Gaming > General Gaming Discussion

SEGA VS Fighting Games - "Better run home to mama now!"

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Fighting Vipers comic by Ryuukan, from a 1996 Comic Gamest compilation.

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--- Quote from: Mystic Monkey on December 06, 2023, 09:47:57 pm ---The Mairo & Sonic Olympic games I get. The Olympics are supposed to be about countries from across the world of different politics and beliefs, coming together in sporting events out of trust and unity. Sonic and Mario were once rival mascots so having them in the Olympics could be for Sega and Mairo to give them impression that theres no more hostility, only handshakes and good sports.

Which is all well and good, but I still think in-lore character wise, the two would be more interesting as frienemies than just written to just so happen to be on friendly, good terms.
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They could make the olympic stories darker to make Sonic and Mario more on frienemies term, but I doubt the Olympic Commitee would allow them.

--- Quote from: Mystic Monkey on December 06, 2023, 09:47:57 pm ---I'm sure there are god and quality arcades in Britain that have the classic games.... I just never come across them. The arcades I usually find were more like exetremely low-budget casinos, with a few arcade games tucked at the back so not to distract customers from the gambling machines.
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I guess it's a good thing that gambling is banned in my country so arcade centres were all full of arcade games, nothing else.

--- Quote from: Mystic Monkey on December 06, 2023, 09:47:57 pm ---I guess so. Though would be nice if we all had a single name to be united over.

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SEGA 16-bit. But that doesn't sound catchy too.

Virtua Fighter fan art circa 1994.


SEGA Talk #130: Project Justice: Rival Schools 2 (2000)

--- Quote ---On this rival edition of SEGA Talk, we take a trip back to 2000s High School rivalry for the ages!
The sequel to Capcom’s Rival Schools known as Project Justice? How did this sequel to a niche anime fighter come to be three years after the original?
Why did they change the name?
Let’s dive deep into Project Justice aka Rival Schools 2!
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Jeffry Mcwild Fan Art by Demetrius!



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