Maybe it's because I rarely play Triple-A games for not interesting me or being on other consoles, but I never quite got the hatred toward them. The last AAA game I played was Fallout 4, and I enjoyed it immensely. I think the last one before that was half of the Tomb Raider reboot, which I liked but didn't think was spectacular. Stuff like Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed(really any Ubisoft game that's not Rayman or Beyond Good and Evil I haven't played), Uncharted, and whatever else, I haven't even touched. I think Bethsoft might be the only AAA dev I follow.
(Does the new Doom count as AAA? Because if so, I guess it's the only other game in that category I'm looking forward to playing. How do you define AAA anyway?)
Doom still counts I think. The recognition and significance to the many it holds puts it in that category automatically. Plus, they have shown it off as such.
I don't hate the triple A market as such. Just little it offers interests me anymore and the smaller studios are doing more that I prefer. Telltale, Revolution Software, Playtonicgames, Firewatch, Life is Strange, etc. You could say the "smaller" games as such.
Thinking about it, some of SEGA's games hit that category well too. They maybe seen as a triple A company, but that doesn't mean they can't make smaller titles here and there. Nights, Tembo, JSR, Rez, Hell Yeah, MM:CoI, Crazy Taxi, arcade ports and so on.
Thinking about it now, I can say these are the following games I'm looking forward too:
The Devils Men (Daedalic)
The Whispered World 2: Silence (Daedalic)
New Revolution Software title
Yooka-Laylee (Playtonicgames)
Sonic 25th Anniversary
Telltale Games
Life is Strange 2 (DontNod)
The Last Guardian (Sony)
Shenmue III (Yu)
Anything else I'm either waiting to hear more or I don't know about.