Yes, we still have a forum.
Nai Adventure: *Shenmue Quiz Challenge* is a homebrew created to celebrate the 25th anniversary of *Shenmue*! With a free release scheduled for Christmas, the game will be compatible with the Sega Saturn. New features of the update:Save and load function on internal memory and backup cartridge;Expressions on Ryo when you get several questions wrong in a row;Art gallery where you can buy Shenmue concept art using the score obtained in the game.What's still to come:Solve compatibility issues: some functions that run well on the emulator still have difficulties on the real console – my biggest challenge at the moment;Add more questions to the quiz;Optimize loading times
I went ahead and bumped the game to "release" status since there's nothing else readily apparent that I want to change.I'm still happy to receive feedback. Happy golfing!
Sup! We've improved both Rick and Chai, polishing their movesets and animations. Moveset wise, Chai has caught up with Rick a while ago. Chai's animations and moves have changed to fit him better (more unique and muay-thai-ish).
Moon Patrol (SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive) - Part 2 WIP Video more detailed crater;- new enemies;- stage clear.Source:
Added GO FOR IT! - a VS fighting game for SEGA Genesis / Mega DriveSource :
CONGRATS to "Smiley" Kylie Rae on being WWEID"d! Thrilled to announce Kylie as the special guest star of our new Sega Genesis game, GO FOR IT!
Captain Barrel is setting sail! While we are still receiving and assembling the Neo Geo carts, the Megadrive versions have shipped!If you've been waiting for the NeoCD and Dreamcast versions... Here they are! Available for purchase and shipping later this month! Thanks! 🍻