Author Topic: How active is this board?  (Read 17422 times)

Offline Mystic Monkey

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How active is this board?
« on: July 26, 2018, 11:08:11 am »
Hello. I'm somewhat a fan of The House of The Dead series but I see great potential in it that as someone who wants to make games someday soon (I'm starting out on Unity) I would love to make a fan remake of the first HoTD game.

However, I noticed the last thread here was 4 months a go and that thread alone had the most activity (17 posts). Given this forum is the closest I can find as most popular place for the HoTD online community how active is this place?

I'm asking because I have plans for a fan game (a modern remake of THoTD1, will make seperate thread if others interested) but while I can put it together in Unity, I cannot make it alone (such as models, architecture, texturing etc) and hope to put together a small group of fans with the right skills who can help me with the project.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: How active is this board?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2018, 10:27:22 pm »
If anyone is curious, here's a picture of what I made so far for my "Project: Resurrection".

I'm trying to make a proof of concept, the textureless mansion I made with AC3D, the only modelling program I know how to use, but still an armature model.

Such games as Outlast and Resident Evil VII are my inspiration for how I would like the outcome to resemble.
And yes, I want it to be a first person shooting game, not an on-rail shooter. I'd like the player to freely explore the mansion and choose their own route and pace to progress through it.