Nice try, nobody here isn't
Why do you play these games .
Here I said
SEGA Japan consumer division needs to up its game , the rest of the SEGA group seems in good shape tho
To which you said ..
Keep with the times. Segasammy has IPs that sell across various platforms in various mediums that make millions.
You know I was talking of the consumer side of things
Yet Sega is in a position to buy Capcom outright but Capcom couldn't do the same.
SEGA isn't Sammy could if they wanted to, but that's been the case for years .
I much rather play Binary Domain, Rhythm Thief etc. That's just me.
Binary Domain is one the best games ever made, but we'll not see its like again from SEGA . Also its not like Lost Planet 1 or II, RE 5, Dragon Dogma, SF IV are far from rubbish .
Why is it being funded? Because Capcom refuses to listen to fans are doing the whole 'we know better than you' attitude, but they don'
No its because its a IP that has had it day . I've yet to see a kickstarter funded IP take off to any major degree for a old IP .
hat being SEGA is killing it in the mobile market, they have some of the top games on mobile platforms. How much money for ads do you think something like Sonic Dash makes? 65 million downloads is nothign to laugh at
They're all on mobile mate , Capcom , SEGA, Namco hell even Cave make a killing on the mobile . Capcom not only do well in the mobile dept. They also have IP that can sell 5 million plus at Full Retail price and have games that sell well in the West - that's something SEGA Japan lacks and its a worry going forward .
SEGA like, ROJM says, is in a better position and are actually making big headway in the PC market which is growing. Not to mention they have guaranteed franchises that will bring in cash from big western developers like Creative Assembly, Sports Interactive and Relic
The real money is to be made on the consoles . PC games sales are nothing to what they were in the 90's . Sure Rome and Football Manger do well, but Monster Hunter 4 makes more money in 2 weeks and gets better sale that those games most prob do it their life time
Capcom doesn't have a western branch,
Capcom does it has Capcom Vancouver
Shinji Mikami left isn't a good sign. The worse sign? That he is working on a horror IP with Bethesda,
Plenty of room for both IP and Mikami-san put his name to the likes of Shadow Of the Dammed , Killer 7, Vanquished and PN 03 and they all flopped , his name does't always equal sales and as for Bethesda they pushed the likes of Rage and Wolfentin but I doubt the likes of COD or Halo are going to lose any sleep over sales .
Pretty sure both Evil with-in and RE 7 can both get great sales . Shame SEGA Japan doesn't take note pf the likes of Evil With In- A true multi platform game, made with an eye to west . Love SEGA to make a sequel to Deep Fear (one of the best RE rip off's )