Author Topic: The Deep Silver Partnership with SEGA and ATLUS  (Read 3603 times)

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The Deep Silver Partnership with SEGA and ATLUS
« on: February 05, 2017, 03:08:08 pm »
This topic is more about their current shipments for 7th Dragoh 3 and SMT4: Apocolypse more than the partnership itself.

I got 7th Dragon 3 as I always wanted to play the game (I love it and beat it already), and I was curious about SMT4: Apocolypse only recently....however, the two games seem to have shot up in pricing and/or unavailable at many specialist game e-tailers in Europe.

Amazon UK has 7D3 at £60 and SMT4:A at £80/90. Despite Brexit happening, these games shouldn't have doubled in price, right???

Have Deep Silver under-shipped intentionally thinking no one would buy these games or did they get the shipments spot on?

I may have to import from Amazon Italy since it seems to be cheap there right now (SMT4:A), but I am curious if Deep Silver's Shipments have been underestimated or accurate? (Probably a question for Aki-At, but anyone can provide their thoughts if they wish)
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.