SEGAbits Website > Announcements & Feedback

[Update: 9/7/2014] Regarding the broken front page comments


Happy Cat:
Front page comments are currently broken. They aren't nesting correctly. We are working on this issue and will update this topic with more info when ready. You can still comment but if you are replying to someone make sure you mention their name for the time being so people know you are replying to them.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy Cat:
The core reason of this issue was solved today during maintenance, but there is still more work that needs to be done before the comments nest again.

Will update with more info in the future when available.

Happy Cat:
Nested comments still not working. I'm sorry. I'm leaving nested comments turned on cause I'm going to be trying to solve this issue through out the week. So don't hit reply, comments are still not nesting properly.

Was hoping to have everything working later this week in time for TGS, not looking likely at the moment, but I'll keep working at this week to get it fixed.


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