Author Topic: Franchises die?  (Read 6084 times)

Offline Mariano

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Franchises die?
« on: May 16, 2014, 06:33:41 pm »
Hi, in this new topic i would like to write about something that looks like is popular these days in the industry, the attempt of many people to "kill" franchises for, in my opinion, whatever reason. For example, many people i know think that the "Resident evil" franchises is "dead" just because the canon games of the seires are disappointed... (I am not going to talk about the game itself) but i believe that say that is a very big mistake, because the fact that you didnt like it, doesnt mean that a lot of others persons did, and obviously the company (Capcom in this case) is not going to give up because of persons that didnt like the game, the company if they see that they have a very big product in their hands, are going to exploited as much as they can for the fans that are faithful to them.
Another example is Sonic, MANY people thought was dead because of bad and dissapointed games... and again, the fact that you didnt like it and some reviewers too, doesnt mean that others persons did (I love sonic unleashed for example), and ESPECIALLY doesnt mean that the franchise is the end here you have our litlle blue friend... with an upcoming game, a TV series and a lot of merchandise, not to mention the mobile games. If you dont like all this stuff doesnt change the fact that it is there.
I could keep going with examples but lets go to the plot of the topic, when a franchise die?. Well, beside the fact that they cant die because they are not persons (Sorry for the ovbiously fact XD) i think that a franchise is dead when it doesnt have fans any more, OR when the company think that the franchise dosent have enough fans to justify the develop of a game. With this in mind franchises like Shenmue, Jet set radio, Sky of arcadia or others that not belong to SEGA like crash bandicoot (Big fan right here) and Megaman are definitely NOT dead, because they still have thousands upon thousands of fans that pass their legacy (Like the people of this page :) ) to others generations, and make them relevant for the companies.
I believe that in the end it doesnt matter what direction a franchise take (change of style, change of console, lack in quality, ETC) as long as that franchise have fans it will always be alive.
Thats my topic please let me know what to guys think and thank you for reading.
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Offline fernandeath

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2014, 05:54:06 am »
Has someone ever thought Sonic was dead ?

Well, franchises do die, but like the superheros, they might resurrect at any time...

Offline Mariano

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2014, 09:39:13 am »
Yes unfortunately there are persons that had been trying to kill Sonic since the day he was born and they have "pass" that legacy over the years. But it doesnt matter, SONIC is just to powerfull and had to many faithful and smarts fans to "be kill".

Offline TimmiT

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2014, 10:35:18 am »
Franchises dying isn't a bad thing. If anything, it's good. The makers will be able to go on and make different games and the franchise won't turn into something bad or stale.

I mean, would it have been better if Hayao Miyazaki just made sequels to My Neighbor Totoro for the rest of his movie career instead of making more original movies like Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away? New original works are far more interesting than just more sequels. I don't really mind it as much if the creators mean for the franchise to go on for so long. But a company shouldn't force a series to go on, it just limits the creativity of the makers of the games and will likely cause the franchise to end with a poor entry in the series rather than for it to end on a high note.

Offline Mariano

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2014, 01:02:37 pm »
I agree about allow innovation, plus is sure at this point for me that if someome doesnt complain about the lack of innovation then they complain about to much use of it...

Offline inthesky

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2014, 06:38:11 pm »
It varies. I think conservatism kills lots of series before the staff/producer/companies have had their fill of revisiting the world. But also, it's apparently somewhat common for some companies to produce a second title to a "mediocre" first entry if they feel there's potential (I think this was in response to rebooted Tomb Raider, where I read this?)

But yeah, while the book is officially closed on classic Phantasy Star, it's hard to argue that the producers or relevant parties were done with Shenmue or Valkyria Chronicles.

And it's no accident that these are are more recent "Japanese-oriented," so the other thing to note here is that franchises' premature death also comes from a hostile market or changes in the market.

I mean, certainly people should get to toy with other franchises than the one they're always associated with (i.e. Nagoshi). But Nagoshi, already has done, and continues to toy with other stuff, from as far back as Monkey Ball and to today with Hero Bank. So people could just do more than one thing, I would think

Sonic is maybe like a less successful Pokemon, it'll probably be alive as long as video games exist.
Proud recipient of the second ever Gary Player Award!
I support Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia HD ports!

Offline Spock

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2014, 01:37:37 am »
There are many franchises that could be revived. It would not be a good idea for the ones that no one liked. If they revived Mister Mosquito, then not even a single person would buy the game. It just depends on the franchise. A lot of franchises are not being revived because the original publisher or developer could be in financial crisis.

Offline Moody

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2014, 05:11:22 am »
I never really think of franchises "dying," it's more like they're going into hibernation like a bear. That bear's gonna get back up eventually, and even in the meantime, people will still know that bear's sleeping and talk about it from time to time.

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2014, 08:05:16 am »
I am being lengthy in my response as, I can not express myself, in a couple of sentences.

The thing is this. A FRANCHISE IS CORPORATE/OCP/EXECUTIVE TALK/WORDING. Not a consumer word. This means you could profit off a product, even when it is not really the same product anymore. Take "Doremon" right now their are Doremon Fridges, coolers, toys, shirts, and so forth. Disney series is another one, as many people grew up with the mouse, and is right in your face, I myself have a Mickey Mouse watch from when I was a kid, and many Chinese people tends to have Mickey Mouse products like crazy. So think about it like this.

Your not buying the actual product.
Your not supporting the actual creation of the product
You in fact are just buying material that is either licensed or unlicensed.

Take Resident Evil. Resident Evil is broken up into multiple parts

Zombie fans might buy it for the costumes,
Movie fans might get things related to the movie

But here is the best part. None of these people have actually played an Resident Evil videogame, or will never admit to playing a Resdient Evil game. You could have a person, who literally takes a dunk/extract excrement/ use the bathroom on everything that is videogames, but they own all the action figures from all the series.

I go to the store, and they have Lucky Charms. But am I buying the action figures/dolls, the doll house, or even the kinex/Lego of it? Am I building anything from it? no. I am just supporting the licensee, who pays royalties, to the person in charge of the material.

This person is usually a big corporation ( an entity ) with a bunch of yes-people, non-heterosexual lawyers, and all kinds of connections. Sometimes it is an individual, who is getting popular, and a corporation comes out of nowhere, to buy their brand/product.

Take Shocker toys v. LGBTJR toys. LGBTJR had many plans, but decided to sell Shocker toys after all the bad publicity. So now in another state, Shocker ( the invisible owner of Shocker which was originally LGBTJR toys ), now decided to make a product they feel will sell in their neck of the woods ( some redneck ( Americana ) wrestling women, that was popular back during "Married with Children" ).

Speaking of which, that womens wrestling show, that was pretty much the equal of "Sexy police", was very popular, but here is the kicker, WHY ISNT THE SHOW ON AND WHY IS THEIR SOMEBODY OUT THEIR WHO BELIEVES PEOPLE WILL BUY THE TOYS?

The reason why Resident Evil Videogames are unpopular is because RE GAME FANS, are not making the money to purchase their games. RE fans would rather have a PSX, or GCN, or something they feel is outdated.

The reason why Sonic is unpopular is because of the same thing. The fans are unwilling to budge, so they are focusing on the people who are willing to SUBMIT.



Remember that famous Apple advertisment, via "1984", that is the current mindset. If you do not remember, then go and see it. People have gotten soooooooooooo good at seeing through the lies.
Even the lies about those lies. Even the truths about those truths. Once that happens, you lose a costumer.

SEGA knowns that it's fans are broke, dead, married, pregnant, suicidal, prison, etc. SEGA. Nintendo, Atari, etc all calculate the numbers. Imagine if somebody tracked the amount of money I have, and when I have. That is why SEGA is focusing on the things they want and want alone.

SEGA wants money. Parents spend the most, so SEGA is targeting them. SEGA knows have naive parents are. Everybody has one. They are calculating it, and are just riding the wave of the obvious. It is obvious a parent is going to buy a toy, and the ultimate toy is usually a videogame system, and chances are they played a Sonic game.

Lets go back in time, with Led Zeppelin. Led, basically had this AP/Publicity team, in the audience spotting people who was selling unregistered goods. Tee-Shirts. They took down some guy, for selling Tee-shirts. Brought him back stage, like a fool, telling him not to talk, and this and that.

THAT IS WHAT A FRANCHISE IS. WHEN YOU MAKE PRODUCTS THAT NON-FANS COULD BUY, AND DO NOT CARE AT ALL, ABOUT THE PRODUCT. I am wearing a shirt that says "Nuke the Whales", but am I nuking the whales?

You have grown ups, cosplaying just because it looks cool. Like the "My Little Pony", which is making money in all kinds of fetishes.

Here is another example. The "Simpsons". Did you know the Simpsons, aired on a womans, stand-up comedy sketch. However their was a price for that. What you do not know, is that they have a lot of feminist messages inside the Simpsons ( I have the comics to prove it ). A part of me, loves Bart Simpson, a lot. I even have Bart Simpson doll. Am I Bart Simpson anymore? No. I am Homer Simpson, a Big grown guy, who should be making an income. The entire show basically makes fun of him, and shows how depressed his wife is. My Grandmother says she hates his voice, but only because he looks ugly. One woman represents the herd, and their are probably many people like you and me. As a man does not help me. No. That is many normal men out their.

So the Simpsons, as a series I love, and I still have my Bart Simpson Doll. Is the Simpson a doll? No. Is it a videogame? No. Is it a comic? No. The over-all point of the Simpsons is to hurt the normal men in this world, degrade them, promote women to leave their husbands, and encourage men and women to break up, so Homer could spend the rest of his life, with his imaginary, Country Singer wife. Keep in mind all the greatness is with the Women. Even the Woman that had a small waste, was crazy for donuts, and would have glorified Homers life. The over-all statement is to get divorced, and get separated now. As a man, that hurts my family, as a man I can not support the Simpsons, for that overall statement, being made. Simpsons is a fem-nazi tool, helping the harden crotch clad army of the Lesbos. It does not help me as a man.

Will I buy Simpsons products again? Maybe. But forever I will know I am helping somebody who is against me as a man. They want me to be a boy, they want me to be cool.


The bigger question is why do people disrespect a series?

Because you stop calling it a work of fiction and start calling it, an timeshare or a Franchise.
You have just broken the rules, of engagement. People start to see it for what it is, a sham,
a lie, a bluff, a WASTE OF TIME.

With Sonic we had a built up world. Sega decided to say, phuck everything that was, we are going to lock the "Disney vault", and start a new fresh thing. In the process they lose fans, but they gain a new audience.

With Resident Evil. The thing has gone on forever, and is depending on fans, who are dead, in debt, pregnant, homeless, jobless, and just do not want to budge from their current position. So they are making movie for the people who have nothing to do with the game. Basically their are things far more scarier then Resident Evil. Like r-tard laws being passed by the state, and the feds. Turning the education system, into an ant colony. Things like that is what is scary.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2014, 10:05:14 am »
I will never ever understand people who say that they want the Sonic franchise to be killed.

Fact is, Sonic makes SEGA a LOT of money. Beyond games, Sonic is a successful comic series and sells a lot of merch from t-shirts to action figures. Honestly, I think those calling for Sonic to be killed are butthurt fans of other SEGA franchises who believe that killing Sonic will somehow lead to a revival of their favored franchise.

Offline Mariano

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2014, 01:04:17 pm »
That make me remenber a phrase that a friend (That know much more about SEGA that i do) tell me once, "most of SEGA haters or trolls are SEGA fans disappointed".

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2014, 11:38:58 am »
I can understand that sometimes people would rather see a series die than get mutated into something horrible.
Dungeon Keeper - Pay to Win grinding mobile phone shit.
Roller Coaster Tycoon - See above
Devil May Cry - FUCK YOU: The Game
Thief - Thi4f
Hitman - Absolution
Splinter Cell - Blacklist (or even Conviction)
Resident Evil - RE4 killing survival horror, there I said it.

I personally don't want to see series die, but I do question it when they revive a franchise name just to shit all over the legacy of said game with a mediocre entry or something that's completely different to the previous games.

I mean, look at Shining Force now. It's unrecognisable from the old games, and I'm sure many people would love it if Sega just stopped. Personally I don't care too much, since it doesn't affect earlier games in the franchise which you can still enjoy, but it does tarnish the series as a whole. For example, Sonic is now a 'bad franchise'. It has far more terrible games than good ones, but ten years ago that wasn't the case. In fact it would have been unthinkable.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Franchises die?
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2014, 03:35:03 pm »

I personally don't want to see series die, but I do question it when they revive a franchise name just to shit all over the legacy of said game with a mediocre entry or something that's completely different to the previous games.

Zaxxon Escape comes to mind. Granted it wasn't a bad game, I did give it a B-, but it just wasn't a Zaxxon game...