So Naruto helped get back into anime. Been bingewatching it like crazy. I cannot wait to finish it so I can jump in to Shippuden.
And because I hate myself so much, I took a little break from Naruto before I get sick of it and decided to watch something different:
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't Be this Cute)
If this synopsis doesn't freak you out and make you take a cold shower, then things should go smoothly... Basically, it's about a brother and sister who for many years have treated each other like complete strangers despite the fact that they were such good childhood friends. One day Kyosuke finds out that her sister (Kirino) has been stockpilling a ton of "little sister"-themed erotic pc games. Kyosuke uses this opportunity to help her sister out of her addiction, help her find new friends and fix their broken relantionship. As time goes by, however, both protagonists find themselves in a very strange place as it becomes obvious that Kirino has strong feelings towards her big brother.
After watching all the 32 episodes (like I mentioned before, I hate myself), this anime sends some very mixed signals... On the one hand, it's clear as day that they want us, the audience, to feel for Kirino and Kyosuke's relantionship, in particular how it evolves into something a little more intimate (for the record, they are not step-siblings, which is often the case in these types of risqué animes, they are blood-related and this series is loud and proud about it). But on the other, this often feels like an Otaku / Erotic Games PSA, because none of the characters, be it the friends, be it the parents, be it Kyosuke's ex-girlfriends and even our main heroes aren't that stupid. What the characters appear to be doing is bad / unacceptable and we are beaten over the head with that message every single solitary episode. But once again, mixed signals overall: the series is proud to be risqué, but on the other hand it's very tame when compared to your standard ecchi / harem series, way more romantic dramedy then gratutious and shallow nudity, pantsu jokes and general lewdness.