Huh. If that's the market he's aiming for, then it doesn't exist nor would I want SEGA to go for it personally. Nintendo managed to target it with the Wii, but at a huge cost to their reputation and fans.
It does exist. It's an unexplored market with lots of untapped potential. Sega is outsourcing Sega Networks,Inc and expanding Sega Amusements globally for a reason.
People said the same thing about iPhone back in 2006. That there were no market for it. That nobody was going to by a $300 digital phone. That Apple was going to fail. That iPhone was going to be the biggest blunder since the Pippin.
Journalists at Summer CES in June 1985 said the same thing about the NEW Nintendo Entertainment System. That Video Games were a fad that had come and gone. That the makers of Donkey Kong had no chance. That retailers HATED video games and would certainly REFUSE to accept the NES.
Do you know why both these products succeeded? T-E-S-T- M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G. That's how you find out of there's a market for a product. iPhone underwent Test Marketing exclusively in the Silicon Valley area during the Holiday 2006 prior to its Nationwide Rollout of Spring 2007.
Word of mouth on how revolutionary the product was paid off. Consumers listened to each other, not what a website journalist told them.
The NES debuted in the Mid Atlantic Area on October 18,1985, 3 weeks later it was rolled out across select heavily populated parts of the US before its became widely available during Christmas-time and before it finally hit Canada and smaller US regions on February 18,1986. Word-of-Mouth, again helped put it on the map. Consumers giving their own reviews on it. Calling retailers and demanding it. Writing to Newspapers and News Stations.
Regarding Wii, Nintendo under Iwata launched a weak,outdated piece of hardware. Of course there was a reputation because they didn't do anything new or revolutionary. They just recycled Gamecube and redesigned it with a gimmick, that's it.
SEGA would not do the same thing. They'd explore an untapped market and provide them a BETTER powered,cheaper console than PS4 to a market yearning for a product that costs less and has actual games that are both affordable and worth owning.
So, just to clarify. You're not saying a console to compete with PS4/XBO as such. Just a steam machine like system built to work with SEGA games and anything else with that hit it's requirements?
Correct. SEGA doesn't need to compete against PS4/Xbox One in any way,shape or form. The traditional console market is not the ONLY market out there. Plus its cheap and very easy to put out a product much better and more powerful than the both of them anyway.A Steam-like device would be HEAVILY embraced by PC gamers. They would WELCOME it with open arms especially if it were very affordable. The same thing with casual gamers. The price would help alot.My idea would also work both ways too. Especially with Japanese consumers who are so mobile and portable dedicated.