Gaming > General Gaming Discussion

Space Harrier - Welcome to the Fantasy Zone! Get Ready!

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M2 needs to stop porting games from the 16/32 bit era and make some fucking original games already. This shit is too good.

They have done remakes/revivals before. The Konami Rebirth titles on Wii was from them. Fantasy Zone II W is their remake.

If they don't port games for Sega still, we probably won't get anything at all. After 3D Classic they should work on the Saturn library.


--- Quote from: Kuronoa on October 27, 2016, 06:21:27 pm ---They have done remakes/revivals before. The Konami Rebirth titles on Wii was from them. Fantasy Zone II W is their remake.

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And the Konami Rebirth titles were absolutely fucking mental. They need to start getting some original projects already cause they obviously aren't just port black wizards, they understand fundamental old school game design.


--- Quote from: Kuronoa on October 27, 2016, 06:21:27 pm ---They have done remakes/revivals before. The Konami Rebirth titles on Wii was from them. Fantasy Zone II W is their remake.

If they don't port games for Sega still, we probably won't get anything at all. After 3D Classic they should work on the Saturn library.

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After 3D Classics, M2 should work on the Model 3 arcade library. Virtua Fighter 3,  Scud Race, The Lost World, Daytona USA 2, Spike Out, etc.


--- Quote from: Phantasos on October 27, 2016, 04:14:20 pm ---M2 needs to stop porting games from the 16/32 bit era and make some fucking original games already. This shit is too good.

--- End quote ---

Honestly, I'd rather just have ports. Half the fun of these games is the nostalgia.


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