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So..the's almost 3 months later...

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These ones. That are nerdy enough I'd get praised for wearing it at some convention but jusssst cool enough that I won't get the pulp beat out of me on the streets. Are they coming? I never got mine. I was looking quite forward to it.

Hey, they are all printed and ready to ship. I will be shipping them monday or Tuesday. there was a ton of issues, first time doing this. If it was up to me they would have been shipped a long time ago.

The issue with Monday is that I have class and then work after, but Tuesday I have almost the whole day off. I will be adding a few extra things in the package for the wait.


--- Quote from: George on August 24, 2013, 06:36:56 pm ---Hey, they are all printed and ready to ship. I will be shipping them monday or Tuesday. there was a ton of issues, first time doing this. If it was up to me they would have been shipped a long time ago.

The issue with Monday is that I have class and then work after, but Tuesday I have almost the whole day off. I will be adding a few extra things in the package for the wait.

--- End quote ---

Sweet!!! Thanks for the update, George!

I take a 3X. XD (Or fit snugly in a 2X but 3X is far more roomy.)

Thanks for the topic Mengels7, I was just thinking to contact directly George to know something.

Thanks also to George for the clarification  :) , in any case would have considered the whole as a contribution to the website, even if can't have the T-shirt agreed would bother me a little ;)


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