I do not think S0L understand what variation means for the typical SEGA fan. Mainly Sonic Team and Dreamcast IP? Where is the variation in that? But I am glad he confirmed this is for modern SEGA fans, that is all I needed to know that I do not have to bother with cash on this and just focus on getting Yakuza 1&2, Yakuza 5 and their digital ports.
I see no reason why I cannot act the way I am? Apply this to any Sonic thread and you (And I) rightly would be consistently pushing Sonic Team to up their game (PUN INTENDED) so why should I give Sumo a freepass when I was dissatisfied with their prior game and so far I am put off with Sonic Team taking a big portion of this game and Dreamcast era (I console which I might add is SEGA's THIRD most successful, not first) why should I not complain? It is my hard earned money they'll be taking from me after all!
And I can confirm Ristar is not in this game. I also know some characters may not exactly be what everyone wants...
I see where you are coming from Aki, but we're dealing with 2 different teams here.
One that has either been missunderstanding or completely ignoring everything the fans want and comes off as if it lacks any love and passion for what they're working on. I'd also say they lack a skilled team sometimes.
And then we look at Sumo that have put lots of effort on an amazingly built framework that would have been great built around any theme. The gameplay is allready set and sound and really has the potential to be the best of it's genre from what i've seen so far. So where it comes down to really is on what they decide to use or not based around many factors. From all the impressions i've got from interviews and their daily posts around forums (which is another thing I really apreciate from them) is that no doubt they have really put alot of thought into the whole proces of characters and level themes(something I don't think sonicteam did when they had to decide upon levels in sonic generations for example).
Of course they would want every character we demand to be in the game, but realistically they just have to leave some out and pick the ones who make more sense within the package, that are possible to implement within a reasonable timeframe, and that are gonna help the game sell more over those who don't.
Vectorman is a loss, but if it wasn't vectorman, it would have been vyse. If it wasn't vectorman, it would have been Joe mushashi and so forth. Well on a side note, I do think Reala is useless, but I really like to wait and see what else is gonna get anounced.
I really don't wanna believe you're statement about Ristar though
, because that would actually be a big confirmation of Sumo completely ignoring a major request, plus he was an easteregg in the previous game DLC. Unless there's a valid reason, which I can't think of, i'll guess we just make the best of what's there. But again, I can't be ungrateful with a panzerdragoon track in the game and many other stuff that are going to play, look and sound amazing. I'm personally very much looking forward to all the music remixes done by richard Jaques