The page number is on the bottom right of the page . The 2 page review of Sonic Adv II is on pages 094 to 095 . Anyone that reads EDGE knows the early pages of devoted to the news section . So its quite clear not only did you not read the review , you're not an EDGE reader at all . EDGE reviews/Testscreens are always towards the back pages of the magazine . For added irony in the same issue pages 7 to 9 are about SEGA transition to a 3rd party developer in EDGE's news section
I ask once more, do you have a single fact to back that up? All I see are hastily photoshopped pictures of some rag-mag to try and prove a point. A point that was dulled long ago by the file of TRUTH.
It's clear to everyone who sees this that the 94/95 is the review score for the game. It's a 94 out of 95%, the pages are Page Seven out of Ten, and they didn't do it on the other page because it would be a waste of ink, any bloody fool can tell the opposite page is Page Eight out of Ten.
It's clear to me you've never worked in the publishing industry kid, did you even know that there's no such thing as White Ink? Or that there is such a thing but it's not effective to use? And rather publications needing to print white on black will actually use black ink to print all AROUND the white text which will just be the white paper showing underneath? I didn't think so...
Regardless, as I said, even if they gave this game a Seven out of Ten (coincidence that it would be on the seventh page too, I've noticed you haven't scanned the phantom 'preview pages' of the magazine either...) then adjusted for seasonal inflation it would be a 9.36/10 in modern review terms. Don't forget Sega was bribing every major magazine and blogger back in those days for review scores. Shenmue getting a 75% in Official Dreamcast Magazine? YEAH RIGHT
that was Sega paying for a brand new set of kitchen knives me-thinks.
I noticed you didn't even touch my points about the Burnout controversy, afraid you'll get proven wrong again? Heh, to quote Knuckles; 'I finally found you, FAKER!'