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So..the's almost 3 months later...

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Barry the Nomad:
Yeah, I don't know if George noted it, but he was making these himself using his 1337 screen printing skills. I made the designs. He wasn't able to begin making them until the ordering period ended and then he had to order the amount of supplies needed - thus the time it took.

Hopefully we'll do more of these in the future! I have some other SEGA related designs that I think would look sweet on a shirt. And of course, I'm open to suggestions for IPs to cover.

I'd love to make a Shenmue or PSO inspired shirt. I have a few Sonic ones in mind, which we could perhaps collab with Sonic Retro on.

Nameless 24:
Valkyria Chronicles, Streets of Rage and Bayonetta ones would be nice. XD

So uh...George...I hate to be that guy but it's almost 2 months since you said they were ready to ship.


--- Quote from: Mengels7 on October 17, 2013, 11:30:27 pm ---So uh...George...I hate to be that guy but it's almost 2 months since you said they were ready to ship.

--- End quote ---

I fully endorse...

Barry the Nomad:
I'll bug George about it. I asked for one and it was shipped out but never arrived.


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