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SEGA Anime Topic - List & Streams

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Now with Type (series or OVA), Genre, first Aired and a summery and a 'Watch Now' hyper link to Kiss Anime stream.
I'll pretty it up a bit tomorrow but for now I am pooped!

Great list.
Never knew that Hero Bank took upthat much episodes, 51.
Is the anime really that popular?

Great work Sharky! Useful and in a really well executed shape ...


--- Quote from: Berto on January 10, 2016, 06:38:20 pm ---Great list.
Never knew that Hero Bank took upthat much episodes, 51.
Is the anime really that popular?

--- End quote ---

It must have been somewhat popular, although I think anime and cartoons for kids always have more episodes per season as standard.

--- Quote from: Deefy on January 10, 2016, 06:44:24 pm ---Great work Sharky! Useful and in a really well executed shape ...

--- End quote ---

Thanks Deefy, haven't seen you around in a while!

Good-ass job on the list. The only suggestion I can make is giving links to both the sub and dub version where applicable.


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