No, they do... They also very often seem to wear see through swim wear... It's... very interesting!
One thing I always notice in france is that, they don't seem to understand eye related visual ques.
In the UK if your eyes meet with someone else in the street you'll give them a friendly smile or nod of acknowledgement, this doesn't exist in France, even if you smile at them they'll just look back at you blankly.
On that note in the UK if your looking at a stranger and they notice you looking the done thing is to look away... In france people will simply stare at you and if you look at them they'll just continue to do so. It is strange.
Even if you make eye contact with a stranger and your inital reaction is to look away, they just keep looking.
It doesn't come across as rude or anything, really I don't get why we in the UK do this... But it is a bit of a culture shock when ever I'm being stared at by a stranger with no emotion on their face!