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Gaming => General Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: Wilhelm on February 02, 2011, 11:43:37 am

Title: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: Wilhelm on February 02, 2011, 11:43:37 am
Well after playing it non stop for the past lil while, my GD-ROM lens is finally dead..ahh

What do I do with it now?
I've been playing Phantasy Star Collection to hold me off on the gba, but..I dunno, the feel....I...
 :cry: I miss my Dreamcast!
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: kozmo on February 02, 2011, 12:13:41 pm
Viking funeral?

I'm sure someone'll be along with a serious suggestion soon.
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: CrazyT on February 02, 2011, 12:17:08 pm
That sounds kinda effed up. When stuff like that happens to me, I always google around and try to fix it myself before taking the next financial step in spending my money. If the lens doesn't read the gd roms anymore, try this: a clean tisue(preferably glasses tissue) and wipe softly over the lens. I mean you've got nothing to lose. If it's dead than we need to dig him a grave quick :(, maybe try buying a new lens :P if you are bothered to fix him haha
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: cube_b3 on February 03, 2011, 03:24:44 am
YouTube solutions on how to boost the lense's power there is a simple guide.

Be careful with your Dreamcast unlike PS2 less than 11 million were produced.
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: Barry the Nomad on February 03, 2011, 07:43:32 am
I own three DCs. You gotta always have one on reserve.
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: cube_b3 on February 03, 2011, 12:04:27 pm
I own 7.

It is a lucky number.
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: Sega Uranus on February 03, 2011, 05:13:14 pm
I have just over 9000.
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: Wilhelm on February 05, 2011, 11:44:02 am
Rumour has it theres a model of the Dreamcast with a gd-rom drive that doesn't burn itself out nearly as quick as the regulars. But it's also the one that can't play burnt games or something? I'm not sure I haven't been able to find one that can't play burnt games yet so I'm sorta disapppointed

but, on the brighterside, I did get an emulator to work nearly perfect with jet grind radio (set) and shenmue, as well as skies of arcadia so I'm not all that disappointed since I hvae a DC to PC USB adapter for the controller.

my PSO server I play on is back up so I've been to focused on that to care about the fact my DC is dead (RIP my lil buddy :( )
and I got a gba sp with phantasy star collection so I'm playing 1 2 and dear god... 3. unfortainently the fourth one wasn't put out in PSC for gba so I'm sorta let down....but it's still sexy.
least until I decide to get a Playstation Portable to get some P.S.P. I'm hitting the phantasy star phase again.
However my boss thinks I'm addicted to drugs cause Ill stay up late playin some PSOBB on a work night..woo..t...
Title: Re: Graaahhh!!! Goodbye Ms. Dreamcast :(
Post by: SOUP on February 05, 2011, 05:35:20 pm
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is a pretty cheap and easy way to play through Phantasy Star IV whenever you finish the other ones.