Gaming > General Gaming Discussion

New Yakuza

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Yakuza will not be a Playstation 4 exclusive in Japan. That pretty much seals it for me, not only do I not need a PS4 for a while longer but I think it says massively of the condition of the Playstation 4's future in Japan.

I should get around to buying Yakuza 5 on import one of these days. Then trying to understand it with a translation guide or something :(


--- Quote from: MadeManG74 on July 01, 2014, 09:53:17 am ---I should get around to buying Yakuza 5 on import one of these days. Then trying to understand it with a translation guide or something :(
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That's what I'll be doing, I suppose. I was pretty sure they were going to localize it, but once the Sega West producer 'Yas' left, I think there wasn't a contingent of Yakuza supporters in Sega West anymore to find some budget scraps for it.


--- Quote from: MadeManG74 on July 01, 2014, 09:53:17 am ---I should get around to buying Yakuza 5 on import one of these days. Then trying to understand it with a translation guide or something :(

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--- Quote from: Centrale on July 01, 2014, 10:23:20 am ---That's what I'll be doing, I suppose. I was pretty sure they were going to localize it, but once the Sega West producer 'Yas' left, I think there wasn't a contingent of Yakuza supporters in Sega West anymore to find some budget scraps for it.

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You guys are in luck, not only is it probably the most import friendly (The main storyline anyway) it only has two points where you would actually need a guide. Thankfully KHH Subs have been putting up some brilliant videos up and we have this brilliant guide up so you won't be getting stuck much!

Trust me, it's worth it guys, YOU GET TO PUNCH BEARS IN THE NUTS!

And the Haruka section is one of my favourites.


--- Quote from: ROJM on July 01, 2014, 05:50:07 am ---You mean the one that made him "retire" without getting a chance to complete SHENMUE? Yeah that's the nice Sega we all want...

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he said that himself XD


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