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SEGA Mobile Games - Something To Do With Your Hands That Won't Make You Go Blind

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Post anything you want (pics, memories, news, opinions, game collection, memes) about SEGA Mobile Games here
especially for games that doesn't have their own thread (Football Manager Mobile/Touch, Revolve8, Kemono Friends 3, etc)

Ones whose thread already existed :

Alien Isolation
Chain Chronicles 3
Chaos Dragon 
Cranky Food Friend 
Crazy Taxi City Rush
Demon Tribe
Doodle Jump
Dinosaur King D-Team Adventures
Go Dance
Golden Axe Classics
Golf of Fury 
Hortensia Saga
Idola Phantasy Star Saga
Liberation of the Blue Sky
Phantasy Star Classics
Phantasy Star Online 2 es
Project Sekai Feat Hatsune Miku
Puyo Puyo Quest
Puyo Puyo Touch
Puzzle and Glory
Rhythm Thief and Paris Caper
Rise of Knights
Sega Heroes
Sega Networks
Sega Slot
Sen No Kaizoku (JP version of War Pirates)
Shining Force Classics
Shining Force: Heroes of Light and Darkness
Sonic at the Olympic Games - Tokyo 2020
Sonic CD
Sonic Dash
Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom
Sonic Jump Fever
Sonic Forces
Sonic Runners
Sonic Runners Adventure
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 2
Sonic (All games)
Space Harrier II
Streets of Rage 4
Streets of Rage Classic
Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition
Super Monkey Ball Bounce
Virtua Cop
Virtua Figher Fever Combo
War Pirates
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
WWE Tap Mania
Yakuza Kizuna
Yumeiro Cast


Latest news : Damn.... 

From SEGA forums :

--- Quote ---Hi all,
We have some sad news: On April 15th, Puzzle & Glory will be shut down.

It was great watching you build strong guilds, perfect character rosters, and strategize how to beat the Sandstorm. The amount of passion that you all brought to the game, and to these forums, is humbling. We wish very much that we could keep the lights on but unfortunately, the game never found an audience large enough to support the robust experience we envisioned. As a result, we have to shut things down.

Puzzle & Glory has been a work of passion for this team. They poured countless hours into building the art style, creating the characters and story, and designing the events. It was rewarding to see your excitement, as you explored the world and then invited your friends and family to join you.

This was a difficult decision. We’re sad to let the game go because of all of the wonderful ideas (yours included!) we had planned. We thank you for all of your feedback during this adventure. We're grateful for your dedication and enthusiasm for Puzzle & Glory.

Starting today until the game's closure, in-app purchases will be turned off. We encourage you to spend your remaining Arelium and gold.

If you have any further questions, please contact support here:

Thank you again.
--- End quote ---

Source :

Now I wonder if Cranky Food Friends will be next to be shut down.

Edit : The answer is Yes, George's prediction is correct.
It's even sooner than Puzzle & Glory  :o

> Cranky Food Friends will be shut down on March 31, 2016
> Puzzle & Glory will be shut down on April 15, 2016

--- Quote ---Hello,

I can now officially confirm to you that on March 31, 2016, Cranky Food Friends will be shut down.

This decision was not made lightly; the Cranky Food Friends team put hard work and long hours into this game, but in the end, it did not gain a robust enough following to make the game viable over the long term.

If you have any questions, please contact support here:

Thank you so much for playing

--- End quote ---

Source :

Cranky Food Friends is in soft release purgatory. It did get updates, but it didn't really address the problems it has; in fact some of the updates made the game worse. Apparently there are no planned updates in the future either. I will not be surprised if that was shut down too.

Cranky Food Friends is a disgrace. Should be Puyo

Generic trash that is already flooding the market doesn't sell... surprise cockface!

This movie somehow reminds me of Cranky Food Friends.


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