I saw Inception before I went to Mexico, so it was a few weeks ago, not really the last movie I saw. The last movie I saw was probably White Noise on Mexican TV.
Here is a few things I did not get about Inception. Spoiler, so I will highlight it.
[spoiler:agkla32b]OK, Leo is trying to 'put' a idea into someone's head while they are sleeping. First of all, its hard as fuck to do and only 'he has done it' and the prize is that he can come to America again? Really?
I'm sorry, but isn't it easier to just sneak into the US? I'm no expert, but I was in Mexico for 3 weeks, for a couple of weddings and one of my cousins who lives in the US, does not have any license or visa or whatever to live in the US. He comes to Mexico every year and sneaks back. It should not be too hard to do, especially with someone with resources like Leo, who is trying to do the impossible.
Not to mention, couldn't he just have his Grandpa, who teaches in Europe, take the kids with him and his wife? You know, so they wouldn't live in America and his dad can drop by?
The only reason I think Leo wouldn't want that is cuz he is 'being hunted' by those guys in the movie, but then again, they would probably hunt him in America too.
As for the ending, if it was a dream, I think it probably was. I think the inception was being done on Leo and not the guy. The whole plot for the movie was to 'rest' Leo's demons. Regardless, good movie.
- I know the lead character is not called Leo.[/spoiler:agkla32b]