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Gaming => General Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: Kori-Maru on June 25, 2012, 07:36:07 pm

Title: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: Kori-Maru on June 25, 2012, 07:36:07 pm
Here's a couple of screenshots

I've only played a bit of the fifth game that was recently released to the US and I plan on finishing it some time once my PS3 quits messing with me. The battle system in this game is addicted and has a great storyline. You'll get attached to each of the characters.

It's cool to see that someone is finally translating the first game for others to play. Now I can get a chance to play with familiar characters I know in the game in full fleged english.
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: SOUP on June 26, 2012, 10:46:05 am
It's nice that somebody's finally translating them.
I've heard the third and fourth games are really good.
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: max_cady on June 26, 2012, 12:24:00 pm
That's pretty cool.

I've always wanted to try one of these games. I have the Tokyopop comic books, so I already have a rough idea of the game's premise.
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: Kori-Maru on July 02, 2012, 11:08:35 pm
Wonder why this awesome news hasn't been posted yet. We got to support this guy for all of his hard work to translate all 4 games on PC.
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: superrayman3 on September 24, 2012, 05:25:17 pm
Wonder why this awesome news hasn't been posted yet. We got to support this guy for all of his hard work to translate all 4 games on PC.
Sorry for bumping but it's actually a woman who's doing the translation and the reason the news hasn't been posted yet is probably because the project was started back in February and there hasn't been a single update from the person doing the translation since.
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: max_cady on September 24, 2012, 05:51:26 pm
Understandable. I mean, the original Sakura Wars game is very text-heavy, translating the whole thing is time-consuming and taxing. I know from experience. If only there was a way to get SEGA involved and maybe help co-kickstart a project like this.
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: superrayman3 on September 24, 2012, 06:34:10 pm
Understandable. I mean, the original Sakura Wars game is very text-heavy, translating the whole thing is time-consuming and taxing. I know from experience.
I understand that the SW games are text-heavy and it does take time to do everything. However when more than seven months go by with absolutely nothing from the translator I start to get concerned about whats going on.
If only there was a way to get SEGA involved and maybe help co-kickstart a project like this.
Yeah good luck getting SEGA to do anything pertaining SW in the west, for some reason SEGA's western branches seem to be strongly against seeing this series in the western market why? I have no clue, the best example to back this claim up is here: sure it's a bit old but after reading this article I lost alot of respect for SEGA (and my hatred towards how they ignore the english SW fanbase grows each passing day).
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: Kori-Maru on September 24, 2012, 10:05:25 pm
If that's true, then Sega West needs to step their game up. Luckly, I've bought the collector's box set with all 4 games. I'll try all the games myself and post my thoughts on the forum if the game is good for Sega themselves to publish the series. I mean I was fine with NIS publishing the game, but I hardly knew the company. If Sega West released the game, the game would have had a stronger cult following.
Title: Re: A Fan is making a English Translation patch for Sakura Taisen on the PC
Post by: superrayman3 on September 24, 2012, 10:57:41 pm
If that's true, then Sega West needs to step their game up.
I agree SEGA West really needs to start actually giving some of their lesser known IP's a chance in the Western market.
Luckly, I've bought the collector's box set with all 4 games.
If I wasn't strapped for cash right now I'd be hunting down a collectors box set with all 4 games.
I'll try all the games myself and post my thoughts on the forum if the game is good for Sega themselves to publish the series.
Cool let us know what you think of each game.
I mean I was fine with NIS publishing the game, but I hardly knew the company.
I hardly knew anything about NIS either until I played SLML.
If Sega West released the game, the game would have had a stronger cult following.
I agree, I just can't understand why SEGA's western branches want to keep these games out of english speaking countries.