I think from what I read, I only have feedback about 2 things. (well assuming the alpha testers know what they are talking about)
Balancing: This is very general and applies not only to the characters, but the enemies as well. I remember the first booma slapping the shit out of me. The AI needs to attack when he gets the chance, and I saw very little of this. They do an awful lot of damage however, but I think this is where the balance should be applied. Make them do alitttle less damage in return of better AI. It would feel much natural that way. The characters themselves probably need some balancing too. I read that the magic's aren't balanced from each other? (let me hear ure thoughts ezo since u play with a force).
Press attack button on timing: So PSU's button mashing was allready a bit of a turnoff to me, but it was a different game with a different mechanic. Love or hate it, it was not meant to be PSO'ish in the first place.
I love the timing aspect of attacking in PSO. Yes after a while it would become an automation when mastering it, but still it didn't encourage button mashing and had a bit of a learning curve. Button mashing got u nowhere. It felt good, that's for sure. To me this is a signature mechanic to PSO....
So I am reaaally dissapointed that you can hold on the attack button to keep attacking. I'm baffled that no one has mentioned this anywhere. Am I nitpicking?