So yeah, impression time :p
Not gonna lie that this game is friggin awesome and is so true to its name. The towns and socializing is only improved upon. The town is really great and huge full of great places to hang out. There is alot of fun to have by jumping around, platforming etc. I managed to get on this high spot which didnt really have a road towards it. Felt like a bawss standing there as well
I went in with the PSO system in mind, but the way they inovated it, is really done well.
Alot of my complaints have been debunked. The fighting mechanics may seem easy and spammable(as u can hold down the attack button and the character will unlimitedly keep atacking with no pause in between), but once you get to know the AI, that wont be the case anymore, because they will attack you harshly.
The forest's difficulty isnt that great, but i'm noticing good AI behavior, it is just not very agressive yet I think, so i am giving that they just made the learning curve easier for the bigger croud.
This game is awesome. Only gripes I have are with the visuals. It looks great in the forests, but in town there is this weird blue tint that makes everyone look white even if their character are more brownish. Its less pixelated than before as i managed to turn up some settings. I don't know but I think the visuals just seriously lack overall. Low polygon environments with great textures. Bad animations on NPC's. It's not really "that" great, but passable i guess.
Nonetheless however, this game is awesome. Been playing with ezo the whole time heh. You've been a great guide lol
A funny screen: a good demonstration of what i meant with the blue tint