WOAH! So is Super Sonic going to be unlocked some point in the game as part as overall gameplay or were we just spoiled for the final boss of the game?
Or second playthrough? Like new game plus is using Super Sonic?
We still don't know yet. Nothing's been confirmed.
Maybe include Sonic Heroes but I'd settle if it's just remakes as Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 releases as a compilation.
And it should be a proper remake! Not just getting some third party developer to rebuild existing games from the ground up and not even test it for quality like Colours Ultimate and Origins. There's plenty of fan games that recreate the Adventure formula, hell Sonic Speed Simulator nailed it down perfectly. There's no excuses at this point.
If it's a remake then it'd probably handled by third party.
Sonic Team's resources are already busy and focusing on making new Sonic games.
Still, NFTs are a mistake. Who's to say I can't copy-paste official licenced images from Sonic Team to sell my NFTs? After all I'm not selling the picture, you don't own the rights to the picture, just the NFT. And I don't really know why people want NFTs, are they a form of currency or just something to boast about?
All they care about are money and investment.
Hoping that someday they could sell it again what they bought in a higher price.
I'm very curious at how they're going to adapt this SA2 plot into this live action, Earth-based movie.
I mean, instead of City Escape and Prison Island I'm kinda hoping they just use San Francisco and Alcatatraz. That's what City Escape and Prison Island were based on and these movies are suppose to take place on an Earth much like ours so makes sense that from all the cities Sonic should escape from it's San Francisco.
Did they even reference real cities in the previous movies?
Like New York or Washington D.C.?
I kinda forgot.
I didn't know cute show-girls with exposed navels were still a thing? I wish I could of gone.
You'll be busy playing Sonic Frontiers demo to notice those girls anyway if you went there.