . The major trouble for the Sonic Team was the silly PR thinking of getting the game out before Christmas at all costs . Sonic Heroes is a nice game, but it was rushed out and lacks polish, same for Sonic Unleased - There'a nice game with some fab tech -let down by lack of polish and optimisation Where 6 months more work could have made a world of difference and most of the biggest knockers of the game are the ones that haven't played it (and their gamer tag will show that)

'06 was shit, pure and simple. And thankfully it was this game that broke the camels back

The worst part was in could have been very good , but the Shinobi producer lost control of the game and the development Teams (where you had Soinc Team and part of the Shinobi/Overworks Team developing) and tbf he wasn't helped with the ridiculous 15th anniversary tag - Which meant yet again the game had to ship before it was ready and they was no hope of putting the game back, even with every Quality Control in SOJ/SOE/SOA telling the Team the game was a mess and needed to be fix and pushed back
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 04:26:03 am by Team Andromeda »
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Offline Nameless 24

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #68 on: January 30, 2013, 07:38:34 am »
I hate Heroes with a passion, and it's not because of the quality ironically enough...I was so hyped to play a 3D Sonic game that promised "back to roots" that it let me down so much.

Sonic '06 in comparison, didn't disappoint me nearly as's a bad game, but I chose to live with that...since my expectations were low after Heroes....looking back, Heroes had some good ideas, but I didn't like some of the difficulty spikes in the game (same with '06).

The handheld games are okay....I felt that Rush was the best of the bunch initially but then it became more of the same after that, I think Rush Adventure did some unique missions/Chaos Emerald searching that I loved so it only just goes above Rush in terms of that aspect, but the music wasn't as good as Rush (I do like the music, but not as much as Rush). Colours felt easy, played it safe etc.

Advance will still be my favourite 2D Handheld Sonic game though.

Other then that, I skipped Unleashed, liked Secret Rings despite it's control frustrations, kind of hated Black Knight's latter levels and repetition and was pleasantly surprised of Colours gameplay (I skipped it as I wasn't really interested in another Sonic game at that time).

I like Generations, but I didn't think it was worth the £35 I paid for it (my friend badgered me it is worth the full price....he's more of the Adventure Generation though, but enjoys the Mega Drive Sonic's). Some aspects like the side step, drifting and hopping were cool from Colours, it made Sonic much more controllable in Generations...but I still have some trouble with the level design as I am not the best platformer (the thing with old Sonic was that platforms were easy to navigate, and the rare bottomless pit made Sonic to me, the definitive platformer vs the Mario games.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #69 on: January 30, 2013, 07:43:00 am »
I'm getting hyped to hear what the next Sonic game is! As long as it appears on 360, I'll be a happy fan.

Think about it, we haven't seen a 3D Sonic game with original stage designs since 2010! Since then Generations re-imagined old stages (they looked beautiful, but they were not new original stages) and All-Stars Racing Transformed did the same.

We haven't seen an HD console Sonic game (I'm talking main series) with new original locations since 2008's Unleashed! So I can't wait to see what's next.

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #70 on: January 30, 2013, 09:41:22 am »
I don't think you have anything to worry about Barry, Iizuka-san wants everyone to experience his creations. The age of Nintendo exclusive Sonic games is pretty much over, IMO, outside of the olympics stuff. Not to mention Wii is HD now, the whole reason Sonic Colors was made in the first place is because the Wii couldn't handle Iizuka-san's true vision of HD Zones.

Although I gotta say, gonna be interesting for the 25th anniversary game, Iizuka-san has expressed huge interest in taking advantage of next gen power, i wonder if they would skip the Wii u, LOL
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 09:43:00 am by Will »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #71 on: January 30, 2013, 09:44:12 am »
Wonder if SEGA still holds the Olympic license? It seems to be on a year by year basis. Was any mention made of them securing the 2014 rights?

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #72 on: January 30, 2013, 09:45:38 am »
Somewhat disappointed that the 3DS version is another Sonic game akin to Rush...since now is the time to make a portable 3D Sonic game ala Colours! It would certainly be something to look into!
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #73 on: January 30, 2013, 09:56:50 am »
I liked Generations 3DS, but it did feel like an odd mix of Sonic 4 Episode 2 and Rush in 3D.

SEGA really should make the next 3DS Sonic game something new in the same way that Advance and Rush were different. Even if it is a portable version of a console title, I'd like to see something that gives the 3DS Sonic releases a true identity.

Offline crackdude

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Re: Sonic 2013 Speculation Thread
« Reply #74 on: February 02, 2013, 08:54:49 am »

Get your ass on this thread as until the end of the day we hope to get some substantial Sonic news!

Some rumors are gearing up RIGHT NOW
the bolded letters on the post spell out Red Earring. Does this mean the new Sonic will suck?? Stay tuned!

Red herring is an English-language idiom that commonly refers to a type of logical fallacy in which a clue is intentionally or unintentionally misleading or distracting from the actual issue.[
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 08:57:19 am by crackdude »