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Isn't anyone else noticing the number of daily posts are decreasing ?
We used to have fast replies in the forum
Now if we want to ask something the answer will come days later.
It's slower than changing emails.

This is a cool place but we need to either have more 'active' users or new members.
Does anyone else feel the same way ?
Would you suggest something to improve this place into a more partaking forum ? How could users participate more ?


I think most of us are just busy with getting things straight in real life. I've noticed what you're saying too.

Barry the Nomad:
It's just been a very quiet period for SEGA games. All the new stuff between December and now have been Japan only or iOS titles. Even the upcoming stuff has little content to dissect.

I do agree, though, that we need to shake the forum out of this funk. Maybe get some forum games going, or discuss a controversial SEGA topic? Unban our worst forum offenders? Actually, no to that last one.

I think once E3 comes around, there will be a lot more to talk about. Its funny because a lot of the people on here were once Sega Boards Members, well i found it cause of Shadi. Either way, it would be nice to recruit more people from there, or other sites.

Barry the Nomad:

--- Quote from: pirovash88 on April 15, 2014, 10:47:26 am ---I think once E3 comes around, there will be a lot more to talk about. Its funny because a lot of the people on here were once Sega Boards Members, well i found it cause of Will. Either way, it would be nice to recruit more people from there, or other sites.

--- End quote ---

Agreed on E3, and if you ever have the chance to recruit new members please do so :) The more members the merrier!


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